The Gamer's System

Chapter 59: A Link to the Past

Chapter 59: A Link to the Past

[Name: Sylvia Windsprite]

[Species: Elf]

[Specification: Archelf Element Witcher]

This is what Zeke will see as soon as Sylvia joins the group again. But, at the moment, that same elf is battling a dragon and all the other members can't do anything but watch. 

"Can she handle that all by herself?" The sisters asked Zeke, worried about their eldest. They saw the battle continue, with both Sylvia and the Dragon firing dangerous spells one after the other.

"Well, she can probably win against it at her current state." Zeke replied, confident about what he said.

The reason for his remark is this during the evolution process, Zeke created a staff for the elf which continued storing the overflowing amount of mana for her. Hence, aside from the fact that Sylvia's mana pool has greatly increased, there is an unbelievable amount of mana contained in her staff at the moment. Zeke felt this as soon as Sylvia arrived. He felt a presence which held power outside the normal levels.

"Right now she might just be on par with that thing." Zeke smiled, watching the fight that continued in the sky.

The dragon pressed its attack by summoning dragon shaped lightnings that continued following Sylvia. The sorceress dodged all of these, creating [Ice Sprites] that continued hitting the [Lightning Dragons]. Feeble as the attack may seem, it is a very competent attack. The [Ice Sprites] stuck on the bodies of the summoned dragons until, they've been completely consumed in ice.

Sylvia clenched her fist, shattering the dragon shaped ice. Her opponent got thrilled at the sight, knowing that the battle would be worth its while.

It then stomped on the sky as if there is a ground it is stepping on. The monster continued doing this as Sylvia fired orbs of fire toward the enemy. All of this is nullified by a shield of mist that is thinner than normal.

"It's good. I can see the flow of mana being shaped in a weird way." Allesiah said as she observed the attack from the ground.

Sylvia didn't relent however and, increased the number of flames that she released. This continued until the point that, her spell looked like a machinegun firing at a wall. Then, little by little, the dragon's [Mist Shield] got penetrated until all of Sylvia's attack passed through. 

This didn't reach the dragon however. It tuned back into its half human form, flying at the same speed as Sylvia. It used its katana to slice the spells that Sylvia formed. Then, just as it cut the pillars of ice which Sylvia fired; it finally reached the back of the sorceress.

The dragon tried cutting through Sylvia's body but, he is met by a force which halted his blade from advancing any further. The dragon then backed away, holding its sword in a guarding position as Sylvia turned to face it once more.

"Your group is full of surprises." The dragon said through a communication channel that is only liked to Zeke.

This surprised Zeke of course. More so because he finds no reason for the monster to continue speaking with him. That is, unless it had other motives.

"I think you should focus on the fight." Zeke warned the dragon which turned back to its real form.

"This sorceress is a bit tricky indeed." The dragon replied to Zeke as it casted more [Thunder Dragons] that followed Sylvia around the sky. 

"It's a shame though, I wanted to kill your companions quickly so I can continue talking with you." The dragon said, catching Zeke by surprise once more.

This is the last message it said though. The dragon knew it needed to focus on its enemy because, a few [Air Spears] already grazed its body.

The creature then spawned more [Thunder Dragons]. The sorceress danced through these creatures, firing the same spell that froze them earlier on. However, the dragon began charging a beam at this point. It thought that, the elf couldn't react to both at the same time. However it has been proven wrong.

As soon as the beam was fired, Sylvia created two prisms that contained the attack inside a condensed space. The spell requires both a large amount of mana and a high level of concentration as, the beam fired by the Dragon is not a weak nor flimsy attack. 

Thus, Sylvia is forced to continue flying away from the [Lightning Dragons] as she continued forming a fist. As the motion finished, she clenched her fingers breaking the condensed beam altogether. She then focused back to the dragons, creating twice the number of ice sprites that collision with the beats.

One of these escaped however. The Lightning turned red and, as it did, the spawned dragon began moving faster. It would've hit Sylvia if it weren't for the shield which Heron the [Dragon Morpher] is yet to understand.

Sylvia shifted her attention to the main enemy which had mist coming out of its mouth. The dragon roared again, swirling in the sky and surrounding itself with the same tricky mist that gave Zeke problems earlier on. Sylvia answered this attack by pointing her staff at the mist casting a caging spell. This halted the forming mist which Sylvia then destroyed completely by what seem to be portals.

"Zeke I'm bringing it down." Sylvia said through the [Voice Chat]. The human understood what he needed to do and ushered everyone away from the sight.

"What does she mean by that?" Sylph asked.

"It means we're gonna get fucked up if we don't get away soon." Zeke replied.

"Flame Devourer!" The dragon shouted, firing the same ancient spell that burned down Sylph's rain of arrows. Sylvia didn't back down from the spell. Instead, she met the firepower head on with her own [Ice Blast]. 

At the start, it looked as if Sylvia's spell will get burned down. However, as the seconds added up, her ice began equaling the strength of the flames and, in the end, everything turned to rain as both fire and ice dissolved.

"Hail Storm!" Sylvia released a vicious torrent which forced the dragon to raise its guard as it prepared for a counterattack. Sylvia didn't allow this to happen however.

She used [Force] a spell she learnt upon evolution, allowing her to bend gravity to her will. Of course, the spell consumes a lot of mana but, Sylvia didn't need to worry about that. As far a she is concerned, there is so much mana that she feels like she will explode.

Hence the sorceress continued firing high level spells, still having tons of mana reserved for more attacks.

As the dragon did not expect the attack, its body began falling from the sky. As soon as it did, the creature tried to resist by flapping its wings and casting a lightening spell. But this isn't enough. Sylvia floated don top of the monster and as she did, she casted [Force] once more, adding to the layer that already weighed the dragon down.

The creature came crashing to the ground, creating a cloud of dust and a tremor that felt like an earthquake. Parts of the earth also protruded while Zeke and the other elves watched everything from a safe distance.

"Should we help now?" The servants asked Zeke.

"I don't think your master needs any help." He replied, feeling that the sorceress still needed to let out a lot of mana. 

"Shield yourselves." Sylvia said as the sky darkened.

Everyone looked at what is going on and, they saw a giant mass of rock being formed. Sylvia held her staff up and, one can see the earth spiraling toward the center of the giant boulder she is creating.

The dragon has just recovered and rose from the ground. But then, Sylvia applied [Force] once more, forcing the monster to stay on the ground, trapping it to its inevitable end. 

"Blaze." The sorceress continued surrounding the mass of earth with fire. And with this, she flung it from the sky its force enough to send blows of wind that would sweep any normal person from the ground.

The dragon, with its head facing sideways, saw the attack that is about to hit it. Then, it smiled, as if understanding the fate that awaited it.

"Meteor Strike." Sylvia said as soon as the spell made contact with the beast.

The attack in itself would have destroyed the whole forest if it wasn't for another spell that she casted alongside this. She created a barrier that prevented the force of the explosion from leaving the are of the dragon. Again, this consumed a lot of mana on her part but, that didn't matter because her mana is now balanced.

The sorceress has used up all her mana reserves. Watching the catastrophe that unfolded below her. As she did, she continued floating right on top of the spell. Prepared to attack the dragon once more if it is strong enough to survive the attack.

"It'd be bad news if it does." Sylvia thought to herself, knowing that the amount of mana she has left cannot be any match for the dragon. However, she rested easier as she saw Zeke who approached the flames which seemed to rage without end.

Unlike the other elves, both Zeke ad Sylvia felt that the opponent may still be alive. This suspicion is confirmed as something happened which caught him by surprise. He felt time stop which isn't supposed to be possible. Then, he noticed something, the raging flames still continued moving. However, it moved so slowly that one would mistake everything to have ceased movement.

"That elf is surely strong. I cannot beat her as I am now." The dragon said, appearing beside Zeke. This surprised him. He wanted to take out his pistols right away. But, as soon as he thought of this, his movement got t sluggish as if he's not moving at all while the dragon paced normally in front of him.

"Don't bother trying. This is a spell that uses up my life force as a sacrifice. In return, I can do something which is supposed to be limited to the god of time Chrono. I can disrupt the flow of time, although, as you can see and experience, it is nowhere near perfect." The dragon then pointed its finger at Zeke and, soon enough, he moved properly again.

"You may be wondering why I'm still speaking with you." The dragon said, looking at the human which has now calmed down. Zeke knew that there is nothing he could do to oppose the dragon at this point and, it didn't seem like the dragon could harm him. Hence, he spoke casually to the beat, knowing that he still has one resurrection left for the day. If worse comes to worst, he'd just pretend to die and wait for the spell to finish.

"You shouldn't think much of it. I just wanted to feel my old companion again." The dragon said in a calm voice. As Zeke looked at the human form of the dragon, he can't help but feel a feminine side to it. The dragon's figure is covered by its clothes so he as no way of confirming this. Another thing which made him feel doubtful is the voice which is both low and thick, probably because it is a dragon. 

However aside from this, the [Dragon Morpher] has a long and silky white hair, beautiful violet eyes, and lips that are peach like in shade.

"I'm flattered. Though It think that human is a much better person than I am." Zeke replied, making the dragon laugh at his remark. It then sat down and waited for Zeke to do the same. The human thought there's no harm in following a dying creature's lead and, continued to doing as it motioned.

"I know this is a bit rude but, what happens once we kill you?" Zeke asked, making the dragon laugh again.

"Well, you probably know that from all the monsters you've ben killing these past days. My spirit would return to the crystal while this created from of mine will leave a corpse." Heron began.

"The goddess loves eating dragon meat and as such, I am the most frequently summoned by her" It continued in a more melancholic tone.

"That explains why you're a lot stronger than the turtle." Zeke replied, thinking that even if the goddess is overwhelmingly powerful, the dragon would be able to develop a set of skills in order to put up a fight.

"Surely you jest. All of us here are taken from the ancient times our species have died out a long time ago and, it is only through there crystals that the goddess continues to eat our kind." It replied.

"Is it my turn to ask now?" the dragon asked.

"Sure. Fire away. Oh, and not the literal kind please." Zeke said.

"Don't worry I've already used most of my energy and life force to use this spell." It replied, smiling at Zeke.

"So, onto my questions then. Which deity summoned you?" It asked, a question which shocked Zeke.

"How did you"

"Know?" The dragon finished. 

"The companion I kept telling you about was also an other-worlder. He used various weapons and strategies that didn't seem logical to our world. Plus, his skills and job class were also not part of the ones that people knew of." The dragon then raised its katana and at this, Zeke felt an enlightenment.

"So that weapon came from him?" Zeke asked.

"Yup. It was a present he gave me before we went to our final battlefield." The dragon replied.

"Anyway, you still haven't answered." Heron continued.

"Oh right. UhmI'm Zeke Elwood. I came from a place called earth. That's probably where your companion also came from." Zeke said, feeling a similarity to introductions he made during elementary school.

"Yes! As I thought!" The dragon said with glee, getting closer to Zeke who held his palm forward.

"Don't like people getting close to you huh? That's a lot like him." The dragon said, smiling as it moved away again.

"Ahhhif only I knew right away, I would've used this spell from the start." It said.

"Unfortunately, you were bombarded by my companions." Zeke replied.

"Yeah. Well, that's something we monsters get used to." It replied.

"This spell is ending soon. My only request is that you take my life." It said as time began moving back to its normal speed.

"Let's wrap this up then." Zeke said, standing up and feeling a welling up sadness for some reason. Little did he know that the dragon is connected to him more than he thinks of and, this won't be their last encounter although it will be the shortest.

At this, time moved properly again. Chrono felt the disruption in his domain but paid it no heed as the disruption ended soon. The whole conversation of Zeke and the dragon only lasted for two seconds but, this filled the monster with much happiness.

All this time, it thought of the human. And now, after hundreds of years, it faced someone who looked and spoke in a manner similar to this person. She felt happy about this and, although she wanted to spend more time talking with Zeke, she knew that this isn't possible.

Zeke stepped forward, requesting the finishing blow from Sylvia which was immediately granted. The dragon stood proudly in front of him and, with a smile on its face it said:


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