The Film Emperor's Daily Live Cooking Broadcast

Chapter 116

Chapter 116

Probably because there were guests coming over, the next morning, the program team mercifully sent over some very practical things. Things like a very large soup pot, several kitchen knives and spatulas, even a fresh-keeping cabinet. Although they had to be returned after the banquet, it was still very useful.

After being tormented for several days, they were suddenly presented with such a generous program team. Some of them couldn’t believe it.

Chen Yuanwu and Gu Yan even checked these items carefully to make sure that the program team didn’t rig up some weird gimmicks in it.

“Is it really alright?”

“......there seems to be no problem?”

Several people looked at each other, and then they were all moved to tears. The program team still had a conscience? !!

[Jiuyou Nine Boys: Hahahahahaha, seeing them so pitiful, I really want to laugh!]

[Single, Double, Triple, Quadruple: It seems that the guests must bigshots, otherwise, they wouldn’t have gone through all that trouble.]

Because they now had sufficient kitchen utensils, the original division of labor now had to be changed a bit. He Yun Chen sent a message through the communicator to the others to have them gather together.

First of all, they should choose a place to host the banquet, preferably a scenic place, to keep the guests happy.

Ruan Tang’s camp was too remote and it wasn’t really beautiful. They could also directly eliminate Zha Panpan’s cave; the lake by Shi Mingxu’s camp was really good but because there were too many animals it was dangerous. Although it posed no threat to these powerful future people, who would want to eat in such a treacherous place.

Chen Yuanwu’s dense forest was full of towering trees, and it wasn’t very convenient for people to move between them, let alone set up a banquet. In the end, the only option was Cao Jun and Chen Ye’s grassy field. It was spacious, filled bird song and fragrant flowers, the embodiment of a spring day. It was definitely a good spot.

Several people walked around the field, clearing everything that needed to be cleared. They then began their preparations.

Yesterday, because the kitchen utensils were not enough, basically everyone was dispatched to search for ingredients. But now with the kitchen utensils provided by the program team, they could proceed in a more efficient way; from simply gathering nearby resources to a more targeted division of labor and cooperation.

Aside from the ingredients they’d need, they were also lacking in furnitures and stoves. These would all need to be made. Because there were going to be a lot of people, they needed to make the tables long. But if they made it too long, it wouldn’t be able to bear the weight. A few people came together to make five smaller tables. They could put them together when they needed to and then split them apart afterwards. Each pair would have one.

This task was delegated to He Yun Chen and Gu Yan. The two had excellent woodworking skills, with enough strength and control, they could make the tables much finer. Chen Ye and Qiu Ming were responsible for hunting large prey. Chen Yuanwu helped to process the ingredients for cooking. Wu Shasha was responsible for capturing small animals and securing the honey, and Zha Panpan would help to process them. As for Cao Jun and Shi Mingxu, they would collect fruits and vegetables with Ruan Tang.

In this way, their efficiency significantly improved. In half a day, He Yun Chen and Gu Yan have completed the tables and chairs, benches, wooden bowls, tubs, wooden chopsticks and other things. Chen Ye and Qiu Ming also caught several bison, goats, wild boars, and a male deer, all of which had their necks twisted. With Chen Yuanwu’s help they were able to skin the animals, clean and cut them into pieces. However, these scenes were too bloody, so the program team withdrew the cameras, and waited until they were almost finished, before resuming broadcast.

Although Wu Shasha was a woman, she was also a rigorously trained soldier. She wouldn’t lose to any man. She caught three rabbits, four pheasants, and two fish in half a day, and even got a nest of bird eggs. After she handed over the catch to Zha Panpan, she hurriedly took the torch to find some honey.

She looked up and searched the trees and soon saw a hive. Because she had to smoke out the bees, she climbed the tree and held the torch near the hive. After a while, a large number of bees swarmed out, and headed towards her with their stingers aimed.

Wu Shasha was startled. With these things coming at her like this, they were as scary as Zergs. She quickly jumped off the branch and ran into the jungle with the torch held aloft to steer away these annoying bees.

She was very fast. Coupled with her agile figure, she proceeded unhindered through the woods. It was only when she had ran for several kilometers right to the water’s edge that she discovered that these guys who had no perseverance had already returned home!

Wu Shasha wanted to burst into tears.

[Di Lily Small Lily: Hahahahaha, she’s so miserable! I’m dying—]

[Weiyu Zhaozhao: Comrade Wu Shasha looks so confused [doge]]

Feeling utterly helpless, Wu Shasha could only run back. She used the torch to smoke out the bees again, and then regardless of their attack, directly ran to grab the honeycomb. When Ruan Tang saw her, the girl’s face was swollen.

“Didn’t I tell you, you had to wrap yourself up tight?” Ruan Tang shook his head, smiling helplessly. He quickly called the medical team to treat Wu Shasha.

The remaining three, Cao Jun, Shi Mingxu, and Ruan Tang, who had weaker physiques and lower combat effectiveness, didn’t have such a dangerous job. They instead went to find ingredients that they could use. In addition to the mushrooms, potatoes, sweet potatoes, peppers, etc. that they found before, they also found radishes, tomatoes, mustard and greens. Although there weren’t a lot of variety, there was enough for them to use.

In addition to vegetables, they also found several fruits — not only strawberries and bananas, but also grapefruit and some wild green plums, enough to make a fruit platter.

Ten people were dispatched and after one full day, they had quite the bountiful harvest.

The guests will probably arrive tomorrow afternoon. With the large-sized fresh-keeping cabinet provided by the program team, they no longer had to worry about the ingredients deteriorating under the heat. They placed the collected materials into different categories and started to formulate a menu.

Actually, everyone had already figured out the identity of these visitors from afar. According to the message given by the program team, they knew that they came from somewhere far away. They also said the guests had big appetites and preferred meat. Such obvious clues pointed to only one possibility.

The guest must be the Rutes. The two sides have just jointly won a great victory. Their relationship right now couldn’t be any stronger. The government wanted to vigorously promote the tourism industry of the Aquamarine Planet and the Rutes were naturally their preferred partners. It was only logical that they program team would invite them over.

Since the guests this time were most likely to be the Rutes, the dishes must be meat-based and heavily seasoned to appeal to the Rutes’ intense tastes.

There were a lot of dishes that needed to be prepared for the banquet, and it was impossible for all of it to be made by Ruan Tang. So everyone first worked together to set up four stoves. Taking into account that Ruan Tang had already set up one, they made four so each of them could have one and they could all cook at the same time.

First was the four cold dishes. Several people ordered fruit salad, crystal meat, white-cut chicken and honeyed sweet potato. These four cold dishes required careful knife work and plating. Shi Mingxu with his solid fundamentals and ideas was the most suitable choice to handle these.

Next were the hot dishes. Because the ingredients to be used were exclusively locally sourced, it was impossible to make them as delicate as the last banquet’s. At any rate, this was just a variety show, and the Rutes were making their appearance here as friends, so they only need to make the dishes delicious and filling.

The main course dishes would probably be beef stew with potatoes, mutton roasted with radishes, spicy twice cooked pork, red braised pork, fried shrimp, fish head soup, chicken stewed with mushrooms, cold rabbit and soy-braised snake. Because they didn’t know how many people would come, they decided to use half of the fresh meat and marinate the other half. If it turns out that there wasn’t enough, they could grill the marinated meats. It would surely make for some distinctly flavored and delicious dishes.

Both beef stew with potatoes and mutton roasted with radishes were stews, and Ruan Tang had made both during his live broadcast. Cao Jun, as Ruan Tang’s loyal fan, was very skilled at making these dishes and so he was responsible for making these.

Spicy twice cooked pork and red braised pork were both big meat dishes, and Chen Yuanwu was placed in charge. Zha Panpan’s cooking method was more detailed and careful, so she was given the fried shrimp and chicken stewed with mushrooms.

Fish head soup was a dish that required much skill. Although it only looked like a bowl of soup, it was nonetheless the essence of the entire banquet. Therefore, Ruan Tang, who was unwilling to pass on his responsibilities to others, placed himself in charge of it. As for the rabbit and snake meat, no one has ever encountered this meat before, so Ruan Tang was also placed in charge of these.

Several people divided up the work, and crammed together to sleep in Ruan Tang’s small cabin. They got up the next morning, put firewood on the stove, and started work in full swing.

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