The Grand Duelist

Chapter 38: The True Colors of the Underground Penitentiary

Chapter 38: The True Colors of the Underground Penitentiary

The scene that both saw when they broke the Illusion Techniques that surrounded them could be described as seeing the amalgamation of filth itself.

The walls were laden with moss, the smell of ammonia in the air became incomparably thick and the ground that the two stood on became incredibly slippery.


An anguished voice rang out behind them and Joseph turned around. There, what he found floating amidst the darkness was the face of a human being. The face looked ghastly and it appeared to be in pain as it repeatedly screamed in a voice that bordered between being female and male.

"Evil spirit! Begone!" Ezreal fiercely turned around at the same moment that Joseph did and he sent a beam of light flying towards the apparition.

"Aaaaah! It huuuurtsss!" The anguished soul cried out in pain before disappearing into numerous light crystals that soon disappeared into nothingness.

"Just what was that, Ezreal?" Joseph wiped the cold sweat that formed on his forehead. Joseph's experience with fighting and his strength as a Mythical Class along with Ezreal's presence gave him confidence that he could safely fight against anyone within the confines of this dark corridor.

But after seeing the appearance of that anguished soul, he felt doubtful about his capabilities. In fact, the primal fear of the unknown that every human had, was now triggered within Joseph's mind and he couldn't help but tremble like a sieve.

Ezreal noticed this and he frowned: "Master, that earlier was just nothing but a dirty spirit that couldn't ascend to the heavens or even descend to hell..."

"Those poor bastards were rejected by either two of those places and now, they cannot find a place to settle in. Master shouldn't really worry about them. They are not really that strong."

Joseph repeatedly blinked and stared at Ezreal: "They may not be that strong, but I am still human, you know? I still fear ghosts like a normal human being unlike you who is comparable to a monster!"

Ezreal was taken aback by the sudden scolding but he laughed when he heard what Joseph said.

"What I am feeling right now really proves that the adage, didn't know whether to laugh or to cry really exists."

Ezreal was sad and happy because Joseph called him a monster.

He was sad since it was the first time that Joseph blatantly called him an abnormal being. But he was happy at the same time for Joseph had acknowledged his skills and strength.

"Anyways, master. Let's continue. I'll go handle those anguished souls. If you can't really endure the fear then, just stand behind me."

Ezreal winked at Joseph and Joseph felt doubtful about what he said.

"Stand behind you?"

"Yes, I can always lend my back for master."

"Fuck off!" Joseph violently cursed.

The two continued their journey and it couldn't be said that they had a good time. First, Joseph almost always screamed whenever he felt a cold draft behind him which made Ezreal turn around in a panic only to find nothing.

Lastly, Ezreal had the tendency to play pranks on Joseph such as suddenly disappearing right in front of Joseph to scare the latter.

One may ask about why Joseph could feel fear even though he was a mythical existence that could resist any abnormal conditions. Well, it was because the fear that he felt didn't come from the game. But from his mind itself.

In other words, the fear that Joseph felt was a natural phenomenon and naturally couldn't be alleviated by his passive skill.

Halfway through their journey.

Joseph felt suspicious about what was going on and he couldn't help but ask.

"Ezreal, is this really a penitentiary? I mean, I can't see any jail cells so I can't help but think otherwise."

Ezreal sent an attack towards an incoming anguished soul before answering.

"I myself isn't so sure about that, master. I heard about the rumors behind the Underground Penitentiary but I haven't visited this place in the past. This is the first time that I entered the Penitentiary so I am also clueless like yourself."

What Ezreal said made sense so Joseph couldn't do anything other than close his mouth, and continue on their journey.

At the end of the dark corridor, what they found was a wall made out of darkness. Joseph's eyebrows knitted when he saw that wall but Ezreal made him stop from approaching it.

"Wait, master. I feel like someone's coming out to fetch us from that wall."

"Someone's going through that wall, right now?"


Ezreal nodded and Joseph complied. The two waited for a short while until rippled suddenly appeared on the surface of the wall. Strangely enough, it didn't affect the wall itself as that ripple turned into a whirlpool that spewed out a familiar middle-aged man to the two.

"To think that both of you could reach the end of the corridor without suffering from Terror. Your capabilities do make both of you qualified as Jail Janitors." The middle-aged man said with a neutral tone.

"That's expected." Ezreal arrogantly said, while Joseph bitterly smiled at the back.

When the middle-aged man's gaze swept and landed at Joseph.

He gave Joseph an expressionless nod.

"Alright, come with me." The middle-aged man didn't say anything anymore as he turned around and walked towards the whirlpool.

Joseph stared at the middle-aged man who just came out of the whirlpool and he couldn't help but think: 'Is he not going to tell us about those Illusion Techniques? He's really cold. But oh well, just as what I expected from those that work in facilities like this.'

"Get moving already... Otherwise, both of you will not be able to enter the facility for an entire day." The man briefly turned around and said these words before he continued towards the whirlpool.

Just from the tone of the voice that the middle-aged man had when speaking to them.

Joseph now disliked him.

"Did I do anything to offend him? Why is he so cold towards the two of us? And why am I implicated when it's only Ezreal that acted hostile against him? Haist... I really can't understand."

Joseph mumbled to himself.

But since he came to this facility with a purpose...

He had no other choice but to bow his head and hurry into the whirlpool.

Ezreal followed suit and all three of them disappeared. When Joseph opened his eyes, he found that he couldn't see anything other than a vast expanse of ink-like darkness. His nervousness intensified when he felt his body moving even though he wasn't really walking.

He felt like he was on a platform that automatically moved to bring him to his destination.

The farther he moved, the closer everything became and at the end. All three of them once again stood before a giant door made out of stone.

Joseph glanced at his feet and found that he wasn't standing on anything.

Ezreal looked calm and composed beside him while the middle-aged man glanced at Joseph and said.

"That felt like you were standing on a moving platform, right? Actually, that sensation comes from the Teleportation Portal that you can see right now at the ceiling." He pointed above and Joseph raised his head, only to find that the ceiling was incredibly near.

Joseph estimated that the ceiling was only about three meters from the floor. Directly above them were gibberish words carved inside a circle that radiated a profound, nether worldly aura.

With the exception of that circle, the ceiling was filled with sharp stalactites that looked like they could fall down at any moment.

"Those are traps, master," Ezreal whispered to Joseph.

"Traps?" Joseph whispered in return.

"Yes, those stalactites are traps for intruders. If you look closely at their tip. You could see them glistening with an ominous green light, right? That is poison and with what I can smell, its potency is enough to kill an adult in just a few seconds."

"Gulp..." Joseph audibly gulped and he didn't say anything anymore. The Underground Penitentiary whom he thought would be a child's play for him when it comes to escaping was actually a labyrinth filled with dangerous traps that could easily end his life in a single blink of an eye.

In front of the stone wall near them was a transparent wall that could barely be seen within the darkness. The middle-aged man took a medallion and tapped it on the diaphanous barrier causing it to reveal a gap within the stone wall that a single person could go into.

The three soon found themselves inside a stone cavern filled with all sorts of stalagmites and stalactites. The smell of ammonia within the air became even thicker which made Joseph uncomfortable.

As the three continued on their walking, they soon found three figures clad in white robes that stuck out like a sore thumb within the darkness.

"Greetings, First Deputy Leader!"

The three figures simultaneously cried out and their voices strangely didn't echo that much within the stone cavern. Not only that, one could feel a bone-chilling cold within their tone of voice as if they were people that bordered between life and death.

Their gazes looked like it could pierce through anything as Joseph couldn't help but take a step back.

[ The effects of your title, "Mythical Authority" has been activated. ]

[ No one can make you submit. ]

[ Your dignity can never be lower than those who dare stand before you. ]

The series of system notifications that arrived pulled Joseph out of his trance for it reminded him that he was currently inside a game. Not at the outside world.

With this, he dramatically calmed down and could now face the three figures standing at the distance.

"I really did underestimate this prison too much!" Joseph thought to himself and as he looked further around him. He noticed five different tunnels leading off different directions, with a sixth tunnel at the center blocked by a stone wall and probably another diaphanous barrier.

"Javier, these two are new Jail Janitors that will join us. Lead them the way to their quarters and teach them how everything works here."

The middle-aged man walked away along with two other imperceptible figures, with the exception of an old man

The old man had a frown on his face as he swept his gaze at the two before saying.

"If sir Jail Warden really did give both of you to sir First Deputy Warden. Shouldn't you be handed over to a more experienced member other than me? I'm also quite new here, I entered a month ago before both of you." His frown turned into a smile.

But his smile, combined with his ghastly and indescribable aura sent shivers down Joseph's spine.

"Friends, May I ask about your names?" He swept his gaze at the two once again. He still had that friendly, yet scary smile on his face.

"Ezreal," Ezreal replied in a flat voice.

Everything suddenly turned silent and Joseph awkwardly coughed.

"I'm Joseph, sir. I am sorry about that friend of mine behind me. He doesn't really talk that much, but he doesn't mean to be rude against you. I hope that you will not take his behavior too seriously."

Joseph apologized on behalf of Ezreal, afraid that something could happen once again like what happened recently.

Ezreal who stood behind Joseph, clearly heard what the latter said and he couldn't help but tremble in shock: "Ma-ma-master... Just what did you say?"

Joseph turned around with a frown: "I am apologizing on your behalf. Can you please just don't take offense about other people's attitude. I mean, I get where you are coming from, but for the sake of my quest. Can you please be polite even if it's acting." Joseph looked like he was begging in tears.

But Ezreal clearly looked like he couldn't understand what Joseph was saying for he was still astounded by what he heard recently as he once again asked: "Yes, master. I understand. But just what did you say? Did you say something about us being friends?"


Joseph took a step backward when he saw the zealous light within Ezreal's eyes.

He didn't explain any further for he just wrung his entire body forwards and faced the old man who was staring at them with a smile.

"Since it looks like both of you are ready now for my explanation. I think I should explain now, and by the way. My name is Javier. Just as what you heard from sir First Deputy Warden."

Javier's smile deepened and he took a huge mouthful of air before continuing.

"Right now, we are at the heart of the Underground Penitentiary. But even though I am saying that we're in the heart of it, isn't it strange that there are no jail cells in here? But well, that is because the cells are within those tunnels right there!"

Javier pointed at the tunnels leading off to different directions before saying: "From left to right, apart from that particular stone wall at the center is Cellblock 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5."

Javier pointed at the tunnels one by one before pointing at the wall at the center: "That one is the Maximum Security Tunnel where only Deputy Wardens, the Warden himself and Inquisitors are allowed to go inside. We, newbies, have no business there so just don't think about that too much."

"Right now, the two of you now have the aura of the Underground Penitentiary. That particular aura disappears whenever sunlight hits our bodies so all of us don't really resurface that much apart from when we are on a holiday where we could do whatever we wanted."

Javier's smile deepened, he looked like he liked holidays.

"That aura lets you enter any area of the Underground Penitentiary apart from the Maximum Security Tunnel. But of course, I don't recommend entering a Cellblock that is not under your jurisdiction."

"Anyone in here is incredibly vicious after all, and that also includes me." Javier even winked at the two when he completed his sentence causing Joseph's expression to turn pale.

"The Fifth Deputy Warden is in charge of the Cellblock 5. As far as the other cellblocks are concerned, the prisoners within them were locked-up depending on how particularly dangerous they are..."

"The most dangerous inmates are at Cellblock 1 which is managed by the First Deputy Warden who led both of you earlier..."

"Compared to those bastards at the Cellblock 1, those imprisoned at Cellblock 5 are mere kids that couldn't hold a candle against them. Of course, they are still dangerous but those at Cellblock 1 are on a completely different dimension..."

"Every cellblock has about I don't remember how many jail cells, but they span for about three floors with the exception of Cellblock 5 which has five floors of jail cells that are so many I can't even count them anymore..."

"Each cellblock has about five Jail Janitors on every floor, and a single Deputy Warden."

"Of course, the Jail Warden is the leader of all five Deputy Wardens..."

"The Maximum Security Tunnel is run by the Warden himself. So, as I said. We don't have any business with that place as newbies..."

"As for the job description, I bet that both of you still don't know about what exactly are your jobs, right?" Javier turned to look at the two of them with a crafty smile on his face before saying.

"I hope that both of you have strong stomachs and mental faculties, if not. I am certain that both of you will go insane and get executed."

Joseph gulped a mouthful of saliva. He didn't doubt what Javier had said for he even had to sign a waiver that he wouldn't blame the Game Company about the damages that he would suffer while he was in the Underground Penitentiary.

When Joseph signed that waiver earlier whilst they were destroying anguished souls one after another in an effort to reach the end of the darkened tunnel. Joseph realized from the clauses alone that this place was incredibly dangerous.

One of the clauses even stated that the Company behind Victory, P.H Works would voluntarily send psychiatric help towards him, if he requested...

Ezreal merely maintained his cold expression, but one could see a hint of excitement within his eyes as he patiently waited when all of these would be over so that he could further ask Joseph about "that".

The party of three soon arrived at the entrance of the Cellblock 5 and without any surprise. They found themselves blocked by a translucent barrier that soon gave entry to them when it the aura of the Underground Penitentiary floating on them.

Inside the tunnel was a huge space that had another path at the center that clearly led downwards through the use of stairs. Surrounding that path were ten areas that Javier explained as the barracks were Jail Janitors resided in.

He explained that although the math didn't add up when it came to the number of barracks and Jail Janitors. Inside those areas were independent spaces that one could live in so, numbers didn't matter.

Although Javier couldn't further explain about that which confused Joseph...

Ezreal was convinced that he wasn't lying.

"Master, what he is saying is that those so-called areas right there are entrances to independent spaces inside different dimensions where one could reside..."

"Meaning, even though what you see right there is probably a small and tight area. It should have enough area that one could live inside, independent with others that are within the same space."

Ezreal explained with a smile on his face, but Joseph looked even more confused.

"Hahaha, I was also confused as you about how many Jail Janitors could live within those holes in the walls. But trust me, once you entered one of them. You'd be pleasantly surprised." Javier lightly chuckled, and Joseph finally calmed down as he managed to suppress his confusion.

"For now, before settling down in your residences. I will first explain to both of you about what exactly is a Jail Janitor and what are your jobs." Javier revealed a small gentle smile that looked quite ruthless.

A bitter smile emerged on Joseph's face as he and Ezreal followed Javier downstairs. Towards where the criminals imprisoned within this damned place were located.

  1. about being friends

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