The Game Cafe in Marvel and DC

6 – First session over

6 – First session over

[A/N: This chapter is a good representation of 1,500 words, the average word count my future chapters will be, also, this chapter will be the last of Kyle first session]

Watching his customer's playthrough, Zeref noticed a few things he needed to modify and change with Fallout 1.

First, was the severe lack of encounters, he noticed that his customer was having far too few encounters with the local wildlife and hadn't even encountered other people other than those at Shady Sands.

So, after watching the man die on two separate occasions and on his third life, he finally made it to Vault 15 before realizing he was missing a crucial item needed to explore the abandoned vault, rope.

While he questioned what to do next, Zeref began manipulating the 'Base' that made up this world and the others and began expanding and spreading the forms of animal life in the Fallout world across the landscape.

He increased the animal population by many folds, to the point where the player would encounter them much much more often, as in an hourly occurrence if they did not avoid them.

Of course, with this increased population, wars began between the creatures, and the weak would eventually be purged and replaced with the strong, only to happen over and over again due to the creatures being able to breed and respawned in faraway locations from the player.

It would be nay impossible to purge the wasteland of all the creatures, but it would be possible, if given enough time, for the player to drastically reduce the populations so that the creatures wouldn't be such a nuisance and grow too strong.

Zeref also increased the population in all of the settlements across the land besides Shady Sands, including the raiders, and made it to where the settlements would actually begin trading between themselves and attempt to grow or keep the status quo.

Raiders would also be in greater numbers, and the player would actually be able to encounter them throughout the wastes and even see them try to raid caravans, kill travelers, and do less-than-savory things to their victims.

Of course, since every NPC was basically made into their own persons, the Raiders would literally represent the worst of humanity.

Other than that, Zeref also added a new feature, one which would need him to tweak quite a bit of thing and make lots of new plans.

He added a 'Continuation' feature, allowing the players to continue past the game once it's completed, and well, live out the rest of their lives, and as an added bonus, they could end the game whenever and earn credits based on what they manage to do and how far they manage to progress with their character and their 'story.'

Of course, Zeref planned on seeing these stories and the player's adventures in the world of Fallout, so, any story that entertains him or impresses him enough will earn a bonus amount of credits.

And sure, in the future, there would be many players, so it would be difficult for a human to review all of it and focus on the cafe at the same time, but, Zeref was truly not human in any way anymore.

He doesn't have 'Humanity,' his mind, body, and soul have long since ascended from such a thing.

If he wanted, he could see through walls, see the tiniest microscopic mote of dust on the floor, hear a human's heartbeat and muscles tense and move, and even split his mind to focus on dozens if not more, things at once, which is how he built the world playable world of Fallout 1 at such fast speeds.

He could have done it even faster but decided against it so that he could focus on every detail.

Hell, Zeref even added ore, natural resources, and more under the surface of the world, something that didn't really exist all that much in the game, with only the vaults, caves, and a few other things depicting the underground, but even those didn't go farther than the 'surface'.

Zeref was even thinking of expanding the zone of player influence up, as in, to space, if any of the Players was smart or resourceful enough to get up there somehow, but that would be in the future.

And another bonus for beating the game and deciding to continue, the border that makes up the playable area of Fallout 1, will be taken down, allowing the Players to explore the world.

But for that, Zeref would need to finish off Fallout 2, and begin terraforming the land outside of the first two games as well as rework the game's foundation to allow further growth and 'paths' that the NPCs would try to follow to reach canon lore and certain events that should happen.

Of course, no matter what, there still would be a 'Cannon' that the game would follow regardless of the player's choices and their stories in the wasteland and would be the official 'timeline.'

So, if a Player were to survive from the events of fallout 1 to fallout new vegas or fallout 4, they would have possibly caused a lot of change, but if a person started in Fallout New Vegas, the timeline would already be set according to 'Canon.'

Splitting his focus, one part of Zeref's mind focused on watching and observing the customer and his actions, while the other part got to work on the world, working to finish Fallout 2 first.


Many days went by for both Zeref and his first customer, with his first Customer having to kill many creatures and abominations, and even take his first of many human lives on his journey through the wasteland, and Zeref observed the entire time, making sure to fix anything his customer came across with that was wrong.

And because he knew exactly what he was doing after he created the area of Fallout 1, the speed at which Zeref shaped the world and area of Fallout 2, was much faster.

The hardest part he encountered, was, of course, the NPCs.

Compared to the first fallout, the NPC population of Fallout 2 would be significantly higher, and sure, while Zeref's mind could just create these NPCs with a thought, he had to put in a bit more effort to make sure the NPCs matched with the game.

For example, while creating the NPCs of the Captial of the New Californian Republic, Shady Sands, he may or may not have accidentally thought of a few characters that shouldn't exist in the world of Fallout due to his mind accidentally wondering, characters such as Master Chief of Halo, Deadpool from Marvel, and even Shy Guy from the SCP universe, causing them to appear around and inside Shady Sands.

So, Zeref had to do a bit of weeding and focus the part of his mind that was making Fallout 2 solely on its task, which he found was not that difficult, just boring and dull.

Zeref has also adjusted his mind to the time acceleration of the game, allowing him to do much more work than when he followed the regular flow of time in the real world while creating Fallout 1.

So, by day 60 of his customer's journey, Zeref was already done with Fallout 2 and was working on shaping the rest of the world and its atmosphere, not forgetting the Zetans, satellites, and more that floated in the atmosphere.

He was working on the west coast and making his way east, changing everything in his path.

However, he was also creating two separate instances.

The first is how the world would look and grow during the events of Fallout 1, and the second is the events of Fallout 2 and how the world looks then.

Once he finishes shaping North America, he would install and set up the 'Continuation' feature and begin working on Fallout 3, New Vegas, and 4, and their instances.

It'll take a while, but the sooner Zeref finished the 'Story' of the Fallout Universe, including minor parts of the spinoff games, such as 76, Tactics, and Brotherhood of Steel, he can get to work on other projects, such as Project Zomboid or Infamous.

As for his customer's progress, he has died four times now, has reached level 14, and was on his way to The Hub from Shady Sands.

Equipped with a 10mm Pistol, crowbar, hunting rifle, leather armor over his jumpsuit, and his pipboy.

Accompanying him, was the game's first 'Offical' companion, an ex-caravan guard by the name of Ian.

Of course, Zeref made the game to allow the players a great amount of 'freedom' of how they want to play, so, if someone is charismatic or persuasive enough, they may even be able to turn any NPC into a companion.

But it's not just limited to this, the players really did have 'Freedom' in the game, they could build robotic armies, recreate the tech of the real world in Fallout, and so much more.

Zeref wonders, just how far will his Players go?

What sort of wonders, miracles, and feats will he get to witness?

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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