The Gamer's System

Chapter 117: Beginning With The Continent's Strongest General!

Chapter 117: Beginning With The Continent's Strongest General!

"Woahhhh hold up we haven't even had breakfast yet!" Jake complained, seeing himself up on a mountain. Together with him are all the elites, Heron, Morpheus and Zeke.

Downhill, the fortress of the demon general [Kel'Thraz] could be seen. There are soldiers guarding every post and, the walls are high enough to hinder even giants from stepping in. On top of the sturdy looking structure are ballistics prepared to be utilized.

There are also magic crystals on top of poles. Zeke explained that these things are like barriers which prevented the place from getting raided. But, like any other shield it has a limit and, that is something which the group needs to reach soon.

On the sky are [Wyvern Riders] the same ones Zeke encountered. There are at least twenty of these troops roaming on the skies. They cannot see Zeke and his companions because Zeke has placed a cloaking spell on the group which hid both their mana and their presence. They themselves could be seen by the naked eye but, with all the trees surrounding them, this is very unlikely.

There are also war horses nearby and, Zeke could see some of the soldiers doing their morning training. Wolves are also kept roaming near the gate. This meant that the wolves will be the first ones charging in case an enemuy comes. Upon using [Analyze] Zeke saw that they can also smell hostile mana, making them difficult to deal with.

"We attack, specifically at the first break of dawn because they wouldn't suspect any attack during this time. Soldiers aren't the laxest at night. When everything seems to be clearly seen, with the help of the sun giving them vision, this is when they wouldn't expect any ambush." Zeke said in reply to Jake's complaint.

"Your breakfast can wait, right now we need to clear our goal." Zeke opened the [Settings] and went to the [Party System] command.

"First of all, I'll form a party with you so that everyone can use the [Voice Chat] option of my [System]. You can speak with each other by just using your thoughts, so there's no danger of enemies overhearing. This is only when you allow the command to activate so you don't have to worry about your allies overhearing your private thoughts." Zeke didn't wait for their reply and activated the skill.

"This is how it works." Zeke uttered in his mind, with everyone else hearing him clearly.

"Oh and don't use the voice filtering option, I don't want to hear alien, robot, or chipmunk sounds from you guys." Zeke continued, with Curio being tempted to actually do so. Everyone gave their approval and Zeke went on to the next instruction.

"For now, Heron and I need to set up the barrier. While we do so, you guys should make a strategy. I won't be meddling with it. Just know that when I give the signal, that's the time we begin fighting." Zeke didn't say the words out loud, he just thought of them and everyone heard it clearly, making the group amazed at the feature of Zeke's [System].

The gamer didn't wait for their reply and went on his way. Left with the elites is Morpheus who guarded the group closely. Although his body is still that of a boy, Morpheus is a lot stronger than any of the elites a fact which they themselves experienced firsthand during the training with Heron.

"Okay so what's the plan?" They asked Quinn who already took a stick and began drawing the basic structure of the fortress son the ground.

"From what we can see, there are around twenty guard posts. Units are also roaming both on the sky and the earth, with most of the places covered." 

Quinn gave the next set of instructions to the group in an easily understandable way. Every question was answered and every worry was given a solution. Quinn only took ten minutes to brief the group and, they began preparing soon after. This is a good thing because, only five minutes later, Zeke finally gave the signal saying:


The elites started with long ranged attacks. With Lizzie enhancing the archers, mages and Kaguya, spells rained down on the fortress while Kaguya covered the whole area with [Oblivion]. Soon enough, the barrier began cracking and, shortly after this, it shattered completely.

The soldiers were in turmoil and a loud bell was rung. They knew that it was meant to alarm everyone inside the fortress. It didn't take long for the soldiers to actually come out, swarming the whole area and preparing to fight. Quinn didn't allow this and continued barraging the whole base with projectiles.

Horus followed up by summoning a group of skeleton soldiers. These aren't as strong as his other summons but, they can be summoned in multitude, making them look like a proper army. Zilg placed [Detonates] on each soldier, making them ticking tie bombs.

"Go and introduce yourselves." Horus told his summons who immediately marched downhill. As soon as these creatures were seen by the soldiers, they made their way out of the fortress to attack. 

"Who dares attack the fortress of the great General [Kel'Thraz]?" The soldiers said, virtually one-hitting every skeleton summon of Horus.

While this went on, Merlin already finished creating a transportation circle one which would transport some of them inside the fortress. As he does not much information on the structure of the enemy base, he can't simply send them anywhere. That's why Quinn was the one who marked the location, ensuring Merlin that they can handle what would come. 

"You guys know what to do next." Quinn said to the group who nodded before Merlin finally teleported them.

Just as they disappeared, the skeleton summons already began dwindling in numbers and so, Zilg finally activated the [Detonate]. The skill created a massive area of explosion. Both [Oblivion] and the rain of projectiles was halted because Quinn and the other members are now inside.

"Summon." Horus continued, creating stronger creatures - Hobgoblins] and [Goblin Riders]. These began ravaging the areas within the fortress. Meanwhile, Kaguya already began regenerating mana in order to use [Oblivion] again. She knew from past experience that; the skill needs to be maintained as shortly as possible in order to conserve mana. 

Zeke gave her a ring which allowed dark mana to be accumulated effortlessly and, he also created a ring which filtered the dark mana accumulated by Kaguya. This way, the tamer of darkness is safe from the negative effects of it although, not entirely. 

"Don't' expose yourselves too much. End fights as quickly as you can." Quinn commanded, with his fellow elites going in groups around the fortress.

The leader of the Elites himself is all alone. He didn't want anyone to be nearby because, he needed to kill as many enemies as he can in order to feed [Avarice]. Soon after, he finally encountered three soldiers making their way outside. They saw him and immediately went for the human who said:

"Let the feast begin."

Quinn threw his sword, piercing through the helm of one soldier. Before they could even react, he was already in front of them, pulling his sword from the dead soldier and, slashing horizontally to slice the other enemies in half.

Quinn went straight to the main building, killing every soldier that came his way. With the numbers stacking up, Quinn grew stronger bit by bit. 

"I think I'm loving this new job class now." Quinn said as he continued dealing with the soldiers that came for him. 

With the suddenness of everything that happened, the soldiers are at a loss on what to do. There are enemies outside and, there are also enemies inside. But the elites knew that this confusion won't last for long. These are trained soldiers after all. And in order to continue messing with the heads of their enemies, they needed to make as many flashy attacks as possible and also, attack from all sides. 

"Is everything set?" the archers asked, eager to use the new combination skill that they learned.

"Yeah I've just finished it now." Merlin replied, assisted by his fellow mage. Around the fortress, he has created multiple one-way teleportation portals. The archers then steadied themselves and, made sure that there is a tree to lean on near their back. 

"Rapid Fire" They said, releasing 20 arrows each second without pause. These all went through the portals created by Merlin and, sent the arrows flying to all corners of the fortress. Vorst and two other defenders followed up by raising a barrier on the center of the fortress, preventing anyone from getting inside. 

Kaguya then activated [Oblivion] on the area that was left out by the barrage of arrows. With the area of battle greatly limited, Mirio, Jake, Curio, and Quinn dominated the battle, finishing out every soldier that dared get in their way.

Jake's weapon is now a spear which can be extended and retracted. Mirio's brass knuckles now have an area of effect which creates a wave of mana behind anything hit, dealing [50%] of the damage to these. Curio got mana gloves which allowed him to create throwing knives and daggers to use whenever he wished; all of which falls short from the sharpness of Zeke's weapon by just a bit.

"Don't let up. Keep pressuring them." Quinn ordered as he finally reached the inner parts of their camp. And, here, the enemies are much stronger, with cavaliers and paladins present. But even these proved to be no match for the leader of the elites who finished them with little trouble. 

This didn't last for much longer. A giant, meteor like object fell to where Quinn stood, sending him flying by a bit. The human thrusted his sword to the ground, using it to stop himself from getting blown even farther away. A cloud of dust surrounded the object but, as it settled, he saw the goal which he had from the beginning. 

Clad in dark armor and having dragon like features, the demon general [Kel'Thraz] came to give his regards.

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