The Game Cafe in Marvel and DC

42 – Increase in Sales

42 – Increase in Sales

[A/N: When it's been so long that you can't even remember what games you have introduced into the Cafe anymore XD. Now, I'm going to go through the 70k words I've written and make an entire document just for notes. Sigh...pain, pain awaits. Also, as usual, if you have any suggestions for things that could be sold or new games for the future]

Watching Waylon and the others play the games, I pondered how they would earn their Karma points in the future.

Would they continue to do bad? Or would some of them try to do good?

Regardless, it did not matter whether their actions were good or bad. They'd earn points, as it's dependent on how their actions influence the world, not whether they are 'Good' or 'Bad.'

It's dependent on how their actions affect and change the world, so, say, someone created a life-saving drug that cures cancer and many other drugs. They'd earn quite a bit of points, but so would someone who created a revolutionary way to wage war.

Frankly, I did not care if someone decided it was easier to earn points by doing stuff considered by the greater proportion of humanity as 'Bad.' Still, I would not prevent nor stop such actions unless someone foolishly decided to eradicate humanity and, therefore, kill off all of my player base.

With fascination, I began to check the Karma scores of all of my current notable customers.

[Tyke (Kyle) - 12,350 Karma]

[TheBestClown (Harley) - 146,280 Karma]

[Mr. Freeze (Mr. Freeze) - 82,980 Karma]

[BeautifulFlower (Poison Ivy) - 182,140 Karma]

[Waylon (Killer Croc) - 93,120 Karma]

[GoldRusher(Catwoman) - 68,940 Karma]

[Lucky (Black Widow) - 167,890]

As I read through the list of players and their Karma balance, I couldn't help but wonder how certain character's Karma scores were significantly larger than others.

For example, how was Poison Ivy's Karma higher than Harley Quinn's?

Was it because her actions impacted the world more than the crazy Harley?

Did her connection with the Green influence her Karma points?

I had so many questions, yet I had no answers.

Shaking my head, I decided to check on the progress of all of my customers.

Kyle was still going in between Fallout and Stardew Valley, two worlds that could only be described as polar opposites.

In Stardew Valley, a few years have already passed, as he has changed the once run-down farmstead into one that was bursting with life from fields of various crops, pens filled with farm animals of varying species, and so much more.

However, something I noticed was that he avoided making friends with the townspeople. I think he was afraid to make any connections for fear that he may eventually have the world reset and be the only one to remember.

Little did he know that even if he were to 'Die,' he'd only wake back up in his own bed with a note from the mayor saying he brought him home last night after he collapsed.

However, I think he hasn't yet realized he has a secret admirer, one Emily, who has seen him frequently delve into the dangerous Mines just north outside of town and is probably his number one fan due to how many artifacts and minerals he has supplied to the Museum as pieces.

Speaking of which, I think the history of the Stardew Valley world greatly confused him, which made sense as there were literal Monsters, Dwarves, Elves, Dinosaurs, magical creatures, and more.

I was happy to see that he was testing what knowledge he learned from Fallout in Stardew Valley, having managed to recreate several Terminals and even a basic Eyebot that helped around the farm and down in the mines.

Meanwhile, in Fallout 2, he continued to struggle with the Oil Rig, having tried many different methods to take down the Enclave, with his most recent attempt being what he called the Slap and Clap, flooding the Oil Rig with Ghouls and Glowing Ones that would constantly heal the Ghouls while radiating anyone without proper protection, then sneaking aboard while the Enclave is distracted and placing explosives in key sections of the Oil Rig.

Each time he's tried this 'tactic,' he didn't do enough damage to destroy the Oil Rig, nor has he been able to take down Frank Horrigan, a super mutant wearing power armor and the game's last boss.

Most of the time, Kyle met his end with the plenty of Power Armored Soldiers that roamed the Oil Rig, though Frank Horrigan was on an entirely different level.

Frank was not the smartest tool in the shed, but he more than made up for that with experience and supernatural strength. Even if Kyle were to raise his strength to 10, he would still be weaker than Frank.

The others were also progressing.

Harley was causing Chaos in Fallout, Ivy was still doing whatever she wanted in Fallout, whether it be researching and learning or helping Shady Sands with its farm, and Volkov and his gang were still surviving in Project Zomboid, slowly taking over the town they inhabited.

In fact, none of them had died for quite some time, though they hadn't left the beginner area as of yet.

And Selina, AKA Catwoman, has long since finished the first Infamous Game, helping me fix all sorts of problems with the players playing as specific characters, and moved on to the next, still playing as Cole MacGrath once again.

But that was not the most important news. I was finally approaching the finale stages of the two other games, Ark Survival Evolved and Bioshock. 

With ARK, I have already finished with the Island, Scorched Earth, and Aberration, the first three maps in order, and I have completed the first Bioshock Game in its entirety, which means both games will be released tomorrow.

I wondered how my customers would react to the games.

One was a world where the Players would have to claw their way to the top of an island absolutely dominated by Dinosaurs with no way to escape, as it was impossible to leave the island, only move on to another prison, following the paths of the former inhabitants of the Island.

Meanwhile, in Bioshock, the player would have to fight through the ruins of an Underwater city that is in a state of disrepair and filled with dangers around every corner. However, in both games, the location would change drastically later on, such as Earth or a spaceship in Ark and a floating city in Bioshock.

Speaking of the two games, I was already working towards the products I would sell from them.

From ARK, I'd sell the various food and drinks, as well as bits and bobs, but the most important thing that would be sold would be none other than a Modified Specimen Implant.

How was the Implant modified, you may ask? Simple, while it would not be able to use many of the features shown in the game, it would still have an inventory that the customers could use to store items at the cost of the burden from the weight of the items remaining. Other than that, the Implant would have access to the Internet, Radio, and, most importantly, the Store's website.

That's right, with the Implant, not only would a Customer have an inventory they could use anytime, but they'd also be able to access the Cafe's Forum and see the monthly sales from anywhere in the world, as well as their balance, for those that are interested.

I was considering adding some personal VR Computer devices for the Customers to take home in the future, but for now, I wanted to keep it all in store so that I would not have to worry about my Cafe's popularity rising exponentially and finding my quaint cafe getting drowned by customers, governments, organizations, news agencies, and who knows what else.

For Bioshock, I was considered Plasmids and Vigors, essentially serums that contained DNA editing medicine that would give the consumer powers of some shape or form, such as the ability to conjure bugs, light people of fire, shock people, and so much more.

With that thought in mind, I wondered how Black Widow and SHIELD would react to the new additions, especially the Plasmids and the Specimen Implant.

If I kept this up, I had no doubt that I would be visited by a particular pirate in the future, famous for being paranoid and grumpy.

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