The Grand Duelist

Chapter 3: The Most Suitable Payback

Chapter 3: The Most Suitable Payback

For a while, turmoil circulated within the world of Victory. But it only existed for a short while. For those that had enough power knew that what Joseph did wasn't really something special. In fact, a lot of them even mocked him as a money-hungry retard that desired too much about some cheap change.

"Festival of Battles? Ah, that ridiculously hard event which has a million dollars as its cash prize? Yeah, that event was difficult. But the guy that you guys call as the Madman of the Festival of Battles is really a madman. I bet that he only won by memorizing the attack patterns of that last boss..."

"Well, he did an amazing feat by defeating the final boss of the Festival of Battles. Even though some people will say that his win was something that anyone could do through repetition. Not everyone has the same determination as him when it comes to that event..."

"After all, it isn't really fun dying under the hands of the same boss, over and over again."

These were the words that the popular top-players of Victory said to everyone when they were asked about what they thought of the Madman of the Festival of Battles. But it wasn't only them that were astonished by Joseph's accomplishment, even P.H Works.

The company behind Victory was shocked about what Joseph achieved within the game.

Several minutes after Joseph defeated the Great Magician Lilibeth...

Ray Gabriel was the one who stood at the core of the 42-man team that built the first realistic virtual reality system which changed the scenery of the gaming scene forever. He led the team, developed Victory and also established P.H Works. The company behind Victory.

His achievements meant that he always stood at the spotlight, whenever he went all around the world.

His influence surpassed even the leaders of the United Nations, and it made him subject to the envy of the world.

Sadly, being under the spotlight meant that he was always on the move. In fact, he barely had time for himself and recreational activities. But did he regret everything? Of course not!

He made a world according to his ideals. Everything that happened to him after he published the world of Victory for everyone was something that he chose in the first place.

Even though he knew that he would probably dedicate his entire life to maintaining the world of Victory and creating content for it, he wasn't particularly bothered about it. In fact, he was proud of it...

Proud of his creation that captivated the hearts of billions around the world.

"Oni-chyan, someone is calling you~~~"

A voice that sounded familiar to Ray Gabriel's ears rang out...

Even though he was asleep and was currently exploring the world within his dream, the moment that the feminine voice entered his ears and registered in his brain. His eyes snapped open...

His body that stood at the edge of collapse due to several months of continuous fatigue instantly became lively.

"Oh my beloved Sister~ Could it be that she's the one calling me? But why is she calling me right now in the middle of the night? Aiyaaa, nevermind. Let's... just... see~"

He excitedly mumbled to himself as he picked up the phone but he froze. it was because he saw that the caller ID didn't belong to his sister, but belonged to a fellow scientist from P.H Works

"Why are you calling me this late at night? What's going on?" His voice turned cold, bereft of the excitement that it exuded just moments earlier.

A frantic voice came out of the phone and Ray Gabriel's eyes widened in shock when he heard the message. He yelled out his reply as he said: "What did you say?! I'll be there right now, prepare to report to me about everything once I arrive."

"Don't worry about the distance and time, I'll be using my chopper. Prepare the helipad for my arrival!"

Ray Gabriel dressed himself up and he hurriedly ran towards his backyard where a helicopter casually stood. He climbed into it and flew towards the Headquarters of the P.H Works as if his life depended on it.

"Okay, now tell me what happened."

Upon arrival, Ray Gabriel never greeted anyone. The Overseer of the Game Operations Team, Elizabeth bowed her head and replied.

"It has been thirty minutes now sir since everything happened."

"Okay, show me the logs!" Ray Gabriel cried out and Elizabeth handed over a bunch of documents to him.

"Interesting! To think that someone could break through the special limited-edition event that I made according to Noah's wishes." Ray Gabriel mumbled.

The Festival of Battles was an event that the Supercomputer Noah created and recommended.

Even though Ray Gabriel said that he had made the special limited-edition event, he only did about a quarter of the work required so that the event could smoothly run. His work covered the designing of the final boss that when defeated, could net them a huge prize which was about a million dollars.

At first, Ray Gabriel never thought seriously about how strong he would make the final boss. But when the Supercomputer Noah said that the final boss could bestow a hidden quest towards the user. Ray Gabriel instantly increased the difficulty of the fight towards the limits.

Not only he increased the damage that the NPC dealt against players. He even added such a cheat attack called, "Assassination of the Fire God", which was within the tier of [Unstoppable Attacks].

As the name said, attacks within this tier were couldn't be blocked, and almost unavoidable. The only way that one could possibly dodge such an attack was possessing the Foresight stat which should be at least more than 1500.

In the current stage of the game, where players had levels that were only about 120 on average meant that there was no one qualified enough to dodge an [Unstoppable Attack].

Ray Gabriel saw within the logs that the Supercomputer Noah increased the difficulty of the Festival of Battles to the very limits when it noticed that Joseph was now incomparably familiar with the attack patterns of all BOSSes within the Festival of Battles.

However, after about twenty or so tries. The Supercomputer Noah recognized the determination of Joseph and returned the attack pattern of the final boss to normal.

The Assassination of the Fire God, a skill that was normally used when the BOSS only had an inkling of Health Points left in order to revert the situation was disabled by Noah as a sign of respect towards Joseph's desperation and determination.

"That guy really is lucky. It's been such a long time since the Supercomputer Noah acted whimsical like this, and yet he perfectly captured that opportunity and won the million dollars. But then, how about the hidden quest?"

Ray Gabriel used his rights as an administrator and found that the specific hidden quest after that final boss event wasn't triggered. He couldn't help but sigh in regret when he saw this. After all, that hidden quest contained far better rewards than a million dollars if someone completed it.

Ray Gabriel completely believed that someone as determined as Joseph had the capability to complete that specific hidden quest.

"It's such a pity that it wasn't triggered... Well, that could only mean that he isn't fated for the quest." Ray Gabriel stood up and turned to look at Elizabeth before saying.

"I'll go back to sleep now, even if something interesting happens. Don't wake me up, I'm really too sleepy right now." He yawned and Elizabeth deeply bowed once again before saying her goodbyes towards her immediate superior.

Back at Joseph's residence, a trembling Joseph could be seen holding a smartphone in his hand. Reflected within his eyes was a "1", followed by six zeros.

"A million dollars!" Joseph inwardly screamed, everything that happened was still so surreal for him that he couldn't help but keep pinching his cheeks and logging-out then logging-in again at his bank's online banking app to make sure that the money within the app wasn't caused by a bug or a system glitch.

After about several hours of staring at the line of zeros after the "1" within his bank account.

Joseph finally calmed himself down. But a bitter smile emerged on his face. The money that he earned for today wouldn't stay with him for too long. But he had a way of making sure that this money left him in a spectacular and memorable manner.

Joseph arranged the Notices that he had received within these past several weeks. These notices said that he needed to pay a specified amount so that he could keep staying within his house, etc, etc, etc...

Although the reasoning within the notices was somewhat absurd for Joseph. He did not plan on hesitating when it comes to paying them...

After all, once he paid them he would finally be free from everything.

But he had no plans on negotiating with them for he doubted if those scums could even comprehend human language. He was tired of dealing with their shenanigans.

Joseph planned on paying these companies properly. But there was one company that specifically irked Joseph the most. It was a company called Easy Cash. This company was the most aggressive company when it comes to asking for the monthly amortization that they demanded

Joseph even had to sell some items that had sentimental value for him so that he could pay them the minimum due and have them stop their harassment. Now, it was time for payback and a fierce slap on the face.

Joseph wore an evil smile as rung up some numbers on his phone.

His evil smile turned dangerous when the person on the other side of the line finally answered his call...

"Ah, hello? Is this the Elaiza's Trucking Services? Yes, I will be renting several trucks for my personal use and transport... Okay, I will go and settle the contract personally at your office. I will pay through spot cash, ah there's a discount? Thank you..."

After a short while, Joseph called his bank.

"Ah, hello? Is this PNB? Ah yes, this is Joseph and about the inquiry that I made earlier. I won't have any problems paying the transaction fee for as long as my request arrives at the time that I require it. Will that be okay? Okay then, thank you so much, I'll be there by tomorrow morning..."

After this call, he swiftly arranged everything to be paid and when all of that was over. Easy Cash was the only company left unpaid. The company that Joseph hated the most.

The next morning, an Easy Cash employee named Robert had a smile on his face as he printed some notices towards delinquent customers that lapsed on their payment to the company. He hummed a tune as the mechanical sound of the printer constantly rang out in front of him.

He really loved this job of his. After all, this was the only legal job where he could see people at their lowest point in life.

But Robert didn't feel any guilt whenever he extracted joy from their suffering. The sensation of schadenfreude excited him the most for he knew that even though he wasn't well-off in life. At least, he wasn't swimming in debt like these bastards.

Most customers of Easy Cash were pretentious people that took loans just so they could afford their lavish lifestyle when they really couldn't afford it in the first place...

For trashes like them, Robert felt that he had the right to feel disdain at them. Seeing those pretentious and arrogant bastards break down and cry before him for forgiveness was something that Robert couldn't really get tired of. But of course, there were some clients that gave Robert a headache.

It was those clients are too hard to break. One of those clients was Joseph whom he would visit right now after printing Notices that he would serve to his other clients.

"Is anyone here?"

The door to Robert's office within this Easy Cash branch suddenly opened. Speaking of the devil, the person who entered was Joseph. A client whom he despised the most among the stubborn ones.

"Oh, sir Joseph. What services do you need from us?" Robert greeted with a smile.

But his eyes were already narrowed into slits. If Joseph asked him for a loan once again. No matter what, even if Joseph offered him some bribes like the jewelry that Joseph offered last time. He would never offer Joseph a loan once again.

But why?

It was because Joseph never paid at least the minimum payments of the monthly amortization written within their loan contract. Since Robert was responsible for the creation of that contract and he was the agent that gave Joseph that particular loan, he suffered the most within the company and had his payment docked for not reaching his quota.

Joseph merely turned his head around the office as if he was looking for something.

Robert saw this and he couldn't help but sneer inside: 'Is he looking for another agent that would offer him a loan? How futile, does he not know that his credit history is such a mess right now that no agent in their right mind would offer him a loan? But oh well, I guess someone like him can't possibly understand something like credit history."

Robert inwardly mocked Joseph before speaking in an amiable tone: "Are you looking for another loan again, sir?" He asked in the gentlest tone as possible. He wanted to bait Joseph into asking for a loan once again, and when that happened...

He would shut down Joseph's request in the cruelest way possible.

'Hehehe, once that happens. Let's see if this guy still manages on keeping his head cool and collected.'

Robert inwardly snickered, but Joseph replied in an unexpected manner.

"No, I'm here to make a payment. I am just looking around, making sure that there are enough employees so that my payment could be processed faster." Joseph shrugged, and Robert was stunned for a moment before lightly laughing.

"Are you sure that you can pay for everything that you owe us, sir?" He still kept the word, "Sir". But clear disdain could be heard within his tone of voice.

Joseph turned to look at him with a challenging manner: "Well, how about you give me a receipt about my payment first then I will make you see that I can pay everything at once today."

Robert felt the confidence within Joseph's tone but he still felt doubtful: 'Why is this bastard so confident about paying everything today? Did he perhaps receive some money from his late parents? No, that's impossible...

'Unless his parents didn't declare every asset that they had to the government which is illegal. There's no way that this guy could receive money from their foreclosed and frozen assets... But what if he received money from his relatives?'

'Wait, that's impossible. His total debt is about three hundred thousand dollars. There's no way that a mere relative could be so altruistic towards him and give him such an amount for his debts...'

Robert rationalized everything and came to the conclusion that unless Joseph won the lottery, he should be bluffing about having the ability to pay for everything.

And as for winning the lottery?

Joseph's luck within these recent years was so bad that he was considered as a cursed child by his neighbors within the block where he lived.

After all, not only did his parents died prematurely. Their only son also fell victim towards those opportunistic loan sharks like Easy Cash, which resulted in him slaving away for monthly payments and was now on the verge of homelessness.

All of these facts combined all together meant that it was impossible for Joseph to pay all of his debts today...

In other words, he was merely bluffing.

Robert calmed down before casually writing a receipt and even printing a debt clearance certificate that only lacked Joseph's signature before completion.

He calmly handed it over at Joseph before saying.

"Now that you have the receipt... Where's the money?"

Joseph lightly laughed, signing the debt clearance and the back of the receipt. He took a walkie-talkie from his pocket and said: "Now everyone, place everything down."


The loud movements of hydraulics along with truck engines outside the branch caused a commotion that could be heard even within the thick walls of the Easy Cash branch.

Joseph opened the doors of the office and there, Robert saw several trucks carrying one-peso coins.

Those trucks threw all peso coins that they carried and it quickly formed into a mountain of silvery peso coins.


Veins bulged on Robert's complexion as he roared out: "That's not allowed! We only accept dollars, why are you paying with Philippine Currency!"

Joseph turned to look at Robert and it was his time to show disdain towards Robert's ignorance: "We're in the Philippines and, the Philippine Currency is the legal tender of this country so it should be accepted in every local establishment within the Philippines..."

Robert paused for a moment before crying out once again: "But it's stated in the contract, that..."

"Yeah, it is stated in the contract that US Dollars is the recommended currency for payment. But it was never stated that it is prohibited to pay using Philippine Currency..." Joseph lightly smiled.

He turned around and swept his gaze towards the astonished employees within the Easy Cash office.

He then declared.

"I do not have a grudge towards all of you in this office since I bet that most of you only earn the minimum wage with additional pay according to your quota..."

"But the people that each and every one of you victimized for the sake of this company's profit and your own are probably laughing right now and in support of my move. With the atrocities that you committed towards them, don't even say that I am unreasonable for doing this against all of you..."

Joseph stared right into each employee for a moment before turning around.

He walked outside and never looked back nor returned.

On that particular day, a crowd of people could be seen loitering around the front yard of that Easy Cash Branch. Most of them were scavengers, homeless people and some belonging to the workforce of the country. But why were they gathered in the front yard?

Well, they were united by money. Seeing several mountains of silvery peso-coins triggered their greed and they wandered around. Looking for an opportunity where they could run towards the mountains and grab whatever that they could then run.

What's even worse was that. The Easy Cash branch not only didn't have any capabilities on counting these peso-coins, but they also couldn't even move it quickly enough so that other people couldn't profit from their suffering.

Salt was even added on their wounds as several employees resigned on the spot leaving Robert with a few loyal employees of Easy Cash standing before the mountains of peso-coins whilst tears streamed down their cheeks as they simultaneously declared.


Robert ran away from his company and never returned. He didn't even bother on getting his paycheck for that month as long as he could hasten his escape from that company.

In the future, Joseph would hear some news about Robert and he would find that Robert now worked in a Charity Non-Profit Organization dedicated to those devastated by loan sharks...

With his rich experience in the inner workings of loan sharks, he achieved high status within the organization and was now revered by most people within the city.

Meanwhile, at the one and only International Airport of the City of Sibu.

A young woman dragging an expensive-looking suitcase with her could be seen.

"Finally, after a year... I'm back at Sibu... The smell of the countryside is really refreshing. But more importantly, I wonder, just how is my darling Joseph doing after a year?"

A sarcastic expression appeared on her face as she thought of someone whom she considered as her friend, a year ago.

"I wonder... If the sheep that I painstakingly fattened up... already ready to be slaughtered?"

She sneered she thought of Joseph. Every kindness that she gave to Joseph all those years was her gesture of sowing seeds in Joseph's heart. Now, after almost a year of hiatus. It was finally time for the harvest.

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