The Grand Duelist

Chapter 15: The Sun that Overlooks Everything

Chapter 15: The Sun that Overlooks Everything

Today was a fine day...

This would be the description that every employee of the P.H Works would give if you asked them about their day so far.

Some of them calmly observed everything happening within the world of Victory, while some casually played games with their co-workers. Some were doing some work for future content in Victory. But no matter what they were doing. Today was an excellent day for them...

But never did they expect that the excellent day that they're having would be replaced with anxiety.

Just because of a single sentence from the Supercomputer that overlooked the world of Victory, everything changed.

"Quest: 4-42-69-8 has been activated."

Its mechanical voice that closely resembled a female rang loudly within the entire floor.

When the message that the Supercomputer delivered registered within the minds of everyone. Each and every one of them dropped what they were doing as they rushed towards the location of the Supercomputer Noah.

Some of them even literally dropped what they were holding just so they could arrive at the Supercomputer faster. Leaving a mess behind.

"Ray, what did it say? Quest 4-42-69-8? It said that?" A male employee that looked to be older than Ray Gabriel asked him in an astonished manner.

Ray Gabriel looked stern as he transferred the video output of his small monitor to a large monitor just above them all.

Displayed within the monitor were the figures of two players. One of the players was currently held on the neck by the opposite player. Judging from the levels of the two, it was clear to everyone about who of the two was winning.

"Who triggered the quest?" That male employee asked once again.

"That guy triggered the quest, Mar." Ray Gabriel pointed at the player who was being strangled by his enemy.

"He triggered the quest? Wait, his name sounds familiar. Joseph... Just where did I hear his name and when?"

"Ah, sir! He's that Madman of the Festival of Battles!" A fellow employee pointed out the answer and Mar slapped his fist on his open palm as he shouted in enlightenment.

"Ah, that madman!"

Ray Gabriel nodded his head and one of the employees asked: "But sir, didn't you make it so that quest would only trigger at the end of the Festival of Battles? Why would it appear now?"

Ray Gabriel stared at the employee. He was about to answer when the Supercomputer Noah suddenly spoke: "Player Joseph didn't trigger the quest at the end of the Festival of Battles. But from then on, he had the eyes of the authority behind Quest 4-42-69-8."

"The authority behind Quest 4-42-69-8... If that guy has the eyes of that figure. Everything in the world of Victory would change if he succeeded in this quest..." Mar said in a serious voice.

His fellow employees nodded their heads one by one. As members of the team that shaped the world of Victory. They knew every nook and cranny of it. But no one knew it far better than Mar who designed that authority behind Quest 4-42-69-8.

Because of that, they knew that Mar wasn't joking. Quest 4-42-69-8 signified the birth of a figure that's stronger than a legend. But that was if he succeeded on the quest.

But of course, since he managed to activate the quest in the first place, that meant that he had already won half the battle.

He just needed to persevere and his name would forever be carved on the history of Victory.

"But honestly, this guy is surprising. Back at the Festival of Battles, he gave me surprises after surprises when he first defeated every guardian within the Festival of Battles in succession after god-knows how many tries..."

"I'm really interested in what kind of a legend would someone like him make in this world that we made..." Ray Gabriel smiled.

Every employee chuckled. In particular, one of them cried out.

It was Elizabeth who said: "Since it looks like everyone is planning on watching about what's going to happen, shall I fetch some drinks and chips?"

All other employees were delighted when they heard her speak.

"Yeah, get me popcorn and Royal, Eli~"

"Coke Zero for me and some popcorn too."

"I want tea!"

Elizabeth's smile froze when she heard the request of everyone.

Afterward, she swept her chilling gazes at them all before saying in a cold voice: "Do all of you think that I'm a maid?"

Everyone felt shivers down their spines as they awkwardly laughed.

Ray Gabriel stared at them with a mischievous smile and advised: "Everything won't be over in a few minutes, just get your own chips and beverages instead."

"Hahaha, we're just joking... Sir. Right, Eli~?" An employee winked at Elizabeth.

"Of course, we're just joking! How could we let Elizabeth, our cute little Secretary run errands for us? Men should do all the manual labor!

"That's right, that's right! Mkay, lemme get some tea for myself."

The employees lightly laughed and scratched their heads as they retreated and went to fetch their drinks and beverages to enjoy before watching the upcoming battle.

Elizabeth, on the other hand, turned to look at Ray Gabriel and said.

"Quest 4-42-69-8... Would it be really okay unleashing such a quest this early?"

Ray raised his head and said: "Elizabeth, let me ask you something..."

Elizabeth looked confused for a moment before she nodded her head: "Yes sir, feel free."

Ray nodded his head and continued in a serious voice: "What do you think is the reason why humans are striving to improve themselves and become stronger?"

Elizabeth thought for a moment before saying: "I think it's because of their dreams and ambitions, sir."

Ray smiled and replied: "That's right! Everyone is doing their best because of their dreams and ambitions. But let's say that you want to hasten everyone's rate of improvement. What would you do?"

Elizabeth paused and thought. Ray's question sounded simple yet it had a lot of answers that shouldn't be taken at face value when it came to Victory.

One of the answers that shouldn't be taken seriously was: "How about we bait everyone with items so that they would increase their rate of improvement?"

Items were incredibly precious and rare at Victory so, such an answer would undoubtedly ruin the delicate balance that the Supercomputer Noah, strived on keeping. But wouldn't the completion of that particular quest, signaled that the balance would inevitably be broken?

The more Elizabeth though about the answer to Ray's question. The more confused she became. Seeing the confusion on her face. Ray Gabriel lightly chuckled and replied.

"To increase everyone's rate of improvement. They need a firm motivation. They need someone to look up to and think something along the lines of... I want to become like him..."

"Someone like this would serve as the ultimate, inexhaustible fuel that would make them infinitely try their best in improvement in an effort to stand side by side with that player..."

"In other words, to make sure that everyone would continuously strive for improvement. Someone needs to become their sun. Someone needs to be the sacrifice that would infinitely fuel their thirst for strength and gratification. That sun is the one that would complete that particular quest..."

Elizabeth sucked a mouthful of cold air. She looked visibly shocked as she uttered: "Quest 4-42-69-8..."

"Just how hard would it be to complete that quest?"

Ray Gabriel lightly laughed when he heard what she said. Staring right into her eyes, he replied: "The successful completion of that quest relies on the player's decision himself. Would he let himself be the sun that overlooks over everyone? Or would he choose something else?"


Elizabeth couldn't even speak anymore due to the shock that she was experiencing. However, by the time that she recovered. Everyone that went outside to fetch their drinks had already returned with their food and beverages in tow.

"Hey, don't place your feet on the table! You're not in your house!"

"Don't drink beer while we're still on working hours! If you do that here, then. I'll deduct your pay for this month!"

"Always remember to clean after yourselves after eating! We do not have a housekeeper here!"

Elizabeth turned her attention towards the rowdy group of scientists.

She repeatedly scolded the figures behind the creation of the fantastic world of Victory.

Ray Gabriel chuckled at such an incredulous sight as he once again raised his head and stared at the scene happening within the screen...

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