The Gamer's System

Chapter 107: Testing the Waters

Chapter 107: Testing the Waters

While Zeke continued recovering from the backlash of using too much power, a lot of ruckus is being made on Elysium by both Heron and Morpheus. They've just reached the end of the Labyrinth and, thanks to Heron's reality altering skill [Cloud of Dreams], not much danger has come to them.

[Name: Cloud of Dreams]

[Mana Cost: 20 per second]

[Rank: S+]

[Skill Type: Continuous]

[Information: Surrounds an area with a mist. Those trapped within it cannot affect the outside world nor escape in any way.]

[Information: The skill allows the caster to create illusionary scenarios. Anyone within the mist will be easier to fool as, the air itself will have brain tampering mana particles mixed within it.]

[Information: The only way to stop the skill is to make the caster end it. Otherwise, the skill will move on its own until it is satisfied with the results.]

Through this skill, Heron and Morpheus were able to slip through every problematic situation within the dungeon. In fact, all which the two encountered is nothing less than what the Labyrinth itself has in store. 

But this doesn't mean that they didn't come through any difficulties. Day in and day out, the two needed to be stealthy while also making progress. Adding to the fact that, Heron needs to sustain the skill meant that, she couldn't help much in the fights. This didn't concern Morpheus who could handle his ground pretty well no matter the opponent.

He is, after all, a [Chimera Morpher]. One which has been personally trained by Zeke Elwood to be tactical and deceitful. Hence, he can optimize all situations within the [Cloud of Dreams] into one that is favorable to him. 

Be it monsters, elves, or other intelligent creatures, every living being has a desire. And because Morpheus can decipher these desires pretty well, these are optimized based on his needs.

With that being said, it took them 4 good days in order to accomplish their mission. Heron was a bit disappointed by this because, she actually thought that they could do accomplish it even faster. But because of some unexpected roadblocks, they got slower from achieving their goal. Yet, there they stood proudly in front of the cell the endpoint of their mission.

"Those generals sure are persistent." Morpheus began, stretching his arms after having transformed from a bird. 

Next to him is Heron who began dispersing the [Cloud of Dreams]. She has a long katana with her and wearing a traditional Japanese yukata. Something which she preferred over all the suggestions Zeke made for her armor. 

"Tell me about it." She replied, finally finished in dissolving the skill. At the moment, all the creatures within the labyrinth have been neutralized. But the higher ups of Elysium have yet to learn about this because, the Labyrinth only gets checked on once a week. 

"Let's hurry up. I'm excited to see dad!" Morpheus continued, treating Zeke like his own father.

In front of them is the cell which is supposed to contain both Sylph and Allesiah. According to their intel, the two have not only been hungered half to death but, also tortured to the point of breaking to madness. 

Zeke worried about them of course but, knows that Allesiah is also the perfect bait which Glade could use against him. If there is even an ounce of possibility for Glade to believe that he is alive, he wants to erase this completely. And the only way to do this is not to search for Allesiah and, to stop himself from trying to rescue her if he does.

Glade's power level isn't something which Zeke has a clear grasp on. Moreover, with those strange spears that the elf used against him, Zeke knows that most pf his efforts may just go to waste. 

But now that the king is gone, Zeke is free to save Allesiahthat isif she is still alive. Something which Heron and Morpheus are about to find out.

"So are we going there or not?" Curio, the assassin of the elites asked. Apart from the fact that elf helped them yesterday, he also has to clarify the facts whether the elf is the same individual who raced against him.

"Are you really that eager to forfeit your life?" Amare replied, being the most sensible and rational member next to both Quinn and Kaguya.

"It's not like were going there to cause him any trouble. I mean, we're just gonna ask him about some personal stuff." Red defended, wanting the same thing Curio does.

"And what is that exactly?" Was Merlin's response, being on the same camp of those who are wary of Zeke.

"You knowwho he is and how to learn the plant transformation magic those kinda stuff." The moment these words came out of Red's lips, he felt silly. So silly that he wanted to vanish. 

There they are, Elites or so they called themselves. Personally trained by the three deities and, handpicked among all the human candidates on earth. They have the best skills and job classes which fit their personalities. Yet, there they are, defeated by a guy who turns overpowered generals into trees.

"I swear it sounds dumber every time someone actually says it." Was Jake's short reply.

The group still waited for Kaguya and Quinn to recover. While Quinn is already fully healed, there is something broken with his pride that made it difficult to get up namely, almost killing Kaguya on their previous fight. 

Meanwhile, the same person he is thinking about is still unconscious. Although Zeke was able to extract the negative effects of absorbing too much dark mana, it would be difficult for the person herself to wake up. After all, it isn't the kind of mana which can easily be tampered with.

"Come on weren't you taught by your parents how to properly thank someone?" Curio said, disguising his real intent with the thought of showing gratitude.

"Why not wait for Quinn to recover yeah?" Amare said and, just as she did, they heard a knock on their door.

"That's probably the elder, I'll go get it." Horus said. Everyone continued talking as he did and then, they heard a thud to the floor.

"Guuuys!" He continued, making everyone go to where he is. And there, right in front of their front door is their savior.

"So uhmmmay I come in?" He said. Jake and Curio pushed Amare forward, making her automatically in charge of talking with their guest. All the other members immediately backed off.

"Traitors." Amare said in her mind, beginning conversation with the person in front of her.

"Please come in." She said, with Zeke gladly accepting her invitation.

"He's not gonna kill us right?" Red asked Jake. Their visitor then looked at their direction as if he heard what they are saying; smiling at them before proceeding to their table.

"So uhmmm" Amare began as soon as Zeke and all the elites have sat down.

"Your number seem to have dwindled down from the last time that I saw you." He said immediately.

"Two of our members are still recovering." Amare replied, holding back her nervousness and wishing they don't get turned to trees.

"Hmm I see" He said.

"Oh sorry! Where are my manners." Zeke said, standing up to introduce himself to the group.

"My name is Zeke Elwood, an otherworlder just like you guys." He said. This produced a long moment of silence because, nobody could process what he just said. According to the gods, Zeke is already dead and yet, the elf introduced himself to be him.

"WHAAAAT?!" Was the first reaction which came from Jake. This is the same voice screamed by everyone in their heads of course.

"There's a long story behind this and you're not required to believe me. But I need you to listen to what I have to say first." Zeke replied, waiting for everyone to calm down before continuing.

The first thing Zeke said is for his message to be passed to the real leader of the group. He explained a lot of things, including, primarily, the strength of the enemies which the Elites need to face from this point onwards. 

"Those guys are easy to deal with on their base forms but, once they activate their skill [Primal State], you guys got zero chances of winning. And even if you do, your group will be too battered to do anything more." Zeke began. 

The elites knew full well that what he is saying is true. After all, they have experienced the [Primal State] of one general on their previous fight.

"If both those generals got that form activated, you'd hold no candle against them." He continued and, although what he says is painful, they know that this is a fact.

"So are you just hear to talk us down?" Jake replied.

"Oh it's the rude bastard." Zeke replied, smiling to the human who decided it's best to keep his mouth shut.

"You may have the same idea as that guy." Zeke continued, pointing to Jake.

"Believe me when I say that my intents are actually pure. Although I cannot disclose every single information to you; believe me when I say that, in the coming days you won't be able to find any safe place to hide to." Zeke continued, giving a serious tone to his voice.

"With a total of 10 generals being killed, the governing body for every continent will begin to move. And if you can't even handle that small portion which was handed to you, then I believe you know what'll happen once they seriously hunt you down." Zeke continued.

"Waitten?" Amare replied, counting back the number of generals which were defeated.

"Oh sorry. I forgot to mention. My comrades killed two generals while I killed one days before I helped you out." Zeke said, not adding the fact that he was the one who lead the two generals toward the elites.

"Why are you telling us all these things?" Mordred replied. There is a multitude of bad news given and, frankly speaking the elites do not know how to deal with it.

"Well it's simple actually." Zeke said, standing up.

"Let's go to an open field. I want all of you to fight me." Zeke continued, making it an order and not a request.

"Are we supposed to duel against you?" Red said nervously, thinking about how a healer can't actually fight.

"Don't flatter yourselves. All of you will come at me at once."

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