The Golden Throne

Chapter 181: Able to take care of the city gates in minutes

Chapter 181: Able to take care of the city gates in minutes

“What is done is done? What a joke. You saw those children from the mage tower? They are both strong, immensely so, and not all of them are as innocent and naive as you think they are. Who do you think the mage tower master took in? Orphans and the like. They are the people who have probably seen the worst in men.”, Damascus said.

“Why are we even having this conversation now? This is the problem with all of you. You just trail away from the conversation too much every single time. I hate this about you. You guys never let me get anything done.”, Liu Man sighed.

“I hate to admit it, but Liu Man is right.”, Damascus admitted after giving a huge pause. 

“Fine then. Now, hoping that we are on the same page, can some one please tell me what their plan is on going forward with the siege, or should I start with my own?”, Liu Man said.

“We should cut off their food supply first. A classic. Keep them away from the food, and they will feel the pain slowly.”, Balor said.

“That is an idiot move. Did you even look outside? How many mouths do we have to feed? Close to two hundred thousand! This is not even something I would consider if I was battling without your armies. We need to restock food and supplies, and the cities that we pillage are the most effective way of doing that.”, Liu Man shook his head almost instantly.

“Then what do we do? Letting this drain out to be a battle of endurance will hit us harder. We want this to be a huge campaign. Why would you allow something like a battle of endurance?”, Balor retorted.

“When did I ever even suggest that? Once again, look outside. We have enough people with us to fully occupy the city. They probably have about a thousand guards, and a few civilians who they barely armed. Let us just rush in. The mages will give us support and the archers will provide the cover. We will blast through the front door with the mages.”, Liu Man said.

“Blast through the front door with the mages? Do you think that the cities are stupid, to not think of that? They have put in precautions against using magic against the city doors. They are not that easy to break. We need to hammer it like we did last time.”, Damascus shook his head.

“Yes, that is if we were talking about normal mages. There is a child among the disciples, apparently their leader. He is the one who will be doing this, and oh boy is he showing some promise. He said that he will be able to take care of the city doors within a few minutes, ten minutes at most.”, Liu Man said.

“Hmmm… Why was I not aware of this? I thought that we agreed to share all information among us.”, Balor said.

“This was something that he told me a few hours ago. I did not have any time to share it with you.”, Liu Man said.

“Then how did he show some promise?”, Balor asked.

“We took some time after the camp was set up and went to a remote location and tried it out. He will be controlling the ground below the city walls to destabilize the walls themselves, and the city doors will have no balance. They will be swinging wide open.”, Liu Man said.

“Alright. But are you sure about this? I don’t want to leave the fate of the entire war in the hands of a kid whom I have never seen before.”, Balor said.

“They say that he is a king contractor or something.”, Liu Man said.

“What?”, Balor exclaimed.

“And now that he is on board, let us discuss something more important.”, Damascus said.

“What do you mean more important?”, Liu Man asked him.

“What will we do after the siege is complete? Do not even bother saying that we will not be able to take care of the soldiers within. We have more than enough fire power to take down even the capital city if we want to. I want to know what’s next. We wasted far too much time in the last city waiting for all the students and getting some stupid recruits. I don’t even know why you took so much time recruiting them. But I hope that we will not entertain this stupid charade again.”, Damascus said. His face was solemn, and he was apparently very serious about this.

“I completely agree. We are not using time properly. They probably know by now the scale of our armies and the approximate power. Getting those new recruits was essentially begging to allow spies in. I just don’t get what you were trying to achieve.”, Balor said.

“Fine. I did have a reason for the recruits, but they just proved to be redundant all of a sudden. We will be marching immediately after we pillage all the food and weapons. We will move the next day, after the soldiers rest a little.”, Liu Man agreed.

“Good. Now that we are finally agreeing on something. We will be moving tomorrow in the morning. Get a message to every soldier of your army, detailing them about how they will be moving. We will have the heavy infantry provide the protection for the mage you are talking about right?”, Damascus asked Liu Man.

“Yes. We will do that. The generals will be taking care of all the details. I am exhausted. I have been out in the open for the last two days as well, and my back is killing me.”, Liu Man said as he left the tent.

Balor and Damascus stood there in silence. After a few awkward moments, Balor broke the silence.

“Well, let us hope that the spirits bless us to win.”, he said and he also left.

“Let us just hope.”, Damascus muttered.


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