The Games We Play

Chapter 40: Detect

Chapter 40: Detect

DISCLAIMER: This story is NOT MINE IN ANY WAY. That honor has gone to the beautiful bastard Ryugii. This has been pulled from his Spacebattle publishment. Anyway on with the show...errr read.


An hour or so later, I was waiting in the police office lobby with a lap full of dog. Healthy or not, he shook and panted hard, frightened by the presence of so many people, and probably would have reacted violently had I not continued to pet it and whisper softly. As long as I did that, he seemed content to stay put, though I had to keep petting him to stop him from growlingand I was thus left sitting with a dog on top of me. He wasn't heavy or anything, but he did seem pretty certain that there was no justifiable excuse for me not petting him or moving or anything.

We weren't alone, of course. The kids sat beside me, legs swinging freely, and then there were a few others in seats throughout the room. After picking up Johannes, Margaret, and the dog, I'd meandered in the general direction of the closest police station, pausing somewhat frequently to address anything Levant alerted me to. Because Levant didn't distinguish based on the degreeor even speciesthat meant progress had been fairly slow, but

Well, I helped a fair amount of people, I think. I'd seen a lot, toofrom a man suffering from arthritis have trouble walking down the street to a domestic dispute I'd interrupted. I'd healed the man and he'd been on his way, but in the latter casewell, things like that were more complicated.

I'd broken and entered, kind of. Well, really, I'd just sort of unlocked the door with Crocea Mors and opened it to get a good look at what was going on, interrupted with a pretty lame 'I guess it was unlocked,' and taken some pictures with my scroll. Nothing huge or anything, but I made it clear I knew what was going on and didn't like it and having someone barge in like thatwell, that changes things. I hadn't shouted or threatened or thrown a punchthis really was a matter for the police, after all, and such a thing would just complicate things for them legallybut I'd stood my ground calmly. When I'd seen the thought of threatening me or beating me down cross his mind, I stared at him until he thought twice.

Then I'd left with the victim, talked to her about coming with me to face the police, and had eventually brought her along. Things had continued along that vein; Levant led me to a cat with a broken leg and I healed it. She led me to a minor car accident and I'd fixed a small concussion. There was a drunken man getting sick outside a bar who I'd done my best to fix up and get sober before letting him go on his way. Besides the abandoned children and domestic abuse, there had been a few other things that seemed important, but a lot of them weren't really the type of thing I thought I should interfere with directly, especially at such a time. I'd tell the police about a building I was pretty sure was being used by dealers, because if I went in myself I'd probably make legal action harder. There were a few other places I'd noted but

Well, maybe a part of Wisdom was knowing not just how to act but when to act? That's what I thought, at least.

Regardless, with a few exceptions most of it was fairly small stuff, especially in comparison to the White Whale incidentbut I still thought of it as pretty important to help people in need, even if they weren't being held slaves.

Stillas worthwhile as it had been, my actions today had been inefficient. I'd never really considered its use for this particular purpose before, but my power was well-equipped to handle stuff like this, I just lacked any experience doing sosomething I'd need to correct. But really, between my Elemental's senses, Observe, and my other abilities, I could pretty easily help people this way as well. No, even beyond that, just my ability to see people's titles

I supposed it wasn't really surprising given the nature of my power, but sometimes it still surprised me a little how many ways I had to help people. With my ability to adapt and excel in any situation given enough timeit was really more of a question of what I should do then what I could do. Though I'd dismissed them as empty words before gaining this power, my Mom had always said I could become whatever I wanted. Now, I guess that was factually accurate. It wouldn't be immediate, but if I dedicated myself to something hard enough for long enough, my skills should let me become a master in any field. The only question was which field.

What I wanted more than anything else, what I'd always wanted, was to be a Hunter and defend the world for the monsters at our doorand that was a good choice in a lot of ways, I thought, because our history was all too full of nations that had succumbed to the darkness. In time, I could become a legendary warrior, push back the beasts, and slay even the most deadly of monsters as I helped further the borders of Mankind. I had no idea what my limits were in the long runin a year, two years, a decadewhen I was my father's age, what would I be capable of? I couldn't even guess. But being the slayer of monsters and defender of the innocent was a good choice and one that let me go further by gaining experience quickly.

But there were other problems in the world besides the monsters, and II could fight them, too. I could become an investigator easily, even with just my passive skills; I could Observe the details on evidence, gauge suspects, watch out for titles, and hunt down the monsters inside the system. As a healer, if I continued on this path I'd be able to cure any disease, close any wound, save countless lives with but a touch. I could probably develop some sort of political skill, too, if I figured out how; perhaps I could even help unite the Humans and the Faunus. Or maybe I could build technological wonders if I focused on Craft, advance Mankind that way.

I could become any of those things. Maybe all of those things. But what was the right choice? Even if I could do everything, I couldn't do everything at the same time, so what should I focus on and when. I had the chance, especially while I was still at relatively low levels, to shape my entire destiny, but into what? I knew that I was far from the only sixteen year old with uncertainty about the futurebut with power like mine, the choices I made could affect so many

I sighed quietly.

But even with my Wisdom high as it was, I wasn't certain about all the choices I was making for my own life; I don't think I was up to weighing the implications all of my actions and decisions might have far in the futureand if even the short time since I gained my powers had proven anything, it was that I had no idea what the future held, for me or anyone else. For now, I should just

"Jaune Arc, right?"

I looked up to see a man in a neat suit with salt and pepper hair. Several officers, detectives, and lawyers had filed in and out since I reported what happened to people I'd brought in, but this one was new andfamiliar, maybe?

"That's me," I said, patting the dog to indicate why I didn't stand. I looked at him inquisitively for a moment, trying to place his face. "Do I know you, sir?"

"Ithink we met once or twice, yeah," He said with a smile, leaning against the side table to my left. "Name's Delrick Albion; I worked with your mom and dad a few times. Last time was abouta year and a half ago, I suppose? They invited me over a few times so we might have seen one another. To be honest, though, I recognized you because you look a lot like your father. Your parents know you're here?"

"Already sent them a message," I nodded. "Kind of surprised they aren't here yet, actually, but they got called in for something earlier. Must have turned out bigger than they expected."

"That happens, yeah," Albion said, looking over me closely. He didn't comment on the armor or the roses, but if he'd worked with my parents, he'd probably seen weirder. "Everything okay?"

"Yes, sir," I replied. "Just here for emotional support, really."

"Yeah?" He asked, lifting an eyebrow as he looked over my little group. Sini drew away, looking elsewhere, while Levia young man I'd picked up who seemed to be having problems with his life in generalstared at him nervously.

Margaret, in contrast, looked really bored, her brother already sleeping in the chair next to her.

"Our mom left us in an alley," She said, the words slightly bitter but otherwise without inflection. She could have been talking about a sudden rain shower for all it colored her tone with annoyance.

Albion raised an eyebrow at that, glancing at me as I sighed. I nodded at him in confirmation.

"One sec," He said, pushing off the wall to wander off for a minute. When he returned, he was idly flipping through something, brow furrowed. He must have been a fast reader, though, because he finished the rest of it in a few more seconds, and then sighed. "Busy day, huh?"

I shrugged.

"What were you doing that close to the FF, anyway?" He questioned. "The HQ is in midtown."

"Keeping busy while my parents were held up," I said honestly. "Ended up wandering."

"Up North?" He asked, eyebrow going up again. It didn't really look like he was suspicious but morewell, more like he was looking at a member of my family.

"Mom's been training me, lately," I said defensively. "There wasn't a whole lot else to do on short notice."

"Ah," His expression cleared as if the words explained everything, though he looked at me with enough worry that I assume he knew my mother. "Well, whatever the case, it's a good thing you were there. Your parents will probably be here"

"Woo!" I heard my dad shout, door slamming wide open to reveal his grinning face. "If it isn't DA the DA! How you doing, Rick?"

Mr. Albion rolled his eyes but smiled a tad fondly.

"Jack," He said. "I was just telling your boy here that he did a good job. It seems he spent his day actually being a productive member of society."

"Ugh, why?" My dad asked, expression pulling back. "I'd heard you were downtown and hoped you'd had fun or something."

"Helping people is fun, Dad," I chided.

He snorted, but gave me a smile as he rustled my hair, sending the dog in my lap growling.

"Oh," He said, looking down at it. "You pick up a puppy, Jaune?"

He reached towards it and was promptly bitten for the attempt, which did nothing but amuse him further.

"What is it?" He asked. "An Atlesian?"

"I think so," I shrugged. "Don't know a lot about dogs, though."

"It is," Albion said surely, not even giving the dog another glance. He'd shifted his attention to look at each of the people I'd brought in in turn, observing them closely.

"It likes you a lot, whatever the case," My dad continued, glancing over my armor with a small smile. "You heal it?"

I glanced at Mr. Albion, a bit surprised he'd bring that up here. I mean, I wasn't really hiding it since I'd used it liberally, but

He probably knew what he was doing, I thought, trusting him.

"Yeah," I said and saw Albion's eyebrows go up. "He was in a pretty sorry state when I found him."

"My son's been practicing to be a healer," My dad bragged to his friend easily. "Gonna be the best in Vale before you know it. How bad?"

I hesitated for a moment before rattling off a quick list of what he'd suffered from, making my Dad's smug grin widen.

"You got the flowers too, I see." He noted, surprising me again. "You want me to talk to your mother about keeping the dog?"

"Uh," I said, brow furrowing as I looked down at the puppy. I was surprised he would bring up something like this here, but

I scratched the dog's ears and it panted happily, lifting a paw to pant it against my chest.

"Sure," I said at least. "I meanyeah. Um, but"

My dad snorted.

"Rick's got good eyes," He said meaningfullyor perhaps warningly? "It's why he's so good at what he does."

"Why thank you," Albion said, bright green eyes fading abruptly to a more worn color. "I was going to mind my own business, though, Jack."

"You?" Jacques Arc laughed. "And nah, I was gonna speak to you at some point, anyway. Wanted to talk to you about my boy here."

"Oh?" Albion said, casting an easy glance around. "Shall we talk in my office, then?"

"You'll be okay?" I asked, kneeling beside the children. "You're sure?"

Margaret almost rolled her eyes. My dad and Mr. Albion had left to discuss matters in the latter's office, so I'd remained with what I considered my charges. Well, really, all I'd been able to do was sit beside them and wait as the police did their jobs, giving reassuring nods when they were called into offices to speak in private. Sini had been called in first, thankfully, and after all the physical evidence was recorded I was finally allowed to heal her. She gave her statements, handed over all her contact information, and had her relatives were contacted, one of whom swung by to pick her up. Levi's issues werewell, more complicated due to both his own history and that of his family, but I vouched for him as best I was able.

All in all, though, they were private matters and I wasn't allowed to listen to what went on behind closed doorsand, more than that, didn't listen out of respect for their privacy and the sensitivity of the issue. I trusted the police to be able to handle it and to do all they could.


Well, given the circumstances it came as no surprise but Johannes and Margaret had their parent's called in for the investigation. Naturally, stories would need to be taken, evidence gathered, social workers would probably be involved, among who knows what elseI understood it was a complex issue made even more complex by the apparently conflicting claims of the parents. Butit was still worrying, that they were being asked to enter the same room as their parents now. I knew mentally that nothing would happen in a police office and the officer who'd come to speak to Margaret had made it clear she didn't have to face them yet if she didn't want to, but

"It's nothing," She said confidently, sounding for all the world like she meant it despite the somewhat nervous motions of her fingers. "I ain't scared."

"Do you need me to" I began to offer before she did roll her eyes.

"Go," She insisted and I rose hesitantly, still carrying the now sleeping puppy.

"I'll ask my Dad and Mr. Albion if I can call later and make sure you're okay," I promised as I shifted Johannes into a more comfortable looking position where he slept beside his sister.

"Whatever," She said, though it almost sounded like a thank you. I sighed quietly and nodded at her before leaving.

I barely made it out of the waiting room before I heard my name.

"Jaune," My Dad smiled. "You done?"

I scratched my head and nodded, if a tad uncertainly. My dad laid a hand on my shoulder and squeezed it reassuringly.

"Don't worry; I'm sure they'll be fine," He said. "You did good, son."

"Mr. Albion told you?" I asked, though it wasn't really a question.

"Rick told me what you did, yeah," He said, bobbing his head. "But you gotta understandsometimes you have to do the best you can and trust others to do the same. You knew your limits and that's good, so leave this to the VPD, okay?"

"Yeah, it's just" I struggled to find the words.

"I know," He said, understanding as I knew he would. "As a Hunter, Jaunethe future's always uncertain; you know that as well as people twice your age."

I nodded.

"But we face it, even if it looks bleak and it seems hard to find the light," He continued. "We face the unknown, fight the monsters, and risk our lives; that's what being a Hunter means. But we do it all for the sake of others, to protect people and try to create a brighter future for them. Facing danger and uncertainty for thathow could we not? When it's something for us to bear in place of others, we'll face danger proudly. And yetsometimes it's not. Sometimes we can't protect themand even when we can, we can't protect them forever. You can spend a month guarding a village and slay any Grimm that comes close, but what will happen after you leave them behind and go protect someplace else?"

"There's no way of knowing," I said quietly.

He nodded.

"So we do the only thing we can," My father said. "We do everything we can. We fight hard and we protect them with our lives and work together and we hold onto hope even when it's hard. And it can get very hard, son; no matter what anyone says, it's not easy to believe, much less to trust people you don't even know with the lives of people you do."

He nodded back in the direction of the children and at the police that must have been with them now.

"But even if we don't know each other, so long as we share the same goals and hopes and dreams, that's enough. No matter where we come from or what brought us together, whether we're Hunters or Soldiers or Policemen, we fight to protect people. When you grow up and have to fight, when lives are on the line and you stand beside people you barely know, remember that it doesn't matter how they got here, only why they came. And that applies here, too. You're worried about them, about their parents and their futures and it's scarier than facing danger yourself because you can protect yourself and they can't. But you brought them to the police for a reason and you can trust them to handle things, right? Being a Huntsman means you've gotta be strong, but it doesn't mean you have to be able to do everything yourself. That's why we work in teams."

I nodded but stayed silent for a minute.

"Is that why you spoke to Mr. Albion?" I asked, looking at him closely. "Because you want me to work with them? Iwell, I don't mind, but"

I didn't mention that I'd worked with Blake and Adam, because I was pretty sure I didn't have to. My Dad's lips twitched.

"Nah, that's something different," He said before giving me a meaningful glance. "Though getting some experience working with the police and making friends wouldn't hurt. Neither would some experience with this kind of business."

I nodded, understanding.

"But I'm not too worried about you in that regard," He said, ruffling my hair. "It's just important for us all to be reminded now and thenit's okay to worry, but it's okay to have faith, too. For those of us who are powerful especially, it can be hard to remember that just because you can stand alone doesn't mean you have to. Even if we have gotten told a thousand times already, God."

I chuckled a little at that, smiling up at my old man.

"Not an issue for me," I said. "I know I've got a long, long way to go."

"Maybe, kid," He shrugged at me, lips twitching. "But you'll get there eventually. Just remember you don't have to protect everyone by yourself. "

I nodded and we were both silent for a minute as we walked through the darkened streets.

"I want to do more than just protect people," I said suddenly. "Because I know I can't be everywhere, can't save everyone. I know nothing I do will ever truly change that fact, too. Butif they'll be safe only because I'm there and be in danger if I'm gone, that's stupid, isn't it? I know I'll be gone eventually, soI want to help keep them safe, even if I'm gone. That's why"

He chuckled and put a hand on my head without ruffling it.

"I know. But that's gonna be a lot of work, even when you do get it cheap enough and it won't fix anywhere close to everything. And just getting that faryou told me how hard it would be." He said seriously before suddenly pulling me close with an arm. I had to adjust the dog in my arms to keep him from being squished between us and he let out a chuffing breath in his sleep. "Well, butI know you'll do it eventually, Jaune, even if it is difficult."

I huffed a bit from beneath his arm, though I wasn't really upset.

"Of course, Dad," I asked. "I already know I can do it, so why would I ever give up?"

He laughed, messing with my hair again.

"That's the spirit," He said. "Anyway, I talked to Rick andhm. Am I getting you to help him or him to help you?"

He seemed to muse over that for a moment before shrugging with a smile.

"Well, I arranged for you two to help each other, how about that?" He asked. "You should be able to learn a fair bit from him; fighting's not really his specialty, but there's a reason he was put in charge of so much stuff. I was gonna talk to him eventually but since you were here anywayWell, you're old enough for some of the work and he can pull a few strings. It'll get you some experience or, you know, explain a few things."

I nodded.

"Although," He mused. "It'll have to wait until after your Mother's done with you. And Mistral, of course. And I said I'd bring you along on a mission or two. Your mother will probably think of something else for you to do, toowow, I guess you're pretty busy, huh, Jaune?"

"You say it as if it had nothing to do with you" I shook my head but didn't both trying to fight the smile. "It's fine, though."

I let the silence return for a moment before sighing deeply.

"So," I said at last. "How are we gonna explain the dog to mom?"

"I figured you'd just awaken its Aura, bring it home, and not even acknowledge that anything was different," My dad replied like it was nothing. "They say it's better to beg for forgiveness then ask for permission, right? Personally, I never saw a lot of point in apologizing unless you made things worse, though. And really, if there were explosives wired throughout the entire building, odds were it was gonna end up exploding eventually, anyway."

I looked at him for a long moment and then sighed again.

That explained a few things, but

"Yeah, okay," I said, looking down at the sleeping bundle in my arms.

Just A Dog

LV 1


I laid a hand on the dog's head and closed my eyes, reaching out to the light trapped within him with now long-since practiced ease. I muttered the words under my breath but barely heard them as light flared and burst forth, shining trails outlining a weakened mortal form and feeding it power. It shone brightly beside my own and feltdifferent from a humans, more tactile in a way I wasn't entirely sure how to describe. But I drew myself away from it, drawing a deep breath as I looked at the somewhat startled looking pooch, who let out tiny squeaking barks as his head swiveled and he looked around. I scratched him behind the ears to calm him down and he immediately quieted.

I gave him another once over.

Mystic Dog

LV 1


A skill has been created through a special action! Through close bonds and a steady hand, the skill 'Beast Tamer' has been created!

"Not bad," My dad said. "By the waydoes he have a name?"

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