The Gamer's System

Chapter 132: RAIIIID!

Chapter 132: RAIIIID!

The following day soon followed. Everyone was surprised with how fast Zeke did things that, when they went to the dining area, the equipment and weapons were all there waiting to be claimed. It was like an early Christmas gift and, the group felt it weird that they now got excited from having armor and weapons instead of other stuff like clothing, gadgets and other vanities of earth.

"Mister Zeke, do you know why I'm craving these stuff now instead of skin care products?" Eerie asked Zeke as she came closer to him and, Zeke decided to announce the answer to everyone.

"If you guys have some weird liking towards armor, weapons, and other items, don't fret about it too much. That is also part of the things that changes within yourselves as soon as you transferred to Mythos. The universe adjusts your desires based on what the world can offer because, it would be illogical to desire those that are not present here." This clarified things for the elites as, even the major deities never mentioned this to them.

"Claim those later. We need to eat first because there are a lot of things that I still need to tell you." Zeke announced to the group and so, they all went for the table and began digging in on the food prepared. 

During this time, Zeke already gave the instructions on how to use each weapon and armor. All their features and, the other important stuff related to these. He made sure that everything was easy to use in order to avoid any confusion. This somehow lowered the number of things which their new equipment and weapons could do but, nevertheless, the difference wasn't that much to be noticeable.

With their mealtime about to end, the group had nothing else in mind but excitement. They wanted to have a test run as soon as possible and with real enemies. And as if the universe heard them, a loud explosion happened at that very moment.


There wasn't just one. A couple of strong explosions came which shook the hideout violently. Soon, what followed what followed was the sound of objects falling continually from the sky. The elites were just about to pick up their weapons but, Zeke motioned for them not to make any move as he set the [System] up for them. 

With the [Gamer's Mind] in his disposal, Zeke was unbothered with the events. This enabled him to act as he usually does with both calmness and practicality in decisions. The gamer immediately activated the [Party System] and used the [Voice Chat] function right away. He gave the instructions to the elites by thinking of the words instead of saying them because, if he spoke together with the explosions, some of the things he would say would probably be unclear.

"My minimap shows that there are multiple enemies above us. They all have the same size of red dots as normal soldiers but, there are also some which are labelled stronger so you need to watch out for those." Zeke began.

"There's not much time to explain. Our position has been compromised so here are your items." He continued, snapping his fingers and teleporting the armors and weapons to their proper owners. These were already equipped because, with the improved party system, Zeke could also make the party members have the same function of putting on armor and weapons as fast as in games, without much fidgeting.

"For now, Heron and I need to limit the vision of our enemies. Morpheus will assist you on the surface so do what you can to beat those enemies down." Zeke furthered, getting a nod of agreement from everyone who went and did as they were told. 

"I'm actually getting the hang of all this fighting stuff." Jake told Quinn who gave a light chuckle to his teammate.

"I guess we all are." He said in reply.

The elites positioned themselves on the transport area and, in a few seconds, found themselves in the middle of the battlefield. But Zeke didn't let them go without any preparation of course. Both Heron and he created the [Cloud of Dreams] on the area where the group would appear, disabling any enemy from seeing them and, giving the group at least a minute before fighting the enemies.

Of course, Morpheus already did his part and began shaking up those that came. He transformed into something which looked a lot like a dragon and, flew on the sky with such a speed that the soldiers were in a bit of a loss at what to do.

"What now?" Amare asked Quinn who've began thinking of a strategy as soon as Zeke told them of the enemies.

"We haven't discussed each other's job classes yet so I can't make a plan as solid as I did before. For now, we'll do formation Epsilon and figure things out as we progress." Quinn commanded, not even needing minute to say all these things. The group followed without question; dispersing based on the formation's details.

"Is that the one where I blow everything up?' Zilg asked, unsure of the details of the formation.

"No you idiot! That's formation Zeta!" Merlin replied, giving the [Trap Expert] a short overview of the plan which made Zilg laugh even more madman like.

"Now that is even better!" He said, running around the area and doing what he does best creating traps for the enemies. 

Meanwhile, the two mages created a leverage for the archers. It was high enough to get a clear view of the whole battlefield but, not high enough for the aerial enemies to swoop down without any consequences. 

Only Gawain stood here however. Her partner, Eerie, chose to get a bit closer to the enemies utilizing her [Secondary job Class] which Gawain also did. On his hand, the archer had a huge shield and, the human planted this on the leverage created for him. 

"I hope he got the specs of this thing right." He told himself, executing things based on the concept he gave Zeke and, on the explanation given earlier. But, of course, the gamer didn't follow the whole concept to point. In fact, he upgraded it, giving Gawain something more than what he ever hoped for.

The shield began reconstructing and, as it did, it created a new form while also maintaining the shape of both weapons used by Gawain. It was a gigantic bow, as big as Gawain and, this stood using the shield in front as its stand. 

Aside from defending Gawain, the shield was also there to amplify every shot. On its middle is an almost transparent looking sheet of mana and, everything that passes through this gets its power amplified. On four sides of the shield, there were gravitational crystals that helped Gawain handle the weight of the new bow. Aside from this, Gawain also wore goggles that were connected to the aiming system of the weapon and, on both his arms are armor which protected it from getting too strained.

"Quinn, I think the formation won't last for long." Gawain said as he began collecting a massive amount of mana for his shot. The enemies took notice of this of course and tried going for him. But with the defenders present, they had zero chances of even laying a finger on the archer.

While this went on, the group did a fine job of extending their area of defense little by little. Horus created small summons, those that crawl under the ground and, each of these were placed with [Detonates]. Zilg continued making them explode as soon as they reached the enemies making the soldiers wonder where on earth the attacks were coming from. The summons were just worm sized so, their presence were both insignificant and difficult to detect.

Meanwhile, the defenders created a barrier which was in a dome shape. Protecting the group from aerial attacks and from every attack that could come from all sides. With Lizzie enhancing this, the barrier won't come down with a couple of measly attacks.

A lot of things happened while Gawain charged his attack but, the number of soldiers were still too much for them to handle. They needed to fire [AoE] attacks and, this began with Gawain. After a few more seconds of charging Gawain finally released his first arrow.

It almost seemed like the wind was cut in half as the arrow passed through. A spiraling blizzard crawled on the earth like a snake and, it continued rampaging towards the direction created by the arrow. The wind was so sharp that, everything it touched got sliced into multiple pieces and, with this, the elites were finally able to deal a massive amount of death.

Quinn remembered what Gawain said a few second ago, about the plan needing to change. And he responded to the archer whose growth was quite obvious with the shot that was fired.

"Yeah, I think you're right." Quinn responded with glee.

But even with a portion decreased, they still had no clear grasp of the number of enemies. But, down below, Zeke already saw that there were enough troops for 20 generals. In fact, enemies came from all sides, as if they knew exactly where Zeke and his companions were hiding and, this troubled Heron.

"Master, is there a spy among us?" Her tone was worried, not wanting to believe it herself but, that was the only reasonable explanation for whatever was happening at the moment. Zeke only smiled at her and told the [Dragon Morpher] to just focus on what she was doing. 

Indeed, the number of troops amounted to those owned by at least twenty generals and, this wasn't exactly accurate. There were only 18 Generals altogether but, if there was a silver lining to all of this, it was that there was nobody on the level of [Kel'Thraz] among them meaning, even if they got to their [Primal States], the elites would probably be able to handle the generals. That is, if they don't got and transform all at the same time.

Meanwhile the offensive assault of the elites continued and, this time, it would be good to look at the archer counterpart of Gawain Eerie. Currently, the other archer focused on getting closer to the enemies. Because of her weakness on long range attacks, the archer decided to focus on closer range which she seemed to excel at. 

Through [Lucky Gambles], the archer was bale to raise her chances of creating fatal blows and, with the modifications she asked Zeke to make, she was able to utilize this [Job Class Feature] at a rapid rate. 

On both her hands were something that looked a lot like small crossbows and that is probably what they are. These things are fed with mana just like Sylph's [Infinity Bow] and, as long as the archer was able to supply it with such, she would never run out of ammunition. And not just this, the amount of mana required per arrow is not that much making the chances for her to run out even slimmer. Adding to the improvements Zeke made were two mana crystals installed on both crossbow guns.

Hence, Eerie could even fire as rapidly as a machine gun and she did. She continued firring her arrows on every enemy; waiting for the crits to stack up as they inevitably hit their marks. Although weak with only one arrow, the stacked-up damage caught each soldier by surprise as it felt like a raging waterfall that fell as high as the skies above. Hence, taking this head on meant instant death. 

Another quirky feature of [Lucky Gambler] enabled Eerie's body to move on its own from time to time. This allowed her to dodge some attacks and, hit more vital spots with her arrows and so, even with the sea of soldiers in front of them, the archer was not fazed. Together with Gawain, the two archers were able to take down more enemies than they ever did before and, together with the other elites, they continued marching forward.

But underground, Heron was still in deep thought. She wondered long and hard about the current situation and, the words she uttered moments ago. She knew she had to be right because nothing else would be logical.

"There is a traitor among us."

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