The Gamer's System

Chapter 282: The End

Chapter 282: The End

"You can go down to Mythos if you want. Nobody's stopping you."

Zeke was beginning the preparations in order to restore the worlds. It wasn't as difficult as it seemed. Especially because he had his [System] as well as other useful skills such as the [All Seeing Eye] and, [Odin's Eye]. Both skills were activated at the same time, activating through the third eye on Zeke's forehead.

"Can you handle this job all on your own?" Yaeger asked in genuine concern. They were both divine beings who were once mortal after all so, Yaeger knew how stressing the job could be.

"Miss Yaeger, who do you think you're talking to?" Zeke said in a cocky tone.

"Right, I forgot. You are the god of games after all."

"God of games huh, my fans on earth would go wild if they knew that I actually became a god."

"I bet they will." Yeager said, seeing a portal open near her.

"That's your pathway down to the same village where your daughter is at. There's no Pier and no other being that can control spells like this as well as I can. So you're at least sure that the teleportation would be accurate."

"Are you still holding a grudge for that time I sent you back to Mythos?"

"No, of course not." Zeke said, actually thinking of sending Yaeger near a black hole just to scare her before immediately teleporting her to Heron. But he also thought that Yaeger may die from shock and he didn't want something like that to happen because of a pun.

"Well I guess this is good bye then." Yaeger said, looking through the gateway which showed what was on the other side. Through it Yaeger could see Heron who was happily talking to a bunch of children.

"I guess it is." Zeke said, not feeling sentimental because he already had his fill of farewells.

"Oh and Zeke." She waited for the gamer to look at her as she mouthed the words.

"Thank you." With this Yaeger jumped in on the portal and, Zeke was once again left to himself.

"Honestly what's up with everyone thanking me. It's not like I've done anything saintly." Immortality in itself was a punishment and, it wasn't one that he wished upon himself. He didn't want to be a creature that simply served as a spectator with his emotions slowly dying.

That is why, with the [Eternity Prison] serving as the core, Zeke began programing the perfect system.

"Allesiah I hope I could still remember you when I go back there."

[Do you wish to activate the Will of the Universe?]


[Understood, a patch update will be done to the whole multiverse.]

The milky way itself and all the shine of the stars bore witness to Zeke's masterful programing. Black holes whirled around him and planets were being born as quickly as some were destroyed. Below Zeke were cogs of time operated by Vardus while assisting in maintaining it was Samael.

"Well then, shall we begin?" Zeke said, emitting all the divine energy which his limitless body had.

The plan was simple, Zeke was going to share fragments of all the gods and goddesses and pour them on the existing planets. His [System] will then measure the balanced number of worlds that should exist at the moment.

[10% of the patch has been completed. Worlds have broken during this time and new ones have been born.]

Zeke would then change the algorithm. Ensuring that within the history of the worlds, there would exist some individuals who can change it for the good. Inevitably, Zeke also needed to place the variable of evil in order to balance both creation and destruction.

[20% of the patch has been completed. New entities have been created while some creatures have gone extinct.]

Zeke's will would then be shared on the worlds existing at the time. Without the heroes or heroines knowing, he would grant them certain things which were present in the [Gamer's System]. Yet these will exist merely as the natural potential of the heroes and heroines that would be born.

[30% of the patch has been completed. Additional assets connected to the initial data are being merged.]

Through this, there would be no such thing as a person being forcefully taken out of earth. Everyone will live within their own worlds, existing until the end of their lifetimes without any interruption nor interference from some greedy cosmic beings.

"Some isekai fanatics on earth might screw me over for this but, hey they wouldn't know." Zeke thought as the update continued progressing.

[40% of the patch has been completed.]

Everyone would be free to move according to their wills. Even if someone is born a hero with Zeke's blessings, they may never know of this and may live normal lives until the end. And the gamer thought that there was nothing wrong with this.

"Fate must never be something dictated on a person. It must be something that is grabbed by one's own will and, challenged as much as one likes. Nobody deserves to be puppets on strings."

[50% of the patch has been completed. Galactic entities have been generated during this time.]

The worlds began moving in accordance with the patch. Some were able to recover while others got destroyed completely. Zeke had no intention of meddling with this natural flow and simply added the provisions he wished.

[60% of the patch had been completed. Fixing some data problems that occurred along the way.]

It was a beautiful sight to behold. Like creation itself was being repeated from a subatomic level. Sand dust shaped particles of various colors swirled around the gamer. Runes and symbols found on different worlds also filled this process as well as magic circles.

[70% of the patch has been completed. Going through the initial parts and checking for possible bugs.]

It was a harmonic chaos. An event that could never be replicated and, the only witnesses to this were Samael and Vardus.

[80% of the patch has been completed. Greater entities on all worlds have been created both good and evil.]

It was ending. Zeke finally put an end to the tyranny of the gods. To the meddling of the beings that simply wished to save themselves, thinking that they were needed by creation. Not realizing that they had it all backwards.

It wasn't creation that needed them, it was them that needed creation. For without the mortals nor the worlds where they thrived, then there would be no purpose to their existence. And until the bitter end, they refused to accept this.

"At least you'll be serving to make the world better." Zeke looked at the [Eternity Prison] how it served its purpose greatly at that moment. Stabilizing the entirety of the process which Zeke was performing.

[90% of the patch has been completed. Adding all the additional data required before the completion.]

It was only a matter of time at that point. Zeke was patiently waiting as all the dust settled and all the winds stopped blowing. Even the black holes in the infinite void seemed to slow down in destroying as the process was ending.




With the remaining moments, time seemed to freeze as Zeke looked back on all that happened to him. How everything happened with the game invitation that sent him to [Trial Island]. How he found out that he was chosen by the highest of all creators within the multiverse. This all led to his fateful descent on Mythos and, the encounter of a seemingly normal family.

A bunch of things happened along the way. Then he met an elf who wanted to become the best sorceress of all time Allesiah. With her, the journey of Zeke continued taking various twists and turns. Until he was caught by the meddling of some gods. Until he was killed and transferred to the body of a ten-year-old boy.


The twenty elites then descended on Mythos. Through them, Zeke found trustworthy companions which lasted until the end of their mission.

"Not a single one of you will die." This was the promise he made to himself as he took them in. And, as a man of his words, Zeke did all he could in order to live up to this promise.


Zeke was going to disappear with the operation. With fragments of himself spreading on all created worlds and on the ones that were still to be generated, there was nothing of his godly frame that would remain. He was simply going to disappear and, the only ones who would be left in the heavens are his two [Conjures]. Eternally watching over the core that was the [Eternity Prison] and, ensuring that nobody gets their hands on it.

"I'm counting on the two of you." The [Conjures] bowed to the only king they served, grateful that they would continue doing so until the end of time itself.

"So I'm really going to die this time around huh. This is so weird." Zeke said, feeling cold as the world around him began blacking out. Yet, in the last few seconds of his consciousness, the [System] offered him a choice.

[Due to Allesiah's Mana Manipulation, she was able to cancel out your Mind Wipe skill.]

"That crazy woman." Zeke said, thinking how Allesiah probably had the same lock placed on her mind as the one she used against Glade.

[Due to her prayers, you may reincarnate as an Elven Zeke Elwood in Mythos. No further reincarnations may happen after this. Do you wish to continue?]


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