The Game Cafe in Marvel and DC

34 – The Ruins of San Francisco

34 – The Ruins of San Francisco

[A/N: I have been so busy that I actually have run out of advanced chapters for the cafe fic, rip. Going to have to fix that...]

Splitting up, Kyle took the freight elevator up to the surface into the Canteen, where he set some of the spare explosives he had to detonate within a few moments.

When he stepped out, it was pure chaos as Soldiers hid behind cover as the camp's many turrets and automated defenses were turned inward, trapping every soldier inside.

Wasting no time, he armed a Plasma Grenade and rolled it right into a group of soldiers.

With a wave of green energy, those who were not wearing their issued power armor were liquified into a puddle, while those wearing power armor liquified on them, covering them in an agonizing prison that melted their flesh.

Taking no chances, he began firing upon those who still did not react with his plasma rifle.

While it took multiple shots to melt through any power armor, it was much more effective against those only wearing simple combat armor.

Annoyingly the Plasma Rifle has a momentary pause after every shot, making its speed quite slow, not to mention with the ammo cell only lasting twenty-four shots before emptying, the Plasma Rifle was actually slowly him down, so after the first ammo cell was emptied he simply tossed the rifle to the side and charged toward the soldiers who had begun firing at him.

With his Maxed Strength, Endurance, and Agility, the soldiers stood no chance as he managed to weave around the bolts of plasma with his speed before charging forward after drawing the Combat Knife, he took them all out one by one, with the Power Armor augmenting his strength even further, past the point of superhuman and to 'inhuman' levels of strength.

For those simply wearing combat armor, he didn't have to bother with the knife, as all he had to do was get a clean punch and shatter a person's ribcage and cause all sorts of internal injuries that proved quite fatal, as the bones of the ribcage typically ended up puncturing the heart.

With that group quickly dispatched, he grabbed one of the Plasma RIfles on the ground and dashed away from the scene, as not long after, an explosion completely destroyed the canteen and the surrounding area.

With Soldiers dying left and right, the compound of a hundred soldiers and personnel, quickly had its numbers drop to 80, then 70, and before even half an hour passed, more than half of the base had been wiped out by its own automated defenses and Kyle.

By the time reinforcements for the Enclave arrived from the Oil Rig, they were surprised to find over half of Camp Navarro was destroyed and in rubble, and more than half of the men stationed in the camp were dead, or injured.

The higher-ups were, of course, furious because of this setback, and became even more furies when they found out it was mostly done by one man, and that very man killed the base's commander, doctors, and scientists, and was responsible for a majority of the camp's causalities.

What made them even madder, was the fact that the man escaped with a full suit of power armor, various weapons, and who knows what else.

It took them days to clear the rubble, and they only continued to find more bodies to add to the casualty count.

The only lead they found was the corpse of one of the lookouts they had outside the base, and even then they had no idea where the Man could have escaped other than what appeared to be faded car tracks.

And luckily, the Enclave never even noticed a particular deathclaw escaping in the aftermath, one that would be quite the pain in the ass in the future.

Meanwhile, Kyle driving his Highwayman was making his way down south, back towards San Francisco.

You see, Kyle had a plan, one which would hopefully cause a big enough distraction to let him make it to the end and finally be done with the Enclave, That plan? Wreak havoc upon the Oil Rig.

He had two ideas for how he could do this, the first was just to turn the Tanker into a makeshift bomb and take out as much of the Oil Rig as possible, the second however, was much more...chaotic.

Did you know the ruins of San Francisco had hordes upon hordes of mutated creatures, ghouls, and god knows what else roaming the sewers?

Kyle certainly did, and he knew it intimately after losing his life once because of it.

What Kyle had in mind, was luring all of these creatures on the Tanker, and delivering them straight to the enclave.

Sure, Feral Ghouls would be essentially useless against the Power Armored Soldiers, but against the soldiers wearing regular combat armor? Or the lower personnel? They would be dead meat.

Of course, to make that particular plan as effective as possible, he also wanted to capture Glowing Ones, Ghouls so irradiated that they give off a sickly green glow, and have the ability to...reanimate their fellow Ghouls, meaning, if he could sneak a few of them as well as a few hundred Feral Ghouls? It would basically be an undying and unending tide of Feral Ghouls, who attack everything living in sight.

Sure, it would be difficult to pull off, but so long as he managed to get help there shouldn't be a problem.

As for the more...explosive option, Kyle would need a whole lot of caps, which, would take a while to gather.

As for the allies, they would be easy to get.

You see, the Enclave posed quite the threat to the wasteland, meaning, it shouldn't take too much effort to unite all of the factions against the Enclave, with the NCR being the easiest to convince, so long as he gave a good plan.

Sure, their troops would be almost useless in a battle, but they could be used as cannon fodder or a distraction if needed.

Was it cruel or cold-hearted? Yes.

But, it was war. Sacrifices and casualties were inevitable, especially against such a dangerous foe.

Kyle has seen what would happen to the wasteland if the Enclave were left alone, Shady Sands and the NCR in flames, settlements destroyed, and countless corpses of those just trying to get away.

If he could, he would try to deal with it by himself, but frankly, he found it to be impossible. He's raided the Oil Rig dozens of types now, with all sorts of builds and strategies, who knows? Perhaps all he needed was some allies.

It was a long drive, and with roads not having been maintained for decades, it was a very...𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩 ride.

Luckily, the Highwayman, a car he made sure to grab every playthrough due to its speed and ease of use, was able to somewhat handle the rough terrain that made up the wasteland.

Plus the added storage space, though he did have to worry about it getting stolen, he can't even remember all of the times he lost the Highwayman because of a thief, and it's caused him quite a few headaches, and he may or may not have killed quite a few people because of it.

Soon enough he arrived at the outer edges of the city, and making sure his geiger counter was out, made sure to avoid all of the more...irradiated areas that were left in the ruins of the city.

Of course, there were some rather stupid Feral Ghouls that ended up shambling out in front of his car and getting themselves run over, but other than that, he didn't come across any more complications.

When he did reach San Francisco, he hid the car and walked the rest of the way to Chinatown, one of the few things left of the city where people lived.

There were the Shi, the people who called Chinatown home, the Steel Palace, the capital of the Shi where the Emperor Mainframe stayed, the Docks where vagrants and children lived, with the old Posiden-Energy Tanker having become a small settlement, the Brotherhood of Steel outpost, then the Hubologists that lived on the Golden Gate bridge in some space ship.

Everything left was the ruins of the city, where mutated creatures, Feral Ghouls, and bandits called home and caused quite a bit of problem for those more...𝘤𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘻𝘦𝘥 still living in the city.

Walking toward the docks, Kyle was ready to begin his plans, and with the time it would take to complete them, the Enclave would have dropped their guard a bit, and never expect it coming.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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