The Gamer's System

Chapter 23: Sylph Windsprite

Chapter 23: Sylph Windsprite

There are a lot of things that happened after the encounter with the Viper Bandits. The first of which is, Zeke and Allesiah sorting out all the loot inside the bandit headquarters. There were a lot of times and, quite frankly, Zeke can't place them all inside his inventory anymore.

That's why he just distributed them to his goblin minions. Hoverer there are some useful stuff that he found. This includes a better shield for Samael and, two trinkets that boosts the speed of the wearer. He wore one of these while he gave another one to Allesiah.

Another thing he found is a bag full of magic crystals. Allesiah told him how valuable these things are in the market so Zeke hid them away, planning to make use of them at another time. One which requires the use of them.

Right after this, they came back to Allesiah's house. Soon after both of them collapsed on the floor, feeling the stress they built up the whole day finally catching up to them. Zeke still wanted to ask Allesiah about the female elf but he left that for the following day. As soon as the two of them slept, Zeke organized the new notifications inside his head.

As was mentioned, he has the capacity to think and strategize even as he sleeps, making the Gamer's System activate as soon as he sleeps.

The first thing which appeared on the notifications is this:

[The Sub Quest Save Sylph Windsprite has beein completed!]

[A Crucial Memory Piece is given as a reward.]

[Play the memory piece now?]

"Yes." Zeke replied, knowing that he has a lot of time to use while his body is asleep.

[Beginning Transmission]

"Glade, where's my sister?" Sylph asked in a fit of anger and worry.

"Milady, calm down, this is not the time to be running around town. Your life is in danger!" Glade said, his great sword all bloodied by the coalmine rebels that he killed.

This all happened on the day that the humans finally rebelled against the elves. An elaborately planned coup d'tat to overthrow the elven aristocracy; creating a balanced society between the humans and the elves.

The humans working as personal slaves. The humans working as gladiators in an illegal colosseum. And, the humans working under the coal mines. All of these humans have set this plan into motion because they have a capable leader. Hark Leonis.

All the ballista stationed on the city walls have been destroyed. Removing a large amount of firepower from the elves. Other humans from outside the city have also been led inside through a secret tunnel that the coalminers have dug up.

Everything about this made Sylph nervous. She knew by instinct that, one of the objectives would be the highest among the aristocracy and, on the top of that chain is her sister, the next queen of Elysium.

"Can't you go any faster Glade?" Sylph asked.

"You know how difficult it is to keep running with this thing?" Glade said, holding on to his great sword with both hands.

From a distance. Sylph saw the castle window where her sister would always peek from. She looked at it and, saw two shadowy figures standing there.

"That's definitely her." Sylph said, feeling a strong connection with the figure even without seeing who it really is.

"Glade, catapult me using Dragon Force."

"M-Milady?" Glade replied in complete disbelief. A powerful sword skill isn't, after all, something you use to catapult yourself.

"Just do it!" She shouted, wanting to get to that window as soon as possible.

As always, Glade put his trust on his master's decision. She makes abrupt decisions but, Glade knew that Sylph can handle any kind of blow you hand out to her.

"Understood." He said, stopping and placing his sword in the required stance.

Glade charged the move, emitting a yellow aura around him. Then, right before the skill's activation, Sylph jumped on top of the sword.

"Dragon Force!"

At this, Sylph is sent flying. The sheer force of the skill is enough to keep her in the air. The only problem with this is, how the person would land. But that is not an issue for Sylph. As soon as she reached the castle walls, she casted Air Spring on her feet, cushioning the strength of impact.

She is then sent flying away from the wall as any ricochet would. But this is also part of her idea. She is actually a lot higher from the window where she needs to go. So, she took out an arrow from her quiver and imbued a spell that made a rope appear on it. She shot the wall she just sprung away from. As soon as the arrow stuck, she grabbed hold of the rope, swinging herself directly through the castle window.

"Sister!" She said, looking immediately for Sylvia.

"Sylph!" Sylvia shouted right as she recognized the figure who came swinging in. She immediately wrapped her arms around her sister, making Sylph do the same.

"I was worried so I came." Sylph said.

"Me too. I was worried sick about you." Sylvia replied.

At this moment, Sylph thought that everything would be okay. Then she remembered that her sister was with another figure. At this, she quickly looked at the direction her sister came from and, true enough someone is there.

It isn't any normal person. With a sword on both hand, standing tall with a dominating image, is Hark the leader of the resistance.

"Yo!" Hark said, seeing how Sylph has now recognized his presence.

"Stand back sister!" Sylph said, shoving Sylvia to her back and preparing to shoot.

"Woah easy there tiger." Hark said, placing his swords back inside their scabbards.

"What are you doing?" Sylph said, confused as to why the leader of the rebels would refuse to fight.

"I think your sister can explain everything to you." He said, going outside the room and closing the door behind him.

"Sylph." Sylvia said, holding her sister on the shoulders and motioning her to turn around. Naturally, Sylph obeyed. After all, it is only Sylvia whom she listens to.

"I am leaving." Sylvia said, her voice both certain and resolute.

"W-what are you saying sister? Is that man taking you hostage? Did he say that you are the price for the safety of Elysium? Why are you leaving? Are you also going to fight?" Sylph continued in a relentless barrage of questions.

"Sylph." Sylvia shook her sister a little bit, making her come back to her senses.

"Listen to me" She continued.

"I am leaving this city with the man I love."

"What are you saying sister? Have you gone mad?" Sylph answered, freeing herself from Sylvia's hold.

"Oh my little Sylph. I know this is a lot to take in at the moment but"

"Don't you dare touch me." Sylph said, slapping away her sister's hand that was about to reach out for her cheek.

"Do you realize what you are about to do? You'll be branded as a traitor! Your birthright will be stripped away from you. The elves will track you down until the day you die. Please sister wake up!" Sylph said, trying to convince her sister to stay.

At this, Sylvia stood and looked at the sky outside the castle's window. The sky is being colored by the fires of rebellion, and this is painted on Sylph's skin as she stood there.

"My birthright. The nobility. The crown of the queen." Sylvia said, all while looking outside. As if all those words are distant ideas without any value in them.

"None of that has ever made me happy." She continued.

"What nonsense are you saying!" Sylph replied, feeling like it's a retarded teenager that she is talking to.

"Our happiness is the happiness of the people! It is the nobility who keeps everything in place!" She said, standing up and moving right behind her sister.

"We exist for their sake and that in itself is all that the reason that we need to keep going."

"Oh Sylph, do you even hear yourself right now?" Sylvia said.

"There are a lot of things that the nobility is hiding under our noses. Being the queen won't permit me to change any of that, nor do I plan to. This system is as rotten as those who believe that our way of governing is perfect and absolute." Sylvia replied, turning to face her sister.

"I'm leaving Sylph." Sylvia repeated, as if this is an irrevocable choice.

"Then what about me?" Sylph replied, tears forming under her eyes.

"Are you just going to leave me behind? Just like our parents did? Just like everyone did?"

"Oh Sylph. We don't need to be apart." Sylvia said, holding her sister back into her arms.

"What do you mean?" Sylph replied.

"You can come with me. Let us explore the world together. Haven't you always told me how you wanted to explore the other continents? We can do that together! You, and me, and"

"and that man?" Sylph finished the sentence, sure of herself that this is the next thing her sister would say.

"Yeswith Hark." Sylvia replied, giving "that man" a name.

"No." Sylph said, pushing back her sister for the last time. She then wiped away the tears that are now falling from her eyes. Sylvia fell to the ground and, as she did, Sylph held up her bow once more.

"You aren't going anywhere." She continued, threatening to shoot Sylvia if she made any sudden movement.

"I knew this would happen." Sylvia replied, sitting patiently as if she waited for something.

"Sylph. I want you to know that, what I'm about to do, it is only for your own protection." As Sylvia spoke, Sylph found herself feeling weaker and weaker.

"Wha " She said, dropping to her knees and loosening her grip on her weapon.

"I placed a delayed sleeping spell on you." Sylvia replied, not needing Sylph to speak in order to understand what's running on her mind.

"There are things that you do not know yet my dear sister. Always put that in mind" She continued, picking up the bag that she prepared, containing all the things that she needs for this new life.

She then went to her sister who is now lying on the ground, eyes about to lose consciousness.

"I love you." Sylvia said, kissing her sister and walking out of the door.

"Don't leave." Sylph thought, finding that she has no more strength left to speak.

"Don't leave." She saw her sister open the door and, waiting for her sister is Hark.

"Don't leave me." She said one last time, wanting her sister to turn around and look at her in the eyes one last time.

But Sylvia didn't turn. She closed the door behind her back. Leaving Sylph all alone, once again.

[End of Transmission]

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