The Gamer's System

Chapter 157: Training With The Windsprite

Chapter 157: Training With The Windsprite

"Okay who'll be the first on the list?" Sylph asked, stretching out her body before anyone came forward.

Just like what Sylph ordered, the group rested for one more day. This made their bodies completely recover and in fact, were already itching to have their turn on fighting the same opponent who could keep her ground against both Heron and Morpheus.

Aside from the fact that she needed to gauge them out, fighting was also the best and fastest way to assert dominance over them. Although they were following her already, she still needed to clearly establish both her role and their hierarchy. She didn't need any ruffian or disobedient soldier on her group and so, this measure was necessary.

"Me." Eerie said who had a similar job class to Sylph. The elites actually had a rock-paper-scissors contest to determine who would go first. Hence, Eerie came forward, bringing her new weapon with her.

"Ohh that's some neat toys you got there." Sylph noted, seeing how her weapon has actually changed since Zeke modified all that the elites wielded. Her double crossbow turned into actual twin pistols which could fire as rapidly as machine guns. 

The gun itself doesn't overheat because of its core which stores all the heat and built-up force for the weapon. It collects all the strain which, once replaced, enables the weapon to fire as good as new. The reloading itself doesn't take that long and the amount of ammunition that could be carried per core is long enough to last her 20 mins in combat without stopping. 

"Don't worry I'll let you play with them once I beat you." Erie said in reply to Sylph's provocation.

On the corner of the room, everyone was gathered and waiting for their turn to come. They had their weapons prepared beside them. Some wanted Eerie to tire Sylph out in order to make fighting later on easier while, some hoped that the strength of Sylph won't get reduced. Then there were also some who wished for the fight to end really quick.

"Shall we begin?" Sylph asked and, with the elite giving a nod, the first fight finally commenced. 

As mentioned, Eerie's guns could fire as fast as machine guns. There wasn't much interval between bullets fired and so, evading would nearly be impossible. And yet, Sylph was dancing through the bullets. Her footwork could be described as nothing less than superb as she evaded bullet after bullet.

"She's not a ghost right?" Mordred asked Julia who was thinking the same thing as her.

With Eerie's [Gambler] job class, she was able to fire sure hit bullets from time to time. These were easily maneuvered through by Sylph who, aside from dodging also shot arrows that countered the said bullets. Then, she fired five arrows simultaneously which were directed at Eerie.

The elite was able to dodge all his and, with her [Gambler] job class, she was able to dodge even better. Then she sped up the rate of fire, trying to corner Sylph. But even these didn't do any damage to Sylph as she simply fired an arrow which was powerful enough to destroy the first five seconds of bullets coming.

"They're fighting so evenly. I can't believe Eerie is actually holding her ground." Red commented but, was quickly dismissed by Quinn.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that." He said, viewing the fight closely and seeing that Sylph was actually moving effortlessly while, all the strain and pressure was on Eerie.

With five minutes of the exchange passing, Eerie took out the cores that were supposed to be taken out later on. This was because, a little surprise was placed within them and Eerie immediately activated this, saying:

"Disperse." A rain of bullets came down on Sylph and this created a large cloud of dust which covered the area. 

"You missed." Sylph said, jumping up from the cloud of dust and firing two more arrows at Eerie. These were both taken down as she used her other gun that still had the core attached to it. She then quickly replaced the core on the other gun and, began firing at Sylph who was still in midair.

Sylph fired at these, using [Air Step] which allowed her to maneuver at her current location. She fired at the bullets, destroying all of them and even making one pass right next to Eerie's cheek.

"Is that all you got?" She taunted, making Eerie activate her trump card.

"Hight Stakes!" 

This skill allowed Eerie's attributes to grow in proportion to the power of her enemy. Through this, she could match and even surpass the attributes of her enemy but, doing so sacrifices all her mana in the process. Hence the reason why she had the guns made. The cores already had mana stored in them meaning, she didn't need to cast any other spell.

After using this, one of her guns turned into a double barrel, while the other remained in its base from. This piqued Sylph's interest as her enemy vanished from her sight.

"I don't' think so." Was all that Sylph said as she final activated the skill that she planned on using from the get go.

"Domain Binder." Immediately, Eerie was thrown back at the ground and, before she new it, Sylph was already there at point blank range ready to fire an arrow through her skull.

"I surrender." Eerie admitted, getting annoyed that she wasn't even able to display the full force of her skills.

"You did a good job. I was also able to feel your power spiking when you used that skill. Next time though, be more aware of your surroundings and the attacks made by your opponents, what seemed to be only missed shots could actually be a set up for a more powerful skill."

She patted Eerie's head and waited for the next victim to come forward. This time, it was Mirio, already having his weapon on and his personality changed.

"OKAY LET'S HAVE A GO!" He said, all fired up.

"Oh my. A melee fighter? Fine, I'll play by your book." Sylph took out a combat knife and hid her bow and arrows. She then positioned herself on a half crouch stance.

The fight immediately began without any signals needed to be made. Mirio release punch after punch that was imbued with mana shockwaves. Sylph knew how dangerous it would be to get hit with this and so, she began by creating some distance.

"What's wrong? I thought you'd be playing by my book?" Mirio taunted to which Sylph only smirked. If it was the old her, she would've easily gotten irritated but, her version at the moment knew better than to allow such petty words to affect her.

Hence she continued evading him. Then, Mirio did and activated [Inner Ring], giving him a huge attribute boost. The elite then dashed at a speed which was not displayed at the beginning of the fight; hoping to catch Sylph of guard. 

Yet all that happened was the female elf disappearing. She then reappeared, just in front of Mirio, redirecting all of his force back at him. This created a kind of wind blast that pushed him back, making him put one of his hands on his chest due to the amount of pain created by her move. 

Sylph didn't let up however. She gave him a hard time, making slight taps using the pommel of the knife. She counted the number of times she could've stabbed him if it was a real fight, and finally decided to give the count to her sparring partner.

"That makes twenty deaths already kid." Sylph said, toying with her enemy again.

But Mirio didn't stop from advancing. He continued pushing forth and fighting his enemy head on and, as the fight continued, Sylph noticed that her enemy was actually adapting until, he almost hit her head. Sylph dodge of course but then, Mirio unclenched his fist, showing strand so f Sylph's hair that he was able to get when he performed the move.

"That makes one." He said tauntingly.

"For a dead guy, you're quite bold." Sylph noted, coming back to an infighter range and, soon enough, the heavy exchange of blows resumed.

Unlike the previous fight which required both accuracy and distance, the current fight relied on the ability to fight and maneuver at super close range. This made them understand how incredibly powerful Sylph actually was.

As an archer, it was expected of her to be strong on long range battles and so, it was easy to accept that Eerie lost so easily. But, Mirio was an expert in hand-to-hand combat and an even more experienced infighter at that.

In the end however, the world suddenly turned upside down as Sylph grabbed on to his arm and swept his feet using her leg. He immediately lost balance and soon enough, got on the ground. But it wasn't a total loss. With their exchange, Sylph was sure that she would've died at least three more times based on Mirio's performance.

"Good job kid." Sylph said, without even a bead of sweat forming on her head while Mirio, on the other hand was already trying his best to catch his breath.

Just like Eerie, Sylph gave Mirio some pointers on how to fight properly. Mirio noted this all down. With his weapon taken off, he turned back to being timid and so, he was able to listen earnestly and without any pride. After this, Sylph called out the next sparring partner asking:

"Who's next?"

The elites continued fighting Sylph one by one. Whatever fighting style they used, Sylph tried her best to use it all the same. But what she had the most trouble with were Kaguya, Jake, and Quinn who all had a variety of attacks and combinations.

Skillset aside, their talent seemed to bloom more than the other members of the group. Nevertheless, she still won against all of them without fail. This gave two benefits to the group. One was the comprehensive understanding of their skill while, the other was total respect and obedience to Sylph's orders in the battlefield.

"You guys should rest now. Tomorrow, we'll be heading back to the rift." Sylph commanded, to which she had a single unified answer of:

"Yes Ma'am!"

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