The Grand Duelist

Chapter 152: Start of an Epic Journey[13]

Chapter 152: Start of an Epic Journey[13]

"Uncle... As I said, you really should lower the prices for a bit..." Kenneth dejectedly sighed.

Joseph glanced at Kenneth and smiled.

He knew that the young boy was concerned about his uncle and the small restaurant.

Unfortunately, Joseph couldn't possibly bend the rules that he had already established.

Bending the established rules meant displaying weakness and if Joseph did that, he was afraid that he'd make an inner demon for himself.

Kenneth puffed his cheeks and pouted.

At this moment, Joseph could see that even though Kenneth was smart for his age.

He was still a growing kid.

"Don't be unruly, all right? It doesn't really matter if I don't get customers. Although I would prefer it if I had customers so I can see their satisfaction whenever they are eating..." Joseph lightly chuckled and ruffled Kenneth's hair.

Although unconvinced, the young boy couldn't do anything for he was just a mere employee of the small restaurant.

He could only move to the kitchen and clean it along with washing the dishes.

Joseph went to his spot and everything was at square one once again.

However, before Joseph could even start absorbing the spiritual energy in the area.

Another series of foreign footsteps rang...

Joseph raised his head and found that there were three men approaching the vicinity of the small restaurant.

They wore smiles on their faces, but in their hands were wooden bats and paddles.

Joseph merely shook his head and returned to relaxing.

The cat raised its head and stared at the three men. Its eyes gleamed with the light of curiosity. It was curious of these three men came here in peace or if they were troublemakers that wanted a fight.

The three men who looked to be in their early thirties finally arrived at the entrance of the small restaurant.

"What the hell? Are you sure that this shop has been rented out?"

"Yeah, can't you see that there are brand new furniture inside? Why else would there be something like that if this place doesn't have a new owner?"

"That makes sense. But since there's no one inside, what should we do?" One of the men asked.

"Hoffman, how long have you been in this industry? Of course, if we want to summon the owner of this place. We should thrash the place. I bet if we do that then the owner would come here running as fast as he can, hahaha!"

The man who spoke first replied, a menacing grin could be seen on his face.

The two other men also revealed malicious smiles on their faces.

They stepped forward inside the restaurant, but they stopped in their tracks for there was a cat blocking their way.

"What the heck, a cat? Why is it blocking us?"

For some reason, the three men felt inexplicably nervous while staring at the cat.

"It looks like it doesn't want to let us go inside the restaurant. What should we do, boss?"

"Huh? Hoffman, are you seriously asking me that question?"

"If something blocks our way then we shall kick that obstacle away!"

"Kick that obstacle away? But, Hector... It's just a cat. I don't think that we should be that violent towards it." 

"Hoffman, are you trying to disobey me or what? Okay, since you want to play like that then you go and kick that cat. If you don't dare to kick that cat, then I will kick you along with that cat!" Hector glared at Hoffman.

Hoffman's face turned as pale as a sheet of paper. Evidently, he was afraid of Hector's strength.

"Calm down, Hoffman. It's just a cat, you don't have to disregard our friendship just because of a cat." Clancy who was observing all this while finally commented and disapproved of Hoffman's idea of making Hector kick the cat.

Hoffman gnashed his teeth, "You guys..."

"Fine! If you don't want to obey my orders, then I'll do it myself!"

Hoffman raised his leg and sent a kick directly at the cat.

Joseph lightly smiled and thought to himself.

If the words courting death can't be used to describe what they are doing right now, then I don't know how to describe their actions.

He shook his head and closed his eyes, acting as if everything didn't concern him.

The moment Hoffman lifted his leg. He swung it at the cat, but he struck nothing. 


Hoffman blankly uttered and he glanced at his comrades only to find that there was a look of horror on their face.

"What the hell you guys, why are you staring at me like that?" Hoffman complained to them.

Clancy and Hector simultaneously pointed at his right leg and cried out.

"Your leg! Your leg!!!"

Hoffman heard their piercing screams and his eyes landed on his no- there was nothing for his eyes to land on. It was because his leg had disappeared and was now underneath the claws of the cat.

The moment Hoffman saw this scene, reality struck him. Pain surged through his entire body as he instantly collapsed, frothing at the mouth with his body continuously twitching.

Clancy and Hector fell onto their butts. They scrambled to run for it was the most logical thing to do in the face of an innocent-looking cat that was actually an absolute monster. However, before they could even take their first steps towards running away from the small restaurant.

Joseph's voice rang out.


A long sigh escaped from his mouth.

"Out of all things that you can mess against in this shop, you messed against that cat." Joseph swept his gaze at the three, particularly at Hoffman who was still profusely bleeding.

"W-W-Who are you...?" Clancy uttered in shock. Hector was trembling in fear. From the looks and stature of these men, it was clear that they were people that frequently clashed against the law. It was even possible that these three men were a part of some kind of an underground organization.

But that didn't matter at all for Joseph. What a joke. He was someone whose cultivation could instantly annihilate this entire City with just a wave of his sleeve, why would he be afraid of some hooligans?

However, it was a different story if Joseph wanted to remain peaceful in the city. If possible, he didn't want any scuffle against these hooligans.

After all, if they were a member of an underground organization.

It would be a hassle for Joseph to deal with those bastards.

In other words, it was better for him to avoid trouble if he wanted to maintain the current status quo.

However, that didn't mean that it would invalidate the sins that these bastards committed.

Trying to kick Pixie Fairy Elizabeth was one thing, but to actually dare on thrashing the shop?

That was quite unforgivable for Joseph.

Thankfully, the men didn't actually do any damage against the small restaurant, yet but if they had done it.

It was impossible for Joseph to forgive them.


"I'm the owner of the small restaurant that the three of you wanted to thrash. Now, I won't waste any time. All three of you must answer my questions or else your friend right there will die..." Joseph made a sidelong glance at Hoffman who was still frothing at the mouth.

Clancy and Hector were astonished by what they had heard. But seeing the serious look on Joseph's face. They swallowed their doubts and said, "We won't... We won't give any answers..."

It was Clancy who replied.

Hector remained silent.

Joseph raised an eyebrow.

He didn't expect that Clancy would actually abandon one of his friends: "Oh? Are you sure that you do not want to answer? Are you just going to let your friend right there die?"

Clancy shook his head, "No... I don't want him to die."

"Then, why are you abandoning him?"

It didn't make sense. If he didn't want Hoffman to die, then why was he unwilling to answer Joseph's questions?

"He's crippled... He's no use anymore... He's useless... If those guys found out that he's crippled. I'm sure that they'll kill him in a way that's even worse than dying here outright..." Clancy replied while stuttering. Both of his feet were angled diagonally towards a nearby alleyway and it was clear that he was deliberating if he should run right now or not.

"I see, that makes sense. It turns out that that it's my fault, I didn't tell you that if you answered all of my questions. Not only I would let him live, but I will also reatt-"

"Help! Help!!!"

Before Joseph could even complete his sentence. Hector suddenly gave a piercing scream. The man who often clashed against the law was now asking for help from a nearby person of the law.

Joseph followed Hector's gaze and he found that his scream was directed at the several men in uniforms casually strolling the street. From the fact alone that they wore uniforms. It was clear that these men were officials and had some say in regards to the law.

However, those men didn't seem to hear Hector's scream.

In fact, they just kept on walking and was ignoring the gory scene happening in front of the small restaurant.


"Why are they...?"

"Why are they ignoring us?"

"Can't they see what's going on right here?!"

"Hey! You there! Help us!" Hector pointed at a man armed with a sword on his back, but the man never responded. He didn't hear Hector's screams. But it wasn't because he really didn't hear Hector's screams...

It was just physically impossible for him to hear Hector's screams for right now, the small restaurant was in an independent space.

Yes, an independent space.

Joseph who was a Core Formation Realm expert realized that Pixie Fairy Elizabeth would definitely go too far when punishing these impudent bastards who actually dared to kick her. That was why at the moment that Hoffman raised his leg and swung it towards Pixie Fairy Elizabeth.

Joseph instantly separated the space of the small restaurant from the space of reality.

Joseph didn't literally transfer the entire small shop into an independent space. Instead, he made an independent space and superimposed the image of the small shop on top of it, and then he used that image to cover up what was really going on inside the small shop.

In other words, Joseph made an impeccable illusion that no one in this world could possibly comprehend.

That included Clancy and Hector who looked incredibly confused when they realized that none of their shouts were reaching the people passing by.

Both of them had the idea of jumping onto a passerby to see their reaction, but none of them dared to do such a thing.

It was because Joseph was still staring at them with a proud smile on his face

Yes, a proud smile.

Clancy and Hector felt that Joseph was the reason why all of these were happening and he was proud of the script that he had created.

"Are you convinced now? Unless I am willing, there's no way that the three of you can escape this place." Joseph said.

Clancy fell onto the ground.

Hector soon followed.

"Don't worry, I won't do something so barbaric as to killing all three of you. I just want answers, you see... I just want to know why the three of you had the idea of coming into this place while carrying those unsightly weapons."

Joseph glanced at the wooden bats and paddles that the group had at their disposal.

Clancy and Hector gulped a mouthful of saliva. They found themselves unable to stare directly at Joseph's eyes for they felt as if his eyes were two black holes that were keen on sucking them in.

It was such a strange sensation, that Hector who often didn't talk and was quite a timid guy spoke up and asked.

"You... Are you an... Are you one of those immortals?"

Joseph paused for a moment and a smile escaped on his lips. He was about to answer Hector's question when Clancy cried out and scolded Hector.

"An Immortal? What are you a child? Do you really believe that something like that exists in this world? Wake up, Hector! Have you gone mad from the fear, huh?!" Clancy shook Hector's shoulders, but then Hector replied.

"No... He must be an immortal, only an immortal can possibly do something like this! Immortals are true, Clancy! They exist! Even the boss said that they exist and are guarding Eichenwalde!" Hector blurted out.

Clancy's expression changed when he heard Hector mention their boss.

He looked quite reluctant, but there was no way for him to doubt the words of their boss.

He turned to look at Joseph and said.

"Sir, you... Are you really an immortal?" 

Joseph merely smiled. He didn't deny nor confirm their theories.

"Okay... We'll answer... But please... let us... let us go afterwards..." Clancy hung his head low and the despair was clear just from his expression alone.

It was evident that he was preparing himself for the inevitable.

After all, the man standing in front of them could possibly be an immortal who had unimaginable supernatural powers.

It was impossible for them to escape.

Hector heaved a deep sigh. He passed over a piece of paper to Joseph and said, "Ever since I started earning a living through this work, I was already prepared for the day that I will die like how I threaten to kill people..."

"Immortal, after you've done what you wanted to do to us, I hope you can pass this piece of paper to my loved ones..."

"The address is written behind the note. You can kill me if you want, but if you do not dare to pass that note to my loved ones after my death. I will use my soul to curse you for eternity!" Hector maliciously declared.

The cat who was observing everything from the side was about to jump onto him when Joseph raised his hand and stopped her from attacking.

"[Why are you blocking my way, master? This bastard... How dare he say such a violent curse! I won't forgive him!]" 

Pixie Fairy Elizabeth angrily cried out.

"[You need to calm down, Elizabeth. I really hate unnecessary bloodshed. And also, it's not like I don't have any plans regarding these bastards...]" Joseph replied.

"[Plans? Does that mean that master is willing to let them go?]" Pixie Fairy Elizabeth was astonished.

Joseph gnashed his teeth and suppressed the killing intent that was slowly about to overtake his body. This body that Joseph was using came from an evil immortal whose path to immortality was riddled with blood and the bodies of his enemies.

Its killing intent was terrifying and could easily be triggered by anyone that dared to offend Joseph.

Right now...

Joseph was using his entire willpower on suppressing the killing intent boiling inside him.

"[Let's hear them out first. If they don't have any possible use then I will dispose of them.]" Joseph coldly replied.

Pixie Fairy Elizabeth was startled due to the coldness of Joseph's voice and she went silent.

Joseph turned to face Hector and smile emerged on his lips: "What a vicious declaration. Sure, if you two do not prove to be useful to me then I will kill you two and hand this note over to your loved ones. As for you?"

Joseph made a sidelong glance at Clancy before continuing: "Do you have any note there that you want to hand over?"

Clancy revealed a bitter smile. He hung his head low and didn't say anything in reply.

Hector glanced at Hoffman who was still bleeding from his leg. He noticed that Hoffman was going purple so he hurriedly spoke up: "What does senior Immortal want to ask from us? I will answer it to the best of my ability and without any lies."

Joseph repeatedly nodded his head, looking quite pleased: "Good, finally..."

He lightly chuckled and continued, "What are the three of you trying to do earlier?"

Hector almost immediately answered: "We came here to collect protection fees, Senior. We are doing all of these every week and we came here to visit and intimidate you since you are new to the street..."

"If we intimidated you outright, it would be easier for you to join the protection program that we have."

"Oh? Protection fees? So you guys are the reason why the residents are actively avoiding this street. It's actually because of your presence. But I wonder, why are the authorities not doing anything against you guys? Is it because of money?" Joseph stared at Hector's eyes.

Although intimidated, Hector answered: "Yes..."

"I see, that makes sense. But I can't see why something like that is useful to me. In fact, the presence of your group is actually bad to my business since the residents are afraid of going into this street." Joseph smiled.

Hector and Clancy gulped a mouthful of saliva.

Hector mustered his courage and after a moment of swift thinking, he replied: "Yes... That is true, but that is only true for now! If you let us go then we can call our boss here and have him talk with you! Senior Immortal, it's better for you not to shed too much blood for it will become bad karma that will harm you on your path to true immortality."

Joseph and Clancy were astonished by Hector's words.

Amusement flashed across Joseph's face as he said, "I say that's a good proposal..."

"But you do know about the popular adage that if one wanted to eradicate weeds, it must be pulled out from its roots. In other words, if I wanted peace to return to this small shop of mine. I must annihilate you all without sparing anyone nor any witnesses." 

"[Yes, that's right, master! Kill them all! KILL!!!]" Pixie Fairy Elizabeth cheered

Joseph became speechless after hearing Pixie Fairy Elizabeth.

He then replied to her, "[Is killing the only way to achieve peace in this world? You're just too bloodthirsty, Elizabeth. And from what I heard from them, it seems like I can use them in all sorts of ways. Why should I let go of that opportunity just to satisfy this killing intent of mine and yours?]"

Joseph scolded Pixie Fairy Elizabeth.

Pixie Fairy Elizabeth didn't reply anymore.

Hector opened his mouth and spoke: "There's no stopping you from doing that, Senior Immortal, but I believe that we do have a few uses that you can take advantage of. As long as you spare our lives, we will call our boss here and you can talk to him for the specifics..."

Joseph nodded his head, "Interesting... All right, I'll let all of you go... However, you must bring that boss of yours today, or else. No matter what happens, I will definitely kill you all and annihilate that group you belong to! Mark my words..."

Clancy and Hector were visibly relieved by what they had heard, and they nodded their heads like chicken pecking rice.

Afterwards, they glanced at Hoffman who was lying on the ground and said.

"Senior Immortal, can you help our brother now?"

Joseph shook his head, "It's too late, you bastards took too long to agree to my proposal and now he's dead."

He glanced at Clancy and Hector and found that the two were frozen in utter shock. 

"What? You want me to revive the dead? You're asking for the impossible."

Hector shook his head and said, "No... That's not it, Senior Immortal. I just want to ask... Can we bring his body back?"

"No, you cannot bring his body back. Wouldn't it be suspicious if the people passing by saw you guys carrying a corpse from my shop? That will hurt my business even more!" Joseph promptly replied and even scolded.

Hector and Clancy revealed looks of disappointment on their faces, but as soon as they awakened from their trance. It was the trigger that made them run away as fast as they could from the small shop. The two of them hurriedly hid inside a dark alleyway...

Joseph and Pixie Fairy Elizabeth remained inside the independent space.

Pixie Fairy Elizabeth transformed into her original form as she said, "Master... Why did you let them go? They'll bring more trouble to us than if you just killed them!"

Joseph lightly chuckled and replied, "You don't understand for now, but you'll soon understand why I spared them, Elizabeth..." 

"Don't worry, Elizabeth..."

"Everything is going according to plan."

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