The Gamer's System

Chapter 26: Betrayal

Chapter 26: Betrayal

There have been a few quests that have been added to Zeke's missions. Then first one is something he expected while, the other one is something which caught him by surprise.

As Zeke thought, then [Gamer's System] optimizes the quests based on what he is currently engaging. Meaning, all that he does will have an effect on what [Sub Quest] and [Optional Quests] he will receive. Depending on his actions, there can be more, few, or even nothing new added at all.

[Sub Quest: Kill 20 Wood Scouts]

[Reward: Memory Piece]

"So this means that we really are getting followed." Zeke thought to himself as, the quest will not come out if there is no chance of it happening soon. But this is something which he is prepared for.

Zeke already devised of a way for Allesiah and him to get their opponents out. Judging by how they still haven't made their move, it would mean one of three possibilities. One is that they are waiting for an opening to strike. The second is they are still performing preparations. And the third is, they are still waiting for other members who are not yet here.

"I won't give them that chance." Zeke said as he opened his skill shop.

Since the time they've finished the quest on the Viper Bandits, Zeke has already gotten a lot of [Optional Quests] that hands out single skill points. With this accumulated amount, Zeke is able to buy two new skills.

[Skill Name: Blood King's Curse]

[Cost: 8 Skill Point]

[Rank: F->

[Skill Type: Passive]

[Mana Consumed: None]

[Information: Upon death, the owner of the ability will automatically resurrect. Gaining back half of the health in the process and being immune from further damage for 3 seconds. The skill can only activate once per week.]

Aside from this skill, Zeke also bought a darkness attributed skill named:

[Skill Name: Umbral Slash]

[Cost: 2 Skill Points]

[Rank: F->

[Skill Type: Active]

[Mana Consumed: 70]

[Information: The caster creates a slash made of dark energy. This attack widens in range as the rank goes up but the mana consumption goes up as well.]

Seeing as how he is in the Elven Kingdom, he figured that wind type spells would probably be weak against them. Furthermore, as he tried thinking of the other elements, he just can't help but think that they are a bad matchup for the elves. Hence, he bought something that they would probably have no high resistance over.

With both of these skills in check, he waited for noon to come and finally set his plan into motion. As he went hunting for food again, he sent a message to Allesiah who continued her training.

"Pretend you're not hearing me." He said, which is met by an explosion of wind.

"Ackkk the spell got ruined!" She shouted but, before she could even complain to Zeke, he spoke again.

"Pretend you're not hearing me." He repeated and, with this, Allesiah did as commanded.

The reason why they did the same routine again is to remove any suspicion from the enemies. If they start moving a bit weirdly, then the enemies might just get alarmed. This, in turn, may put more caution in the enemies.

Hence, Zeke thought that the best way to do things is to use the [Voice Chat] feature of his system. He kept his voice low of course and, had a goblin in front of him which made it look like it's the one he's talking to.

"It's safe to bet that they are at least on top of the trees." Zeke thought to himself as he felt no presence coming near his goblins and, if they did, the minimap would show them.

"After we eat, I'll pretend to attack you. Just act your part and scream for help." Zeke continued.

Allesiah didn't reply of course and just continued on with her training. The order isn't even difficult for her because her master has kept torturing her with training and battles after all.

"When they finally come to strike me down, let them do it. I won't die so just keep on acting until then. After that, when I'm about to drop to the ground, perform a binding spell to hold them in place."

"Make a sound if you understood the instruction."

"HAAA!" Allesiah shouted, still practicing on the mana manipulation.

Zeke got excited again of course. Putting his plans into motion always gets him excited. Especially if the opponents are actually strong or, if they made him think long and hard for a way to win. As this occurred, some memories of his gaming life on earth flashed back to him.

It was not mentioned but, even the best A.I. Computers back on earth was beaten by him in a game of chess. With all the possible moves being recorded and, all the best countermeasures being registered in the A.I., Zeke found that there is actually a bug in the system that increases the margin of error of the computer by 10%. It isn't much but, it was enough for him to claim victory.

In any game, he thinks of all the variables that he can make use of. Bugs are also part of his strategy but, this is only because it is also part of the system. To him, bugs are a fault on the side of the developers and not him. Not utilizing it doesn't make someone a better gamer. Rather, he thinks that these are persons who doesn't want to try out new possibilities.

"Those were the days." He said as he went back holding a couple of fishes in his hands.

Zeke's plan immediately went into motion as he came back. Allesiah halted with her training and sat on the ground wiping off her sweat and drinking some water. Meanwhile, Zeke cooked the fish. He could still feel that they are being watched meaning, wherever the enemies are, it would be nearby.

He thought of where the monsters should bb conjured and as he did, he finished cooking the fish.

"Let's eat." He told Allesiah who came near him. As they made eye contact, Zeke went to his travel bag, pretending to get some water. Then, he brought out his sword, moving carefully towards Allesiah's back.

"They won't let me strike her." He thought to himself as he came nearer.

"You cooked this quite well." Allesiah said. Zeke actually lied about one thing to her. Their plan will set in motion as they eat, not after.

"Well, I put some salt inside to add flavor." He said, approaching carefully. The reason why he didn't tell Allesiah the truth is, he's not sure if she's a good actress. If her moves look staged then, the Wood Scouts will only raise their guards.

With this in mind, he told her a part of the plan but, not the whole truth about it. Then, Zeke finally took out his sword and, just as he was about to swing, arrows came flying towards him. He dodged these of course and now, Allesiah is aware of what's happening.

"I see she has some hidden guards." Zeke said with a menacing smile. One that he didn't even need any effort to put on.

Figures clad in green descended from the trees and, part of them is Sylph Windsprite.

"Kill him." Sylph ordered the Wood Scouts who moved swiftly. On her side is Glade and the two of them came to help out Allesiah.

Zeke on the other hand started getting hit by the attacks of the Wood Scouts. He watched them carefully, making sure that he fights back with enough force for Sylph to believe the whole act.

Then, as he saw a punch coming, he tried saying conjure pretending that he got halted as the punch reached his gut. At this part it must be remembered that Zeke already acquired the [Gamer's Body] which prevented him from feeling any pain.

All he actually did is act. All while thinking of the best way to kill off all his opponents once the whole scene is over. Aside from the ten swift footed elves that kept running around and slicing him open, there are also 20 archers up on the trees more than half of which are using arrows and bows while, there are three who uses spells.

With all this occurring, Zeke looked at his minimap, finally showing all the red dots. That marks the enemies who've made themselves visible.

"I've got you now." He said, as he felt five arrows stab through his chest. This is enough to kill him as the arrows went for his heart. However, the skill [Blood King's Curse] prevented his death. And, just as he was about to hit the floor, Allesiah finally activated her spell.

"Frozen Bind!"

In a swift motion, Zeke simultaneously activated [Mana Conversion] and [Umbral Slash]. He used the offensive spell five times, hitting the wood scouts who stayed on the ground immediately ending their lives.

He then used quick step twice, taking a blade from the falling elves and grabbing Allesiah out of the range of Sylph and Glade who have just broken out of the Ice Enclosure. By this time, Zeke has also taken out the arrows that pierced though his chest. And since 10 seconds have passed after Allesiah activated the spell, Zeke has somehow escaped being in a critical condition, regenerating due to his passive skill and the [Endurance] attribute.

He then let go of Allesiah, who knew what she needed to do next. At this, a barrier activated, preventing the next set of projectiles from hitting them. Zeke quickly went to his pocket and brought out three vials of medium grade mana potions. He drank them and just as he did, he activated the ace in his sleeves.


Arrows came flying in again. And this time even spells are mixed with these projectiles. This shocked Zeke because, all these attacks are not directed at him

they're directed at Sylph.

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