The Gardener in a Hunter World

Chapter 17: An Unexpected Ending

Chapter 17: An Unexpected Ending

Disclaimer: This is an edited MTL. Thus, I cant guarantee that my editing to be proficient. But I hope you enjoy this story with me. If there are any corrections, it is highly encourage to leave a comment.


This is a fourth-class catastrophic alert, a fourth-class catastrophic alert. If you live nearby, evacuate immediately. Evacuate immediately. I repeat. This is not a training situation. This is a fourth-class catastrophic alert. Evacuate immediately.


A nervous siren disturbed Yoo Ji-Has ear.

There is only one action that powerless people should take when such an alert is raised.

Evacuate immediately.

Four alarms, where the hell did you make a mistake? Ji-Ha, youd better evacuate to a nearby air-raid shelter.

Hurry now.


HyeJin went out with a stiff face, and Yoo Ji-Ha quickly packed everything he needed into his backpack.


A few armored vehicles pass by loudly outside.

He saw fully armed soldiers marching.

Can they stop the monsters from Category 4 dungeons with that army?

Its difficult. Thats why there are Hunters.

First, the army established a line of deterrence, and then the hunters take care of the monsters.

What if even the hunter is pierced?

At that time, artillery units stationed in the vicinity will start firing at the same time.

It will blow up everything around it.

Yoo Ji-Ha, who did not want to get caught up in it, was carrying a backpack and hugged Beom, who was crying bitterly.

He looked around to see if there was anything else he needed to bring and locked the door of the store.

Now is the time to run towards the bomb shelter.

The streets were full of people who were evacuating, vehicles such as ambulances, and hunters who flocked when hearing the alarm.

Black smoke and flames soared around the gate.

What is happening

A catastrophe of a Category 4 dungeon rarely happens.

As the quest is very difficult, the hunters who go inside are strong and prepare well.

But this catastrophe seems a little different.

Yoo Ji-Ha ran towards the shelter and listened to the people talking.

The Category 3 has changed to category 4!

There was a huge horde of horror-grade monsters, and the hunters couldnt defeat it.

Isnt this supposed to be sent to the military base?

Run! Run!

Something must have gone wrong.

If everything went right, there would be no catastrophe.

He rushed into and entered the air-raid shelter led by police officer.

Anxious people flocked to the renovated underground parking lot.

Come on, dont worry! Dont stay outside, go inside! Its safe here! Please move a little bit!

Go inside!

Aww, dont push me!

Yoo Ji-Ha went into a corner and squatted down.

An uneasy light flashing from the sky can be seen at the parking lot entrance.

This phenomenon takes place as the gate expands as it faces a full-fledged catastrophe.

People murmured, and Beom, who was held in Yoo Ji-Has arms, straightened his hair.

Tata Tata! Boom! Boom!

Loud sound of gunshots was heard.

People wandered around, back and forth and the earths axis shook heavily.

I think it started.

Please, please, please.

The only thing the people who were evacuated to the shelter could do was pray.

Yoo Ji-Ha comforted Beom, who was crying, with a calm face.

Catastrophe occurs when the hunters who enter the dungeon do not complete the quest.

If its a low difficulty dungeon, theres no problem.

Because the monsters are weak, and the numbers are small.

Even if you crush the monsters that jump out of the gate with force, there is no problem.

However, the story is different when a category 4 or higher dungeon is catastrophic.

Even if the rankers rush in, it is difficult to guarantee control without damage.

Therefore, the government conducts military operations starting with the fourth-class catastrophes.

Evacuate civilians around the gate and deploy armored forces.

Around the gate, which was currently catastrophic in Area 7, troops carrying heavy machine guns and anti-tank weapons were waiting in the building as cover.

Behind them, the armored forces, including armored vehicles and tanks, and finally, the hunters were on standby.

Soon, the brightly shining surface of the gate shook violently.

The soldiers flinched and the sound of radios all over the place was lowered.

Silence fell around the gate.

The searchlight was turned on in broad daylight and prepared to aim at the monsters.

Finally, the gate was broken.

Like a mirror, fragments fell and what could be seen through them were the horror-grade monsters, Bone Knight and Lich.

The moment the bare skeleton knights and corpses appeared; the command was given.


Tutatatta! Pussiung!1Gunshot sound

Heavy machine guns and anti-tank missiles were fired around the gates.

The Lichs waved their skinny hands and cast their barrier magic, but it was too much to block them all.

A melancholy ether spread out as some of the Bone Knights staggered from being hit by missiles.

Death to all living things!

A curse that could not be overcome even with modern science unfolded.

The only thing that can purify it is a hunter with characteristics such as salvation and cleansing, but he could not be dispatched because he was hospitalized.

The soldiers who fired saw terrible illusions and grasped their heads.


Help me!

Stop shooting! Stop shooting!

This supernatural attack is always a problem when dealing with monsters.

Thats one of the reasons why Hunters are needed.

The Bone Knight is charging! Tanks, come to the front!

As Kim HyungSeok, who took command of the hunters, shouted, hunters with various shields came forward.

Hunters individual ability is important, but in such a large-scale battle, more coordinated action is needed.

When they blocked the advancement of the knights, healthy soldiers pulled the cursed soldiers to the rear.

Doo doo doo doo doo doo-

A squadron of raid helicopters flew through the buildings and aimed the missiles.

There is not much fuel but flying a helicopter.

It shows in an instant the governments determination to suppress this catastrophe at an early stage.

When the Liches, who had been somewhat distant from the Bone Knight, raised their hands again, the missile was fired.

A massive explosion smashed the barrier and shattered the lichs frail body to ashes.

It was good up to here.

Bone Knight and Lich were powerful but without monstrous characteristics or skills.

The moment when Lich suffered massive damage from the missile rain and the Knights were blocked by the Hunters, the catastrophe was almost over.

However, before the fragments of the gate completely settled, a monster appeared.

Kim HyungSeoks complexion turned white when he saw it.

Crazy. Its an abomination!

The abominable monster that seemed to have grown large by randomly fitting the monsters corpse was a dreadful object.

Its size was large enough to be comparable to any building.


As it roared while raising its bone knife, the Liches poured out various curses and buffs.

The Disaster grade monster that became stronger due to the catastrophe were further strengthened.

An anti-tank missile flew from somewhere, stuck in his mouth and exploded.


The patchy hair turned into a mess, but the abomination quickly regenerated and struck the hunters.

Spread out! Spread out! Everyone, Avoid it!

Kim HyungSeok gave urgent orders.

Even if single-numbered rank hunters rush in, it is difficult to deal with this guy.

If there was Han SeungHyuk, he would never know, so he had to avoid an absolute head-to-head match.

However, the abomination that received the buff showed a quick move that did not match its size.

He smashed the tanks shields with a bone knife and blew them away, ignoring numerous attacks and started running somewhere.

Uh, where is it going?

Its the bomb shelter! Stop!

The siege formation was broken.

While the hunters and soldiers rushed to and fro, the monster rushed to the air raid shelter.

The liches raised their cane and shouted.

There, there is our enemy!

The atmosphere is strange.

Even if a catastrophe has occurred, it should calm down after this time has passed.

There are nearly 100 hunters living in District 7, but what is this commotion?

Looks like something happened.

Is there an extraordinary monster who came out of the dungeon?

It must be a horror rating Thats enough to stop the single number hunters when they rush in.

But why is it so noisy?


The murmur between the people grew louder.

The roar of something, the sound of heavy equipment moving, and the shouts of the hunters were mixed and heard.

Something is happening.

The murmur turned into fear, and fear into panic.

When someone shouted that they should run quickly, others scolded him.

This person is talking about something bad!

When fear is transmitted, things get out of control.

The police repeatedly emphasized that it was okay and that the shelters were safe, but it was not enough to settle the anxious public sentiment.

In addition, the sound of the hunters fighting was getting louder and louder.

Those who knew the meaning were noticeably anxious.

We really dont have to run away? If the sound of fighting is so loud

Yes? What is the situation outside?

Lets see what it is! What if they told us just to sit blindly?

Right! Right!

At that moment, the loud noise stopped and only a dull sound of thumping and pounding was heard.

Is the fight over?

The moment some policemen looked out of the shelter, they let out a horrifying scream.

A gigantic abomination was slamming its bizarre face.

The bloody eyes glistened, and the police shuddered in fear.


Its a monster! A monster!

When someone shouted out loud, everyone went into panic.

The only reason the sound of fighting stopped was because it was close to the air-raid shelter, so they were afraid that the citizens would be harmed.

HyeJin, who quickly followed the abomination on a sword, fired an intangible sword at it.


In the air, the sword was split into several pieces and the whole body of the abomination was egged, but it ignored the attack.

The regenerative power is so good that even an extraordinary attack does not work.

For this reason, in order to deal with disaster-grade monsters, they must attack jointly with the military.

Or maybe a hunter who possesses a transcendent attack power comes forward.

Attack the back, the back! 35 meters away!

When the magicians of the Eternal Flame Guild, including HwaYeon, performed their magic all at once, the upper body of the abomination became half a mess.

But even in that situation, it tried to regenerate.

It has a really great life force.

What, what kind of monster is this?

Hurry up and take that out!

At that time, Beom, who was held by Yoo Ji-Ha, cried aloud.

As the God of Nature who slaughtered thousands of monsters roared, a tremendous amount of ether spread.



The Hunters momentarily knelt down, and the abomination ripped off its head in agony.

The roar commanded.

Go away.


The abomination began to run in fear.

Then he bumped into a building and fell down.

What is wrong with him all the sudden?

The raid helicopter squadrons and tank platoons that followed aimed at him.

Boom Boom!

A series of explosions overturned the giant, and countless hunters attacked.

The flesh turned into ashes and scattered, and the abomination disappeared without even screaming.

Kim HyungSeok, who arrived late after dealing with the Bone Knight and the Liches, took a deep breath and stared at the air raid shelter.

What the hell happened here?

The hunters who followed him murmured.

What was that just now?

It was the bomb shelter, wasnt it? What do you think is there?

Ah, there are only ordinary people there.

When the situation was finally settled, Yoo Ji-Ha sighed in relief and stroked Beom.

Thats a relief, isnt it?


The guy slipped into his backpack and cried a little.

Yoo Ji-Ha did a simple survey and left the shelter.

Hunters, soldiers, and government officials gathered to have a serious conversation.

We must send people in and look inside, who knows if there are any artifacts?

No, we have to investigate all civilians.

Everyone has already gone home, so how do you do that? That doesnt make sense

It has nothing to do with me.

Yoo Ji-Ha walked slowly and arrived at the store.

Beom jumped out of his backpack and hit the chair with his front paws.

Youre telling me to sit there quickly?

Yoo Ji-Ha wiped the dusty glasses and sat down on a chair and opened a book.

Immediately, Beom climbed up on his lap, curled up and groaned.

An Abomination Ugly and bulky.

As the feather pen wrote in the infinite magic book, the same explanation was written on the MirWiki, which was buried in a corner of the Hunternet.

But no one noticed.

  • 1Gunshot sound

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