The Game Cafe in Marvel and DC

70 – An interview with Lois Lane Part 1

70 – An interview with Lois Lane Part 1

[A/N: I wanted to use this chapter as an introduction to Superman's civilian life and his crush, Lois Lane, who eccentric personality, to say the least; all of the next chapter will be the majority of the interview. Enjoy]

Watching as part of myself left to talk with Joshua, I couldn't help but wonder why I didn't split myself more with the rampant increase of customers visiting my Cafe sooner, but now that I had a reason, I did, splitting myself once again as I decided to purchase yet another expansion to the cafe while installing the gym and simulator.  The expansion I chose was one that was obvious in hindsight, with just how much of my counter-goods were consumable. That expansion was a cafeteria, one that was now manned by a third clone. As soon as it separated from me, I began floating all of the goods over to the fridges and display counters of the cafeteria.

My Karma balance was skyrocketing with how much I was selling. It was baffling how much the store's popularity rose overnight and just how many seemed interested in my Cafe and goods. With the number of photos and videos people were taking in my cafe, I was beginning to consider banning photography and recording in my Cafe, as it would only bother my real customers if they continued at this.

Of course, while my third clone began stocking the cafeteria, getting to work, and selling a rather large amount of food, with yet another line queuing at the counter, I also decided to expand the Cafe even more, as my growth seemed to be growing exponentially. I added more computers, settling at a nice 120 in number, expanded the entire interior of the cafe, and added a little dining area where people could eat. I also expanded the reception area for those who wanted to wait for a computer to become available by adding couches, chairs, and more.

Speaking of which, I may have to implement a time limit for the VR Games. If some of the richer Karma customers got to a computer first, they would be able to use it until I closed if they felt like it. Besides, I'm starting to think it was going to be necessary with how...quickly some of my newer customers were changing, with some even developing PTSD from the games.

However, that did not bother me, as I warned my customers of the dangers of playing my games, especially the time dilation; as I expected, few heeded my warnings. Because of this, while I was getting quite some fame, it was also rivaled by infamy, as many accused me of being a Villain that intended to turn everyone who played the games into mindless slaves and, even funnier, accused me of being a demon that sold all of this false gold for a price too terrible for anyone to pay, their soul.

So, because of this, I had no doubt some protestors would find themselves on my doorstep sometime soon, or at least, that's what I guessed would happen soon. Speaking of which, I wonder why I have not been harassed by the police or by someone from the government yet. Was Fury intervening? Speaking of Fury, those SHIELD agents who brutalized Frank a few days ago, according to Black Widow, were not following Fury's orders and apologized. Of course, I accepted their a price.

That very price would be paid in a few days as compensation. However, it took very little effort from me to take out those SHIELD Agents, or more accurately, Hydra agents, knowing how suicidal they were, attacking me when I was clearly not human and not afraid of their pathetic guns.

But enough about that, I had some customers to attend to! 



Closing the van's door, Clark looked over to his co-worker and friend, Lois Lane, a news reporter for the Daily Planet.

"You excited?!" Lois asked, hyper as ever, as she visibly vibrated in her seat, ready for the day that lay in wait ahead of her.

"No...why?" Clark asked, confused, having no clue about why his coworker was so...excited.

"You don't know? Move out of the way! I'm driving!" the hyper girl said, jumping out of her seat and pushing the man out of his seat, much to the man's protests.

"Wha-Why?!" Clark asked as Lois climbed over his body and shoved him out of his seat.

"It'll be a surprise!" Lois said with an irritating smile. She did not even wait for Clark to sit down before starting the engine and taking off.

"W-Wait!" The man said, scrambling to his seat and putting on his seat belt.

As Lois drove, she switched topics. "By the way, when will I get to see this oh-so-mysterious new cousin of yours?" she asked, a glint in her eyes.

"I already told you, Lois, Kara is at home with my family on their farm; she's been through some tough things and needs a bit to orient herself," Clark explained.

"I still want to meet her!" Lois yelled into Clark's ear while she poked him in the side, making him awkwardly smile and laugh at his crush's behavior.

"And you will! But she needs some time," Clark replied, which only made Lois poke him even harder in annoyance as she huffed.

"Where are we going anyway?" Clark asked, glancing out the window to look upon Metropolis.

"S-e-c-r-e-t," Lois spelled out, causing Clark to sigh.

So, he watched and listened, commenting on whatever Lois would say as he pondered and thought about 

Finding themselves passing by the mall, Clark noticed that there was an unusually large number of people, vendors, and street-side performers wandering around.

"What's going on?" Clark asked, baffled.

Sure, the Museum and Mall was popular, but not this popular.

"You'll see," Lois replied, avoiding the question.

As they got closer and closer, Clark began having suspicions about where they were going.

"Is this about I have been hearing about?" Clark hesitantly asked.

"It is!" Lois replied, a happy smile on her face, while Clark was left worrying in his seat.

"Oh..." Clark replied.

Soon enough, they reached the cafe, where an entire mob of people were outside, and a line stretched off into the horizon.

"Are you...sure about this?" Clark asked before continuing, "For all we know, they really could be a villain...and you know your track record with them."

"Please! That was only one time!" Lois scoffed.

"Fourteen," Clark deadpanned.

"Tomato, tomato," Lois waved her hand, brushing it aside before she parked the van and climbed out.

Sighing, Clark followed, grabbing the camera.

"I guess we...wait?" Clark asked, seeing the long line coming out from the cafe.

Not answering, Lois grabbed Clark's hand, making him blush, before pulling him along as they skipped the line and stepped into the cafe, much to the resignation of many of the people who were waiting in the line.

As soon as they crossed the front doors, Clark already had the camera rolling, as they had no idea what kind of situation they would be walking into.

That's when they saw something...magical. When they walked past the sliding odors, they were met with a strange scene as two frankly terrifying beings floated around the cafe, one behind the counter while another moved food, drinks, and other items to what looked to be a cafeteria. But that was not all that they noticed. What was supposed to be a small building appeared vastly larger inside than what was shown outside.

Immediately after, things just seemed to...change as invisible power rippled out from the two creatures across the building. The room seemed to....stretch outwards, making the interior even larger before rows and rows of computers flickered into existence before a dining area came into existence right after in front of the Cafeteria.

The creatures didn't seem like they were done; however, as the small reception area expanded, more sofas and couches were created, along with coffee tables and recliners.

All of this...magical transformation, captured in 4k.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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