The Gamer's System

Chapter 128: Unexpected

Chapter 128: Unexpected

A lot of the elites were still actually sleeping. In fact, they needed to have a long time of rest because their bodies weren't used to the extraction process yet. Because of the crystals that sucked out all the miasma from them, their bodies got drained of all its energy although, cleansed from all impurities. And thus, they all fell asleep on the spot, with both Heron and Morpheus bringing them back to the cave one by one.

But because of the ongoing fight, they were immediately woken up. The rumbling created by the training grounds extended on the whole of the cave. They all heard it, shaking so violently that they couldn't; possibly be put at ease especially because, one earth, rumbling earth meant earthquakes. And humans aren't that fond of natural disasters and calamities such as these.

Thus, everyone went and looked for the cause of all these ruckuses. Kaguya and Lizzie, still roommates even on the cave, arrived at a spot where both Heron and Morpheus were. In front of them was a tall and wide glass window and, as soon as Heron saw them, she mentioned for the said elites to come close.

"What is going on here exactly?" Kaguya asked and, Heron simply replied:

"Take a look for yourself."

The two gladly accepted the invitation and took a peek looking at the same direction Heron and Morpheus' eyes are. And, what they saw was this. Down on the training grounds, is a battle that looked as chaotic as it was elegant.

Quinn continued moving around quickly, utilizing the skills of the assassin Curio and the eyesight of Amare. He added the thrusting speed, and sharpness of Jake's javelin wielding skills while also mixing the accuracy of the archers. Adding to the mix were the attribute boosts of Lizzie and, the defensive barriers and shields of the defenders.

"Hey isn't that overkill already?" Lizzie asked Kaguya who was amazed with the display Quinn was putting on. They never saw how he dealt with the general all by himself and now that their leader had consumed a general on [Primal State] Quinn showed a higher level of power.

"Take a closer look." Morpheus replied an advice which the two immediately followed.

Normally, Quinn would only require three skills as a combination. This was the reason why Lizzie asked what she did. But with the current opponent, Quinn was forced to use much more as, all his earlier attempts to match the [Conjure] proved to be futile.

"Let's see how you like this." He said after stepping back from the [Conjure's] relentless advance.

He leapt up and, created a barrage of arrows mixed with spells, combining both magical and physical attacks. Then, Quinn followed through by summoning two creatures to hold down Zeke's [Conjure] which didn't last long as, it only took the creature a single slash to destroy these summons.

But this was a all it took for Quin to be in place for his next attack. He activated [Oblivion] for a few seconds and, while this went on, he added [Internal Ring] to boost his attribute points. Through this, his enemy would not be able to block him. Ensuring that his attack would be successful, Quinn added [Flash Rush] to the mix achieving the maximum speed to destroy any normal opponent.

But Zeke's [Conjure] was nowhere near normal. In fact, even with [Oblivion] activated, the creature was able to parry the attack. It utilized the force created by Quinn's blow to continue moving its body sideways. Then, with the free hand of the [Conjure] it punched Quinn down to the ground.

This would've been the end of Quinn. Under normal circumstances, the [Conjure] would've probably followed this up by stabbing or slashing any vital part but, Zeke prohibited it from doing so. He gave the specific instruction to his [Conjure] to not deal too much damage on the human. And of course, the creature followed as all [Conjures] have unquestioning loyalty toward him.

"And here I thought you actually got stronger." Zeke taunted which, Quinn took personally. 

The human got back up by using [Oblivion] again. This time, he made it stronger in order for him to get pulled out quickly. The [Conjure] who didn't expect this got its prey escaping and, as soon as Quinn knew he was safe, he deactivated the skill and regained his composure standing up and into a stance.

"Bravo." Zeke thought to himself, understanding the complexity of the combination performed by the human and how, there weren't a lot of individuals creative enough to make use of their skills that way.

Nevertheless, Quinn still found himself in a pinch. While he began breathing heavily, the [Conjure] was still perfectly fine. In fact, as a sort of undead summon, the conjures do not get tired no matter how long they fought. It didn't matter if they took years, slashing at their opponents. As long as the caster lived and, as long as the caster could supply mana, the [Conjures] would continue fighting.

"Come on now. Surely there's more to what you can do than this." Zeke jested but, even he knew how disadvantageous the fight was for the human.

Zeke's unnamed [Conjure] moved so fluidly, having all the proper skills of the soldiers that were merged in order to create it. Thus, all skills are also refined versions of the ones owned by the merged [Conjures]. And how strong was Zeke's [Conjure] exactly?

The newly merged creature had a [D+] rank. This creature was already on the evolved phase so, basically, what Quinn fought was at the same level of the boss monsters which Zeke dealt with within Yaeger's realm.

But there was a larger problem. Due to the aura skills of Zeke, the summon was also greatly strengthened, raising the unnamed [Conjure's] rank to [C+]. Strong enough to fight against a [Primal State] general and come out winning without even getting too serious.

"More kid, you're losing your pace.' Zee shouted, as if he was rooting for Quinn who still tried measuring up his opponent. There wasn't much for him to measure though as, the creature was just a lot stronger than he was.

Meanwhile, on the top view, the elites and the two comrades of Zeke were all getting more and more pumped up with the fight. They wanted to have some piece of action themselves although they have just woken up from the effects of the extraction.

It wasn't normal for them to see a fight of this caliber without actually having to engage in it and thus, they both learned from the fight and, tried to engrave all the movements on their heads. Heron didn't even need to tell them to do so, the elites instinctively knew that all of this would be useful later on.

Meanwhile, Zeke watched the fight just as carefully. He wasn't simply amusing himself and showing how large the gap was between him and the human. In fact, he intended for the fight to be a learning experience. Both for the commanding leader of the elites and, the group itself which he had observed to be already watching the fight. 

Everything about the little sparing session was a disadvantage to Quinn when it came to raw strength. But, Zeke knew that this won't be a problem as long as Quinn knew how to use all his cards properly.

"Fight isn't all about brute strength and raw power." Zeke thought to himself, watching the human get pushed back by his [Conjure] over and over again.

"Get a little bit more serious on him. I don't mind." Zeke commanded his creature which still held back as it was told. 

But now that the order was given, one could see how the [Conjure] seemed to have a gleeful expression on its face. Its eyes gleamed like a predator's and, soon emitted flame-like mana.

"I suggest you put more effort if you don't want to get killed" Zeke advised Quinn who watched his enemy's power spiking up rapidly.

The human tried backing up some more but, there was nowhere to run to. The terrain was so flat that, Quinn didn't have much to utilize. There were a lot of trees and large rocks but that was just about it. Each of these was good enough to create blind spots but, wouldn't do much when it came to defense. And because Quinn didn't have much options, he went for one of the trees for the former reason.

The [Conjure] followed suit, having its weapon divided into two blades which made it eve swifter. On the first form of the [Conjure's] weapon, it needed to create larger movements and thus, was a bit slower. But now that it became a dual wielder, its speed was nothing like how Quinn first measured it.

Hence, even before the human could hide behind one of the trees, the [Conjure] suddenly vanished, only to appear right in front of hm.

"Shit." Quinn said, activating [Overdrive] as soon as he could as, the [Conjure] swung both its swords horizontally.

The attack created a wave of mana damaged the whole area. Zeke prevented himself from getting hit by setting up a barrier and, he extended this to the observers; ensuring their safety.

Quinn on the other hand decided to try another strategy tapping the [Conjure] multiple times during the interval of him bending down to dodge. He then continued by saying [Detonate]. But instead of any skill shot, there were summons that began coming out through magic circles on top of the [Conjure's] armor.

These are called [Skutz], creatures which only exist within the Demon Continent. They may be weak individually and, they are even weak in numbers but, their strength is still in their numbers. Quinn. Who learned about them due to consuming the general, have then utilized the monsters for the fight.

These distracted the [Conjure] long enough for Quinn to begin charging an attack. As the [Skutz] only have defensive stats, their large numbers is troublesome because it would take at least two normal attacks to kill one off.

"I hope that this place won't come crashing down." Quinn continued, beginning to gather the miasma that already dispersed. 

Zeke felt the pressure form from this attack as the air itself seemed to get thinner. He saw the miasma beginning to attach itself on Quin s' body and, finally moved before any form of disaster could occur. He used [Shadow Dive] appearing at the back of the human and making a quick activation of [Somnus].

But Quinn had a sort of resistance because of the skill. Enabling him to turn and make a swing. Zeke was forced to put all his strength on one arm as he parried the blow. This released so much force that, even the barrier Zeke created got shattered. Luckily enough, both Heron and Morpheus were also nearby. They prevented any harm from coming to the elites as they've also set up their own defenses.

Then, before Quinn could make a second attempt, Zeke use a stronger version of [Somnus]. This turned Quinn immediately unconscious and, as all this occurred Zeke only had one thought on his mind.

"That was close." 

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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