The Goblin's Leveling System!

Chapter 57: Side Story: Alex Eternalsoul (1)

Chapter 57: Side Story: Alex Eternalsoul (1)

Alex Eternalsoul's PoV:

It was a bright and sunny morning. A nice and pleasant day to go to school early.

It was 6:00 AM so I was not late for school. Since I was not late for school, I took my time and slowly eat my breakfast while watching TV.

There was news about some accidents and the newscaster was currently at a hospital.

TV News: "There are at least 125 high school students found passed out. The cause is unknown. Our team of experts is finding the cause of this so rest assured. All of the students are brought to the nearest hospital. They are not in critical condition but our team discovered that all of the students have something in common. They are all in a state of comatose and they still show no signs of waking up. Our team of researchers had made a serum that can force them to wake up but it is still not tested so we can't use it yet. To summarize it all, 125 students are found passed out and in a state of comatose but they are not in critical condition. That's all for today's report!"

That's weird! With my outstanding intelligence that was deemed as at the 'genius level' could even infer that the cause of the comatose of the high school students was unusual.

It was almost impossible that something simple such as a comatose would be unknown.

With the use of the current advanced scientific technology, it would be possible to diagnose almost all illnesses and diseases let alone a simple comatose.

"How about my new scientific study will revolve around curing the high school students and finding out the cause of the comatose."

"Even though it might sound impossible since most adult scientist who majored in medical science couldn't even find the reason why the high school students were in a state of comatose, I would still not give up or my title as 'One Of The World's Genius' would be tarnished just by some undiscovered pathogen."

I gave out my comments after I finished watching the tv news and focused on eating my breakfast.

I turned off the tv and looked at the clock that was hanged on the wall.

It was 6:13 AM so I still had time to waste my time on simple matters before I go to school.

It's not like the teachers would kill me if I was late.

I sure do hope so or I would have no choice but to release Soulerium, a radioactive chemical that I had invented which earned the title as 'World's Most Dangerous Chemical'.

It was made from the new artificial element that I made which was known as Soulium.

The unusual thing about this element was it broke the boundary of mortal capabilities and was able to harm the soul of the one who had come in contact with it.

Such an odd element was developed from a recovered meteorite from the Bermuda Triangle.

I modified the atom components of the foreign substance that was inside the meteorite which was the discovery of Soulium.

I stated in a press conference that the foreign substance inside the meteorite must have come from an alien civilization but no one believed me and instead told me that I must have been tired due to working in the laboratory for too long.

It was also a foolish discernment and claim since I was a genius scientist but I had to admit that because a regular meteorite couldn't contain such foreign and unusual scientists

Some scientists still believed me and supported my claims and explained that I was not stupid d to claim such a thing if I wasn't sure of it.

Some of the netizens also agreed with my claim while most of them did not believe me.

Ah, I'm getting sidetracked. I looked at the time on the clock and saw that it was 6:21 AM already.

I was still have not finished my breakfast since I was a slow eater and a food connoisseur. My motto as a food connoisseur was: Food is a luxury so enjoy it while it is in front of you.

I also earned the title known as 'Unparalleled Chef' who specializes in almost all of the chef jobs such as pastry chef and sauce chef.

I also had a handsome face and an athletic body. My physical body was enhanced by the use of physical improvement serums that I had invented and it does not have any side effects so it was safe for me to use.

I was also able to enhance my soul on several levels with the use of Soulium.

I reversed the effect of Soulium and instead of harming my soul, it was now able to improve and temper my soul.

I was able to tap into a new kind of energy known as 'Soul Energy'. It was able to harm the soul if it was applied to another person's soul.

I enveloped my hand with soul energy which created a transparent blue light that covered my hand.

I transformed the soul energy into a net and launched it into a mosquito which caused the mosquito to fell and die.

The mosquito was lifeless as its soul was destroyed.

The most threatening and dangerous thing about such a substance was it was able to make someone an empty vessel with nothing more than a healthy body without losing its function except for becoming similar to a mannequin.

And I, Alex Eternalsoul had that kind of power and with my intelligence that surpassed that of Einstein, I was able to hide the discovery of such power.

It would cause chaos if the government knew about my power and might hire a lot of hitmen to kill me but such a thing would not happen since I had evolved my soul energy into making a soul barrier that would force my soul into waking up my body if someone entered my barrier.

I looked at the time and it was already 7:03 AM.

Sh*t! I'm almost late for school!

I opened my palm and directed my hand forward which made a remote-controlled hoverboard go in front of me.

Even though the hoverboard was still a prototype, It was still usable and much faster than a sports car so I used it for my transportation.

I stood on the hoverboard and wore a wristband to control it.

I maneuvered the hoverboard into moving near my door.

"Dream House! Open Sesame!"

"As you wish, Alex!"

The door suddenly opened so I went out of it via riding the hoverboard.

"To Eternalsoul High School!"

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