The Gamer's System

Chapter 152: A Week After

Chapter 152: A Week After

A week has passed since the incident with Sylph. Upon returning, she was of course completely drained. So much so that even though she wanted to get up and pick her weapon, there was no strength on both her arms and her legs.

Zeke himself was also worried about a lot of things. The first among these is the fact that, there was a clone who looked so much like him. But the good news is that he was able to confirm a lot of things. One is that, the other continents are ruled by the other Windsprites and the Fake Zeke. The second is that, he was finally able to see the whole ordeal which occurred. He was also able to confirm that Glade believed he was dead since, his former body was being used by something made by the sly elf king.

"I'm going to tear down everything he built." Zeke thought to himself, ready to bring the hurting to the elf king.

Zeke also had troubles after he introduced himself properly to Sylph. This shocked the archer of course because, Zeke had the body of her sister's son. This was a straining information to take in for her but, Zeke decided that it would be in the group's best interest if Sylph was told of this earlier on. Aside from this, he slowly told her of all the necessary information about the continent. This was, of course, coupled by Sylph regaining her strength. 

Apparently, the transformation she did when fighting Heron and Morpheus had a similar consequence to [Primal State]. The only difference was that, since her body was more powerful and even evolved, she only needed to give a payback of getting drastically weakened for a short period of time. This didn't pose as much of a problem however. With Zeke's assistance, she was able to recover without fail.

Aside from this, the elites have also carefully gone through with their task. After laying out the instruction on one area, they immediately proceeded to the next and, were able to create twice the amount of results which Zeke initially expected.

They weren't able to cover the whole of the Demon Continent however as it is too vast. But this wasn't a problem because Zeke already had a plan laid out for the following week. For the moment, the elites were called back to the base to take at least a day of rest which would, again, be followed by the strategizing that comes the following day.

Lastly, Zeke has also placed the said preventive measures over the whole continent, ensuring that no enemy could come in easily. In fact, he made the barrier so well that, even Glade and his best weaponry would probably not be able to pierce through it. 

But how did Zeke do this exactly. It's simple, he reverse engineered the crystal used by Glade to power the barrier which as placed around the portal area. Since it could block even the continent destroying [Chaos Black Flames], Zeke thought that it was already powerful on its own. Not powerful enough however. 

The barrier still needed a lot of tweaking which, in turn, required a load full of materials. Of course, Zeke was prepared for this. He didn't only have the necessary materials; he had a whole inventory full of it. And so, within that same week of all these events happening, Zeke was able to put up the barrier. One which was able to defend even against a storm of arrows of the same caliber as Sylph's attacks.

Yet Zeke wasn't done. In fact, he had more in store for the continent. Thus, as soon as the elites returned, he readied the plans and items for the following day.

"You really are something else huh?" Sylph noted, walking inside the room where the gamer was staying.

She was still not used to the fact that it was Zeke she was talking to although the body was once owned by Keith. She also didn't like the fact that the boy was actually already dead but, there was nothing that could be done about the tragedy.

"You should also get some rest. Just because you've recovered doesn't mean you can goa round staying up late." He noted.

"Awwww are you actually worried about me?" Sylph teased, which left a blank expression on Zeke's face. He has [Gamer's Mind] after all so emotions were easier to control and manipulate.

"I swear, something might've come loose on that head of yours." He commented, going back to his work. It wasn't usual for Sylph to interact with him that way and it weirded him out. 

He kept on thinking that the mannequin might've swapped places with her on the last second but he brushed it aside each and every time. Thinking how the thought was illogical no matter how many times it pops on his head.

Yet, this wasn't the reason why she was acting that way. With Zeke entering her, she felt a connection linger, one which she couldn't just dismiss. It also didn't help that Zeke has turned into an elf and, not the ordinary kind but Windsprite material. His body was well built yet had a gentle and handsome face. His voice was also deep and alluring, something which the female elites also couldn't deny. And, he had an aura of royalty to him. 

Zeke was the whole package of brawns, brain and handsomeness. This was all running wildly on Sylph's head because, the years of torture and brainwashing made her want to catch up on all the time she lost. And, the best way she thought this could be done was to find a suitable partner whom she could spend the rest of her life with.

"So how about we go for a little stroll around the continent?" She asked in an enticing voice, placing her finger on his chest which sent shivers down Zeke's spine.

"Can you stop being weird? We still have a bunch of other things to fulfill after all." He said in reply which was, of course, correct. 

Aside from giving livelihood to the people, they needed to fix the population, militarization, the government and, the further advancements to the technologies.

"Can we start going out after we're trough with your list of tasks?" Sylph asked, really wanting more alone time with Zeke. And possibly in his bedroom if the gamer permits.

"Agreed." Zeke immediately said.

He knew that there was no way for the tasks to end. As long as the [System] remained, he'd always have tasks to accomplish. And he wasn't sure if the system even supported missions connected to dating and romantic relationships.

"But you know, this large-scale operation of yours is really something else. It's not everyday that you can see a person doing both the conquering and restoring of a continent at the same time."

"Okay first of all, I didn't do them at the same time. I first destroyed this evil dynasty which you lead by the way."

"HEEEYYY! That wasn't me! That was brainwashed me which, technically, wasn't really me!" Sylph said in defiance, standing up and raising her voice as if these could help in proving her point. 

"Plus, I'm not conquering. I'm simply helping in the restoration and security of this place, that's all." Zeke was tinkering with some objects on his hands, watching some small sparks fly from time to time.

"Yeah, there's that. But I have a question for you. Why did you choose the Demon Continent exactly? There were a lot of continents to go around and, there was nothing particularly special about this one. In fact, it has the most desolate lands and the most unforgiving environment." Sylph continued which made Zeke stop from doing whatever it was that he was doing.

"It's actually a lot simpler than you think. The humans were transported here. The humans who share the same fate as I. These individuals were driven into this unfavorable situation because some almighty beings aren't actually that almighty after all." Zeke said in reply, resuming his task.

"Hey careful, they can hear you." Sylph reminded but, Zeke simply gave a short chuckle.

"They can't. They formed a contract binding them to have no vision of Mythos as soon as the elites dropped here. That's why I could only come out during this time. Aside from having to hide from Glade, I also didn't want them knowing that I still lived."

"And why is that?"

"You have a lot of question, don't you?" 

"Well of course I do. Plus, it might help in my recovery you know so might as well answer them." 


"We'll discuss it once your other sisters have been retrieved. For now, you should focus on regaining all your proper memories because those would be good leads to some important parts of our future missions."

"So you really just had the elites in mind when you chose this continent?"

"Don't think too much about it. I'm not some missionary saint. I'm just here to finish some things that I was forced to do."

This wasn't true at all. Deep down, Zeke knew that the reason why he chose the Demon Continent was because, he thought of how unjust the treatment for the people there was. The fact that the Demons still tried living peaceful lives there despite all of this showed that they are actually kinder than what everyone presumed.

Even with their own land poisoning them and, the other Continents labelling them as evil, the Demons never retaliated. They survived on their own and tried to build a place where the future generation of demons could leave peacefully. That's why, Zeke aided them above all else. 

They were the most giving despite all the depravity thrown at them. He didn't like that their main patron was Nisha however but, it beat being in a continent where Sinclair was the main deity.

That's why Zeke was so focused and motivated. He wanted to be a being strong enough to do whatever he wills and, the first among this list was to restore balance and order in everything. But, for this to occur, he needed more power. But even with his current limits, he wanted to somehow demonstrate that this could still be done. 

He was diligently fixing everything in the plan. He updated this each and every day, as soon as he woke up and before he went to sleep. Without him knowing, Sylph was actually silently watching him adoring the amount of work and effort that the human was putting in his work.

There was more to what she felt rather than simply mating. She liked Zeke from the start but, she just couldn't come around to admitting that she liked a human. 

She loved how hardworking and earnest he was. That was probably the reason why the mind-altering drug administered by Glade had such a negative effect on her. She knew deep down that Zeke was incapable of such atrocious acts and, her body fought to claim dominance over this. That's why, this time around, she decided not to be so reserved with displaying what she really felt.

She wanted to stare at him a while longer but, the gamer gave her an irritated look motioning for her to go away. She gave a sly smile and finally got up, hugging the gamer who wanted to poison her for doing so.

"Don't overwork yourself.' She said, finally going to bed.

As soon as she was outside the room, Zeke stopped from what he was doing for a while. He felt the shoulders where Sylph's arms wrapped itself around and, for some reason, he felt it getting lighter.

"Weird." He said, going back to work with a smile on his face.

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