The Female Zombie Reincarnated as the Villain’s Stepmother

Chapter 4

At this moment, Lin You'an was completely numb!

Acting purely on instinct, he tightly hugged his sister in his arms. He stared with his mouth agape at the formidable woman in front of him who had effortlessly snatched the large snake and then casually crushed its head with a single squeeze.

He was utterly astonished.

This woman, who had come back from the dead, how had she suddenly become so powerful? She could catch a snake with her bare hands and then easily crush its head with just her fingers?

Could she be some kind of martial arts expert? Like those incredible figures he had occasionally heard about from storytellers, who could leap across rooftops and scale walls?

But that didn't make sense either!

If she was really that skilled, how could she have been so easily strangled to death by those servants during the rainstorm?

Perhaps this kind of martial art required death to awaken its full power?

Or maybe she was an evil ghost possessing a corpse?

Just as he shuddered in fear, his mind quickly changed direction again.

But that wasn't right either!

According to the folk tales he had heard, weren't evil ghosts supposed to eat people? So why would she ignore two delicious children like him and his sister, and instead help catch the big black snake that might have bitten them?

No matter how he thought about it, nothing made sense. So he didn't dare take his eyes off her for even a moment, staring directly at her every move.

His little brain, which he considered quite clever, was now overheating like a CPU, still unable to figure out what was going on with this woman.

Poor Lin You'an was truly perplexed.

Even though his imagination had run wild, the limitations of the current era had dug him into an inescapable pit.

No matter how much he racked his brain, an eight-year-old boy could never fathom the concept of a non-human interdimensional traveler.

Then he heard her ask a even more bizarre question in that still-eerie tone.

He could understand the term "cub", and Chu Chi was probably referring to herself, but "eat" where? What did she mean by that?

It wasn't until she waved the dead snake at him again that Lin You'an finally understood.

"Um, I think probably, you need to skin it and gut it, then eat the meat?" he stammered in response to her urging gaze. Fortunately, although she seemed quite slow to react, she could understand what he was saying.

After receiving the information on how to eat, Chu Chi nodded in gratitude. Then, with lightning speed, she used her claws to skin and gut her prey.

This new shell was indeed better than the old one, wasn't it?

Not only was the new brain more useful, but it had also perfectly replicated all her previous functions.

Truly, the zombie was extremely satisfied with the current situation! This clean environment was to her liking, much better than the filthy world she came from.

Of course, if she could quickly fill her stomach, there would be absolutely nothing to complain about!

After skinning the snake, seeing that the meat still had quite a bit of blood on it, Chu Chi, being somewhat particular about her food, slowly ambled to the riverside and squatted down.

She swished the pitiful, tragic snake that had died with its eyes open back and forth in the water many times, until the meat turned a pale white color with no trace of blood. Only then did she lift it out and shake off the excess water.

Frowning as she scrutinized the food, she thought it looked far less appealing than the shiny things she used to eat! But there was no help for it, given the current situation, she would have to make do.

She quickly brought it to her mouth, took a big bite, and then...

"Ptui, ptui, ptui!"

She spat the food right back out.

An overwhelming sense of nausea shot straight to her crown!

Oh, sorry, she didn't know what a "crown" was. But she did know that the thing in her mouth tasted really awful!

Staring intently at the food in her hand with a pained expression, Chu Chi's face clearly showed a hint of anxiety.

She felt that she had probably found something about this world that was a little... no, very unfriendly to her.

If all her future food was going to taste this bad, then what was the point of a zombie living here?

She felt very depressed.

Perhaps because the rich expressions on her face were too obvious, Lin You'an somehow understood the reason for her sadness.

This clever child quickly connected the cause and effect in his mind. Then, very boldly, he came to a conclusion that seemed quite plausible.

Was it possible that this woman called Chu Chi, with all her strange behavior now, had suffered brain damage?

Although she had regained consciousness, could the prolonged lack of oxygen have made her stupid?

If that was the case, then her current abnormal behavior could be explained. After all, fools were known to have incredible strength and no sense of fear, daring to do anything. The village idiot in Zhou Family Town was in a similar situation.

If this was true, perhaps he could...

No, he had to test it out first!

What if she really had become stupid?

If by some lucky chance she wasn't too badly affected and could still communicate normally, then he and Wan Wan might have found a way to survive!

Mustering up his courage internally, Lin You'an stood up with his sister in his arms, took several steps back to create some distance, and prepared to run at any moment.

Then he carefully began to speak.

"Raw meat is definitely not tasty. Why don't you cook it? You know, meat is always delicious when it's cooked!"

Chu Chi's eyes immediately lit up.

Slowly lowering her head to look at the cub, the standard curve reappeared at the corner of her mouth. She always remembered to be polite in social interactions.

"Dear cub, please tell Chu Chi, is it really delicious when cooked? Is it as tasty as the shiny little round balls?"

The more she spoke, the smoother it became, with noticeably fewer stutters than before.

After watching her performance, Lin You'an's eyes also lit up with hope! He felt that he had probably guessed correctly!

Although he had no idea what those "shiny little round balls" she mentioned were, it didn't matter. Even without knowing, it didn't stop him from nodding very confidently.

"Of course! Everyone knows that meat must be cooked. Cooked meat is the most delicious thing in the world, definitely much tastier than those shiny little round balls!"

Oh, my coffin lid!

No, my beautiful brain!

Something even more delicious than the crunchy shiny things, how incredibly tasty must that be?!

Chu Chi swallowed hard, her eyes burning with intensity as she stared at the cub's little mouth. Very politely, she continued to inquire.

"Then may I ask, how can this... um, meat! be cooked?"

After all, even though the cub said everyone knew, she wasn't just anyone, was she? The noble zombie miserably admitted that she really didn't know!

So she could only humbly seek guidance.

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