The Grand Duelist

Chapter 186: Gate Crashing[12]

Chapter 186: Gate Crashing[12]

Silence descended, the atmosphere became incredibly thick that it suffocated everyone, yet none of them spoke.

Their silence seemed to be born from their tacit understanding in agreement that Joseph's conclusion was correct.

The little girl on the bed was indeed Elizabeth!

His Personal Pixie Assistant?

But how come?

What was going on?

The Elizabeth that Joseph knew within the world of Victory was a witty, somewhat shy, yet cold outside and hot in the inside type of a girl! How could she be a little girl?

"What the fuck is going on?" Joseph couldn't help but curse.

Ray turned to look at him and bitterly smiled.

"The King's Trial..."

"Is also known as Project: Second Life."

"Project: Second Life?" Joseph turned to look at Ray in shock.


"That is the reason why the time dilation within the King's Trial is so huge..."

"A hundred years for a week. In other words, patients like my sister here whose only part of her body that's working is her brain can live several lifetimes in just a single month within the world of the King's Trial."

"And she's been within the world of King's Trial for several years already. Living a lifetime after a lifetime. That's how her life is, a cycle that never ends. A cycle that I can't bear to end."

Ray let out a heartbroken sigh.

Her secretary, Elizabeth approached him from the side and hugged his arm. The look on her face was the same sa Ray, it was clear that she knew a lot regarding Ray's situation with his sister. As her Secretary for so long, she knew how Ray thoroughly loved her sister.

Even the ringtone of his phone was the voice of her sister before she fell into this horrendous coma!


"The King's Trial was created for the sake of those who are trapped in their own bodies? It's made so that they could live the life that they deserved here in the real world in the virtual world?"

"Yes, that's right..."

"I figured that since you're the very first person to have entered the King's Trial and in return, unknowingly became one of our test subjects..."

"It's just right for us to inform you about all of these. But I trust that you don't tell anyone about what I saw or heard today." Ray nodded, a faint smile was plastered on his lips.


But when Elizabeth saw that smile, she tightened her hold around Ray's arm.

"It's okay, Elizabeth... It's fine... I'm all right." Ray Gabriel affectionately ruffled her hair, making sure that she understood that there was nothing for her to worry about.


Joseph couldn't speak at this moment. He couldn't find any appropriate words to use in this situation. He felt that he should agree to their request, but becoming a test subject? He didn't sign up for something like that! Why would he become their test subject?

Yet, when Joseph saw the miserable little girl lying on the bed. He let out a sigh and asked, "Since I already became one of your test subjects, does that mean that the information that you will get from me will greatly help you all in this project?"

Mar stepped forward and replied to his question, "Yes, that's right! We have always been researching Project: Second Life, even before Victory was made..."

"In fact, if not for Project: Second Life. Victory wouldn't have been created. The virtual world that everyone is enjoying right now around the world wasn't actually made for the world."

"All of them, including the world of Victory is actually only created for the sake of a single person..."

"And that is Elizabeth, Ray's little sister."


Joseph was moved.

For Ray to devote several decades in his life just for the sake of his sister. One could see how dedicated he was for the sake of his family. Such a man of integrity and filial piety was something that Joseph always respected.

At this moment, his view of Ray Gabriel greatly changed.

From what he could see on the television and from earlier.

He thought that Ray was a ruthless, decisive, and cold man.

He thought that he was someone that would do whatever he could possibly do just for the sake of his goals.

But now?

Those thoughts in Joseph's mind disappeared as if they didn't even exist in the first place.

Now he had nothing but admiration for such a man.

If the ocean was boundless, then Ray's heart was even more boundless than the ocean.

Joseph's eyes glittered with the light of even deeper respect.

He didn't even dare to look straight at Ray anymore. He discovered that he found himself unable to ask more questions when he realized just what kind of a man Ray was. But Ray merely chucked when he noticed Joseph's change in attitude towards him.

"I can see that you are becoming cautious to me..."

"But don't be like that, please. After all, we're family." Ray casually said.

But Joseph almost spat a mouthful of blood when he heard Ray.

A family? 

When did we become a family?

He had a confused look on his face that was particularly amusing to both Ray and Elizabeth.

Elizabeth couldn't help but comment, "We saw everything in the King's Trial... Didn't I already tell you that in that email that I sent you a few days ago? Hahaha, there's no use for excuses. We saw everything, including how you flirted with your Personal Pixie Assistant."


Joseph almost keeled over when he heard Elizabeth's words.

He surreptitiously glanced at Ray, but he found that Ray still looked as indifferent as ever. Except for the slight smile on his face, one couldn't read his emotions at all. This was probably the reason why Joseph thought that he was a cold man comparably to that of a thousand-years-old icy cavern.

"I-I didn't..."

Joseph was quick to hold fast on his wits as he waved his hands in front of him in a panic.

Mar lightly chuckled, while Elizabeth stared at him in amusement. The slight smile on Ray's face seemed to have vanished at this moment and not a trace of warmth could be felt on his person anymore. There was nothing but coldness.

Fuck... I hate you, Secretary Elizabeth!!!

Joseph inwardly cursed.

After a few seconds that felt more like an eternity. 

Ray gave an audible sigh and said, "Answering your question earlier, she..."

"She will be back."

"If you consent to be our test subject, we will be able to gather enough data..."

"If we managed to do that then, we can implement that patch as soon as possible. In other words, every player in the world of Victory will now have their own Personal Pixie Assistant. Of course, there are varying levels of A.I Intelligence, but as for you..."

"Since you are the man that my sister chose, I will let you be with her. I promise."

Ray stared at Joseph with firm determination.

Joseph's lips repeatedly twitched.

What the hell are they talking about? A man that Elizabeth chose?


Elizabeth looked at me back then like a woman would look at a man?

Are they serious? She's only a kid! A six or even seven-years-old kid!

Mar saw the confusion on Joseph's face and he couldn't help but tease, "It seems like you're quite ignorant regarding that particular matter. Do you want to look at that event that happened just as you disappeared from the world of the King's Trial and returned to-"


Ray glared at Mar.

Of course, he knew what Mar was talking about!

It was that scene when Elizabeth confessed to Joseph by screaming her confession to the skies!

How could Ray let Mar show that footage to Joseph? 

If her sister found out about what she did, then she would definitely kill him!


Mar gulped a mouthful of saliva upon seeing Ray's cold glare.


He coughed and swiftly changed the topic, "Now that I think about it, don't you have a girlfriend, young man? What was her name again? That disciple of the Legendary Blacksmith, Krid... Ah! I know, it's Alice! Yeah, her name's Alice. She's your girlfriend, right?"


You bastard! 

You threw me to the den of the wolves!

Joseph inwardly cursed once again.

He turned to look at Mar and found that there was this silly smile on his face.

At this moment, Joseph finally discovered that Mar wasn't a decent person like he thought he was.

Even though he was one of the great men behind the creation of virtual worlds, Project: Second Life, and the world of Victory...

He was actually just a shameless old man who'd sell out his acquaintances just so he could escape!

Joseph surreptitiously glanced at Ray and found that his eyes went cold.

Even Elizabeth revealed a bitter smile and took a step backward. 

Both Ray and Elizabeth knew about the existence of Alice and how she was so close to Joseph.

Joseph himself knew about this fact and adding this to the fact that Ray's sister, Elizabeth had some feelings for him...

Joseph gulped a mouthful of saliva.

He didn't dare to speak anymore, afraid that his words may be used against him.

Of course, that didn't prevent him from repeatedly cursing the shrewd Mar inside his mind.

"So you've advanced your relationship with Alice already?" Ray finally had some changes in his expression. He raised his eyebrow and asked, "Did you acquire Krid's blessing?" 

Joseph was confused, I thought they were observing each and every move that I make? If that's the case, then they should've known about something like this already! His confusion rendered him unable to answer outright.

Ray saw his confusion and he couldn't help but shook his head and explain, "This shrewd old man, Mar right here knows about it since he has a lot of time up his sleeves. He's nearing his retirement age, you see?"

"As for me, since I'm still so young and as the CEO of P.H Works, I have a lot of things to do..."

"Heck, I'd kill for eight hours of sleep!" 

Joseph was taken aback by Ray's words.

But it wasn't because of what Ray had said regarding Mar. It was because, his tone when speaking suddenly became casual as if he was talking to a friend, instead of a mere test subject.

At this moment, the coldness that he radiated disappeared, replaced by a casual air that made everyone feel close to him.

So, this is a CEO!

The fact that he can change his mood in a whim is enough evidence for me to say that he really is a true CEO!


Joseph felt a mixture of complicated emotions. One, he was afraid to trust Ray. After all, being able to change one's mood in a whim was the same as being a fake person. No one would be able to trust a person that they couldn't see through, and Ray was that kind of a person.

Second, he wanted to trust Ray since he was a man of sheer dedication, boundless filial piety, and love.

A man like him that could care for his family to that extent wasn't someone bad.

Joseph thought to himself.

But what if Ray was only good to those who are a part of his family? 

This was why Joseph suddenly became hesitant.

"Ray, you bastard! You're saying that I'm old?"

"Aren't you only a few years younger? Don't be too arrogant!"

"Yeah, I may be only a few years younger, but my physical condition is quite good. I don't have to apply those shady creams for joint and muscle pains, and I also don't have to use those male enhancer pills in bed!" 


Joseph almost keeled over as his shoulder continuously trembled. He wanted to laugh out loud, but when he realized that these seemingly childish men were one of the most powerful men in the world. He restrained himself and surreptitiously glanced at Elizabeth instead.

Elizabeth furiously blushed when she heard what Ray Gabriel had said.

Male Enhancer Pills? T-Those kind of pills? In bed...? He doesn't need to use those...?

But Mar scoffed in disdain when he heard Ray's words, "Yeah, you don't have to use those male enhancer pills. I mean, do you even have someone to use them for?"


"Oh, right! I forgot... You have none! You're still single! Or could it be that you have some women outside to relieve that pent-up stress of yours...?"

Mar purposely lengthened the end of his sentence and even glanced at Elizabeth.

Sure enough, Elizabeth's figure visibly trembled.

Her grip on Ray's arm tightened, making the latter scrunch his eyebrows in pain.

"Uh... Elizabeth...?"

Elizabeth didn't reply, but her trembling shoulders made it obvious to everyone that she was irritated and possibly even mad.

"So, sir Ray actually has time to spend in leisure outside that sir can even find some women out there to relieve his stress? It seems like sir's workload still isn't that huge since sir can still be as leisurely as ever... How about I go and increase sir's workload for the month?"

"Oh, right! I remember, there was that food company from the South that wanted to meet sir Ray this evening. I'll make sure to go and set an appointment..."

"There's also that trucking company from the neighboring city that wants to build some connections with sir Ray, I'll go and set an appointment for that too."

Elizabeth's words weren't really that sharp nor threatening, yet when Ray heard what she said.

His eyes widened in shock and he almost kneeled onto the grounds as he cried out in a heartbroken voice. "No, please... Elizabeth, I'm already working 17 hours a day, 120 hours a week, and almost five hundred hours a month... I'll die if I work more..."

"Please let me off!"

What the hell is even going on here...

Joseph couldn't help but scratch his head in confusion.

The Secretary should be under the mercy of the CEO, yet why were the roles reversed? 

Why does it seem like Elizabeth is the CEO of this P.H Works, and Ray is her Secretary instead?

Elizabeth crossed her arms in front of her chest and coldly snorted, "I'll let you off. But you must tell me honestly. Did you go out and look for one of those dirty women in the streets?" 

"Of course not!" Ray almost immediately answered.

"Hehehe..." Mar sniggered at the side, but he was shut down by Elizabeth's death glare.

"I don't even have time to play Victory anymore, why would I go and find some fun outside?" Ray patiently explained.

Elizabeth seemed to have been convinced as she let out a sigh and waved her hand. Indicating that she's forgiving Ray for the matter which made the latter let out a sigh in relief.

Joseph was still awkwardly scratching his head in the corner.

An awkward smile could be seen on his face since he didn't know what to do nor where to look when the three were arguing with each other. However, when he saw the smiles on their faces, despite the facade of anger and indignance while they fought...

Joseph could see that these three, really adored each other.

Especially, Secretary Elizabeth.

Joseph could see that she seemed to harbor some feelings for Ray.

Although Joseph wasn't so sure if Ray felt the same for her.

When the three fell silent, Joseph finally found the time to speak as he swept his gaze across the three of them and asked.

"Uh... How about that test that I'm supposed to undergo? Am I still going to continue to it?"

Joseph's words rang as loud as a peal of thunder.

The three turned to look at him and simultaneously let out an, "Ah!"

"That's right!"

"How the hell did we forget about that test?" 

"Isn't it obvious? It's your fault, old man."

"Call me old man once again and we're taking this outside!"

"Quit it, you two!"

Elizabeth hurriedly intervened when it looked like the two definitely had the intention to fight outside.

Joseph could only shake his head and think.

P.H Works sure is a company of weirdos...

One is a shrewd old man, the other is someone that can definitely be nominated for the Oscars, while the last one seems to be a dominatrix.

Just how does a company full of people like this even function?

Joseph wondered.

But in the end, he buried these thoughts back into the deepest recesses of his mind.

He surmised that the answer to this question was probably something that even science itself can't possibly solve.

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