The Grand Duelist

Chapter 164: Besieged by Three Guilds[5]

Chapter 164: Besieged by Three Guilds[5]

"Just where did this barking dog came from?"

There were several dozens of players in front of the doors just before the Palace Halls. When these words left Joseph's mouth, the clamoring crowd of players instantly went silent.

Some who knew how powerful Kristian was couldn't help but sweat and gulp a mouthful of saliva.

Kristian's eyes narrowed into slits. But as expected of someone whose guild was within the top five of the Universal Rankings dedicated for guilds. He managed to calm himself down in just a few moments. A teasing smile escaped on his lips as he said. 

"From that arrogant tone of yours, it seems like you really are that Mythical Ranked Player."

Kristian had a confident tone on his voice when he said these words. As for why he was so confident. It was because of the appearance of a system notification that abruptly appeared when Joseph approached him a few seconds ago.

[You are in front of an overwhelming presence!]

You are in front of an overwhelming presence...

Kristian was a Legendary Player whose skill was second to none, yet the system was actually giving him a warning?

What was going on?

Well, Kristian knew the answer to this question of his.

It was because this player was undoubtedly that lucky player who acquired the First Mythical Class.

Joseph turned to look at Kristian. He didn't deny what Kristian had said. But a frown appeared on his face for a system notification had appeared in front of him when he interacted with Kristian.

[You are standing in front of a unique presence.]

A unique presence? Could it be that this guy is possibly a Legendary Player? That Kristian?

Joseph's eyes narrowed into slits.

But he wasn't the type to completely speculate so he decided on asking.

"Are you that Legendary Player, the Absolute Monarch, Kristian?"

His words sounded soft and low in volume but in this completely silent Palace Halls. His words became akin to the peals of thunder. When the crowd of players heard what he had said, they all gasped in astonishment with some even displaying horror on their faces.

How dare...

How dare he...

How dare he talk to Kristian like that!!!

Why is he acting like he's completely clueless about who Kristian was? Didn't he kill Kristian with a single strike before?

These were the thoughts that appeared within everyone's mind at this moment.

A particular figure within the ranks of the Crimson Guild slowly made her exit when she saw that Kristian was indeed talking with Joseph.

A rueful smile could be seen on her lips as she took one final glance at her precious Karabiner 98k behind Ezreal and Alice before decisively turning around to leave.

Kristian wasn't an unreasonable man, but he also wasn't a saint. The moment he heard Joseph's questioning, a vein popped out of his temples as he silently took several deep breaths before managing to calm himself down. After a moment of silence, he finally answered Joseph's question.

"Yes, I am indeed that Legendary Player... Are you purposely doing this? There is no way that you don't know who I am... Anyone who plays, and loves Victory knows my name." Kristian lifted a smirk.

To the eyes of everyone, his smirk looked like a smile from a saint, but for Joseph...

It was nothing but an eyesore.

Joseph inwardly chuckled as he replied: "I see... Then, what is the Legendary Player of Victory doing in here? Why are you trying to fight against my friends right here?"

Joseph made a sidelong glance at the injured Ezreal, Alice, and Kayn.

Anger flashed across his face but he quickly withdrew his ire.

"So these people are your friends?"

"Are you sure about that or are you just trying to cover them up?" Kristian sneered.

"What do you mean?" Joseph raised an eyebrow.

"Nothing... I'm just wondering why a high and mighty Mythical Ranked Player like you would associate yourself with these bunch of trashes..."

"One is nothing but a mere Sword Adept who haven't even comprehended her own Sword Style, while the other is a strange being who's trying to pretend to be a human while the other is a douche bandit..."

"If these are your friends, I really hope that my assumption that you are the Mythical Ranked player is wrong. A rotten fruit mixed with healthy fruits would undoubtedly corrupt the others. I'll judge you according to your friends and from what I can see, you are nothing good..." 

"Are you a delinquent, perhaps?" Kristian crossed his arms together in front of his chest and asked.

Joseph sneered: "Why do my friends matter to the mighty Legendary Player? That is such a weak argument..."

"I'm paying several hundreds of dollars for this game every month and I am entitled to do whatever I want in this game. You don't have the right to tell me what to do." A serious look appeared on Joseph's face as he finished his sentence.

Kristian was astonished for a moment before he laughed: "What a pity... It seems like you don't quite understand how valuable a Mythical Class is. To think that you don't even know it's potential..."

"If I had your class then I would've done the opposite to what you did."

Joseph replied: "What did you say?"

The air suddenly thickened and the crowd of players below instantly turned vigilant. Despite the fact that Joseph was just a single player. They knew that they couldn't underestimate him.

After all, he had killed them all in a single strike back on their recent encounter.

These players weren't so naive as to underestimate him.

Kristian shook his head and walked closer to Joseph. 

He then raised his hand and patted Joseph's shoulder.

"Are you not curious about the true potential of that class of yours?"

Joseph was astonished by what he had heard, but then his lips lifted into a mocking smile as he replied: "If you are trying to recruit me into your shitty guild, then don't bother. You will never be able to recruit me no matter what you do."

Kristian's pupils constricted. He took a step backward and sighed: "It seems like we won't really get along with each other. What a pity, if both of us united our strength. We could easily establish the strongest guild within the world of Victory!"

"Hahaha..." Joseph chuckled and sneered: "The strongest guild? Yeah, definitely..."

Sarcasm was thick in his voice and Kristian couldn't take it anymore.

When Kristian heard Joseph's reply he had already decided that he would fall-out against this arrogant Mythical Ranked Player.

From the information that he had obtained from this short conversation that he had with Joseph.

It was clear that Joseph still doesn't understand how the innumerable guilds within the world of Victory functioned. 

Victory wasn't a game that a single person could conquer.

If it was then, Kristian could've easily kept his guild at the highest ranking within the Universal Rankings for guilds.

He may be the highest-ranking player within the Universal Rankings for players.

But his guild, unlike its arrogant name, wasn't even able to enter the top three within the Universal Rankings dedicated for guilds. 

As for the reason why?

It was because Victory was a game that relied heavily on teamwork!

A man cannot be an island.

Kristian was sure that this rule also applied to Joseph.

Sure, he may be a Mythical Ranked Player. Possessing possibly the strongest class within the world of Victory.

Joseph was undoubtedly strong and could never be underestimated by everyone.

But does this mean that he was invincible?


No one could possibly be invincible under the attacks of several dozens of elite players who were familiar with each other and could employ high levels of coordination, teamwork, and gameplay.

Kristian let out a sigh.

He turned to look at Joseph and said: "I'll just assume that this rude attitude of yours is because of the influence of these bad eggs. I'll excuse your bad attitude today, but you must return the items that dropped from us when we died!"

"That's the reason why all of us came here, it is to get those hard-earned weapons of ours back!"

Joseph wore an amused look on his face when he saw how quickly Kristian switched his personality.

When Kristian was acting quite arrogant and haughty.

His voice was low to the extent that probably only Joseph could hear it.

However, now that he had a righteous look on his face as he rallied for the support of other players, his voice suddenly became loud and clear.

It was as if he wanted everyone to hear what he wanted to say.

Witnessing Kristian's transformation...

Joseph became even more adamant about the idea that he would never return these high-quality items. 


"Okay, fine... I'll return these items to everyone." Joseph replied with a languid smile.

... His thoughts were opposite to what he had said.

Alice, Ezreal, and Kayn who almost died from defending these items were astonished and shocked by Joseph's words.

Alice was the first one to speak as she almost immediately scolded: "Joseph! What are you saying?"

"Are you just going to obediently hand over these weapons to them? We defended these weapons for you since we know that you might need it for the treasury, but are you just going to return it to them?"

Alice's voice rang loud and clear.

The players, although angry at Alice's words also agreed at what she had said. 

Yeah, it didn't make sense.

It took great effort for the three to defend these items, yet he's just going to return them to us?

These players were doubtful, but their excitement seethed from within.

After all, even if they were in doubt.

That didn't mean that they didn't care about their items. In fact, for as long as Joseph returned their valuable items to them then they wouldn't really mind retreating. 

But until that happened, there was no way that they could retreat after already going this far.

Kristian heard what Alice had said and he shot her a death glare: "Silence..."

He uttered a single word and Alice found herself unable to speak.

Joseph revealed a look of shock on his face when he saw what Kristian had done to Alice.

He was suddenly reminded of that Staff of Obedience that the City Chief from the City Perpetually Hidden from the Dark wielded. It seemed like Kristian had the ability to compel everyone or anyone into obeying him.

His capabilities really suited him as an Absolute Monarch.

A Monarch whose orders are absolute and can never be offended!

Joseph inwardly nodded.

But on the outside, he revealed a light smile as he explained.

"That's right..."

"Please don't mind Alice's words..."

"I will certainly return these items to everyone." Joseph swept his gaze across the faces of everyone behind Kristian as he continued: "But I will only return these items to all the guilds here with the exception of the guild that this guy is handling..."

"I won't return the items of those players affiliated with this person."

Joseph even pointed at Kristian in a comical manner, yet his words struck deep into Kristian's heart.

His face paled and Joseph quickly caught onto the changes on his face as he said.

"Oh? Why are you suddenly getting pale? Do you perhaps want to log-out and take a shit?"

"Or could it be that my simple declaration shattered this fragile alliance that you have with these other guilds?"

Joseph's words were soft and only Kristian could hear it. But for Kristian, his words were akin to the lightning bolt from the nine heavens as Kristian stared at him in a stern manner before saying.


"Why are you so arrogant?"

"Do you really think that just because you have shattered our alliance that I can't recruit them into my cause once again?"

"Oh?" Joseph raised an eyebrow, "How about you go and try recruiting them after I hand them over their items?"

Kristian went silent.

Joseph turned to look at the players behind Kristian before loudly announcing: "Players from the other guilds who came here in alliance with this mighty Legendary Player, Kristian. You may now take your items from the pile behind me..."

"You don't have to worry, I won't attack you..."

"We're in the same Kingdom, after all... We're basically neighbors."

"How could I possibly hurt my neighbors for the sake of a foreigner? I'm not that despicable..."

The players were ecstatic by what they had heard. They were still doubtful, but when they saw Joseph's calm expression and the fact that he allowed the others to fetch their items from the pile of items without attacking them.

The hesitant players turned decisive as they ran towards the pile.

Each of them took their own items as they all sighed in relief.

Yes, relief...

Item creation and enhancement in the world of Victory was incomparably brutal to the extent that a single item loss could set you back for several months in progression. This was the reason why these guilds were so desperate to take their items back.

Joseph turned to look at the remaining players that didn't have their items in their hands.

It was clear from the anxious expressions on their faces that they were members of the guild that Kristian managed.

Joseph then turned his gaze to Kristian and said: "Go on... You go and recruit them now. I'll stand here and watch."

Kristian's face alternated from green to red.

With the words that Joseph said earlier regarding treating your neighbors nicely and prioritizing them over foreigners.

It was clear even for Kristian that there was no way that he could establish another alliance with the other guilds.

After all, the reason why these guilds made that alliance with them in the first place was that they were afraid of Kristian's might as a Legendary Player. None of them wanted to be spawn-camped to Level 1, and none of them wanted to offend a mighty Legendary Player.

However, now that it has been revealed that Joseph, a person who started his journey in Victory here in the Kingdom of Nether was actually the first Mythical Ranked Player.

All of them were sighing in regret.

They really didn't want to fight against one of their own, but since they already made that alliance with Kristian, there was no room for regrets anymore.

But in the end...

Just as these players were preparing to fight to the bitter end against the Mythical Ranked Player, Joseph...

Joseph himself actually gave them a route to heaven?

The players felt grateful to Joseph and they felt guilty towards him.

After all, they were a part of the alliance who fought against his friends and hurt them.

But to think that he would actually forgive them all and even return their weapons?

If Joseph's heart was as boundless as the ocean, then what would happen to them if they still associated themselves with the Strongest Under Heaven Guild?

Wouldn't they become heartless and ungrateful bastards, unworthy of living in this world?

But weren't they afraid of Kristian's might and the strength of the Strongest Under Heaven Guild?

Of course, they were afraid!

But Joseph gave them sufficient reason so that they wouldn't stand together with Kristian's guild.

The act of forgiving them for what they had done was enough to serve as their reason.

This way, they could just explain to the Strongest Under Heaven Guild that they had merely repaid Joseph's kindness with kindness and that their actions were reasonable. If Kristian's guild insisted that they made an unethical decision for abandoning the alliance for their own sake.

With the reasons that Joseph gave them...

These guilds could easily reverse the tide against Strongest Under Heaven.

Nie Yan from Dark Flame repeatedly nodded his head as he confirmed his decision with the other elite members.

Giving out his orders, his guild members proceeded on their retreat.

Joseph saw the retreat of Dark Flame and a smile appeared on his lips.

However, when he saw that Knights of Justice and Crimson remained steadfast in their locations.

Joseph's expression froze.

Kristian noticed this and he laughed out loud: "Hahaha..."

"I really didn't expect that you were so naive to think that these two guilds would retreat just because of your simple actions of returning their items. I have an idea why they are still here despite the goodwill that you showed to them, do you want to know why?"

William and Vladimir, the leader of both guilds frowned when they heard what Kristian had said.

Kristian's words weren't just directed against Joseph, it was also for them. 

Kristian was basically saying that even though he approved of their decision to stay in the alliance.

He was also admonishing them for being so ungrateful to the one that decided to forgive them for their sins.

However, none of them speak.

Not even their members.

They just remained standing in their positions.

Stern looks plastered on their faces as they waited for Kristian's orders.

Joseph turned his gaze towards the Crimson Guild and upon seeing the familiar face of Vladimir.

Joseph instantly understood why the Crimson Guild chose to remain in the alliance.

But Joseph couldn't understand the actions of the Guild Knights of Justice.

A cold look appeared on Joseph's face as he loudly declared.

"So I finally identified the ungrateful dogs?"

"Hahaha... It doesn't matter."

"I took those items from you dogs once and I sure do have the ability to take them again!" Joseph turned to look at Kristian and said: "Bringing these many people in this place, it seems like you were ready to fight me from the start."

Joseph made a sidelong glance at Vladimir before turning his attention to Kristian once more.

"So, what about it? Do you want to fight or not?"

Kristian revealed a satisfied look on his face.

For him, Joseph's action of wanting to fight was a mere desperate attempt to intimidate them all.

"Fight? We sure can fight but are you sure that you can? Take a look at those friends of yours, do you really think that they can still fight?"

"And as for you..."

Kristian's eyes narrowed into slits: "You may be a Mythical Ranked Player, but I hope that you are not so arrogant to think that you can fight all three of us at the same time?"

By three, Kristian meant the Guild Crimson, Guild Knights of Justice, and Guild Strongest Under Heaven.

Kristian thought that Joseph was trying to intimidate them into submission so, he retaliated by intimidating him. He specifically emphasized the word, "three" so that Joseph would understand that he wasn't fighting a single person.

But three guilds at once!

If Joseph chose to fight, then...

He would be besieged by three guilds!



... Joseph merely gave a cold chuckle.

His mocking eyes swept across the faces of everyone from the three guilds in front of him as he declared.

"It seems like all of you are quite underestimating me..."

"It is indeed common sense that no man is an island and no one can possibly win against several dozens at once."

"But have you guys forgotten?"

"Have you guys forgotten the fact that I am a myth and not a legend?"

Joseph casually said.

"If you want a fight, then let's fight! Me versus your puny alliance with these ungrateful dogs!"

Joseph stared right at Kristian.

At this moment, Joseph activated one of his unique skills as a golden parchment appeared out of nowhere.

Holding the golden parchment with both of his hands. 

He loudly announced...

"Ungrateful dogs from the two guilds and the guild of the Legendary Player whose mouth smells like my grandfather's colostomy bag..."

"Receive the Royal Edict!"

The moment these words left Joseph's mouth.

The golden parchment in his hands started shining in a brilliant, blinding light.

At this moment, for the first time ever...

Joseph was using one of his Unique Skills within the world of Victory!

The Unique Skill born from his comprehension of the Concept of Law.

Unique Skill: Royal Edict!

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