The Gamer's System

Chapter 87: Blood Elf Monarch - IV

Chapter 87: Blood Elf Monarch - IV

Zeke's vision spun as he is once again hurled away. Even with everything on his current arsenal, Zeke is having great difficulty matching Gallio. If it isn't for Samael's shield which he [Conjured] to defend him, Gallio's attack would've certainly destroyed him.

"Conjure Weapon." Zeke said once again, this time summoning Erio's sword and, making one quick slash before taking back the weapon. He needs to diversify the attacks because this is also a way for him to ensure that the enemy would not figure out his fighting style.

"Was that supposed to hit?" Gallio said as he appeared on Zeke's back piercing through the lungs using his sword.

"That's payment for the hole you made on my shoulder." The king continued as he prepared to slice up. But Zeke casted [Shadow Dive] once again; teleporting over and over to various parts of the battlefield. As he did this, he continually tapped the ground.

Gallio couldn't effectively read Zeke's movements anymore. One moment his opponent blinks away, and then use a speed up skill, then blinks away again. Due to the combination of [Shadow Dive] and [Flash Step], Zeke made his movements less predictable.

Zeke isn't planning on running away. All he wants is to buy time. [Sun Eater] continued making him stronger but it still seems to not be enough against Gallio. But that didn't matter becausethe timer for [Mana Conversion] has almost run out.

"I gotta admit, even with my skills unleashed combined with 50% of my raw strength, you still hold out pretty damn well." Gallio said and, to his surprise, Zeke stopped moving all around the place like a rabbit.

"I don't like how you keep talking down on me." Zeke said, taking out two more [Medium Mana Potions] which he drank. Gallio didn't stop his opponent because, in he believes that the end result will be the same no matter what. He will win against Zeke with brute force.

"And why wouldn't I? You make all those flashy moves but can't even deal that much damage to me." The king mused.

Again, Zeke didn't mind the comment nor did he lose any confidence or faith in his abilities. After all, the next phase of his plan is now in motion becauseone of his skills have ended. 


[Mana Conversion's effects have worn off] 

The system notified Zeke and, even Gallio could feel it his opponent has become weaker. The king made a deep sigh, as if he lost all the built-up excitement.

"Hey don't tell me that's all you got?" Zeke smiled at the comment of the king because, the reason why he drank [Medium Mana Potions] is to bring his [Mana Points] back to full. All for the sake of activating the skill once more.

"Mana Conversion." 

[Sun Eater] is a skill with a similar effect to Mana Conversion. Both skills raise the stats of Zeke for a certain period of time. [Mana Conversion] bases the powerup on Zeke's overall mana offered, not exceeding the mana cap he currently has. Meanwhile, [Sun Eater] is a gradual strengthening skill which continues adding points to all of Zeke's attributes and

This includes his mana.

"HAHAHAHAHA! THAT'S MORE LIKE IT!" The king shouted in excitement feeling a huge spike in Zeke's power level. For the first time in their fight, Gallio actually thought of the possibility of losing against a human.

That's why Gallio wanted to move immediately. Unfortunately for him, he couldn't move his body. This is all due to Hark who gained even more control over his own body as the king got a bit tired. However, this only lasted for five second. Yet, this is all Zeke needed in order to drink two [Large Mana Potions] restoring everything back to full. 

He threw the empty flasks away and, as soon as he did, he disappeared from Gallio's sight. The king knew exactly where Zeke would reappear and, prepared to slash down on that direction. True enough, Zeke appeared at his side but, this alone is not enough to stop the gamer from executing his attack.

"Flash Step." Zeke said, disappearing right in front of the king. The skill amplifies the current speed of the caster. With Zeke being as he is, even Gallio's cannot follow Zeke's movements anymore. But, with his instincts, Gallio knew exactly where the human would be.

With 50% of his powers unleashed, the king can now redirect the motion of his physical attack. Hence, the swing of his blade that was supposed to go downward suddenly turned its direction horizontally. 

Zeke predicted this much, summoning both Lupus and Samael to cover the blow for him.

'Flash Step." Zeke continued, forcing his muscles to change direction at the last moment, tearing them down and regenerating them right away through regeneration and Endurance. And where did he appear this time? Zeke came out near the feet of Gallio, specifically, he appeared at the tendons connecting the upper and lower leg, slicing through these cleanly with [Death's Void Melee Form].

The King dropped to his knees and, this alone is enough to make him snap in rage. Zeke went for the killing blow, summoning both Cull and Erio to help him hack down the king but, Gallio will have none of that,. The mad king skipped through all the teasing with his enemies andwent 100%.

He screamed. It wasn't even a skillonly a normal regular scream. Yet this was enough to make a force so strong that Zeke needed to back away for fear that his body would tear apart from the sound made.

"You dare make me fall on my knees? Me the king of Elysium?" Zeke prepared to move once more but, as he blinked Gallio disappeared, the next thing he knew, there is a blade piercing his heart.

Zeke began coughing blood and saw his health draining rapidly. Gallio took out his blade by swinging upward; cleaving through part of Zeke's body before holding the human on the head and raising him up.

"I've been toying with you throughout this fight boy. But don't assume for even a split second that you could measure up to me." Gallio said in a pissed expression.

Zeke used [Shadow Dive] to create some distance but, instead of arriving to a safe location, he found his face in the dark. Gallio sprinted as soon as he dived, arriving at the same location where Zeke would reappear. The king then planted Zeke's face on the ground and, kicked him in the gut, sending Zeke flying to the wall of the city.

Zeke was just about to escape from it all when a barrage of wind slashes came. He couldn't even react anymore. The skill tore him open over and over again, to the point that even with his regenerative ability, there is no hope of recovery. Soon enough, the walls crumbled down on Zeke and, the gamer died. 

[Curse of the blood King Activated]

As soon as Zeke recovered, he drank a [Large Health Potion] to recover the portion of his health that is still missing. With the 3 second immunity time of the skill, Zeke is able nullify any further attacks for a short while.

"What the hell am I even supposed to do against that?" Zeke told himself, thinking how overpowered Gallio is. Both [Mana Conversion] and [Sun Eater] continued within their duration thus, Zeke's power still rose. Just as he was about to get out of the rubble, a hand reached for his head, crushing his skull a bit as it pulled him out.

"Found you." Gallio said, still not finished with the human. He planted Zeke's face on the wall of the capital and, began making use of it as a carving tool shoving Zeke's head on the concreate as Gallio ran like a madman around the walls.

Even at Glade's current location, he could feel the earth shaking as the walls began crumbling down.

"This isn't good." He told himself as he sensed Gallio's full power being brought out and, to make matters even worse, the king has yet to activated [Ultimate Berserker] a skill which, would once again, bring Gallio's strength to unprecedented levels.

Even the minor gods felt the strength of Gallio almost equaling to their own. It is, after all, a power that has been cultivated for a thousand years, gaining all the strength and attributes of the hosts that came and went. 

"How will you handle the situation human?" Pier said, merrily watching the whole scene unfold.

Zeke didn't let things end as they are. Even with his head planted on the wall, the human has continually released his [Conjures]. Gallio either didn't mind or didn't notice as he is too preoccupied in killing him off. And, as soon as all his creatures have been successfully put in place, Zeke used [Shadow Dive] once more transporting to the farthest shadow of his [Conjures].

"I really didn't want to do this but, you're leaving me no choice." Zeke said taking Samael, Lupus, and Erio together.

Chances of winning have become slim. Really slim, even less than what Zeke has anticipated. And this is why he took this risky option.

"Conjure Mutation." This began the combination of the three and, unlike what Zeke thought, the mutation is actually taking a lot of time to finish.

Meanwhile, Gallio already spotted Zeke and made his way. The human did what any sane mortal would do. He [Shadow Dived] again, reaching the other side f the city in an instant. No matter how fast Gallio is, he can't teleport like Zeke. Hence, Zeke only needs to continue this. He needs to prolong the fight and to buy as much time as he can until the [Conjure Mutation] has finished.

A few more minutes into this and, Gallio has finally regained a bit of composure. All the chasing without any actual battle made his head clear a bit. With this, the king finally activated his trump card. Deciding to finish off Zeke and to not waste any more time.

[Conjure Mutation Success!]

"Force Activate. Ultimate Berserker."

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