The Gamer's System

Chapter 99: Preparations

Chapter 99: Preparations

"Just like I thought, they're gonna defend those demons." The man said, looking at the scene from far away. He is currently relying on the eyes of one of his summoned creatures in order to get a clear view of things. Through this, they can't detect him and, even if they do, he could simply release the summoned creature.

As he did this, the man meditated within the same cave which Jake tried entering. The goblins killed by the javelin user were actually summons made by him in order to ward of any intruder. If these are killed, he simply needs to release some of his mana and, anyone would back away immediately.

And why does he need to meditate exactly? It's because his body has a lot of problems attached to it. The blood flowing in his veins, the talent possessed by his mortal frame and, the blessing of a strange old man. All this made things a bit complicated for him and so, he continued performing this meditation each and every day. Cultivating his body so that it won't suddenly get destroyed.

"I wonder how they're going to handle those generals. They're a bit troublesome if not taken care of quickly." He continued, with mana vividly orbiting around his body. There are different colors to these, signifying the different elements connected to them.

"All those bastards are at least level 100 or higher." He finished, not giving any more comment as he needs to maintain the balance in his meditation. He was able to see some interesting stuff being cooked up by the humans so, he enjoyed the sneak peek at the fight that's about to come.

"Set the traps on all the locations I've marked." Quinn ordered, making Zilg proceed to the task given to him. His specialty includes all sorts of traps including land mines and other surprising things. There is a single factor which common to all his traps and that is, he needs to place a magic circle on the areas where the traps are supposed to set off. It's a bit like Zeke's [Detonate] with the difference of Zeke being able to store any sort of skill within [Detonate].

The traps can be as complex as a reflecting beam, or as simple as an exploding mine. Quinn decided on using the latter - scattering it around the land. This will make the enemy forces a bit more careful on the movements they make and, for a while, they'll have to regroup and strategize their next action. But Quinn won't give them this chance.

As every member of the Elites posses an S Class skill, there are a lot of attack patterns they can use. But there is a specific skill which Quinn has at the top of his mind: Kaguya's S class skill - [Oblivion].

Upon activation, it creates a large black hole on the sky. Both the range and the force can be controlled by Kaguya and, all these factors are dependent on the amount of mana she can use. The hole actively devours everything within its radius called [Event Horizon]. Its victims have no other choice but to force themselves out of its pull because any attempt at escaping will only lead to their quicker demise.

However, there is one major flaw to the skill. With Kaguya's current capacity, she cannot wield the skill any longer than 10 seconds. Forcing the skill to be kept active will tear her body apart but, Kaguya has already steeled herself to this choice if the need arises. With Quinn leading them, Kaguya felt assured that this choice won't be necessary anytime soon.

"Make sure there's enough of a distance to trap our enemies within a limited area." Quinn followed up, planning. With both the mines and the Kaguya's skill, the enemies would be at a disadvantage on where to move. Even aerial forces would prove to be futile because of the four long range attackers including the two mages and the two archers.

"How are the defenses?" He asked Vostok who leads the five defenders.

"The vanguard is all set. We've placed an invisible defensive barrier around the farm and on the areas you've told us. We'll keep adding more mana into them just in case." He replied.

The defenders are diverse in the defensive ability they maxed out. Each of them has a different S class skill to go with their job class. But, what they have in common is that, all of them can create this invisible wall of mana which could hold against a certain amount of damage. As a [B+] skill, it won't hold out much on its own. But the thing is, there can be layers upon layers of this skill. Furthermore, if one part of the barrier gets weakened, the skill will automatically balance itself out, covering any hole at the expense of thinning out the defensive mana shield. Even if one [Barrier] gets destroyed, there can be layers upon layers of the skill, making it a really troublesome defense to go up against.

"We'll have a bit of an image training later on. Tell Merlin to prepare his conceptual magic." Quinn continued, not having even a single second of rest while the preparations went on. As the leader he felt it his obligation to be the most dedicated one of the bunch. But what he doesn't know is that he is simply stacking up the burden upon himself.

Yet the human took this as a challenge. He thought that, just like all the times in the human world, he could gain what he wants when he puts his mind into it.

Quinn made sure to utilize every member of the elite without missing a single one. He has plans for every situation and countermeasures in case these plans fail. There is no doubt in Quinn's mind that they would succeed and this is not born out of cockiness nor anything of that sort. Quinn knows full well how capable his whole team is.

Even if there are those who'd be able to break through [Oblivion] the long-ranged attacks will be there to welcome them. Traps have also bene set on every strategically advantageous spots. What's more, if worst comes to worst and the barrier is broken, Jake, Quinn, and Mirio are all ready to fight them head on.

Defenders will be there to hold back the number of attacking forces while, directly aiding these will be the healers of the group. Buffs will also be provided even before all of this begins and, as the battle progresses various other buffs will be given.

Their healers are also ready in place. The reason why there are two of these in the group is for the reason that, if the case arises where one of the two would be injured, the other one can heal the injuries. Therefore ensuring that, both healers will always be available for deployment. Furthermore, one vanguard per healer has been assigned and, they'll also be equipped with defensive buffs.

Aside from their usefulness in healing, the healers are practically useless in fights. That's why they're taken care of so much because, in exchange for their lack of fighting capability is their immense potential in healing and regeneration. In fact, their skills are even greater than Zeke's regeneration but, that's only because Zeke has his healing skills as passives and depends highly on potions to speed things up.

Reckless as his style may be, Zeke has continued producing results over and over again. But Quinn doesn't want to just produce results. He wants to produce clean, one-sided, and undeniable results that would show his team's superiority over Zeke. It may seem as an obsession of Quinn to surpass a dead human but, he just wants to claim the seat as the peak of humanity's evolution.

The preparations continued for two days starlight. Without General Iron' men constantly exploiting their harvest, the demons finally had enough food to have decent meals. Not only this, they even prepared a banquet for the humans, thanking them for their courage and their upcoming display of heroism.

The man who defeated Iron continued watching them from inside the cave. But he fears that the humans are becoming too attached to the demons. Within this short span of time, the elites got to know the demons even better. With this, they befriended some while some of the elites enjoyed the attention attached to their title as heroes. But they didn't grow complacent nor did the humans become lax. In fact, Amare continued scouting for any signs of enemies approaching.

Due to all the fun they had in the village, many of the elites began forgetting that they need to fight. But this reality was soon reminded to them as Amare came to Quinn, informing the approach of a large cluster of enemies.

Quinn used his S Class skill and, was able to see the same thing Amare did. There are at least 200 soldiers in total, including the monsters and the aerial units. In the middle of this group are two warriors who wore armors that stood out from the group. One wore dark violet while the other wore grass green colored armor. Both of them emits so much bloodlust that, even if they are still far away, Quinn couldn't help but feel a shiver run through his body.

But the human didn't falter. As the leader of the elites and, as the person relied on by the demon farm, Quinn remained composed. With at least a 2-kilometer distance standing between the farm and the enemies, he raised his hand and gave the signal.

Zilg smiled as he released the spells saying:


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