The Gamer's System

Chapter 96: The Elites and The Guest

Chapter 96: The Elites and The Guest

Mythos isn't a place which could easily be restored to normal. With all the chaos that is already going on, it would take nothing short than a miracle to accomplish this.

With Glade ruling the world as the Supreme Overlord, more difficulties arose. This is mainly due to the fact that Pier is assisting the elf in making the changes. The dragons were bred into Chaos Dragons. All other monsters got tamed and turned into chaos versions of the originals. All of these serve Glade's forces together with his trusted soldiers and, his forty generals.

Hence, the three major deities did sufficient preparations. The first of this is choosing only humans whose skills can complement one another. They remembered Zeke as they did this, thinking how the human is an all-rounder who is capable of anything. From that human's fighting style, the gods got an idea of what job classes they need.

[Defenders x5]

[Artillery x2]

[Magic x2]

[Assassination x1]

[Trap Expert x1]

[Attribute Booster x1]

[Healer x2]

[Scout x1]

[Fighter x2]

[Tamer x2]

[Champion x1]

Zeke's playstyle relied heavily on defenses and regeneration. Real fights can take unexpected turns and, in order to increase his chances of surviving, Zeke made sure that both attributes and skill types have been properly strengthened.

They were a bit picky with the backgrounds of those they chose. What they need is a team which can cooperate and work together. Hence, they disregarded skilled individuals with shaky personalities. This in itself would've cause them problems as those who follow the rules are usually incapable of killing, let alone fighting.

This is the reason why the humans were first sent to [Trial Island] one by one. The gods became very meticulous with their methods and their selections. They didn't need humans who can't handle holding weapons. They didn't choose those who can't survive on their own. They didn't choose those who cannot adapt. And the list goes on.

This is why they took an even longer time than they did when Zeke was chosen. Furthermore, after all the twenty humans were chosen, they got sent to [Trial Island] once more. But this time, the difficulty was raised considerably. All the experience points they got from fighting this time around was retained for them, with each member of the group not falling below the [Level 50] mark.

This is, again, a preventive measure created by the major deities. With Mythos' difficulty getting even higher, they needed the heroes to be fully geared and prepared. This included giving each of them an S Rank skill of their own choosing.

When their training finally finished, the gods were happy with the results they got especially so with a certain human who somehow reminded them of Zeke Quinn Regulus.

As if blessed by the heavens, the boy was born with a strong physique and a face that could rival any top model on earth. His intelligence is also of another level. Hence, whatever he placed his mind into, the boy achieved without fail. Be it in music, sports, arts, or even gaming. But the last part is disputed for, without Zeke, he could never completely claim the number one spot on gaming. 

Just like Zeke, he swiftly finished [Trial Island] but, the major deities never revealed to him who had the higher score. They said that the records are irrelevant because the former is already dead. That is why, Quinn has made it a goal for himself to accomplish what Zeke couldn't. That is, restore Mythos to a calm and peaceful world.

He, together with the other elites, were sent to Mythos on a specific date. The major deities waited for the time when Glade would try and enter the [Ruined City], just like what his ancestor originally planned on doing. As soon as this happened, they got sent to an area far away from any danger a farm site on the far ends of the Demon Continent.

And this, is where all the cogwheels of fate started turning once again. For, it isn't only the main deities who waited for Glade to disappear. A certain farmer within the Demon Continent also awaited the same.

"What continent is this again?" Jake asked the group. Among the members, he is one who didn't care much about the details. One earth, Jake is a world-renowned athlete who specialized on throwing javelins. As such, the same human chose a modified javelin for his weapon.

"It's the Demon Continent. We're far from Glade's main camp and, that means were a bit safer." Kaguya replied, a gifted Japanese scientist who got taken to NASA at the age of 16. She headed the aeronautics research and, was responsible for creating a spaceship that could reach up to Pluto.

"And here I was thinking that we'd face him right away." Jake continued, making a deep sigh.

"Yeah right, like we could beat the king on our first day." Vostok, one of the defenders, replied.

"Enough of that, let's find a place to rest for now. We'll split into groups of two. Go around the area, but not too far. If anything seems dangerous or suspicious by even a small bit, back off immediately." Quinn instructed his teammates.

"Oh and who made you the leader exactly?" Jake responded. The whole group didn't like how Jake was acted so arrogant. But with Quinn, they're assured that the javelin user will be kept in check.

"Jake this isn't the tie for your silly games. I've already dealt with you a hundred times; do we need another bout to see who's stronger?" Quinn replied, making the whole group shiver. Quinn doesn't like anyone going against him. Hence, before they went to the realm, Quinn challenged each and every one of them - to any field that they wanted. Each and every time, Quinn won without breaking a sweat. That is how talented the young man is.

"Always keep the party system in check. If anyone gets damaged or debuffed, immediately respond to their area." Quinn followed up.

Jake bit his lip and took Vostok as his companion. He didn't say anything more and simply followed Quinn's orders. He knows that there is no way for him to win as he is at the moment. That's why he plans to earn more experience points by fighting off more and more enemies. If he fights more, he'll have more experience points. Soon enough, the gap between him and Quinn will widen and he will assert leadership within the group. Or at least, that is what's running through Jake's head.

The farm is actually a wide area. With the houses of the worker being a bit farther from the fields itself. They saw the weird creatures come instantly and, thought that they came from king Glade. The natural response of the farmers to such an event is to hide. They feared the king and, knew that he'd have no second thoughts on wiping them all out. The women and children all took shelter while the men went outside, with the elder leading them.

"How may we be of service?" Said the old man who had a tail behind him.

"Oh hi. Ummm we were wondering if you could help us get someplace to rest?" Jake said politely.

The old man immediately looked at his fellow farmers. Some of which made slight shakes of their heads in disapproval. Jake wanted to pressure them into taking them in but then, Vostok went up front and showed the insignia of Nisha.

The farmers' eyes all widened in amazement and in the next moment, all of them knelt down their heads looking at the earth below them.

With the training they've gotten is also the teaching of Mythos' current situation. This also came with assurances that creatin communities will accept them wholeheartedly. In the Dwarven continent, Chrono's insignia could be used. In the continent of the Elves, it is Sinclair's. While on the Demon continent, believers of Nisha almost dominate the area.

On Rak'shan, the continent of the Beastmen, beliefs are more diverse and so it isn't safe to gamble showing off insignias in that place. Hence, they chose the one with more believers and, firm ones at that. For even with the torture and persecution they received from Glade, the demons never relented from making offerings and prayers to Nisha. One which pained the goddess so deeply for a lot of years.

"Praise the goddess!" Was the only words that the old man could say.

"Damn, she's really something else entirely huh?" Jake whispered to Vostok who only nodded his head slightly.

With this, the group is able to secure a place for them to stay at. The farmers offered them the town hall as their resting place. And although food is scarce, they were able to set up a feast for the heroes. One which the group gladly accepted.

Night soon came and, unlike Zeke's experience, no problems came for the group of humans. They bathed and relaxed but, before going to sleep, Quinn gathered them for a meeting. The group began discussing what actions to take base on the amount of information and time they have.

While this went on, a shady person entered a soldier encampment near the farm. His black hood hid his face and, on his hands are strange weapons that nobody has ever seen before. His whole body seem to be cloaked by shadows and, the area around him seem to come to life. As if there are other creatures lingering about.

"Let's finish this quickly, I got a lot of other things to attend to." The soldiers immediately attacked the person, with one of Glade's generals sitting lazily at the back waiting for his men to finish the job.

This isn't the first time that they got attacked by some inhabitants who think of themselves as hotshots. In fact, they've experienced countless raids and sneak attacks in the past. But, none of this ever worked against them. For their general is the infamous Iron Steelheart, a demon whose defensive spells and attributes have been optimized to last even with a thousand strong men attacking him at once.

The man began donning his armor as, the opponent killed his men one by one. Indeed, he has seen a lot of attempted raids but, none has been so bold to attack alone. 

"You've got balls I'll give you that." Iron began, holding his trusted shield on his left while, his axe is gripped tightly by his right hand. Then, he made all his soldiers back down while he went to deal with the intruder himself.

"Someone seems to be overestimating themselves." The cloaked intruder said.

"Well, that sure ain't me." Iron replied, releasing a skill which closed them off within a limited space. This is a terrain magic which also increases all defensive stats of Iron twofold. 

"Let's do this." The proud general continued.

Outside the created dome, the soldiers cheered their captain. Some began drinking while others continued shouting. All of them are confident that, the winner of the bout will be their general. 

The earth continued rumbling and flashes of light could be seen from the top of the dome. Cracks also began showing which, the soldiers found odd. For the longest time, nobody has ever seen General Iron's dome getting cracks on it. Yet this time, they saw more than this as, the dome began crumbling down. Screams came from inside and, this made the soldiers slowly stop with their cheering. The soldiers heard a resemblance to their general's voice but, thought that they heard wrong. There'd be no way for Iron to lose right?

"HELLP!" Was the last word they clearly heard and, this time everyone surely heard right. It was Iron's cry for help.

The dome crumbled down completely and, in front of them the enemy, sitting on top of the general's corpse. He then said a word which had so little voice that they couldn't make out what it was. But then, creatures began forming from a thick blue mist. And while the enemies had no clue what to do next, their guest have everything planned out saying only a single command to the creatures which surrounded him:


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