The Gamer's System

Chapter 115: Feast

Chapter 115: Feast

Right after giving them all their equipment, Zeke allowed the group to train using them within Heron's makeshift realm. There wasn't any problem because Zeke could simply supply more mana to the female [Dragon Morpher] but, the strain itself is not something which Heron could recover quickly from. 

At most, all the group had was a day's worth of time within the realm. And this much is already a strain for Heron who already used the skill thrice within the same day. There were a lot of happy screams and shouts including laughs of excitement. Zeke somehow remembered the time when he gave Sebastian and Harun their weapons because of the scene. He removed the thought quickly because, he didn't want to remember the other things connected to their deaths. 

Hence, with all of them getting familiar with their weapons, the realm dissolved.

The group proceeded to eating dinner together. Zeke wanted to reject the offer but, they insisted that he joins them. Hence, he got stuck with the group who had ulterior motives. Namely, getting more information about Zeke and the things which happened to him in Mythos.

"So the compensation that you want is information on how I lived and how I transferred to an elven body?" Zeke repeated, finding no merit to the inquiry. Quinn is the same as him in this thought but, the elites outnumbered him and Kaguya 18 to 2, making the decision final.

"Yes. It's just so weird seeing a human turn to an elf." One of them replied. 

Zeke thought of all the events and all he went through. He crossed his arms and closed his eyes for a bit. He needed to filter the information of course but, if he takes too long then the group may think that he is lying. Hence, after a minute of thinking things through, he proceeded to telling them the details of what happened.

"During the final moments of my battle against King Gallio, I suddenly got attacked out of nowhere." He began.

"Waithold up. So you did win against that king?" Zilg replied, having doubted the main deities when they told that the first one they deployed was a single human.

"Yes I did. But it took a lot out of me." Zeke proceeded to saying the details of how he first got into a couple of fights with the army, a general, and two [Chimeras], before finally facing Gallio. Everyone was in awe as they listened to his story, thinking how grain-like their skills are compared to Zeke.

"Anyway, as I was saying After the fight, there was a spear which pierced through my chest that prevented me from moving and from using any skill." Zeke continued, pointing to his chest.

"That doesn't sound convincing." Jake replied, referring to how Zeke survived if that was the kind of attack which hit him.

"I agree. Even I thought that I would die but, luck was on my side on that single moment. There's a skill which activated, one that I gained a few quests before fighting King Gallio and, it helped me escaped." Zeke said.

"Care to explain sir?" Was Red's reply before eating some food on his plate.

"Of course you'd want details." Zeke said in reply and proceeded to telling them some more information.

"I'll be skimming through some stuff to make things short. Evidently, I transferred bodies and, this isn't any other body but the body of the King and Queen's son Keith Leonis." The group went into an uproar as any sane human would from the shock.

"So that's why you look so regal!" Lizzie replied which Zeke smiled to.

"I'm not the one who looks decent, that's Keith's body." He replied, knowing that the word decent doesn't necessarily match his former appearance.

"I needed to go into hiding after that because, I couldn't risk being found out. When I got this body, it was still a child's and, if Glade sensed me in some way then I would've died again." There was a moment of silence, with everyone internalizing the fact that the person in front of them has died twice already, not counting the number of times he used [Blood King's Curse] which revived him instantly.

"There was also something that bothered me. It felt like there were stronger forces backing up Glade and, if that was case, I couldn't risk being out in the open too soon." Zeke added this as a bonus for the group, ending his story by saying: 

"I hope that answers your questions." To which all the elites nodded.

"Can we ask something else?" Merlin said, making Zeke smile. That in itself is a question already. But Zeke decided not to pint this out.

"That depends. Go on let's try your luck kid." Zeke continued, making some of the elites nod with each other.

"If you are really who you say you arethen how come the gods never noticed your presence? Aren't they supposed to be able to see your every move?" Merlin continued in a serious tone.

"Okay now that is a question worthy of the test I gave you." Zeke replied, smiling gleefully at the group.

"I'd tell it to you guys anyway but, you bringing it up just speeds things up." Zeke said, creating another data window for each member of the elites.

I've restricted some information but you can see my basic status on that. He said and everyone looked closely at it. Actually, they didn't even need to go further to see something odd with the sheet.

"I think there's a glitch here because your name isn't Zeke Elwood it's"

"Keith Leonis." Zeke affirmed to the group.

"You get the implications that come with the name right?" It means that although my soul is that of Zeke Elwood, I am making use of another individual's body. I'm not sure of the details but, simply put, all my ties with the divine was cut off entirely." Zeke continued.

"The only reason why I could continue on hiding for so long was because of this fact. I'm sure that the other gods had a way to see all that I did and, I didn't place this into consideration before. But now I am careful, even with all of you I'm careful not to get stabbed in the back and I hope you do the same. Enemies are always lurking around and you're never sure when they'd strike next." Zeke gave this advice nonchalantly, which weirded the group because the only person in the room whom they have yet to trust completely is Zeke himself.

The group talked among themselves as they continued browsing his data. Zeke didn't mind it because, as mentioned, he already filtered everything shown there ensuring his own safety including his trump cards like [The One Who Cheats Death].

"Is there anything else?" Zeke asked the group, feeling generous enough to answer another question for them. He didn't want to admit it to himself but, he is enjoying the small amount of peace he now has with his fellow humans.

They whispered to each other for a while. Probably thinking of the best question to ask and, as soon as they reached a verdict, it was Quinn who asked the question.

"If you don't mind us asking what is your real goal exactly?" This question made Zeke have a bit of regret in allowing them to ask once more. Even before he could speak, Kaguya followed up this question with a statement.

"For us we were sent to restore the balance in this world which starts with destroying the portals where Glade could pass through. What happens after that is still a daze but I guess we'd start by eliminating all of the king's forces." She said, with Zeke looking less carefree because of their query. 

"My goal is simple and complicated at the same time. I want to restore the balance in this world. I guess on that note we are similar."

"But that's not my personal goal it's the goal of the [System] which I use. I don't know if there is an [End Mission] or if the [System] will actually congratulate me at some point but, I have no other choice but to keep moving forward for now." Zeke continued.

"I cannot fail for the sake of all those who sacrificed their lives for this goal. I could've escaped of course but, this world is all I have now. Without the link, I don't even have a way to return to earth nor do I believe there is anything waiting for me there." Zeke said and, this brought out an awkward silence. 

Zeke didn't wait for any response. He then stood up, finishing his meal without anyone even noticing it.

"Thank you for your hospitality but, I think my companions and I best be leaving you to yourselves." Morpheus looked like he was about to complain but, Zeke gave him a sharp stare, making the boy finish all that's left on his plate immediately, still munching as he went to the side of Zeke.

"If there is anything else that you need, feel free to use the communication device I left for all of you." He continued, walking out of the house together with the two.

They are already far way from the elites when Heron finally decided to ask Zeke who still has a serious looks on his face.

"Master if you don't mind me asking why did you leave so suddenly?" Heron inquired, looking at her master who still had a serious look on his face.

"It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth every time I think about it. All of it." Zeke said, staring at the sky.

A lot has happened to him ever since he arrived at Mythos. But never was he left with any time to think abut the bigger questionswhat does he do when the quests actually end? And, why is he still pursuing the goals assigned to him?

With the skill [Soul Transfer] Zeke could change bodies once again but, he doesn't know if something of the sort would be worthwhile. He just wanted to finish the missions and, end everything as he told the elites.

That is. Bringing balance to everything created by the gods.

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