The Fallen Vampire

Chapter 67: Breaking Through!

Chapter 67: Breaking Through!

In a dense and luscious forest, a beast could be seen running through the woods.

It was enormous, easily three times the size of a stallion and significantly more frightening.

It was like a cross between a ghost and a nightmarish fox, with whispy greyish white fur that had dark black jagged plates scattered throughout like living armor.

Enormous black claws gouged through the ground and tore up soil as the creature ran like the wind.

It's eyes, ears, and various parts of it's fur were permanently dyed red.

Behind the back of the creature were eight very long furry tails.

Within the forest, none of the other animals seemed to want to come near this creature.

There are a special subspecies of animals in this world called magical beasts, and they use stars to identify their threat level just as one does with arcane.

From appearances alone, this creature had to be atleast a seven star beast; the highest caliber there is.

Finally, the creature came to a stop within a flower grove filled with violet petals.

Sniffing around the air, the beast moved throughout the wildflowers as if he was searching for the perfect spot.

Upon settling into the center of the field, the creature began to change.

It became a man of untold grace and beauty, with long flowing silver hair and eight tails that were all around five feet in length.

He sat cross legged on the ground and closed his eyes, not taking long to fall into a state of meditation.

Taira paid close attention to his body's new state with the addition of his Nogitsune heritage.

That anger he felt earlier was definitely not his entirely, and he knew it had something to do with his new namesake.

He recalled Keran's words about how Nogitsune were 'evil' kitsune and had an antagonistic relationship with humans.

Such a thing certainly explained why he was so angry when he heard about everything that happened to Aveena.

Though he didn't particularly give a damn about her, he couldn't abide by lowly humans committing such atrocities against fallen as if they were superior.

Not to mention the fact that they were apparently masquerading as fallen and working with a real beast-man.

The entire situation was so revolting and infuriating that if he didn't come out here to calm himself he was likely going to lose his head.

Before any movements forward were made, he had to temper this newfound volatility of his.

'Anger is fine.'

'If this is to become a part of me, I will accept it.'

'But it must be molded.'

'I am to move my anger, it is not to move me.'

'I will channel it into my every step, my every swing of my sword.'

'I will direct it at those I choose, and only at the opportune moment will I be allowed to roam free.'

Unconsciously, Indra began to cultivate with this new mantra in mind.

Even though he did not know what he was doing, he was actually starting on the path to the next realm.

His determination for complete and total spiritual control was affecting the qi inside of his core; purifying it and altering it's properties into a necessary stage for ascension.

To enter the beast realm, one must be in possession of qi powerful enough to not only energize and cleanse the body while being circulated, but it must also be able to temper it.

This is what separates mortal men from beasts.

Taira's fiery will was now being transferred over to his qi, and as a result his body was now burning up as he started to cross the threshold.

Today, he would firmly step into the beast realm no matter what.


Back at home, Lucia was fiddling with her fingers outside of a bedroom.

She had been continuously slithering back and forth for the longest time, unaware of just how she was going to enact her plan without having it fail miserably in the end.

Eventually, the door opened up on it's own and Lucia could see inside.

Enyo was floating in the center of the room; still wearing Taira's kimono over her nude body and staring out the window.

"You've been pacing outside for quite a while now... You're not coming to kick us out, are you?" Enyo asked with a smile.

"N-No, of course not!" Lucia hurriedly slithered inside and held up her hands in a gesture of non aggression. "I love having you guys here, I-I was just coming here to talk!"

"Oh? Alright then." Enyo sat on the bed and closed the door before she sat down on the bed and gestured for Lucia to sit beside her.

But in a surprising turn of events... Lucia fell at her feet instead and prostrated in front of her.


"Please... I-I have to do this to atone for the disrespect I have shown you..!"


"I... have fallen in love with your husband..! A-And I'm here today because I wanted to ask your permission to confess to him!"

Enyo was looking at the friendly lamia like she'd just grown a second head, and fought to pick her jaw up off the floor.

She knew that the young woman felt like this, as Enyo wasn't an idiot, but she never expected her to be so bold as to grovel and ask for her permission.

All of this was honestly making her feel really strange.

She abhorred the idea of her husband being with other women, but for some reason, it did not feel as unpleasant when she thought about sharing him with Lucia.

But still, there were things that she had to know first.

"Lucia... why do you love Taira?" Enyo asked.

The lamia looked like she wasn't prepared for an interview and she bit her lip uncomfortably as she started to twirl her fingers.

"W-Well, he's... he's never looked at me like I was somehow lesser. He's very gentle and he says and does sweet things without even realizing it...

He makes me want to be better... it's thanks to him that I was able to become a two star mage and I am going to keep studying until I reach even higher...!

But more than all of that... I love the way that he treats you... I love the way that I've seen him devote himself to you. Sometimes, it makes me so jealous I can hardly stand it."

Lucia smiled helplessly at Enyo as she tried to control her tumultuous emotions.

"I think I would love him even if he weren't the most beautiful person I have ever seen... I've certainly got it bad, don't I?"

Enyo couldn't help but feel a sensation in her mind that was like a lock fitting into place.

Bending down, she took Lucia's hands in hers and gave them a light squeeze.

"I do... but there's one thing that I still need to know."


For the first time, Lucia saw a look of utter madness in Enyo's eyes that reminded her that this woman was a poltergeist at the venerable realm.

And she was not to be trifled with.

"Would you kill for him? If it meant that we got to keep him for ourselves, would you dye the world red with the blood of not only those that try to harm him, but also those who dare to covet what belongs to us?"

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