The Games We Play

Chapter 82: Opening Shot

Chapter 82: Opening Shot

DISCLAIMER: This story is NOT MINE IN ANY WAY. That honor has gone to the beautiful bastard Ryugii. This has been pulled from his Spacebattle publishment. Anyway on with the show...errr read.

Opening Shot

In moments, my eyelids dissolved and I saw once more. For a startling moment, I couldn't breathe, but something shifted in my chest again and inhaled deeply. I held the breath for a moment and felt my lungs shift and pulse oddly, but stranger than that was the fact that I didn't feel any need to take another. I felt something shift in the confines of my chest and justlost interest in my former pattern of breathing.

I rose to my feet and nearly stumbled, my bones seeming to vanishor perhaps soften, it was hard to define. I caught myself quickly, muscles hardening to provide structure as bones twisted and turned, elongating inside me. Now that I was fully covered by the armor of the Grimm, the disease seemed to go to work on my insides, changing me down to the literal bone. I felt a feeling like butterflies in my stomach as it shifted, felt my heart growing larger and beating so fast that my pulse seemed to blend into itself in my ears, and even my brain began to turn again.

But even here and now, I felt like myself. If there were changes, I didn't see themthough perhaps that in itself was something to worry aboutand as bizarre as my body was becoming, it still felt like my own. I twitched my fingers and clenched them into fists and looked around me.

The first thing I noticed was how different my perspective was. I was definitely over two meters tall now and quite a bit so; I couldn't imagine I was much smaller than my father's warped form, down below. Levant floated into the air, bearing my scroll and both it and she looked tiny from up her. I gently placed a finger beneath the scroll and tilted it upwards to meet the eyes of my face, not that I much needed too with a pair facing every direction. Still, I imagined he'd be more comfortable looking at the face on my face instead of one of the other ones.

Then again, maybe not. The look he gave me as our eyes met made me wonder what I looked like now.

"Ozpin," I said calmly, my voice seeming to change between my lips and the air.

"Jaune," He replied. "Are you okay? You collapsed suddenly."

I didn't remember that, which was also worrying, but there were many other reasons for why I'd be on the ground. I nodded to him once.

"Well enough," I confirmed. "Body's still changing, but I seem to be okay."

I lifted my gaze to the renewed might, my mother warping ground and air against my father, who progressed through the frigid conflagration as if it was a gentle rain. The durability of the Grimm combined with the power of a Hunter was not something to be underestimated, it seemed. Even fighting with all her might, Mom was barely slowing him down and it was only a matter of time until she worked herself to death.

"Time is running out, though," I continued, swallowing any uncertainty I felt. "I've got a rough outline of a plan; I'll just have to wing the rest. Mind staying onboard?"

"Of course not, Jaune." He replied. "You've decided on your first move, then?"

"More or less," I grunted, glancing at the assembled screens with five sets of eyes. I focused on the important stuff first, getting my thoughts in order as I skimmed the profiles of my most important skills.

Acceleration (Active) LV1 EXP: 12.64%

The ability to increase the rate one moves through time through the use of great power, the degree of alteration depends upon the amount of power supplied. Something normally only possible for those with a great affinity for the elements, this skill is also possible with the use of a rare variant of Gravity Dust.

Additional 1000 MP spent per second per degree of increase.

Monstrosity (Passive) LV1 EXP: 7.92%

An ability inherent to those who have lost their humanity and drawn upon the murderous powers of the Grimm. Increases physical traits by a percentage equal to one's corruption and causes additional changes as a result of slaughtering of human beings.

Corruption: 83.6%

Humans killed: 0

Metamorphosis (Active) LV1 EXP: 0.00%

An ability given to those who have cast aside the last traces of their humanity and adopted the lethal forms of the Grimm. Allows for the mutation of body parts into forms designed to make one a better killer, at the cost of increasing one's corruption. More advanced mutations at available at higher levels. Imposes the status effect 'On A White Horse He Rides' if the user does not already possess that status effect.

Corruption: 83.6%

The White Rider (Passive) LV1 EXP: 0.00%

A resemblance to one of the Knights of Grimm, obtained through infection and extensive mutation. One has adopted a form similar to the Knight of Conquest and may now draw upon traces of his power; this ability activates automatically once the status effect 'On A White Horse He Rides' reaches MAX. Allows for the use of abilities coinciding with one's altered form, but replaces the user's active title with 'The White Rider.' This ability may not be deactivated while 'On A White Horse He Rides' remains at MAX.

I took a deep breath and looked down at myself. As I suspected, I was still changing even now, progressing towardssomething. It was already over eighty-three percent complete, so it wouldn't take much longer at this rate. I suppose I may as well hasten the process, given the bonuses from Monstrosity; I was a bit wary of replacing Grimm Slayer with an unknown title, butat least so far, I'd been able to trust in my power. Whatever had happened or would happen, I felt certain that I could continue to rely on it. Even against the spread of Conquest's infection and the horrific changes to my body, it had kept me alive and safe, soI placed my trust in it again and felt my body shift and shake.

As I felt things begin to grow from my back and arm, I turned each of my many gaze to a different window, looking over the abilities I'd gained for increasing my Wisdom.

Empathy (Passive) LV1 EXP: 4.03%

A skill granted to those born with a natural understanding of the people around them, this ability allows one to perceive the emotions of others. The range and depth of this ability increase alongside one's Wisdom.

Range: 1 kilometer.

Projection (Active) LV1 EXP: 1.38%

A skill to those who, though great understanding of themselves, have learnt to release the light of their souls into the world at large. Through meditation and training, the user can shed their mortal form and move through the world as a purely spiritual body.

Balance (Passive) LV1 EXP: 9.21%

An ability given to the few that have honed their natural talents to achieve nearly unmatched insight into the truth of the world, thereby obtaining a tremendous affinity for the elements of nature. Mimicking the nature of Dust, the Elements may be combined into more complex forms through careful mixtures.

Allows for the use of Advanced Elements, merging up to three Basic elements or two Intermediate elements. Also allows for up to two basic Elementals to be combined into the form of an Intermediate Elemental. Elemental Affinities are equal to the average of all component Affinities.

Grants resistance to Elemental Attacks. Resistance to a specific Element is equal to the average resistance to all component Elements.

20% less MP used for all Elemental abilities.

Body of the Enlightened (Passive) LV1 EXP: 0.71%

A skill granted to those who have achieved a state of physical transcendence. All benefits of Wisdom are doubled and Magic Resistance now applies to all forms of attack, including the imposition of unwanted status effects. The user never receives negative repercussions from lack of food, water, or sleep.

Understanding of the Enlightened (Passive) LV1 EXP: 0.22%

A skill granted to those who have achieved an awakened mental state, reaching a greater understanding of all things. Experience gains for both levels and skills are increased by a percentage equal to the user's Wisdom.

I gestured and the windows vanished, my status screen rising in their place. I knew what I had at my fingertips now, which made the choice of where to put my new points an easy one. With a touch, I placed all fifteen spare points into my Wisdom, raising it to a hundred and sixty-six before looking down at myself. I felt tall spikes rising from my back, protecting my head even as the mask on my back allowed me easy sight. From the top of my left arm stretched the flexible limbs of a bow, a black-tipped boney spike growing from the back of my wrist. There was something like a string that seemed to stretch through my armored skin, but it was made of dark, twisted sinew and black tissue. With a twitch of almost foreign muscle, the bow and arrow retracted easily into my arm, sliding into place so neatly they seemed to vanish before expanding back out just as easily. And then I stood, perhaps even taller now, body growing more and more monstrous as I allowed my new powers to work freely, but it would be only moments until the process was done.

So I supposed I was about as ready as I'd ever be.

"Sir, I'm going now," I said, calm and focused as I looked forward.

"Good luck, Jaune," Ozpin answered quietly, expression set. "I will pray for your success."

"So will I," I snorted and finally exhaled. "Shall I say hello to him for you?"

"Not for me," He shook his head. "For Keppel and Carmine and Tenne and Jack. Make sure he hears it."

"I'll make sure he gets the message," I mused, lifting my arm as I gathered my power and took aim. The boney spike seemed to glow before losing shape completely as the seconds past, becoming a writing bolt of light and energy. As heat and electricity flowed out of my skin, I focused on my target and fired causing what looked like nothing more than a giant spark to leap from my arm, covering hundreds of meters in a flash of light to reach Conquest's sideand then the was a rumble of thunder as the sky seemed to split.

My father's body went flying as it was struck by lightning and the White Tiger rose from my form as I stepped forward, standing a head above even my increased size. I felt my perspective shift as another set of eyes grew from my conscious and felt strangely relieved by the comforting familiarity. As if understanding what was about to happen, I felt my body shudder one last time and go still.

You have received the Status Effect 'On A White Horse He Rides [MAX].'

Title 'Grimm Slayer' unequipped.

Title 'The White Rider' equipped. This title may not be unequipped while the status effect 'On A White Horse He Rides [MAX]' remains.

I flexed my fingers, cracking once more hardened bone. If I was the White Rider, then it was only fitting I play the part.

The Tiger dropped to all fours and I threw a leg over his back, sliding into place astride him once more, Levant floating into place behind me at a quick thought. The Tiger took a running start across the rooftops between us and the battlefield and then Lunged through the air, arcing high as he closed the distance in a quick breath and came down in the midst of the battlefield. Instantly, I focused six of my eyes upon my father's altered form, a pair on my mother, and kept a look out with my shoulders.

"Hello again, Conquest," I spoke lowly. "I've returned to continue our discussion."

Conquest looked at my from where I'd tossed him into a building and laughed.

"Now that's a nostalgic face," He said, brushing splitters from his armor as he rose. "Welcome back, son."

"Jaune," I heard my mother whisper, but I didn't turn visibly, didn't dare tobut her emotions danced in her eyes as she looked at me and were sharp against my thoughts besides. Cold fear, rising hope, plummeting despair, dizzying confusion; I could feel her heart boiling over, even though she could barely stand.

"Isabelle," I heard Ozpin say as Levant rose from my back, carrying my scroll. I restricted the sound to our ears only, but didn't move. I was the one Conquest was after and his focus was solely on mebut the moment I moved, I knew he'd react. Even so, there was a chance in this, if I could exploit it properly, something tremendous in my reach if I could just figure out how to grasp it.

"I'm sorry I'm late," I whispered to my mother alone, Levant's lips forming the words in my steed. "Can you wait just a minute longer? Just focus on staying alive for a little longer."

I saw her eyes meet those of my back, blinking onceand then her expression was calm and remote, the shift from before nothing more than a momentary cracking of the faade.

At least, on the surface. Beneath that, I could feel the pain and exhaustion setting in, the feeling almost like resignationbut I knew she'd want this even more than I did, so I stayed focused. I kept my distance, locking down the air around me just in case. I couldn't be certain how the communication between Conquest's cells would react to my altered form, but I wasn't taking any chances.

And then I lied my ass off.

"I know how you do it," I bluffed.

"Oh?" He asked. "How I do what?"

"Everything," I snorted. "I've seen your cells at work, tested myself against your infected, even allowed this to happen to my own body, all for the sake of learning how you tick."

"Oh, this ought to be good," He muttered to himself before raising his voice. "Do you, now? Please, enlighten me."

"You infect the body and use that to touch the Aura," I answered. "Turn it against the host to cause people to mutate themselves even as you infect the mind. You cause extensive biological changes to everything in the body down to the nervous system, all with the intention of giving you more control and making better warriors for you to use."

"No shit," Conquest said and if his eyes hadn't been solid red orbs, he'd likely have rolled them. "Did you get a 'Stating the Obvious' skill out of that statement?"

"But all that's just the basics," I continued as if he'd said nothing. "All that happens early on, though it gets worse over time. Once the infection has spread entirely throughout the body and Aura, armor begins to grow in and your hosts start getting bigger, heavier. To most people, it would look like you're creating matter out of nothing."

"Oh?" Conquest asked, something slightly different in his tone. I crossed my fingers and hoped I was on the right track.

"I'm not most people. My eyes see everythingincluding your little trick," I said calmly, hoping the level tone would conceal the falsehoods within. "You aren't creating matter; you're just drawing it in from elsewhere, just like Aura does. There's a connection there and if someone were to interfere with itwell, you can imagine."

If I still needed to breathe, I'd have held my breath. Conquest knew a lotfar more than mebut he didn't know everything. He didn't know how much I knew or didn't know, so there was a chance

"Why imagine when I could just have you show me?" He said, spreading his arms wide. "Come on, then; take a shot."

At that, I had to pause and he seemed to notice because he laughed.

"So you know a little bit about Malkuth Theory," He said after a moment, calling my bluff. "Good for you, son. So what? You've got nothing; a vague hope with no understanding of what any of it means, that's all you brought back. And what did it take you to get that, son? How many of your mother's teammates did you kill? Why don't you look her in the eye and tell her all about itit's not like you don't have a few to spare. I knew you'd kill them if I gave you a little push; what are they to you, really? Some faceless nobodies that came around every now and then, a conversational topic between your parents or sisters; they were nothing to you. They were NPCs in your little game and not even important ones, so you killed them and moved on like it was nothing."

He lowered his head to stare at me face to face and I knew that if he had lips beneath his mask, they must have been curled into a smile.

"Keppel and Carmine were my friends," He said in a mocking voiceand in my father's voice, pitch perfect and in pain. "I went to school with them, worked with them for years, and we saved each other's lives a hundred times each at least. I was even the best man at their wedding; they named me the godfather of their childrentheir orphaned children, now, left parentless by your hand. But hey, it's not like you didn't kill off your own godfather, is it? And you barely knew Tenne, huh? But your mother did, didn't you Isabelleall the firsts he took from you, back in school, until you left him for me. Your mother loved him once, Jaune, but I guess you never thought about what it was like for your crusty old parents growing up, huh? Ah, the not-really-all-that-good ol' days, when we were stupid and hormonal. Does it surprise you to think about it? That Mommy and Daddy had lives prior to the clown car that resulted from our sex lives and that other people did too? That they'd built something up over more years than you've been alive, made something meaningful out of sweat and tears over decades? How difficult was it for you, to wipe all that away?"

I said nothing as he prattled on, watching him silently. But man did he love to hear himself talk.

"I'm guessing not very," He continued. "And boy, do you seem to be reaping the rewards now, huh? You know, you look just like your old man, back in the daynever thought I'd see that face again, but it looks good on you son. You're a chip off the old block. I'm proud of you."

I tilted my head slightly, having gotten what I'd wanted, if only vaguely. 'Malkuth Theory'it was all but a confirmation that I was on the right track, meaningless as the words were to me. He was right in that it was nothing but a glimmer of hope, a single fact with nothing built upon itbut it was more than I'd had before.

"What, are you done?" I asked when he didn't say anything else.

"Are you?" He snorted. "I thought we were going to waste time talking about stuff that doesn't matter until Mommy over there finally keels over and diessome sort of new male bonding ritual; bros before hoes and all that shit. I anticipate that it shall be humorous."

"Actually," I answered. "As it just so happens, I do have one more thing I wouldn't mind talking about, if you're up for keeping this going."

"By all means," He gestured magnanimously.

"That's very kind of you," I answer politely and then took a shot in the dark. I had one more idea, one more opportunityand, quite possible, one enormous risk. I had no idea how he'd respond or what he'd say, but it could be dangerous if a mind like Conquest could get away with the information and try to use it against us.

But it might be worth it. We had nothing and no other way of learning more; risks or not, Conquest was our best chance by virtue of being our only chance. So I pressed on, despite my concerns and turned my head to look at my mother

"Hey, Ozpin," I raising my voice slightly, though I didn't need to. "Did you tell my dad about the thing? The ruins, I mean."

Ozpin seemed to pause but his eyes met mine and something like understanding passed between us.

"A little," He answered. "We were going to discuss the specifics later, after the mission. I only had time to tell him the basicsand it's vaguely possible that I have a hard time repeating the story, I suppose. He doesn't know how I survived, if that's what you're asking."

"Oh, well that's just perfect," I nearly purred. "See, I couldn't help but notice that you didn't bring it up, Conquest. A pity because it's a really interesting storyyou see, a long, long time ago, Ozpin found himself inside a barrier of sorts, kind of like my Naraka. And you know how before you were boasting about how you and your brothers destroyed a civilization? Well it seems you missed a spot, because there was a full Babel city inside."

Behind me, I heard my mother gasp, but I barely heard it because my full attention was focused on my father's figure. As I said the words, Conquest went still. No, more than thatfor quite possibly the first time in his godforsaken blasphemy of a life, Conquest shut the fuck up. It was glorious. He looked at me and didn't say a word.

Unfortunately, I actually needed him talking. Alas.

"So I was thinking, if you can break Naraka, does that mean you can break other barriers?" I wondered aloud, voice cheerful. "And if so, why not break that barrier. Makes me really wonder what's inside. You see anything interesting while you were in there, Ozpin?"

"Sadly, there was very little of note," He shook his head ruefully on the screen of my scroll. Then, he paused, eyebrows furrowing as he pursed his lips and looked up at the ceiling. "AlthoughI did stumble across a computer of sorts."

"A computer," I repeated. "From Babel? My, that's quite a find. I wonder what might be on it? Conquest, any ideas?"

It takes a moment, but the creature in my father's skin speaks, that same, smug arrogance back in his tone.

"That old thing?" He scoffed. "I suppose you illiterate savages can't even read it, huh? As it happens, I'm in a good mood, so how about thiswhy don't I read you a bedtime story before I put you to sleep? A bunch of stupid old men moan about the past and try to fight the big bad Grimm. They fail and all of them die horrible, before or after everyone they've ever loved does the same, and I take great pleasure murdering the man behind it all in the body of his wife, after eating his daughter in front of his very eyes. The End. The entire thing was pretty hilarious, honestly."

"I've seen worse things on the best-seller's list," I answered back. "I have to check it out."

Conquest takes a step towards me on my spectral steed, the edges of a growling laugh to his tone.

"You know what's even funnier?" He asked. "How you fools continue to cling to the past, as if it'll save you. As if a civilization that couldn't even save itself can offer you hope against us. But there's nothing and there has never been anything that could save you from me."

I looked down at him from atop the Tiger for a silent moment and would have smiled had I still been able.

"You'll forgive me if I don't take your word for it," I murmured and sat up as straight as I could before clapping my hands brightly and forcing hints of cheer into my tone. "Now then, I'll be taking my father back."

Conquest raised his eyes to mine, hammer rising in his hands.

"I'd like to see you try." He said, sneer to his tone.

"Good," I said, voice barely above a whisper. Even so, it carried, rising on Levant's winds to reach his ears, as if I were standing right behind him. "Because I want you to watch, you son of a bitch."

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