The Gamer's System

Chapter 17: The Contract

Chapter 17: The Contract

Zeke finally arrived at Allesiah's house. Seeing how drunk she is, Zeke thought that it's now his responsibility that she's properly put to sleep. Hence, he stayed a while longer, pushing the sorceress inside the bathroom after checking that she wouldn't slip or accidentally stab herself once she's inside.

"Wash yourself." Zeke said, irritated as the door of the bath is still open, with Allesiah refusing to move.

"Are we gonna do it?" Allesiah said, blushing.

"Are you an idiot?" He replied, as he closed the door and stayed just outside it.

As this happened, Zeke finally took off the mute on his notifications thinking that, there would be a surging number of accomplishments now.

[You leveled up!]

[You are now level 27.]

[6 skill points are given as reward.]

[6 attribute points are given as reward.]

"Summarize the quests with the same amount of rewards." Zeke said before the system continued updating.


[Optimizing Data]

[The Sub Quests: Eat Dinner and Assist the Sorceress have been completed.]

[1 Skill Point is given as a reward for each quest.]

[The Sub Quest: Find the Missing Heirloom has been completed.]

[3 Attribute Points are given as a reward for each quest.]

[The Sub Quests: Complete the Dungeon and Save Boulder and Allesiah have been completed.]

[3 Skill Points are given as a reward for each quest.]

[The Sub Quest: Defeat Az'thul has been cleared.]

[4 Skill Points are given as a reward.]

[The Sub Quest: Defeat Zht'ais has been cleared.]

[A scroll of sorcery is given as a reward.]

[The Sub Quest: Defeat Mol'thaw has been cleared.]

[Mol'thaw's blade is given as a reward.]

As soon as the last quest finished, the blade of the King which Samael defeated came to Zeke's arms. It shrunk significantly, now being a great sword that is big enough for him to carry. As he used analyze on the blade, he smiled at what he found.

[Item Name: Az'ghul Mol'thaw's Blade]

[Usage Level Requirement: 30]

[Durability: 100]

[Rank: D+]

[Information: The prized weapon of an ancient Goblin King. It is said that the steel is crafted from the melted blades of all the foes he defeated, condensing it into a sword that houses a hundred more inside.]

[Information: The blade is an evolving weapon. The strength of this blade grows with its owner and, various skills will be available with every evolution.]

[Information: Makes the wielder a more potent blade user, giving a 5% damage increase when using any kind of blade. Leaving it in the inventory will still activate this passive.]

Zeke smiled again, wanting to test the blade right away but, he couldn't do that for now. Human as he is, his body still needs to recover. No matter how much regeneration he can do, his body still gets tired and worn down. Hence, after babysitting Allesiah, he plans to go home and get some shut eye.

Just before Zeke thought that the updates have finished, another thing showed up. New missions which includes the ones he took from the board and, something very suspicious.

[Sub Quest: Destroy the Viper Bandit's Encampment on the North of the Forest]

[Sub Quest: Destroy the Viper Bandit's Encampment on the South of the Forest]

[Sub Quest: Find the Hidden Viper Bandit Lair]

[Optional Quest: Find the three missing members of Marin's Party]

If there is one thing that Zeke is sure of, it's that the system will continue handing out sub quests that are connected to him. No matter how simple they seem at times; with cleaning and taking a bath included, there are stuff that it has made him do thus far that are of more importance. At this he remembered how a [Memory Piece] was provided by defeating the bandits.

"If I kill them off on the hideout, I may be able to gain more information." Zeke thought to himself, remembering how he only got general information from the books in the library.

At this, Allesiah finally came out of the bathcompletely naked. She tried to hug Zeke but he was able to dodge her as she dropped to the wooden floor still soaking wet.

"Get a towel on!" Zeke said, looking away.

It's a good thing that he didn't see anything. The steam coming from the bath was so thick that, he didn't see her body clearly. But now, as she lay on the floor, her ass is complete exposed as the steam started thinning out.

"Samael!" Zeke summoned his most trusted monster and, Samael went out prepared to fight. Instead, all the monster got is a hug from behind. Samael looked at its master, confused with the current situation.

"Yerr so hard." Allesiah said.



"Get her dressed." Zeke said, looking away from the scene and proceeding downstairs.

"I hope she remembers every bit of this in the morning." Zeke told himself, wanting to see the female sorceress embarrassed about her actions. Zeke thinks that it'll serve as a reminder for her to not drink liquor in the future.

"Clean up this house." Zeke ordered, making the two conjured goblins salute at him before they went on and began tidying everything up.

As the monsters did everything for him, Zeke slouched at an armchair on Allesiah's living room. His eyes started closing on their own and Zeke tried to stop this but, the overwork he did the whole day has finally caught up to him. There wasn't much resistance as Zeke finally fell asleep.

"Look at this guy, sleeping in my house after getting me through so much trouble." Allesiah said, looking at Zeke who is still sleeping soundly on one of her armchairs.

Her memory of last night is all a blur. The embarrassing things she did are hazy and, she instinctively felt that it's better to leave them that way.

"Hey get up, it's morning already." Allesiah said.

Zeke woke up immediately without making much of a fuss.

"Oh, good morning." He replied, snapping his neck as he bended it, still remembering all he went through because of Allesiah.

"Breakfast is ready, you should eat some before leaving my house." She continued.

At this they began eating, with Zeke being thankful that he has at least been compensated with a decent meal. 

"So what do you plan to do now?" Zeke asked Allesiah knowing that she is now on her own. Boulder quitted being an adventurer and three of her companions are missing.

"I actually thought about that when I got up." Allesiah said.

"If you don't mind"

"No." Zeke replied, knowing what she'll say already.

"But you don't even know what I'll be asking yet." She continued.


"You want to form a party with me correct? Seeing as how I was able to finish that dungeon all on my own, you plan on being with me to ensure that all your expeditions and quest will be safe." Zeke replied, placing half of the sunny-side-up inside his mouth.


"You also thought of blackmailing me by telling everyone that I was the one who singlehandedly cleared it. But then you thought of how that would attract even more people to get me once you depose that information."


"Oh and you also think that convincing me would be easier if you feed me with a nice breakfast."

At this, Allesiah broke into tears and started pounding on the table. Zeke picked up his cup of coffee, seeing as it might spill.

"What am I supposed to do? I got nowhere else to go! All other parties have their own mages already and I can't risk venturing to other towns all on my own!" She complained.

"That's not my problem is it?" Zeke replied, enjoying how the sorceress broke down.

"But I still want to get stronger! I want to be the best sorceress in the land! I can't do that without facing stronger opponents and going to more difficult quests!" She said.

At this, Zeke finally got interested. If there's anything that he likes more than overwhelming strength, it's training underdogs until they reach that stage of overwhelming strength.

"Okay." Zeke said.


"Yes. But! Under one condition."

"Okay. Anything. I promise to agree to your terms!"

"Okay then." Zeke snapped his fingers, a kind of contract in mid air. This is another skill that he bought while his real body slept. He knew that things might turn to this so he prepared by buying a skill that creates a slavery contract.

This, of course, does not only apply to Allesiah. All the [Conjured] monsters of Zeke have this contract automatically applied. And why is this you ask? Well, you'd understand once you read the skill.

[Skill Name: Phistophilus' Contract]

[Cost: 17 Skill Point]

[Rank: Unranked]

[Skill Type: Active]

[Mana Consumed: 500]

[Information: A contract derived from the devil who housed various demonic creatures. The contract chains all slaves and contracted monsters together, making them share in any experience gained. An extra 10% experience is given to each that shares with the distribution.]

[Information: Killing the master of the contract will result in the automatic summoning of all creatures, not disappearing until the murderer has been eliminated.]

[Information: The skill owner can set an expiry date for the contract.]

Through this skill, every contracted being will share in the experience gained. Plus, this ensures the loyalty of Allesiah as, breaking this contract will automatically result in her death. 

"Use this to see the skill details." Zeke handed the female elf an item that could be bought from the guild. It is a blank sheet of paper which gets the information out of the last skill seen by the one who uses it.

At the moment, it is only the contract which Allesiah has seen and, to remove all her doubts and suspicions, Zeke wanted her to see the information about it.

"Part of the details of our contract will be: One is I won't murder nor sell you off. I will also treat you as I would treat myself. Another is, I'll allow you to set the end date for the contract."

The contract caught Allesiah off guard of course but, she knew that Zeke is a capable person. Plus, the conditions are also favorable for her. Thus, she signed it, accepting to be Zeke's slave in order to get stronger.

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