The Game Cafe in Marvel and DC

73 – An Interview with Lois Lane Part 4

73 – An Interview with Lois Lane Part 4

Running through the streets, Clark could be seen carrying a terrified Lois Lane as explosions boomed out around them. Clark was in full-blown panic as he fought to protect Lois and keep his secret identity hidden from the camera, recording everything above.

That’s when an object came flying through the air, slamming into a red Malibu next to the fleeing Clark, completely crushing it, sending glass shards and metal flying around. Luckily, before the duo could be pelted by the fragments, shredding them apart, the metal and glass froze in the air as a purplish energy surrounded the fragmented debris, stopping it in its tracks.

Climbing out of the wreckage of what was once a Car, Zeref stretched as if he was tired as he rubbed the back of his head.

“This is not nearly as fun as I thought it would be; all they do is shoot and try to blow me up. You’d think they’d realize by now that is not going to work,” Zeref complained out loud, clearly annoyed as bullets continued to pelt his form.

To think barely three minutes had passed, and already, Clark felt an eternity had passed as bullets flew overhead, ricocheted, and struck everything around Clark and Lois. 

It was a miracle that neither of them had been struck yet, though Clark’s superhuman reflexes made avoiding the hail of bullets much easier. If this battle continued, Clark realized that he would have no choice but to reveal himself if he wanted to protect Lois, who was in shock and frozen in fear. 

That's when everything suddenly froze as a monotone voice called out across the world.

"Simulation complete. Continue?" The voice asked.

Seeing the bullets frozen in the air before him, Zeref let out a remorseful sigh as if saddened by the fact that it couldn't have been more fun.

"Terminate Simulation," Zeref spoke, turning the world white.

"So, what do you guys think?" Zeref asked, looking at the two horrified reporters.

"Lois, Lois!" Clark yelled, trying to get Lois's attention.

"Wha-," Lois began, clearly experiencing shell shock.

Clark checked over Lois, making sure she was okay and that there were no injuries other than scrapes and bruises. Not that he found anything, seeing as soon as the Simulation ended, those who participated in it had their bodies restored.

Seemingly ignoring Clark's concern, Zeref continued his presentation as if what they had just experienced was nothing significant or terrifying: "What do you guys think? The simulator is perfect for training or getting crucial experience you may need outside of the Virtual Reality Computers. However, combat training is far from the only thing that the Simulator can be used for. Personally, I think the Simulator would be perfect for training other things that are hard to learn outside, such as Medicine and First-Aid Skills."

Seeing the two distracted and seemingly ignoring him, Zeref waved his hand, causing a brief flash of light that flooded over the two reporters, calming them down and giving them a sense of serenity.

"What...what did you just do?" Clark asked, concerned at the sudden shift in his emotions.

"Gave you both a bit of a pick-me-up. Come, come, try out the Simulator," Zeref motioned for the two to come closer; Lois did, leaving Clark behind, reeling from the emotional changes he was undergoing. Clark, who was freaking out yet simultaneously feeling a strange sense of peace and calm, knew that it was wrong. His emotions and mind were tampered with, and he struggled as hard as he could; there was nothing he could do before the emotions flooding his senses abruptly stopped, as Zeref must have realized what he did.

"Sorry about that. I just wanted you both to calm down a bit, and knowing that we did not have much time, I calmed you both down forcefully," Zeref apologized for his previous actions before going quiet, seemingly lost in thought.

Meanwhile, Lois was left tampering with the Simulation, which showed as the white void underwent rapid changes, turning into strange and almost cartoony appearances. In contrast, Clark and Zeref were left watching the rapidly shifting scene of rainbows and flowers before their eyes as Lois seemed to change the landscape around them constantly.

Looking at the sickeningly vibrant and colorful world around them, which was quickly becoming more like a child's dream or drawing than any sort of realistic world like that of the simulated world they were in a few minutes ago, Zeref could be seen blanching and looking upon the world with disgust.

"All right...that's enough," Zeref spoke out, trying to hide his disgust in the Simulated World Lois was somehow able to create.

With a wave of his hand, Zeref seemed to turn off and reset the Simulator, making Lois frown and glare at Zeref, clearly annoyed at having her 'toy' taken away, not that Zeref cared after seeing the terrible simulated world she was bringing into existence.

Leaving the Simulator, the three, led by Zeref, were beginning to make their way to the final facility and yet another addition to the Cafe when Lois noticed the 'mystery man' in bandages enter the cafe with another Zeref clone behind them. Either to get away from 'Prime' Zeref or to question the unknown man who appeared with a flash of blinding light, Lois rushed towards the man in bandages like a raging bull, stopping just before them with a surprisingly scary expression on her face.

"Excuse me, do you mind if we interview you with...Zeref over there?" Lois asked, getting far too close for comfort as she gestured to the 'Prime' Zeref, not before noticing yet another clone of Zeref.

"What is an interview?" The unknown man asked after taking a breath, much to the bafflement of the woman who focused back on him.

"Are...Are you serious?" Lois asked, baffled.

In response, the man continued to stare blankly at Lois, showing that he was quite serious about his question.

Wordlessly, the Zeref clone behind Joshua stepped forward and gestured to the unknown man, "Sorry, I'm afraid Joshua here is not from around here, so he is not well acquainted with many things most modern people would know."

"I...I see...well, an Interview is a formal discussion where I would ask you some questions before an audience," Lois attempted to explain.

"I see...then I do not mind you 'Interviewing' me," Joshua replied calmly with a hint of understanding.

Walking over to the counter, where Prime Zeref could be seen working with the Customers, the clone with Joshua directed the three humans to the last addition to the cafe: the Gym.

When they stepped inside, they were met with a quaint but seemingly normal gym boasting a wide variety of equipment, punching bags, and even a sparring ring. Joshua meticulously observed and noted everything as he deduced what the devices and equipment were capable of and what their uses would be. 

"Welcome to the Gym," Zeref waved at the room. This is where I plan to have Joshua and any future instructors teach potential students of their choosing," Zeref continued, gesturing towards Joshua.

"He's instructor?" Clark asked, confused.

"More than that, a lot more," Zeref replied, chuckling before continuing, "Feel free to introduce yourself, Joshua, and tell your life story. It's best that whoever comes seeking to learn from you in the future know what to expect from your lessons."

Guessing that was permission, Lois cleared her throat before beginning her interview with Joshua.

"Are you ready for the interview, Mr. Joshua?" Lois asked, getting a simple nod from the burned man.

"Who are you?" Lois asked.

"Joshua Graham. I am known by many other names as well: the Burned Man, the First General of Caeser's Legion, War Chief of the Dead Horses, and Missionary of God," Joshua introduced himself, his list of titles confusing the two reporters.

"Burned Man? Are you a burn victim? Why have you not sought medical attention?" Lois asked, concerned, looking over Joshua's bandages that covered his entire body other than his eyes.

"To explain all of that, it is best that Joshua should also mention his home and early life," Zeref explained, seeing Joshua not knowing how to answer that question.

"I am not from this world," Joshua answered simply, "I am from an Earth much like this one. Only mine underwent a baptism of nuclear fire."

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