The Grand Duelist

Chapter 46: Unbreakable Oath

Chapter 46: Unbreakable Oath

The door behind Jagger remained open and what everyone saw inside astonished them. Old Bastard John who looked fierce and had a murderous aura surrounding him now looked wretched. Even though he looked wretched earlier, this one was a different kind of wretched.

The claw marks that dotted his skin looked incomparably deep and one could even see his white and pale bones gleaming underneath.


"Just what did happen to him that he became like this?"

"Is he even still alive?"

As Old Bastard John stared at Jagger's back, his eyes radiated fear. This was the first time that someone saw such emotion within the eyes of such a fierce man that almost always taunted them whenever they were the ones that tortured him.

Having known Jagger for a long time, every Jail Janitor understood that something like this often happened when Jagger vented his anger. As someone that belonged to the species of Berserkers. It was given that he'd be incomparably brutal, but the Jail Janitors didn't have any authority on killing someone.

Even though they'd make prisoners taste what hell felt like, they often don't kill them. Afraid of the consequences of killing a prisoner that had valuable information for the Kingdom.

When Jagger was new to the job. He almost killed a prisoner and was severely punished due to what he had done. He learned through the hard way about what it meant to be a true Jail Janitor. It was true that Jail Janitors could do everything that they wanted to the prisoners. But they could never kill them unless it was ordered by the higher-ups.

This was the reason why everyone was astonished about the state of Old Bastard John. They didn't expect that Jagger would leave him teetering on the border of life and death.

"Move, treat him!" Javier flicked his wrist and he sent a medicinal pill flying towards Old Bastard John. The pill disintegrated into dust the moment it made contact with Old Bastard John who sat trembling in the corner. A milky-white light surrounded his body and Javier said to Jagger.

"You better hope that the information that you got is valuable enough for the higher-ups to excuse what you have done to him." He stretched his hand and Jagger meekly nodded his hand handed over a crystal ball towards Javier. Jagger's meek actions when he surrendered the crystal ball looked like he was a child scolded by his parents.

Such a strange scene brought awkward smiles to the lips of everyone. But then, they all stared at the crystal ball that was within Javier's hands.

Soon, Javier's eyes shone with excitement.

"This information is indeed valuable. I am sure that this is enough for the Jail Warden to excuse what you have done to this old bastard. Good work, Jagger!" Javier praised Jagger who then gave a wide smile while awkwardly scratching his head in embarrassment from the apparent praise.

"What did you mean by that, Brother Javier? How's the information?" One of the Jail Janitors asked in curiosity and Javier replied promptly.

"The information that Jagger forced out from the mouth of that bastard is indeed valuable, but from the history of this bastard's confession. The information that Jagger got isn't completely perfect. Nevertheless, it is still valuable. He really is the fortune of our Cellblock!" Javier declared and everyone cried out in joy.

From what Javier said, it looked like all of them could acquire rewards coming from the Kingdom itself. All of these happened because of Jagger's efforts and each and every Jail Janitor approached Jagger and fiercely patted his shoulders.

"It's all thanks to you, Jagger!"

"You really are a good man, Jagger! Thanks!"

"Thank you, Jagger! I'll be sure to treat you with some beers once we get the rewards!"

"Count me in, too! Didn't Jagger say that he liked the lamb skewers on the surface? I'll be sure to order some and we're gonna have a barbeque party in here!"

Jagger repeatedly nodded his head in joy. But then, a voice suddenly interrupted them all.

"It seems like all of you are forgetting something. Everything isn't finished yet, master's turn still hasn't even arrived. Why are you guys celebrating already?" Ezreal said in a casual manner and Joseph who stood beside him trembled.

Every Jail Janitor, including Jagger, stared angrily at Ezreal and Joseph. But before everything could take a turn for the worst, Javier intervened.

"It is true that there is still room for improvement when it comes to the information that Jagger received from that old bastard. However, that old bastard is now on the verge of death. I cannot allow further interrogation for him until he recovers since there's a huge chance that he'll die."

Ezreal maintained a calm expression when he was faced with Javier's words. Joseph looked like he was about to say something, but Ezreal prevented him from doing so.

"If that's the only concern that you have, then there's nothing to worry about. Me and master have our own ways so that he wouldn't die."

Everyone's eyebrows knitted when they heard what Ezreal said. Javier opened his mouth to speak, but a Jail Janitor shouted before he could even say something.

"Stop bullshitting! The injuries that the old bastard suffered is something that could only be treated by high priests! Pills are not enough to heal those kinds of injuries and since they are so deep. They are easily aggravated, and when that happens and his injuries get worse causing him to die, can you even take responsibility?"

What he said made sense and everyone, including Javier, turned to look at Ezreal with serious expressions. It looked like if Ezreal answered in a way that didn't satisfy them, both he and Joseph may not escape severe consequences.

Ezreal's lips lifted, he looked confident and his cool and composed expression didn't betray the confidence that he radiated. Joseph even felt comfortable when he saw Ezreal's confidence as he stared at the latter with expectations in his eyes.

But then, Ezreal swept his gaze at everyone, stepped aside and said: "If that old bastard died, then master will take responsibility."

"Yeah, that's right. I will take... I will take what?!" Joseph subconsciously nodded in order to support what Ezreal said but he screamed out loud and doubted what he heard when he realized that Ezreal stabbed him in the back and voluntarily hurled him at the wolves.

"What the hell are you doing, Ezreal?! Aren't we supposed to be in a master and servant relationship? Why are you handing me over to these bastards in a silver platter?!" Joseph fiercely glared at Ezreal and said these words in his mind. But Ezreal maintained a confident smile on his face and even looked like he was urging Joseph.

"Goddamned it, this bastard is hinting at me to step forward and take responsibility..." Joseph felt incomparably depressed. But since it was unlike him to cry over spilled milk, he couldn't do anything other than to step forward and say...

"Yes, that's right. I have a way so that he wouldn't die under my interrogation. But if he did die under my watch, I will take every responsibility necessary for me to atone for what I have done..."

Every Jail Janitor was taken aback from what Joseph said. But one of them still looked unconvinced as he cried out: "If you are really sincere about that, then take an oath under the eyes of the Divine Goddess Rhinna!"

Now every Jail Janitor's eyes landed on that particular Jail Janitor. It was widely known that members of the Underground Penitentiary didn't believe in any god.

In fact, some of them even openly despised and cursed them. But it looked like this particular Jail Janitor deeply loved the Divine Goddess.

Even Joseph was astonished when he heard what the Jail Janitor said. Confused on how to take such an oath. He could only reply...

"In that case, then I swear that I will take full responsibility for the Old Bastard John's death if he died under my watch while my interrogation is going. May the Divine Goddess Rhinna, take witness upon this lowly one's oath." Joseph ad-libbed some words that he learned from the "Beginner's Manual" on how to please NPCs to acquire quests.

[ The Divine Goddess Rhinna has witnessed your sincerity and has honored your request. ]

[ You are now under an Unbreakable Oath. ]

[ If you break the terms that you have stated in your Oath. You will suffer from the anger of the Divine Goddess Rhinna who bore witness on your sincerity and oath. Unimaginable consequences may occur if you violate your oath so please tread carefully! ]

"Holy shit, that worked?! What the fuck?!" Just as Joseph was violently cursing in his heart. A ray of snowy-white light appeared out of nowhere and surrounded his body for a few seconds before it disappeared into nothingness.

"Ah... Divine Goddess Rhinna... She has bestowed me with her presence!" That Jail Janitor crumbled and kneeled on the ground. His fellow co-workers hurriedly moved away from him while inwardly cringing.

In contrast to everyone's reactions. Javier looked particularly solemn as he said: "Since you have taken an Unbreakable Oath. There's no way that I can deny you any access now, can I?"Javier's lips had a bitter smile on his face.

Joseph nodded his head with a sigh, and he looked incomparably tired as he glanced at Ezreal.

Joseph was someone who never tackled problems without a plan, but now. He was forced to do something without any preparations due to Ezreal's strange antics. Joseph felt like he'd suffer more of something like these in the future if he stayed with Ezreal.

But since there was no use crying over cooked rice. Joseph could only move and he went towards Javier and whispered something in his ear.

"Wait, why would you want something like that? Do you think that I would need that? You are really underestimating my capabilities. Ah, wait! You saw me popping one of those?!"

"Oh no, I can most certainly give you several of those but can you please keep it as a secret between the two of us? To tell you the truth, I am really having problems when it comes to that department. But I don't want news about it to spread to everyone..."

Javier repeatedly mumbled and even cried out loud whilst Joseph was whispering in his ears. In the end, Javier reluctantly handed over a jade bottle towards Joseph before crossing his arms in front of his chest and closing both of his eyes. It looked like he was reluctant to talk about anything even further.

"I'll be going now, brother Javier."

"You go now, you better succeed. That's the only way that you can pay me back regarding those..." Javier coldly snorted and replied in a tsundere-like manner. Joseph momentarily shivered when he heard the former's tone of voice, but since he had a job to do. He could only clear his mind of those thoughts and focus on the current task at hand.

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