The Grand Duelist

Chapter 10: Strange Events

Chapter 10: Strange Events

Joseph decided on settling at the 69th Beginner Village. It was because this Beginner Village was the nearest to the Kingdom of Nether.

One may say that such Beginner Village would bring more danger than benefits to Joseph now that he was hostile to the Crimson Guild. But Joseph thought otherwise.

It was because he always believed that that the safest location stood the nearest at the danger.

His enemies would never think that he was just beside them.

The 69th Beginner Village didn't look any different from other Beginner Villages. Apart from the different names of the NPCs, nothing really changed.

There was still a Village Chief near the Central Square of the Village. A smithy for item repair, a kind aunt next door and some rowdy children running around as they played.

"Man, this world really is astonishing..."

Now that Joseph had a good look at the Beginner Village. He saw that it definitely felt real. The laughter and cries of the children as they played. The gossips of the aunties, and the grumblings of the worried Village Chief about their food for the incoming winter. Everything looked and felt surreal for Joseph.

Nevertheless, Joseph knew that he must not forget that this was just a game. He was here to play and at the same time, to earn enough money that he could retire in riches and enjoy his life like what his parents wanted him to do in the first place.

Joseph approached the Village Chief and he acquired a different quest than he expected.

[Raid the Wolf's Den]

Quest Difficulty: D

The Village Chief Fausto is concerned that the number of wolves around the 69th Village of Baguhan will never decrease. Resulting in decreased food and herbal supply to the community. Luckily, he found some information from a reliable source that there stood a Wolf's Den in the nearby woods.

He instructs you to gather some comrades and raid the Wolf's Den together.

Note: It is recommended that you gather at least four comrades. The Wolf's Den is recommended for five or more players in a party.

Quest Clear Condition: The annihilation of the Wolf Den.

Quest Rewards: Experience Points, The Village Chief Fausto's affinity to you will increase, you will easily acquire quests within the 69th Village of Baguhan and the NPCs will respect you.

Quest Failure: The Village Chief Fausto's affinity to you will sink to the bottom. You will be despised by him and everyone within the 69th Village of Baguhan will call you a coward. Probability of quest acquisition will sharply decrease]

"Okay, it's time to find a party..." Joseph turned around and was taken aback for he found a familiar figure standing at the center of the Central Square.

"What is she doing there? Did she die?" Joseph thought to himself.

The familiar figure that he saw, stood at the point where players usually respawn after dying. Because of that, Joseph thought that she recently died. But when he found that she had a blank look on her face. He couldn't help but approach her.

"What's going on with you? Are you okay?" Joseph asked in a sincere voice. This girl that had her player ID hidden was the one who warned him about the dangers of the bow-wielding Ray back at the first Beginner Village. Joseph had a good impression of this girl.

However, the young woman didn't reply to what he was saying. She merely stared ahead as if she was looking at something that was a thousand miles away.

"Ah!" She suddenly screamed in shock. Tears rolled down her cheeks, but it looked like she finally awakened from her trance.

"What's going on with you?" Joseph frowned. Why did she suddenly cry? Her actions upon revival looked really strange and fishy. However, there were billions of people around the world. Who knows if she was one of those people that had some strange habits or routines?

But a habit of staring a thousand miles away and crying after revival? That was indeed strange, even for Joseph. And the strange feeling that he had in his heart further intensified when he heard what the young woman said.

"I don't know? Wait, I died? How? What's going on? Why I am crying?" She panicked, and Joseph approached her closer and said.

"Calm down, calm down. You need to calm down and tell me everything. What happened?" Joseph asked in a gentle voice, afraid that he may scare her any further.

"I don't know... I and my friends from a party were inside the Wolf's Den, when suddenly... Wait, what? What happened afterward? I don't know... I can't remember, everything is fuzzy..."

"What in the?" Joseph mumbled in astonishment.

It was unthinkable that wolves had the capabilities of erasing memories from players, and Victory didn't have a feature of erasing memories from dying players whenever they died.

In that case, that could only mean one thing. Something inside that cave killed this young woman, and erased her memories in an effort to... in an effort to what?

Joseph's mind quickly spun... He was about to find the answer to his question when he found that three players approached the young woman and engaged a conversation with her.

All of them looked quite uneasy. The quest that they acquired was supposed to be a quest meant for beginners so that they could adapt to how the world worked. But after something strange happened. They couldn't help but feel fear and anxiety.

It was natural. Every species had a fear of the unknown. Joseph thoroughly knew that fear for he had experienced it back when both of his parents died. Fearing what will happen in the unknown future, that was how Joseph lived back then and even now...

He approached them and asked.

"Excuse me, but may I ask? What happened? I heard from her that the four of you went to the Wolf's Den... But earlier when the four of you revived. all of you were in a state of trance. Just what happened that it scared all of you that much?"

Joseph's words were blunt. Towards these anxious youngsters, his words served as fuel to the flame of anxiety that they felt as they couldn't help but shiver.

"Ah, what a mistake..." Joseph acknowledged his mistake to himself as he continued on asking: "I am also planning on going to the Wolf's Den so I can complete the quest given to me by the Village Chief. Since we're fellow players, how about we share information with each other?"

The four players, two females and two males stared at each other before one of them replied.

It was the young woman that Joseph approached earlier.

"I think that you shouldn't go there, that place... It's strange... As far as I can remember, it was an easy dungeon... But then everything suddenly went dark and when I realized it, I am already standing here."

Joseph frowned from what she said, but he still replied honestly at her: "I understand your concerns, but I am concerned about the NPCs in the upcoming winter..."

"Those wolves are eating almost everything around the Village and some are even invading the Village for their livestock... If this continues then the NPCs will run out of food and die."

These words came from Joseph's heart. Although Joseph knew that abandoning such a dangerous quest was the best decision. Since he was still at Level 1 and he didn't have something to lose. Why would he be scared of the repercussions?

Not only that, but Joseph also believed that Victory wouldn't give quests to players that were impossible to complete. Even if they gave out seemingly impossible quests. There must be a way that they could be completed. The only question was about how one could go on completing them.

But for Joseph, there was only one answer...

That was to try and try until you get it right!

Joseph reaffirmed his resolve, but the two male players that accompanied the two ladies couldn't help but snicker when they heard what Joseph said: "So you are a member of the Pro-NPC Alliance?"

"Pro-NPC Alliance? What's that?" Joseph asked and he frowned when he heard the tone of the male player.

"I mean, you're one of those shut-ins that believe that NPCs are precious, should be respected and held holiest than thou?" One of the male players who had a long-chin said in a mocking manner.

When he realized that the female player that accompanied him and his comrade had some good feelings towards Joseph, he went hostile against the latter.

Joseph's frown intensified: "What do you mean?"

"Ah, I see... So, you're one of those players living in their parent's basement that couldn't establish any social relations outside and are now resorting to NPCs within the virtual world to feel loved? That's some ultimate escapism right there, Hahaha!"

"Dang it, you're a pathetic man. You're valuing the lives of these NPCs? What a joke! They are just made out of some program codes and easily replaceable. I really can't understand the minds of someone like you..."

When Joseph heard what these assholes said. His eyes flared in anger but in the end.

He still suppressed what he felt...

Everyone was entitled to their own opinion and this wasn't the right place to fight. Joseph didn't care about why they suddenly erupted in anger at him. In addition, Joseph was just a Level 1 Mercenary and if he fought with them. He would surely be on the losing end.

He disappeared from their sight and the laughter of the two male players intensified. When Joseph finally disappeared from their sight, the silent woman who looked like she had the best gear of them all spoke up and said.

"The two of you are really disgusting. Let's stop the taxi service, I don't want to be the taxi for the two of you anymore. I will also refund what you paid to me." She mailed some gold coins towards the two male players and exited the party along with her female comrade.

"Wait, wait, wait... Nina, why are you doing this to us? We are paying good money, so why are you refusing my request for the taxi service? I have good equipment and mechanics so I am not a burden to you when you and your sisters are being a taxi..."

"Yeah, that's right. I chipped in three gold coins for three hours of taxi service..."

Nina glared at the two, particularly at the noisiest player and said:

"I knew from the start that you didn't want us for our capabilities but just for our bodies. So, how about the two of you just go to a prostitute somewhere in reality? But wait, that's right... Both of you can't do that... It's because you guys are the disgusting shut-ins..."

She mercilessly mocked the two.

"What the... Are you seriously using those words to a client? Do you want me to give you a one-star review? Huh?!"

"Yeah, that's right! We can even hire the fifty-cent army and make sure that you can never reach four stars average review in your taxi service!"

Nina realized the schemes of the two when they said those words to that young man earlier. It was clear that the two were trying to bait that young man into fighting them.


When she heard the words of the two, Nina looked visibly shaken.

If these two players really did that, then Nina's primary source of income would be impacted. That was something that she didn't want to see happening. After all, she promised that she would provide for her sister without the help of anyone.

But even though she wanted money. She wasn't someone that would tolerate bastards like these two guys. If she really did that, then she couldn't be called herself anymore. If that happened, then she wouldn't even be Nina anymore...

She turned around and didn't bother to reply.

She went to the direction where Joseph disappeared.

What she left behind were two players that had their eyes reddened in anger and humiliation. They stared at each other for a moment before cruelly smiling. The plan that would lead to the downfall of Nina's taxi service was now beginning to form within their minds.

It wasn't like they were like this before. Their obsession started when they realized that Nina was also a struggling young lady like them. Knowing someone as beautiful as her with relatable circumstances like them. The two of them couldn't help but feel desire towards her...


"Why can't I buy any potions?" Joseph stared at the NPC merchant who stood behind his store that had signage saying, "General Merchandise" above it.

"I am really sorry. It's very hard for us to procure the required medicinal herbs for potion-making since those wolves are eating up everything... If those wolves are exterminated, then the supply chain will finally normalize... But for the meanwhile, I extend my apologies to you, sir Customer..."

The NPC Merchant bowed his head and went back deeper into his store, leaving the irritated Joseph behind.

Without potions, going outside the Beginner Village was suicide.

His low-leveled character had low vitality, and he only had about a thousand health. The average monsters suitable for beginners dealt about a hundred or so damage with each strike. If one did the math, Joseph would die in just about ten strikes.

"If no potions are available then this will be quite a difficult task..." Joseph shook his head and finally decided to go towards another NPC so that he could find some relatively easy quest that he could do while thinking about his next course of action.

But before he could move away, a familiar voice stopped him from behind.


  1. Yeah, I know what you're thinking ;)

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