The Gamer's System

Chapter 52: Arrows and Levels

Chapter 52: Arrows and Levels

Harun began by stepping back a bit, creating enough momentum for herself. Zeke explained how she'd be able to vault herself up and Harun grasped the concept using her years of spear training.

"What did you tell her?" Allesiah asked Zeke after he came back up to the trees.

"Just a little skill from where I came from." Zeke replied, watching Harun with an excited smile on his face.

The female servant executed the skill immediately. She ran forward and, with the built up speed, she pointed the tip of her spear to the ground as she extended it. This made the female elf fly up to the sky, immediately retracting the weapon as she reached a height where she can see the two boards. She then spun her bod in mid-air and, followed this through with a rain of spear thrusts that devastated the area where the [Pyke Boars] are.

From a distance, the skill looked like a torrent of spears that came from the sky where in fact, it is only a single warrior who performed this.

"Harun I think that's enough." Zeke said as the female elf didn't show any sign of stopping even as the enemies are already lost on the minimap.

She immediately followed the instruction given. Then, Harun apologized as she got back down.

"The attack got me a little too carried away." She said as she came back to where everyone is.

"Yeah we saw that clearly." Zeke replied, motioning for Sylph to come down and follow.

"Do I even need to test this thing? I'm basically the best archer in Elysium. I'm sure I can handle this bow quite well." Sylph said, boasting of her skills.

"Don't worry, I've made sure that a sufficient number of enemies would be your training buddies. Enough to not place any shame into your skill level." Zeke replied. Allesiah saw the look on her master's face assuring her of one thing; her sister will not be facing anything as easy as the first two did.

Before Sylvia could even ask further, she saw the minimap almost turn red. With a large number of enemies coming toward her direction. This is because the [Poison Cloud] already dissolved and, Zeke also called back his Conjures. With nothing stopping the monsters, they went and looked for whoever it is that kept causing them harm.

Zeke planned all of this ahead of time. Using that moment with Harun as a way to drag time in order for the [Poison cloud] to dissolve completely.

"What the hell!" Sylph shouted, wanting to back away immediately.

"What's the matter? Is the strongest archer of Elysium afraid of the small number of monsters before her?" Zeke provoked.

It was a childish taunt. But Sylph is a person who'd get provoked easily. Especially so if her skills are being questioned. With this, the female elf made the bow float, adding a couple of arrows made of mana to it. This shocked Zeke as the skill is of a higher difficulty; not something that can be used after acquiring the weapon.

"Sebastian. My bow." Sylph said calmly, seeing the wave of monsters come closer.

The male servant quickly threw the old bow of the Windsprite. As Sylph's hand grabbed on to the weapon, she immediately loaded it with some arrows from her quiver.

"Watch closely human. This is what Elysium's strongest archer looks like." Sylph said.

[Pyke Boar x20]

[Arachnid Wolf x23]

[Earth Golem x5]

This is the total number of monsters that came for Sylph. As they did, she began running around, swiftly jumping from tree to tree as she fired a number of arrows unto the monsters. She then mixed a single explosive arrow to the barrage, creating a blast which made the area covered by smoke.

Sylph looked closely at her minimap as she executed her attack. She took into account where all the monsters are and, looked to attack on areas where she cannot be countered. This way, she not only made her attacks but also, didn't leave any opening for the monsters to make their own.

She continued with her barrage as she shot some arrows into the sky. She followed this up by creating more explosions forcing the monsters to move into the area opposite of this. Then, without being aware of it, the monsters compiled at a single area.

Sylph fired four more explosive arrows at the four corners of the complied monsters preventing her prey from moving out. Then, as this happened, Zeke looked at the sky and noticed something, a magic circle formed where Sylph shot the arrows.

"Oh this should be interesting." Zeke thought to himself as Sylph caste the spell:

"Rain of Arrows!"

The arrows are made from mana. With the new bow that she acquired, she is able to perform a skill which she has been practicing for a long time. The problem with the spell is that, she lacked the amount of mana required to start it up and make a decent amount of damage.

With the [Golem Core] placed inside her new bow, she can take as much mana from her surroundings as needed and, with his, she fired a couple of arrows into the air, containing enough mana in order to set up this specific spell.

Arrows poured down like a vicious torrent. The monsters weren't able to do anything but scream as their death came slowly and painfully. Dust clouds rose as the barrage devastated the area, destroying even the [Earth Golems] which are resistant to physical attacks. Then, as it ended, Sylph came back to the group. Holding on to both her bows as the group came down to congratulate her.

Zeke saw how Sylph's fingers shook. The set of attack must've put a strain on her but, her pride didn't allow her to fall in front of the human who dared insult and belittle her.

"Well, how was it?" Sylph asked, making Zeke smile.

"I've never seen anything like it." He replied, applauding Sylph who looked away from the human. The compliment took her by surprise, not expecting the crazy human to praise her skills.

Right after the little demonstration conducted by the group, they immediately proceeded to taking on the number of monsters provided by a single crystal. Zeke took a larger part of this while; he left the others with enough enemies to hone their skills.

"There'd be no point to getting your levels up without your skills following through." He told them as Sebastian asked why they couldn't just cover the whole forest with the [Poison Cloud].

"A strong blade is nothing but an ornament in the hands of an unrefined swordsman." Zeke said, making an analogy on level and skills.

With this, the group finally began speeding up their clear rate. The numbers went up exponentially as Zeke viewed the mission tab and, upon reaching noon, they've made it through half the amount needed to summon the first beats. However, they didn't go home for lunch.

Zeke said that, in order to wrap things up in 6 days, they need to stay inside the battlefield for as long as they can. Thus, they made Keith their porter, bringing lunch to the area they marked. The boy came using the scroll, ensuring his safety in both coming and leaving.

The group then took turns at eating lunch. Zeke and Sebastian fought as the female elves ate first.

Zeke also instructed them to eat properly as, it's bad habit to swallow down food without even chewing it properly. This is just a personal preference of his but, the party nevertheless followed him. Then, as soon as they finished eating, it was Zeke and Sebastian's turn.

The amount of [Stamina Potions] consumed also dropped as, the new weapons made it easier for the elves to deal with the monsters. With this, the group continued advancing and as they did, Zeke saw something on the party tab that got him excited.

"Miss Sylvia is going beyond level 100 soon." Zeke thought to himself, seeing the female elf's experience bar go up little by little. He didn't tell this to the group but, he actually created a bunch of [Poison Clouds] around the forest.

He was able to perform this by taking out his [Flying Monkeys] and placing a detonate spell on them which contained the skill. He then made them fly towards areas that are heavily populated by monsters and, upon reaching it, he [Detonated] the spells.

Thus, there are actually multiple sources of experience points for the group. And, as the sun began to set, they've finally cleared the necessary amount of monsters within a single summoning crystal.

They waited around the spawn point which refused to create more monsters. The bright blue crystal then began turning red and as it did, Sylvia suddenly dropped to the ground.

"Sister!" Sylph shouted.

"She's burning up." Allesiah said as she placed her palm on Sylvia's forehead.

Everyone saw this happen but, it is only Zeke who truly understood what was happening. Using his [Analysis], a single notification appeared in front of the eldest Windsprite.

[Commencing Evolution]

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