The Gamer's System

Chapter 142: Judgement

Chapter 142: Judgement

Within the [Cloud of Dreams], Heron doesn't only get to distort all the senses of her enemies but, she also gets a multiplier for her attributes and skills. At the time she also decreases the same things mentioned for those marked as her enemies. Hence, Sylph should've been greatly weakened but, that was not the case.

The female elf was oozing with power. In fact, even with her decreased attributes, she was still stronger than both Heron and Morpheus. The female elf was clothed in lightweight armor, not the same villainous looking one that the generals have in their [Primal State]. 

Sylph's armor looked more regal and elf life. With carvings of vines and leaves that could be seen on the plates of her armor while, her helm allowed her to see but also covered the whole of her head, preventing any attack to hit it directly. 

Her twin bows floated at her back, looking a lot like wings as they transformed into such. The feathers were actually arrowheads made of pure mana. On her hands were curved daggers and, these also emitted mana. 

Meanwhile, Heron also changed appearance but, not that much. Her dragon horns now came out with a golden yellow color and, her eyes turned the same, with the pupils looking like diamonds in shape. Her skin also showed a bit of scaling but, not that much to take notice of and, both her tail and her wings were also out, showing a pure white color, with linings of gold.

Her clothes also changed color into the same white shade, adorned at some parts with dragon scale-like designs that had the same color as both her horns and her eyes. Although not looking like much, the clothes of Heron was actually infused with the scales of the [Chaos Dragon], making it tougher even though it only seemed to be made of nothing else but cloth.

"We don't have much time." The [Dragon Morpher] told telepathically to Morpheus as she hovered on the sky. And with this, the battle finally began.

Although the realm was powerful, there was a slight problem to it. Since Heron was actively engaging in combat, she couldn't focus on maintaining it and, she also doesn't have time to drink [Mana Potions] in order to prolong it. Thus, they only had 20 minutes in her realm and, within this time, they needed to defeat sylph.

But that in itself proved to be difficult because now, both of the female elf's bows were being fully utilized. Nothing else could describe Sylph's attacks but monstrous as, the arrowheads fired fiercely at both Heron and Morpheus. But this wasn't the end of her problems because, Sylph was just as strong in close quarter combat.

"You must think that you've got me cornered." Sylph told them, kicking Morpheus on the face and making him kneel down. She then used his back to jump up, shoveling Morpheus' face to the ground as she went after Heron.

With the [Dragon Morpher] needing to dodge the arrowheads, there was no opening for her to make an attack. Sylph met her in mid-air, spinning with her double daggers and coming in for the kill. Through this interval, Sylph didn't forget to continue firing the arrowheads and so, her enemies still couldn't do much but dodge or block. 

Hence, Heron got blown down, hitting Morpheus at high speed. The two of them scurried to their feet but, they saw that Sylph didn't continue her attack. Instead, she began hopping up and down, with small gusts of wind being released every time her feet lands on the mist. Her wings also regenerated the arrowheads that were already gone meaning, there was no end to her ammunition.

"You've got another thing coming if you think you can defeat me." Sylph told the two, spinning her daggers on her head while her enemies poised to strike.

Both sides made their move immediately. But this time, Heron was prepared for the enemy. She snapped her fingers, turning the whole realm into a forest with a large number of thick trees covering them. 

The sudden change in environment got Sylph by surprise. Due to the nature of the area, her arrowheads couldn't find their targets properly and, even if they did, the number of trees made it difficult for them to land as they would hit these objects from time to time. 

Morpheus didn't have the same problem however, appearing miraculously through a tree and punching Sylph in the gut. The elf was sent flying towards another tree which both broke and came down in the process.

Things didn't end there however as, Heron's shadow also loomed in the sky. Arrowheads tried hitting her but, the [Dragon Morpher] was too fast for them, making her reach Sylph in a matter of seconds. But the elf knew better than to get hit twice. 

She planted one of her daggers deeply on the ground and used a gust of wind to push her body. This spun quickly enough in order for her to evade the stab aimed at her shoulder. The elf then proceeded to kicking Heron who was forced to block. This made a pause in the fight once again with the duo winning the second bout.

"We're not so easy ourselves." She announced to the elf who got back to her feet. Then, after a deadly silence, the three finally engaged in full blown combat.

"I'll deal with all the long-range attacks. You focus on close quarters." Morpheus announced, changing his weapon into something that looked a lot like Zeke's twin pistols. 

Sylph saw this and felt a slight headache. She didn't want to remember the person anymore but, there was no helping it. And if Morpheus did anything to the fight, it was angering Sylph who now bursted out more arrowheads from her double bows. 

From what they already experience in the fight, Heron and Morpheus knew that the bows acted as a separate entity altogether. They aimed on their own with the same amount of skill as Sylph while, the female elf only needed to focus on Heron who faced her head on.

"Are you working for him? Tell me!" Sylph demanded, releasing two arrowheads that forced Heron to land. Sylph didnt miss this chance and swept the floor with her leg; tripping Heron who immediately did the same to Sylph using her tail which pulled the elf down.

But even as she tripped, Sylph was still able to maneuver her body. Hence, her blade was already directed to Heron's chest and, the [Dragon Morpher] answered in kind by finally breaking her weapon into two. Revealing a small katana which paired with a now regular sized one.

She used the smaller Katana to parry Sylph while the hilt of the longer one was used to hit Sylphs forehead; forcing back the elf with a small wound opening up.

"Well aren't you full of surprises." Sylph said, enjoying the fight herself.

Even though the realm sucked up some of her strength and continued disorienting her, Sylph was still able to handle herself well. This made Heron think that it was for the best that they contained her before she showed her full force.

Heron activated another skill, multiplying herself into five which all attacked Sylph simultaneously. Morpheus was excited about this and did the same; giving Sylph a total of 10 enemies to deal with.

"You've got to be kidding me right?" She announced, dodging the attacks which soon followed. But unlike the first few minutes of the fight, there were just too many of them.

Yet Sylph didn't mind. She didn't care that she was overwhelmed. In fact, she continued fighting back and, as the fight progressed, her senses also heightened, making her dodge more and more of the attacks. At the same time, she was able to slowly execute counters as well.

This was due to the skill called [Yaeger's Battel Sense] a skill she developed from being in the realm of the goddess for a period of time. Not everyone was able to receive this blessing of course. Only her and, it wasn't until she was trapped in the maze that this showed up.

What the skill basically does is this:

[Information: As the fight progresses, the attributes of the skill owner heightens temporarily. There is no limit to this and the one getting sharpened most are the instincts of the skill owner.]

Heron saw this of course and so, she took back all the clones while also changing the terrain once again. This time, they are place on the bottom of a small rift which, again, made maneuverability difficult for Sylph. Before Sylph could even adjust to this, Morpheus already found his way near the elf as he announced:

"My turn." 

The boy had his emerald-colored eyes glow in excitement. He excelled in long range battles of course but, he was even more excellent at close quarters. He made a motion of punching Sylph's stomach which the elf answered by directing her daggers at the boy's neck. But this was only a feint as Morpheus targeted the ground, making it rumble as multiple rock pillars rose.

It wasn't only Sylph who got stronger as the fight progressed. Because of Morpheus having the [Chimera] trait, he also got stronger; adapting to Sylph and to her increasing power. Hence, he was also the one best suited to fight her head on, with his real weapon finally getting released.

"Amon!" he called out, creating deep blue flames which turned into a great sword one larger than his small frame.

And what surprised Sylph even more was, how quickly Morpheus moved even with the gigantic weapon. The boy didn't make any large lapses to his attacks. He maneuvered through the pillars he created while Sylph jumped up to fire a large number of arrowheads at him.

The sky wasn't the best option however as, Heron freely roamed there. The [Dragon Morpher] kicked slashed the elven count and, this time the hit successfully landed, breaking a part of Sylph's armor as she was forced to come down.

As she did, more pillars came up and not only this, clones of Morpheus also showed up. Sylph fired three arrowheads to the sky which Heron completely dodged as she answered in kind with her own barrage of fire spells.

Sylph was able to dodge all this but, not the clones of Morpheus who made a combo in attacking her. Even with the odds against her, Sylph was still able to take down all the clones, landing swift strikes every time they attacked her. Of course, this cam ta the price of herself sustaining some damage but, Sylph thought that this was a small price to pay.

"Now this is a real fight!" She exclaimed, with the real Morpheus throwing the great sword at her, destroying some pillars in the process. Sylph dodged this but, the force of the throw was so great that, the ground below shattered and released a burst of blue flames.

Morpheus followed quickly; leaping through the pillars in order to reach Sylph. He then proceeded to gripping on Sylphs' hands, screaming in pain as her daggers stabbed through his palms while he turned these into golem hands.

"Crazy kid." Sylph said, seeing a large shadow looming over her and, as she looked, it was none other than the greatsword [Amon], grabbed by Morpheus' tail and swung by it.

Sylph was able to escape but, at the price of both her daggers being discarded. One of the bows also got broken and so did most of her armor which got hit by the weapon. But this wasn't without any merit because, she still had extra daggers which she then held.

Both Heron and Morpheus thought that they already had the fight in the bag. With not less than five minutes remaining on the realm, they were about to reach the end of the fight. But it wasn't about to go as they planned because, on the sky, three magic circles formed toping over each other. The elf smiled at her triumph as she casted:


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