The Gamer's System

Chapter 37: Battle of Kings

Chapter 37: Battle of Kings

Zeke began making his move as all of this went on. He carefully sneaked into a nearby house and, performed all his plans there. Not a single soul is inside the building as everyone evacuated in a state of panic due to the earlier assault made by Zeke.

"Master, how are things going there?" Allesiah asked through the [Voice Chat].

"Well. Aside from being killed by a single kick made by Miss Sylvia's husband, I think I'm all good."

"My sister's husband? What do you mean?"

"I'll explain later. How's your mission?"

"I'm almost at the top floor of the castle." Allesiah replied, sounding proud of her achievement.

"Look at you, getting all strong."

"It's not like this is the first time I raided a place all alone. I have you to thank for that." She said, sounding sarcastic.

"Okay, that's enough for now. Put me through once you reach Miss Sylvia and I'll discuss everything."

"Roger." Was Allesiah's reply that is coupled by the sound of explosions on her side.


"Now, where was I?" Zeke said as he summoned two Shadow Wolves. He minimized the amount he summoned so that he won't be noticed. He plans to fuse the monster that would come out with Samael, hoping that the monster would be strong enough to help him win the fight.

Another thing he performed is the crafting of a new armor from all the armors left by his goblins which merged together. Furthermore, there is the armor of the Wood Scouts which he also looted.

As he did this, he continued listening in to the fight that is about to brew.

"If all goes well, all I need to do is perform the finishing blow." He said to himself, thinking that a tactic such as this is required in the current situation he is in.

King Aeolus did not retreat, nor was he frightened. Aside from the initial shock caused by seeing the infamous [Leo Rex] and Gallio Leonis, there isn't an ounce of fright in him. And there is a good reason for this.

On his body are various high-grade items that enhances his attributes and his spell power. This is the reason why the King of Elysium is someone to be feared.

The various rings of different colors boost his spell power by 50%. The gloves on his hands increase his strength by 45%. His belt increases his strength by the same amount. His boots amplify his speed while his whole armor is made from mithril a metal which could hold off most physical and elemental attacks. With all of these things put together, he is as strong, if not stronger, than an [SSS] tier monster.

"Don't fight him my king." Erio said as he watched, stood beside Aeolus.

"It's a request for duel under the full moon..." King Aeolus said, taking out his sword from its scabbard.

"as such, I cannot deny this man his wishes."

As elven law decrees any requested duel cannot be denied if the following requirements are met:

First, the duel must be requested as soon as the full moon rises on a clear night sky. This must be done on the second night of the full moon. A requirement fulfilled by Gallio.

Second, only a royal blood can make this request. Specifically, one from a household of the first council. Thus, Gallio is qualified because, he is not only a part of the First Elven Council, he is even the one who made it.

Lastly, it is only the firstborn who can make the request. This is accomplished as Glade passed his birthright to Gallio Leonis.

"I accept the challenge." King Aeolus said as he went down from the stage.

"Deal with the traitor." He commanded Erio. The general immediately followed - drawing his sword and chasing Glade who already left the two kings to duel.

At the acceptance of the duel, the moon shone even brighter and, in the span of a second, both Gallio and Aeolus got transported into a pocket dimension. This is an area created by the deities for situations such as this. The pocket dimension doesn't activate on its own of course, only upon meeting the requirements stated and, having both side of the parties being on level that could destroy the entire capital.

The area itself looks just like where they left off. The only difference is, it is only Gallio and Aeolus who are here.

"It's good to see that you have your honor intact" Gallio said, approaching his foe.

"You may think that I'm an easy foe but I tell you" King Aeolus said, also walking towards Gallio.

"I am not as easy as my father." With this, Aeolus bolted out of sight.

The assault would leave most warriors defenseless. However, Gallio is no beginner in the battlefield, nor is he weak in any sense. Hence, he blocked the blade that was aiming for his head. But he soon realized that, on the other hand of the king is a [Fire Spell] being formed.

"Inferno." King Aeolus said, blasting the enemy in front of him.

The king backed away immediately. He saw the fire spell turn into a giant blaze, burning down everything house nearby. He then created multiple lance shaped lightning as he flew up. Then, he struck them all inside the blazing inferno where Gallio is. The spells mixed creating lightning that swirled with the monstrous heat of the inferno.

He was about to fire another spell, knowing that what he just used won't be enough but then, he noticed bloodlust coming from his back.

"Behind you." Gallio said who only used his jumping strength to reach the height of Alveolus.

Aeolus turned quickly, only able to block the attack by a hair's breadth. He is sent flying, through half of the capital but he landed gracefully on the ground. Gallio followed the strike by another leap toward the king but, Aeolus dodged the blade. As he did, he sent a kick to Gallio's stomach, sending his enemy flying to a nearby house; destroying twenty as the force could not be held back by a single house.

"I'm definitely going to feel that tomorrow." Gallio said, standing right away and twisting his shoulder.

His shirt has been completely burnt by the spell. One can even see his own flesh having burn marks all over. Meanwhile, Gallio's body looked battered while blood ran down his forehead.

"There won't be a tomorrow for you." King Aeolus said as he snapped his fingers.

A spell mark suddenly appeared on the ground where Gallio is stepping on, and the same mark is directly floating on the sky above him. Gallio tried getting away from it but, a barrier hindered him from escaping.

Then, without even another second passing, a rain of blade shaped ice started rising from the ground while some also dropped from the sand dropping from the sky. The vicious attack continued with Gallio being in the middle of it all, until the house is no more than rubble on the ground.

"Lightning blade." The king said, imbuing the lightning element on his sword.

"Aegis shield." He added, creating an invisible layer of defense around his body.

"You sure do know a lot of spells." Gallio said, rising from the rubble.

The king didn't worry about this. His opponent is now battered in a state that, one could not even call this a fair fight anymore. Aside from the first blow made by Gallio, no other attack has landed on the King.

Aeolus then continued his attack, slashing his blade in the air and shooting out lightning with every swing.

"Activate [The Monarch]." Gallio said, vanishing from his enemy's sight.

He reappeared in front of the King, landing a clean hit on his opponent's body plating. The move recreated what happened to Gallio as his opponent came crashing into a house, destroying it entirely from a mere physical attack.

"A true king requires nothing more than physical strength!" Gallio shouted, waiting for his enemy to come out of the rubble.

"We are not brutes, nor savages." Aeolus said, rising with almost no damage. The mithril armor and the shield he cast have absorbed most of the blow. He continued by pointing his finger at Gallio and saying:

"Rage of the Thunder God." With this, lightning coming from the heavens fell on Gallio. The impact is so strong that, it destroyed a quarter of the capital. The king snapped his fingers two more times, releasing the same devastating lightning toward Gallio.

"Flash step." The King continued, rushing toward his opponent at a blinding speed.

It only took a split second for him to reach his target. Gallio couldn't respond properly because of the lightning but, he was able to block the blade as it came.

"Thousand Strikes." Aeolus said, making a thousand slashes suddenly appear cutting down his enemy. Gallio almost fell but, he used his strength to strike his sword to the ground, using it as a cane.

"You have nothing but brute strength. The elves have evolved much higher during my ancestors' reign." King Aeolus said, pointing his blade at Gallio's neck. With most of his strength still intact and almost no damage made, he was sure that his enemy couldn't beat him now.

"You're right. I have nothing but brute strength." Gallio said, as he smiled.

He then made a quick twist which the King was not able to follow completely. A swing was made by Gallio which the king was able to read through but, what hit him is a punch to the face. This forced Aeolus to step backward from the force. Completely eliminating the invisible layer of shield that he created.

"But this much is enough to finish you off." Gallio continued, standing straight again.

"You dare!" The king replied, furious about his face getting punched.

"Force activation" Gallio said as his opponent began a barrage of spell attacks. He deflected some of this but, a lot of it still hit him.

"Purgatory!" The King casted a spell that spun a hurricane of flames on Gallio. He didn't let his opponent finish off whatever spell was being casted.

"Total Freeze!" He added, enclosing the hurricane of flame in ice. Snow began to fall as the temperature dropped by a lot due to the spell.

"Know your place!" King Aeolus said in fury.

However, the spells were not enough to finish off Gallio. The ice enclosure shattered and, inside is Gallio, still standing despite all the beatings he took.

"Force activation" He said again, dodging the next set of spells by jumping up.

"Ultimate Berserker."

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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