The Game Cafe in Marvel and DC

37 – The Completion of Stardew Valley

37 – The Completion of Stardew Valley

Unfortunately, it was closing time, so, the Black Widow and my other customers. The others knew by now that it was time to leave, and did so without any arguments, as they knew my hours were set and I would not bend them.

Black Widow on the other hand did not know, and was going to argue with me, so I stopped her before she could, by reaching out through the void and pushing her out. It was much like telekinesis, using raw kinetic force to move something. It was surprisingly easy, all things considered, though I had little doubt that I was getting assistance from my 'Envoy of the Void' power.

With all of my customers gone, and my cafe now empty, I put my full focus on completing Stardew Valley, while the mind that I have physically in the store at all times controlling my body, begins looking into the System Store to see what kind of products I could make use of and sell.

As I suspected, Stardew Valley's goods were mostly comprised of various farmer's products, such as seeds, tools and equipment, and lots of food and drinks.

Those were not the only things, of course, there was also a wide variety of other things, it was just that the food, plants, and seeds held a majority of the list.

Raw and Refined Materials made up another large percentage, such as wood, iron, and steel, and the game's more unique materials.

Noting down anything of value for later purchases, I focused fully on completing Stardew Valley. My counter and display cases were already cramped as is, I should wait until I expand the store a bit before I start expanding my wares.

Stardew Valley was nearly finished thanks to the work of my minds and the time acceleration speeding the process. I was done with the map, NPCs, and a lot of the areas featured in the game. What was different, was that I was expanding the game once again, adding a more comprehensive Farming, Cooking, Brewing, and Fishing system.

It would make the experience more authentic for the player, and give the player more things they can do and explore.

I worked hard throughout the entire night, expanding and modifying the game, improving it in some ways, but ultimately changing it from what it was.

By the time it was morning, I was finished, having completed the last details and tweaking a few things that I felt needed change or improvement.

Publishing the game, I relaxed my minds and merged back into one singular mind.

I haven't felt any kind of fatigue since I awoke in this new form, but it was nice to relax once in a while.

I had around an hour before I needed to open the store, so I began surfing the internet, to see if anything was happening around the world.


[A few hours prior, Kyle]

Flashes of light sounds thundering in my ears, searing pain as a Deathclaw lifted me from the ground, its claws deep in my chest and protruding out of my back. Coughing blood, I clenched my teeth, and in my final moments, pulled the pin of a grenade, raising it to meet our faces.

A flash of light, agonizing yet momentary pain, and then I found myself in that black abyss.

Then with a startle, I jumped out of bed, hand gripping tightly on my gun.

Taking a moment to calm down, I couldn't help but curse.

"Just another damn nightmare," I cursed.

Glancing at a clock I stole, I couldn't help but curse again, it appeared I had overslept.

It was 8:00 AM, and the cafe would open up in two hours, luckily, due to my nightly activities, I had a bit of money saved up, though it's been becoming harder and harder to get money.

No one roamed the streets at night anymore, the deaths scaring everyone into hiding.

To make matters worse, the Police did frequent raids, taking the opportunity before them to dismantle a lot of crime rings, and organizations, and clear out the many gangs that made up Hell's Kitchen. The few gangs that were left, were some of the more powerful ones, such as the various Traids and then there was some unknown gang that answered to a man called 'Kingpin.' 

Even then, due to my actions, and two other groups who were also hunting down the filth that made a majority of Hell's Kitchen, I was having trouble finding money.

At this rate...I'd have to find some new way to get money...but what?

Based on my skills, I was only good at a few things.

Fighting, Surviving, and various forms of technical skills.

Perhaps I could sell my skills? As a trainer or mercenary?

Keeping that thought in mind, I got dressed and carefully left my hideout, leaving behind a trap to prevent anyone from entering my temporary home and taking a bag with spare clothes, some water bottles, and a stimpak.

It was strange, walking along the streets. Everything was completely different than the ruins I was used to traveling through. I was glad that I could even remember my way through the city after my...trips. 

I was still getting used to how...weak I felt every time I returned.

I couldn't stand the weakness I felt, so, I have been improving my body in both strength and flexibility by working out once per day every time I found myself back here.

I guess I was lucky that whenever I awoke back in that Cafe I would always get a rush of my old memories...I almost forgot the face of my own mother...

Shaking my head, I focused back on my surroundings.

Walking down the street, I glanced at the people who called Hell's Kitchen home.

Most were obviously scared, but also happy now that they were far less likely to be robbed, killed, or stabbed on the streets, Hell's Kitchen was often compared to Gotham in how bad its crime was, though I doubt anything other than the wasteland would be able to top Gotham and its crime. Though it was obvious that everyone was also paranoid, the death toll made it to where no one trusted or neared strangers.

Most criminals would probably stay in hiding for a while until the deaths start slowing down or stop entirely. The police will try to 'take' Hell's Kitchen, but it's probably only a matter of time before it once again becomes a despot of crime.

Eventually, after half an hour of walking, I stood before a small gym, simply named 'Kairo's Gym.'

With a sigh and a sore body, I stepped in.

Greeting me was an African American, Kairo, a bald man standing at 6 feet in height with the build of a bodybuilder who spends way too much time in the gym, with huge muscles adorning his entire body.

"Kyle? Up early as ever, I see," The man commented.

"It's not early, you just sleep in," I commented before walking past him.

"You say that but you are an hour late, you sure you didn't sleep in this time?" Kairo replied from behind.

Ignoring him I continued forward, eyes sweeping across the small gym.

Few people came to this gym, one of the few reasons why I chose this gym in the first place. Two more reasons are that it was cheap to subscribe to the gym and it had the necessary equipment I needed.

Checking the time, I realized I would have to make this a quick workout if I wanted to make it to the cafe just as it opens.

Sighing, I put my bag down next to one of the bench presses.


"Quick workout today?" Kairo asked as I began heading for the door.

"Yes," I replied simply.

"Well, I guess I will see you tomorrow then, should I be expecting you at the same time as usual? Or later like today?" Kairo asked.

"If nothing unexpected happens, then you can expect me at the usual time," I informed him, not wanting to draw out the conversation.

"Okay, but before you go, can I give you a recommendation?" Kairo asked.

I stopped, letting him continue.

He sighed, before asking, "Listen, you're new to this, it's clear as day, you need to give your body some rest. Working out every day 7 days a week at your level will only damage your body, not improve it. Think of your body as a machine, what you are doing is overheating it to the point that some of the metal will start to melt, damaging the machine. If you are not careful, this damage could vary well be permanent...Rest is just as important, your body needs time to understand?"

"Thanks for the advice, but I will  be fine, I know my limits."

Leaving the gym, I walked into a nearby ally and opened my bag.

Pulling out the stimpak, I injected it into my abdomen.

Stimpaks while could be seen as a miracle medicine, really only did one thing, and that was significantly speeding up the process at which a person's body healed. Which meant, it was perfect for helping muscles heal and become stronger. Unluckily for me, I had only one stimpak on me, and the dose wouldn't be able to cover everything, leaving me with the strange feeling of feeling both sore and relaxed at the same time.

Leaving the ally, I began walking towards the cafe.

I momentarily gazed behind me, not too far away, I could see someone was following me.

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