The Game Cafe in Marvel and DC

80 – Survive or die

80 – Survive or die

[HeyApple's POV]

"Is...Is he serious?" I asked, scared as our supposed teacher ditched us in an abandoned city he called New Vegas.

"Yes," answered the red-haired woman as she expertly took the pistol in her hand apart and stated, "It seems we all got a pistol, five magazines, and a stimpack."

"And?" The large man asked.

"And that means it's all we have. Once we run out of ammo or get hurt, we are dead," the red-haired woman bluntly explained.

That's when we heard it: snarls, growls, and inhuman screeches that roared from behind the wall surrounding this small city.

"Ghouls," The red-haired woman scoffed.

"What are ghouls?" The three of us asked.

"You are about to find out," the woman answered as horrifying monstrosities came rushing through an open gate on the other side of the street.

These zombie-lookalikes had decayed flesh that hung off the bones, skin that hung tightly to the bone, and various grievous injuries that were seemingly ignored as they sprinted far faster than a human had any right to.

Taking aim, the woman began firing, taking out one of these 'Ghouls' with each shot. None of us moved as she continued firing without effort, quickly making a row of bodies.

[Wave 1 completed]

[Wave 1 Reward: 4x Magazines of ammo]

[Wave 2: 30x Ghouls - 5x Powder Gangers]



"Do you guys see that?" I asked, pointing at the full.

Seeing it, the woman cursed.

"Come on, let's set up a checkpoint at the gate; we've got fight minutes, so let's work together and do whatever we can to set up some cover," The woman took charge, suddenly rushing towards something called 'Lucky 38.'

The large brute didn't waste time and followed her. Not even thirty seconds later, they both came rushing out with a rather large round table that they had set on the ground before rushing back inside.


[Joshua's POV]

Floating above the group of four, Joshua noted their reactions. Lucky immediately took charge, showing signs of being a leader, even if her tactics left little to be desired.

Joshua believed it would have been a better idea to fortify the nearby Lucky 38 casino and make the entrance into a death trap for whatever came through. While the Powder Gangers may have been a bit of trouble with their love of dynamite, they were far from skilled, meaning they could be shot before igniting the dynamite.

Instead, Lucky, for some reason, decided to waste time and bring out various pieces of furniture that they could use as cover while also giving them the distance to fire at the Feral Ghousl and Powder Gangers that would rush through the gate into New Vegas. However, this tactic will not last forever as more enemies emerge. Perhaps she was planning to plant traps around the gate to make it harder for enemies to pass through; however, that, too, would eventually no longer work as the larger factions would try other routes to get into New Vegas, whether it be the sewers, the monorail system, or breach through the scrap metal wall that surrounded the city.

Her tactic would have been better if her group was larger, but with only the four of them, for the first dozen rounds or so, they would have had a better time just fortifying the Lucky 38, in Joshua's opinion. However, he still wanted to see the results of her plan, and whether it would work or not.

The first wave of the second round was the thirty Feral Ghouls, who once again rushed through the gate and ended up gunned down by Lucky and Bloody Fist, while the other two players hit only a few of their shots. After them, five powder gangers crept through the gate a few minutes later and were gunned down.

Joshua was a bit surprised to see Lucky and Bloody Fist be so ruthless, especially considering the state of their world.  They gunned the men down without any hesitation; the other two, on the other hand, froze.

According to their game records, HeyApple and Jami played Resident Evil. In it, they had to fight against mutated humans who acted similarly to Ghouls, only slower, weaker, and contagious. The Ghouls in his world were not contangious by any means, instead only coming about due to radiation. The 'Zombies' in Resident Evil were caused by a virus or contagion that reanimated corpses that would aggressively attack anything nearby. Joshua figured that HeyApple and Jami wouldn't hesitate when fighting a living human instead of a reanimated corpse, but he was proved wrong.

Continuing his observations, Joshua watched as Lucky looted the bodies of their low-caliber pistols and caravan shotguns before grabbing some of their dynamite and assembling some sort of trip-wire-based trap that would set off the dynamite. To Joshua's surprise, she set up the trap in Lucky 38, specifically at its entrance and another at the gate of New Vegas. What was she planning? 

[Wave 3: x20 Powder Gangers and x15 Fiends]

Noting that they would fight thirty-five enemies, Joshua realized they would face their first notable obstacle: a full-frontal assault by a group larger than them. If they made a single mistake, they'd all die. Joshua knows that even he would face troubles against such a large group by himself if he were not prepared or well-equipped. 

The first group to appear was the Powder Gangers. Powder Gangers, from what he heard, were a bunch of NCR prisoners who escaped a prison where the NCR forced them to do hard labor and, for some reason that still baffled him, supplied the prisoners with dynamite to do their job. Why they'd give known criminals, raiders, and who knows what else explosives was beyond Joshua, but he already knew that the NCR was a corrupt and cutthroat government that proclaimed that they were the successors of Pre-War America's values, such as democracy, personal liberty, and rule of law, something that didn't last very long as Brahmin Barons rose to power and amassed influence. In the end, the NCR became another form of the old world's corruption.

As for the Fiends, they were a scourge to the Mojave Wasteland and proved to be a constant threat to anyone traveling west of New Vegas, as that's where they claimed their territory. Fiends were much like Raiders, the scum of humanity who killed, pillaged, and raped to their heart's content, only the Fiends took it to the next level, becoming incredibly obsessed with various chems and drugs that were common across the wasteland, such as Med-X, Psycho, Buffout, Jet, Hydra, Day Tripper, Steady, Turbo and who knows what else, driving a lot of them crazy and mad from their addictions.

The Powder Gangers were the first to rush into New Vegas, only for one of them to push the tripwire and ignite the dynamite hidden around the gate. A good half of the Powder Gangers died, with those caught in the blast having their own dynamite ignited, resulting in a chain explosion that completely blasted open the gate, forming a rather large hole and crater in the concrete.

That's when the Fiends charged through the smoke, screaming and yelling as Lucky and Volkov began pelting them with bullets. However, with all of the chems running through the Fiends' systems, they shrugged off the bullets if it wasn't a fatal hit, meaning a few of them quickly reached the team of four who hid behind their small amount of cover.

Lucky leaped back as one of the Fiends swung their pole cue at her. She raised her gun, and with a single shot, a bullet went through the fiend's head.

Another with a machete lunged at her, and she dropped to her feet, sweeping the Fiend's legs from under them, making them fall before a bullet went into their head, too.

Much to Joshua's surprise, his students were more skilled than he expected; well, two of them were. The last two once again proved useless against the Fiends that attacked them and were in the midst of getting their asses kicked.

When the finally finished off the last Fiend, yet another notification appeared in the sky.



[Wave 3: x30 Fiends - 15x Khans]

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