The Gamer's System

Chapter 101: Courting Danger

Chapter 101: Courting Danger

With the enemies right before them, all the Elites did their job and fought with all their might. The two mages, Merlin and Zane used all the skills in their disposal. They didn't need to hold back on the kinds of skill and the range of explosion. After all, the troops they are rallying are only summoned creatures and so, even if they get hit there won't be any problem.

Flame Pillars.

Lightning Bolts.

Wind Blades.

The two mages alternated between skills, not relenting nor pausing in between. Zane, as an [Elementalist Mage] has better control and understanding of these skills. While Merlin as an [Archmage] can perform all fundamental skills at their maximum capacity and efficiency. 

"Hey let's see who can kill more." Zane said, making Merlin chuckle as he looked at the other magician.

"You're starting to sound a lot like Quinn." He remarked, creating two fireballs that homed on their enemies. Upon contact, these created large explosions which killed five soldiers in total.

"I'll take that as a yes." Zane said, creating five of the same fireballs and pinpointing enemies as they turned into sharp bullet-like weapons.

"Are they seriously playing at a time like this?" Curio jested, looking at the two mages. He then made a deep sigh and, shifted his attention to all the enemies in front of him. There are ten soldiers in total and two of these are busy with the golems while some are trying to break away from the group in order to attack the rear.

"Route." Curio began, using his assassin exclusive skill that showed him the optimum movement to make in the battle. This is in the form of a green light that guides his eyes. He does not move automatically to this and, it changes direction depending on how the nonevents around him are being made. But nevertheless, Curio can adapt to these.

"Death's Way." He continued, creating another line. This time it is colored red, showing him the best areas to attack the enemies where he will move to. With both of these being active, Curio finally continued with [Flash Rush] moving so fast that nobody could even catch up to him.

Thinking about how some of the soldiers tried to attack the back of their ranks, Curio went and targeted the archers. Trained as these soldiers are, he would've had a hard time if they saw him coming. But with the nimble and swift assassin, all they heard was a gust of wind before all their throats got slit open. More archers soon came to back the group up, making Curio back away for the moment and restore some of his mana.

The defenders also did their job and remained vigilant of the whole situation. Like the healers, the defenders all need to see where they can use their skills. Maya who specialized in barriers did all she could to constantly supply one for her teammates while making sure to watch over her mana pool. Some of them would get hit from time to time without noticing it and, the reason for this is because Maya's [Barrier] is there for them. Sometimes however, this isn't enough.

Maya saw Curio stepping way after receiving a barrage of arrows. Her [Barrier] couldn't withstand the attack and, their assassin's health got considerably depleted. Yet with Julia and Red's healing abilities, these wounds are patched up quickly. Julia invested more on regeneration while Red focused on burst heals. Hence even if a limb is lost, it can be restored through the combination of these two. This is also the reason why Maya provided them with the thickest shield among all. She protected Julia while; Red is protected by Mordred.

"Hey aren't you supposed to be like really close to me?" Red said, continuing his job while also worrying about the actions of his guard. Although a defender, Mordred acts really different as she continued bashing the opponents that tried getting near them.

Screw defenses. Mordred only became a vanguard so that she wouldn't need to worry about the damage and bulldoze through the enemies with her offense type shield. Although the barrier skill was forced onto her, most of the female defender's skills are focused on offense and body protection in order to fulfill her dream of being a human tank. Plus, she enjoyed the amount of hurting she receives, laughing even harder with every damage that is taken.

"This woman is batshit crazy." Red said, already knowing that Mordred is like this butnot to this extent. He continued healing her nevertheless as all the enemies who are supposed to come near them are all dead. 

"Ahh I pity your souls." He said to one of the corpses, remembering how that same soldier looked the most surprised by getting bashed over and over again by a shield. Then, the multitude of screams made him focus his attention on Kaguya. 

Her job class was also supposed to be a [Tamer] but instead of having an army of summons, Kaguya tamed darkness itself. 

This is the reason why Nisha has taken a special liking to the mortal. It isn't every day that she encounters a warrior who could move darkness at her will. Hence the reason why Nisha even gave the human her blessing, making Kaguya the most deadly member of the group. 

Spells and arrows tried passing through her armor of void but nothing could get through. With the armor, every attack gets absorbed completely and of course, there is a taxing tradeoff for such a powerful skill. But Kaguya needs to instill fear unto her opponents in order for them to discontinue making attacks. 

They did this immediately after they saw her as a shadow with white and glowing eyes. Everywhere she steeped on left a trace of darkness behind her and from this, came arms that held on to the nearest opponent. No matter what the soldier did, once grabbed by these hands, they could expect nothing more than their own deaths as the hands would slowly take them into the rift of darkness created by Kaguya.

"That's even scarier." Red remarked, as Kaguya's display made Mordred seem nothing more than a child throwing tantrums by bashing her playmates to death.

Meanwhile, their other summoner, Horus, focused on supplying more and more summons. His specialty is [Image Creation] making any creature that runs on his mind turn to reality. However, these needs to be living creatures without mechanical parts or modification. And the other limit is, the stronger the monster he cerates, the more mana it consumes.

Hence he is always careful of the amount. But seeing his winged creatures battle the enemies flying above them reassured him that no further summons are needed. He looked at it lazily, thinking what they'd have for dinner later.

Then one of the soldiers found his way through the waves of summons and into the human. Horus looked at the creature with the same lax expression and, clothed his whole hand with the claw of a beast, slashing upward and ripping the soldier's armor off. He then summoned one giant wolf that began eating through the soldier's flesh. Upon finishing, Horus took one of the dead soldier's bone and threw it away.

"Fetch." He said to the gigantic murdering wolf which gladly frolicked through the corpses of the battlefield while causing mass murder.

The other three defenders focused all their strength on creating a wall of iron which prevented the full force of the enemies to come through. Their enhancer also did the job of providing an added defense to this wall, making it have resistance over all elements although not completely. 

Meanwhile, Zilg enjoyed himself as he continued placing detonates on the earth golems making them run toward the enemies and giving them warm cozy hugs before exploding. He tried out various traps which made the soldiers scared all the more as sometimes it would be spikes or lunging out or even freezing the body whole.

They ran away from the madman and every golem which had the seal of detonate on them; knowing exactly the fate that awaited them if any of these got near.

All the villagers saw these from afar. Nothing touched them nor their crops as the humans effectively dealt with the enemies. There isn't even any inch of danger that came close to them. All the demons who wanted to fight earlier on, now found no place within the fight thinking that it would bring the humans more harm than good if they joined into the fray.

They looked intently on the fight, thinking how a lot of areas within the demon continent would be freed after winning. Hence, all their focus went mostly on the fight between the three humans and the two generals.

Mirio held nothing but a pair of brass knuckles. His shy and collected attitude vanishes as he puts them on, as if his personality compete changes for some reason. He relentlessly pursued the beastwoman, not letting her get out of sight.

With his job exclusive skill of [Ring] both he and the enemy are required to fight within a limited space. Trying to leave or escape would automatically lead to the death of the enemy, making this one of the most feared skills of the Elites. He can also choose to have a teammate while the enemy has no other option but to fight solo. Thus, Jake aided all of his movements, effectively thrusting his weapon at the opposite direction of all Mirio's attacks and body sways.

The general, unable to keep up with the pacing of the humans and their unorthodox combination, has no choice but to focus most of her efforts on defense. With Mirio always getting dangerously close to her, she couldn't fire any long-range skill nor did she have the luxury of time to think which skill to use as, Mirio's attacks came in quick successions. And even if she attacks, the human would only use his footwork to doge the skill before getting back into range, punching the female general's armor over and over again.

"Don't die on us now, we're just getting started." Jake said, using his skill [Accuracy] to always land a hit where Mirio wouldn't be at. This is only an added accuracy and most of the effort is actually on Jake and his talent on pinpoint attacks. Quinn saw the potential in their combination, hence the reason why he tested this theory out in an actual battle.

"Hey, where are you looking at?" The demon general's shadow loomed at the back of Quinn who dashed away before a swing was made. The earth on where he previously stood is now gone and covered in dark purple flames. Ever since the initial hit, the demon general has been more careful with his moves, making things a bit more difficult for Quinn.

"I'm sorry, you just seemed so boring." Quinn taunted, angering the demon general even more who tried using long range skills while maintaining a shield on himself. Quinn smiled, thinking how the angry general still knows what to do about the situation. But none of it could prepare the enemy for what he was about to do.

"Okay time to wrap this up." Quinn said, using a backhand grip on his sword and proceeding to the quick succession of skills owned by his teammates. Flame, Lightning, Pierce, Sudden summons, Heal, Defensive Barrier, Explosions. The general couldn't keep up with the surge of skills that came in quick succession. Without the general even realizing it, Quinn has already made his way under the general. Touching the enemy's armor before saying:


The general screamed as the attack consumed him slowly. This surprised many of the soldiers and even the female general herself. With this sudden shock, all the Elites knew what they needed to do next. They made perfect use of the opportunity and, killed all the enemies that were left.

With their forces dwindling at an unprecedented rate, the remaining forces tried to escape but, this time, the archers did their job. Snipping all these enemies as they turned tail and ran. Leer and Naz effectively cleaned the leftoversturning the battlefield into a one sided and complete victory. 

Everyone began screaming in joy, especially the villagers. But then, they all felt something coming from Quinn's small [Oblivion] hole. Out of it, a hand came out and then...the whole general followed in one piece. 

Yet this time, without his armor, the demon flapped its strangely hair tingling wings. Its horns burned in bright purple while its eyes also glowed the same color. The weapon is now split into two parts, making the demon a dual wielder.

"Well done humans." He said, looking at the remains of the other general who was not as fortunate as he.

"Let me repay you for all that you did to my comrade and to all our troops." With these words, the Elites experienced a havoc they never thought could happen.

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