The Game Cafe in Marvel and DC

57 – The Starting of a Cult

57 – The Starting of a Cult

Deep within the swamp outside of Gotham, Swamp Thing looked upon his subjects, who worked hard to build an eco-friendly village. With the help of Poison Ivy, Swamp Thing was able to locate the very few humans in Gotham and the surrounding towns who were tired of the destructive ways of the greater part of humanity and would prefer a life away from the monotonous lives that awaited them in the larger cities.

While Swamp Thing helped the 'Good' Huamns in building the village, Poison Ivy helped as well. Hoping that the humans could serve as an eventual 'last resort' in case their plan fails and Humanity dooms the planet, 

The only reason Swamp Thing even bothered returning to the city was due to the Outsider, the foreigner who did not belong. That...thing did not belong on the Earth. It was a foreign presence, one that the Green Tolerated so long as the creature continued to prove useful.

The new 'Karma' point system the creature enabled allowed the Swamp Thing to provide basic food and necessities to his subjects so they could fully focus on constructing their village and dig out the location of a future Vault, as Poison Ivy suggested.

That was why these humans would be a last resort. In case life fails and goes extinct, hopefully, the Vaults they build will allow life to flourish and return to the planet once it's safe to do so.

It was unfortunate that to make such a 'Vault,' using complex materials was required to maintain the survival of whatever life the vaults protect, but Swamp Thing knew it would be necessary unless Ivy diverted some of her attention to develop some kind of plants that are resistant to Radiation, which was not likely.

Instead, Swamp Thing would prefer if she focused on the G.E.C.Ks.

To think Humans would be capable of as much creation as they are for destruction.

If only he could weed out the undesirables. 

Seeing the encroaching sun, Swamp Thing unrooted itself from the Earth and began its journey towards Gotham, leaving his subjects to their duties. There was much work that needed to be done.


Meanwhile, in yet another location, a particular woman with vibrant red hair and a beautiful green dress made of leaves could be seen working in a makeshift lab, utensils and various objects scattered around.

That's when a nearby vine crawled from the nearby whiteboards, papers, and journals scattered across the lab, filled with notes, equations, and possible theories, as Ivy tried deciphering the technology of the G.E.C.K. 

The GECK was confusing, as what little technical documents Ivy has managed to find so far, were few and far between and hardly went into the science or details of how the GECKs worked or were made.

However, from her research and investigations across the ruins of California in Fallout, she found that the original creator of the GECK had his tech stolen by a man named Stanislaus Braun and then was eliminated, which set her back quite a bit.

If only she could find the research documents and notes of the man who created the GECK, but she has not had much luck, especially after so much time has passed; it was highly unlikely she could find the notes of that man.

So, she started simple. Finding a GECK in the Fallout Games was easy, especially in Fallout 2, where all she had to do was kill, incapacitate, or chase everyone in Shady Sands away.

So, since she couldn't find an exact method of production, she was forced to learn how to reverse engineer the device, deciding to first start with the compact fusion reactor that powered each GECK.

She was thankful that she was able to learn much from the 'Skills' available in the games, though having to learn everything from scratch with the skills still took time.

For over a week, she learned the principles and theories related to Fusion reactors, making sure to learn everything she could. She could not afford to fail since if the Fusion Reactor were to ever have any problems during operation, it could prove catastrophic, seeing as each GECK Fusion Reactor was essentially a small nuclear bomb.

That's what she was doing now, attempting to assemble one such reactor, far from civilization to prevent Bats or any other other local heroes from interfering and risking the reactor.

The materials required to make the Reactor were expensive, but luckily, she was friends with one of the best thieves in the world, and her friend knew how important this was to her, not that she gave her a discount.

Feeling one of the vines reaching out to tug her thigh, she looked down before looking up at a nearby clock.

Thanking the vine, she resumed her project. It seemed she would not be able to visit the cafe today, which was such a shame. Regardless, her project came first. For the survival of life on Earth.


Once I reached my Cafe, I found a few of my customers already waiting. Opening up, people began to walk in, most instantly noticing the difference.

"How..?" Hawkeye began only for me to interrupt him, "Magic."

I received a few deadpanned stares at my answer, but most didn't care. I simply entered a line and began paying with Karma or Cash for a few hours.

Most of my customers no longer played throughout the entire day; most now only played for a few hours, with only the hardcore players playing their respective games all day, such as Kyle, Ivy, and Harley.

However, I did note a few missing faces.

Frank, Ivy, Catwoman, Volkov, and his goons.

I wonder what's going on with them.

My focus then shifted to something else: a figure stepping into the cafe from the Metropolis entrance, with a clear frown on his face.

"Superman, what can I do for ya?" I asked, seeing everyone's heads instantly turn towards the entrance, seeing the man in red and blue.

"You...what is this place?" Superman asked, seemingly disoriented.

"Are...Are you hearing all three of the cities at the same time? That's got to be hell for your ears and senses," I commented, seeing the Man of Steel grimace.

"W...What?" Superman asked, trying to focus on my voice.

Deciding to help the Kryptonian out, I began humming.

It took him a good minute, but he did hone his senses, still feeling a bit disoriented.

"To answer your question, Superman, this is my humble and quaint Cafe. A place for people to change their lives and fate and experience something truly out of this world," I explained, gesturing with my hands up in the air towards everything around me.

"Come, Come, tell me about your adventures on Earth so far," I gestured, floating over the counter and over to the resting area, seating myself on a couch and gesturing to the couch across from me.

Briefly looking around, I could see the Man of Steel examining each of my customers, clearly recognizing some of them and frowning.

Spending a few points of Karma, I summoned some fresh tea from Rapture, some top-quality stuff.

Instantly noticing the smell, the Man of Steel's head snapped to me at a speed similar to that of a Speedster.

"Come, let's drink some tea and share some tales," I gestured for him to come, as he eventually did, calmly walking over to the couch across from me and sitting down.

I then summoned some food, food that a man of Superman's upbringing would appreciate: some roasted corn, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, steak, and some veggies.

"Here, eat, and make yourself comfortable," I suggested, only for him to waive and smile friendly.

"I'm sorry, but I must decline," He told me.

"That's alright. You can save it for that special girl in your life," I told the man, watching his posture tense at my words.

Ah...It's to make them feel on edge.

"Though I'm betting your parents would also like it, though with their age I'm afraid they may have some difficulty eating it," I continued, watching the Man of Steel tense even further.

I did make sure not to reveal too much, as I did sport three spies in my quaint Cafe at the moment, all eavesdropping on this conversation.

"Say, would you like to go for a quick flight?" I asked.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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