The Gamer's System

Chapter 45: New Units

Chapter 45: New Units

As soon as morning came, Yaeger went to talk with Zeke about something important. Unfortunately, the gods are going to have their monthly meeting and, she is required to attend.

"You should take care of every explanation needed for those guys." Yaeger said, knowing that Zeke's mission cannot be hidden from the other members of the party.

When they hear explosions, screams and other noises, they'd be sure that something is going on inside the forest. With Zeke also going missing at this time, it would only raise their suspicion that he is part of the ruckus.

Both the goddess and Zeke had this in mind. Hence, right after eating breakfast, Zeke went on to announcing the details of his current task.

"There is something urgent we need to discuss." He began.

"Aside from Yaeger going to a meeting this day, I was also given a specific task. That is, to go and summon some really powerful monsters inside the forest."

Zeke continued by providing every single detail to this mission. Leaving out the fact that he is actually a chosen human who came from another world.

"Can I come with you?" Allesiah asked, wanting to get some proper training done. She wasn't able to go all out with the fight in the castle after all.

"Wait Allesiah. Before that, I have a question to ask you Zeke. What do you plan to do once we return to Elysium?" Sylvia asked this knowing that, there must be something else that he needs to accomplish aside from simply helping out an Elven Household.

"This may be impolite of me but, I doubt that there is any normal human who just goes and puts their life on the line to save a couple of elves." Sylvia continued knowing the bad blood that has formed between the two race.

Zeke looked at the female elf, thinking of the best answer to make at the moment. He's glad however because, this actually saves him the trouble of hiding some crucial pieces of information. He reminded himself to mix his truths with a bunch of lies in order to cloak the things that they must not know.

"The truth is, I am part of the rebellion which happened 6 years ago. I was just new to the mining group inside the capital but, I was greatly affected by Mr. Hark's leadership and courage. However, I was stuck in the mines during those times and so, I was not able to join the group which came out to fight."

Allesiah squinted her eyes as she heard her master speak. She knows a lot of things about her master but, none of those involves him as a normal human being.

"What are you saying master? You're a corpse raising masochist who loves diving into battles with every odd against your favor." She thought to herself as Zeke continued speaking.

"I honed my skills for years, waiting to have my reunion with sir Hark but then. A huge light from the sky hit me and completely altered most of my memories." He continued.

"Ahh that's the time we found him mom!" Keith said, backing up the information given by Zeke. At this, Zeke smiled a bit; knowing that most of his lies are now believable.

"I lost my memories but, my skills in battle remained intact. And then, right after that first encounter with the bandits at your house, I was able to regain my memories and began searching for you. Along my search, I was able to find Allesiah and gain some extraordinary skills as I went inside a [Secret Dungeon] with her." Zeke continued.

Allesiah couldn't support her master's claims. She is a bad liar of course so she just kept her mouth shut as the flood of lies continued.

"What skills?" Sylvia asked, wanting to squeeze out every piece of information.

"I was given the curse of being able to raise the dead." Zeke said, getting teary eyed as he said this.

"I've seen this firsthand. He can turn dead opponents into his own summons. Although their colors change to shades of blue, with their eyes glowing a bright yellow." Sylph is now the one backing up his claims.

"With everything that happened, we got caught up with the scheme plotted by King Aeolus. One which involved taking the two of you back to the capital. With the events that followed, what caught me by surprise the most is how the First King has taken your husband's body." Zeke finished.

"I see, so you were a previous subordinate of my husband. If I can still refer to him as that at least." Sylvia responded, having a deep expression of sadness on her face.

Everyone fell silent for a while. Even Zeke didn't have a clue what he should say at that moment. For the most part, Sylvia has been deceived and lied to. She has been used as another pawn in Gallio's grand scheme and, Keith is a half - elf born from that very same tower of lies.

"We can still save him. I have reason to believe that, during the years he has been with you, Hark has fought for control over his own body. After all, what Gallio does is taking over the body meaning, the person who truly owns the body just stays dormant inside."

Zeke can see the hope in Sylvia's eyes as he said these words. They aren't completely wrong but, he isn't sure if there is a way to separate the two.

"Miss Sylvia, right after finishing the task I've gotten, I'll deal with the situation with Gallio." Zeke said, giving more hope on the female elf.

"You mean you'll come back to the capital?" The two servants asked.

"Yes. But not without properly training and preparing myself." Zeke continued.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Sylvia said.

"Actually, there are two ways. One is, you hide and make sure that everyone is safe while I perform my mission. And the other is, you come and train with me inside the forest so that you can properly back me up once we return to Elysium."

"Can you give us a minute? I will just discuss with my sisters about this matter." Sylvia said, bringing the two other Windsprites with her.

While the three discussed the actions which they would take, Zeke went inside Yaeger's training room again. He has been given full access to the place, making it open up to him but, not allowing everyone else to enter.

"It's a simple spell but quite unbreakable." Zeke thought to himself, remembering a comic book superhero saying the same line before.

He then opened his skill shop, a place he hasn't visited for a while. He already knows the possible response of Sylvia. She is probably tagging along with him. If this is the case, she'd ask her other sisters to take care of the household.

"Sylph won't let that happen since she doesn't want to separate with the two. Plus, she'd probably want to kill Glade." Zeke said to himself as he went through the various skills in the shop.

"That'd leave Allesiah to do the guarding but, knowing how stubborn she is, I'm guessing she'd want to come along. With all that happened, she's gotten quite strong after all."

While all this went on inside Zeke's head, he clicked [Phistophilus' Contract] raising its rank up to [E+]. 

"Which means they'd be knocking on this door any minute now, having the resolution that I'm thinking off."

It didn't take long for this to happen. They knocked on the door and, as Zeke opened it, the three Windsprites entered together with the two servants.

"We've decided to fight alongside you until this mission has been seen through." Sylvia immediately said.

"I figured you'd say that. If that's the case, I need you to fill something up." Zeke snapped his fingers and, [Phistophilus' Contract] appeared in front of them.

He knows how repulsive the contract is for elves. That's why, he bought a cloaking skill which made the contract look like something else.

"This is an experience linking contract."

"Experience link? I've never heard of such a term before." Sylph answered and she is right about this. There is no such thing as an experience linking contract on Elysium.

"Well, that's because the goddess Yaeger has gifted me with this. Making me the only human who has one." He replied, making everyone believe. If anything, they know that this is a possibility as the goddess personally invited Zeke to her realm.

"So what does it do?" Sylvia asked.

"As the name indicates, the contract will make you share on the experience points gained by any member of the group. Adding to this is the fact that, the experience you gain will have an additional 25% increase." He continued.

"The contract has an expiry date so we'll set it on a 7-day period. That's probably the length of time needed for us to finish the task given by the goddess. Does that sound fair?" He added.

"Agreed." Sylvia said immediately. Zeke made Allesiah sign the same contract in order to make it look like the symbol hiding on her neck is the same as theirs.

Zeke got excited as they signed one by one and, Allesiah could feel her master's aura already.

"This is bad for your health guys." Allesiah thought to herself.

All that Zeke thought about is how he's got a new set of noobs which he can strengthen.

"Once I'm done with you, I'll make sure that you reach a level where you can take a whole army by yourselves." He thought to himself, adding the thought:

"Let the grinding begin."

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