The Female Zombie Reincarnated as the Villain’s Stepmother

Chapter 9

First and foremost, the most important thing was how to make the Lin Family Clan accept that Chu Chi was now the adult who could support their household.0

After all, his birth mother was still alive, while his birth father had already passed away!0

So how could they legitimize Chu Chi's status as a stepmother? Lin You'an racked his brains trying to come up with ideas.0

Holding his sister, he paced back and forth in the dilapidated temple. Chu Chi obediently squatted to the side, her blank eyes following her little cub's movements left and right.0

"I've got it!" Lin You'an's eyes lit up with excitement.0

"Mother, listen to what I'm going to tell you. When we get home, if anyone questions your identity or tells you that we're not your children and you're not our mother, you must not believe them! Do you understand? Everything they say is a lie!0

They want to separate you from me and my sister so they can steal our house, take our family property, and then sell us all off. Then we'll never see each other again!0

So you can't believe anyone except what I tell you! Do you understand?"0

Considering her special circumstances, Lin You'an wracked his brains to come up with reasons, trying his best to say things she could comprehend.0

Chu Chi blinked, her brain freezing for about half a minute at these words before she raised her hand to ask a question.0

"Dear cub..."0

"I'm not called 'dear cub'. I'm your son, and my name is Lin You'an!"0


"Lin You'an."0

"Lin Youan..."0

"Lin You'an."0


Despite Lin You'an's best efforts to teach her, Chu Chi couldn't seem to pronounce the "you" sound correctly, whether due to her uncooperative brain or tongue. After several attempts, she decisively gave up.0


"Mother, I'm called Lin You'an, You'an."0





Alright, you win!0

An'an it is, then.0

Lin You'an took a deep breath and gestured towards the sister in his arms.0

"She's not called 'cub' either. She's your daughter and my sister. Her name is An'an... no, you've got me all mixed up now. Her name is Wanwan!"0


How come you can pronounce that so clearly?0

The little boy took a breath and explained word by word.0

"Your son is called Lin You'an, your daughter is called Lin Wanwan, and your husband was called Lin Yuanzhou. He's no longer with us."0

Blinking hard to suppress the sadness in his eyes, he continued to fabricate the story.0

"You were betrothed as a child. Your father and my grandfather were once colleagues and good friends, and they had agreed to arrange a marriage between their children. But then your father had several sons in a row, so the prenatal betrothal was forgotten.0

Later, when your family fell on hard times, you came to seek refuge with your fiancé, bringing the token of your engagement.0

You then voluntarily married your Deceased Husband and raised his children.0

This way, you found a place to live and, incidentally, became a widow for your husband, my father Lin Yuanzhou.0

Do you understand?"0

Chu Chi honestly shook her head.0

"Which part didn't you understand?"0

Lin You'an looked at her.0

She looked back at Lin You'an.0

If she said she didn't understand any of it, would the cub... no, An'an be angry?0

Feeling that she should now be as clever and thoughtful as a human, she pondered for a while before answering.0

"I know what stealing a house means, but what is family property? And what does it mean to be sold off?"0

Chu Chi was indeed making rapid progress. In such a short time with her new brain, she had evolved so quickly! Not only was her speech fluent, but her questions were also quite on point!0

However, Lin You'an still sighed with worry. He felt he had been smarter than her even when he was three years old.0

He had expected her to question the clearly illogical mother-son relationship between them.0

But was this all she had to ask?0

"Family property refers to the family's assets, like our houses, fields, and money – that's all family property," he explained, trying to use terms she could understand.0

"If we keep this family property in our own hands, we can buy lots and lots of food. Things like meat, grain, fruits, and vegetables.0

Sigh, I wonder if having you with us this time will help us claim more things back?0

I'm not greedy, I just want a house to live in and a piece of land to make a living. If we can safely get through these next few years, that would be enough. When I grow up, our lives will get better..."0

His voice was low as he rambled on, each sentence revealing concerns that shouldn't burden someone of his age.0

Chu Chi slowly processed the meaning of these words, and gradually, a fierce light appeared in her eyes.0

Family property = food!0

If someone stole their family property, it was the same as stealing their food!0

For a hungry zombie, anyone who dared to steal her food must have their head exploded.0

"Let's go," she said, quickly standing up.0

"Where to?"0

What was she planning to do?0

Lin You'an was completely baffled.0

Chu Chi blinked her blank eyes, but the words from her crimson little mouth were unusually determined.0

"Take back family property!"0

Who dares to steal my food?0

Explode their heads!0

An almost tangible killing intent shot out from her eyes, startling Lin You'an.0

"Mother, mother, listen to me. I know you're very strong, but when we get back, don't fight with anyone at first. Wait until I tell you to do something, okay?"0


She was indeed making progress, even knowing how to ask follow-up questions now?0

"Because we still need to live there, and we can't offend the entire clan. Just listen to me, okay?"0

Although she couldn't understand, seeing his expression that looked like he might cry at any moment, Chu Chi didn't know what to do.0

When faced with things she couldn't comprehend, she chose not to think about them. So she nodded, and instinctively reached out to pat his head, trying to comfort the cub.0


Lin You'an's face broke into a happy smile.0

"Thank you, mother!"0

Looking up at this woman who had been a complete stranger just a few hours ago, but who would now be called his mother.0

The small child's gaze was complex.0

Perhaps it was because the hand on his head was so warm? For some reason, it reminded him of that afternoon when his father stood by the desk, saw the large character he had written, and then fondly ruffled his hair in approval.0

As their eyes met, hers somewhat blank but filled with unguarded trust, it suddenly stirred the guilt buried deep in his heart.0

Shaking his head slightly, gently pressing against her soft palm, Lin You'an's next words were as firm as if he were making a life-and-death pact.0

"Don't worry, mother. I, Lin You'an, am a man of my word.0

Since I've accepted you as my mother today, you'll be my mother for the rest of my life.0

You'll protect me while I'm young, and I'll care for you when you're old. I swear I'll never go back on my word!"0

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