The Grand Duelist

Chapter 61: Krid's Attitude

Chapter 61: Krid's Attitude

The Kingdom of Nether was a prosperous city under the Empire of Dawn. But it was highly unlikely that they possessed enough strength that they could easily imprison a Legend like Krid.

Ever since Joseph acquired the Grand Duelist's Vestige Quest. He had always wondered about the reason as to how the Kingdom captured such a monster.

Right now, he had the intention of asking the answer to that question from the monster himself.

But first, he must attend to Ezreal...

Joseph looked somewhat hesitant on approaching Krid, but Krid merely chuckled upon seeing his hesitation.

"Calm down, do I look like a predator that will eat you or something?"

Joseph wore a bitter smile: 'But you are a monster that's more than a simple predator!' He thought. But he soon shook his head and he slowly approached Krid.

Seeing that Krid wore a smile on his face as he saw his approach Joseph gradually calmed down. However, his nerves were still stretched taut. Ready to act against any change in the situation.

As Joseph neared Krid. The latter maintained a kind smile on his face. But when Joseph was about five meters away from Krid, a change suddenly occurred...

Krid who remained stationary the whole time twitched.

Joseph's tensed nerves reacted and he instantly jumped backward whilst activating The Grand Duelist's Parry. He unsheathed his sword and took the stance of the Grand Duelist prescribed by his skill tree.

But when he raised his head and stared at Krid's direction. He found that the latter had a look of amusement in his face.

"Hahaha... Look at you jumping away like a scaredy-cat. Calm down, calm down, will you? As I said, I will not do any harm against you..." Krid laughed out loud upon seeing the look of astonishment on Joseph's face.

'This old man...' Joseph knitted his eyebrows and he couldn't help but inwardly curse at Krid in his heart. But since Krid already made clear that he wasn't hostile against him. Joseph sighed in relief and finally sheathed his sword. However, he still lamented the fact that he wasted skill.

Joseph approached Krid and he sat at the opposite side of Krid, while Ezreal laid down face up between the two. Joseph still had his hand on his waist. Ready to act against any change in the situation.

Krid noticed this and he couldn't help but say: "Well, I can't really blame you about acting like that towards me, but do you really think that I will help your friend right here if I meant harm against you?"

Joseph's eyebrow raised: "You helped him heal?"

Krid turned to look at him and said: "What do you think?"

Joseph felt doubtful about Krid's words. Krid didn't really have any reason to lie.

However, Joseph couldn't understand why he was acting like this towards the two of them.

Didn't he consider them as his enemies and should be eliminated? Or could it be that Krid finally understood his true identity as the current Grand Duelist?

Thinking of these, Joseph was finally convinced and he bowed his head in thanks: "I then thank senior for his generosity of saving this comrade of mine."

Krid looked astonished by Joseph's sudden change in attitude. But he welcomed that change and even scratched his cheek, embarrassed.

"No problem, no problem. In fact, I should be the one who should apologize since I was the one that did this to your friend." Krid said in an apologetic manner, and he was about to bow his head when Joseph interrupted him and said.

"No, Senior! Raise your head. Your actions at that time were only right for you do not really know our true identities. Not only that but seeing our uniforms also made you assume that we are affiliated with the Underground Penitentiary. Of course, it's true that we're affiliated with the Underground Penitentiary. But, we have different intentions for joining!"

Joseph explained, and Krid laughed out loud upon his explanation: "Hahaha, yeah. I know, I know... I know the reason why you came here. You came here for me, right?"

Joseph was taken aback when Krid revealed the truth: "How does Senior know about that?"

Krid revealed a bitter smile on his olden visage when he heard these words from Joseph. He hesitated for a moment before he answered: "To tell you the truth. I am really guilty and pained since I mistook you for an impostor and even attacked you..."

Joseph knitted his eyebrows.

Didn't he already forgive Krid about what he did against them since everything was just a huge misunderstanding? Why was he still talking about this? Nevertheless, Joseph still answered.

"Please do not worry about that anymore, Senior. Everything that happened was just a huge misunderstanding. There is no reason for you to feel guilty about it." Joseph waved his hand and acted like what happened recently was not a big deal.

"No, you do not understand it." Krid's expression looked like he was greatly struggling about something. Seeing this, Joseph's frown deepened. However, before he could ask about it. Krid revealed it himself.

"What do you think are the stereotypes about blacksmiths?" Krid suddenly asked a question.

Although confused. Joseph answered: "It is widely known that the blacksmiths are great at production. Of course, that is a well-known fact and is common sense. Just what does Senior want to know?"

Krid scratched his head and awkwardly laughed before he continued: "Have you heard of the stereotype that blacksmiths were weak when in battles?"

Joseph fell into contemplation. Honestly, he did not know the answer to that question. Although he understood that blacksmiths were people solely focused on producing items.

Joseph didn't believe that they were that weak. After all, if someone could repeatedly hammer a mineral for a thousand times daily wouldn't they pack a painful punch?

Seeing the confusion on Joseph's expression.

Krid was frustrated.

He looked like he was about to pull all of his hair attached on his scalp as he cried out: "Have you never heard of that stereotype? It's pretty popular throughout the continent, you know?! Blacksmiths receiving discrimination since everyone thinks that they are weak..."

Joseph turned to look at Krid and seeing Krid's frustration. He nodded his head subconsciously. After all, he didn't want to anger such a monstrous NPC. It was better to agree than to disagree.

"Yeah, that's right! That prejudice is foolish, you know? Why would a blacksmith be weaker than a Knight? Even though our techniques are non-existent, we are stronger in brute strength!" Krid said in a loud voice and his expression made him look like a raging maniac to Joseph's eyes.

"Uh... yes..." Joseph nodded his head in nervousness, afraid that Krid may snap and obliterate him with one hit if he acquired his anger.

"Unfortunately, the reality was far harsher than I thought. Back then when I was a young man, I was already a talented blacksmith. I could produce wares that are far higher in quality than others while using fewer resources. In other words, I was a gold mine!"

Excitement appeared on Krid's eyes when he explained and Joseph shivered.

'Why do every NPC that I meet always wants to tell me their stories? Can you please stop now? I want to talk more about the weapon that I needed as the Grand Duelist... Please?' Joseph pleaded in his heart, but he still nodded his head whenever Krid turned to look at him for validation.

"Being a gold mine, I was coveted by many. But I am only a young man who wanted to earn money for the sake of my family. After all, we are commoners, and life is harsh for us..."

"My parents knew that many coveted me and all sorts of powerful people approached them just so they could buy me from my parents in exchange for money..."

"However, what do you think did my parents answer?" Krid suddenly turned serious.

He stared at Joseph and the latter revealed a bitter smile on his face when he answered: "Uh... They refused?"

"NO! THEY ACCEPTED THEIR OFFERS! They even scammed those bastards and sold me to them for a price even though they already sold me to a noble. When those nobles caught wind of my parents' schemes. They ran away with the money and were never seen again..."

"Thankfully, I am an only child so I did not have any siblings to worry about..."

"However, that wasn't the end of my problems. After that noble acquired custody of me, they treated me like I was a slave instead of a blacksmith. I was not even given any wage, my food always bland, scarce and hard to digest and my hours were the worst!" 

"I had to work for about 120 hours, 7 days a week and only about 30 minutes of break just to eat!"

Krid rambled about his past and Joseph was thoroughly shaken about what he heard. '120 hours for 7 days a week, without any proper wage, breaks, and food? Just how did he survive something like that at an early age?' But before Joseph could ask, Krid continued on his rambling.

"After two years of consistent working within that hell. I escaped. I forcefully stuffed my emaciated body inside a wine barrel that almost drowned me before I was even released."

"Thankfully, the caravan that I snuck in was ambushed by bandits and when those bandits saw me and heard about my story. They accepted me as one of them..."

"These were the most joyful times in my past. I met numerous friends, sworn brothers, and comrades. I experienced my first love, first heartbreak and there were a lot of times that I almost died..."

"However, all in all, everything was worth it... After all, I met that cheerful woman whom I thought that I could be with, forever..."

"But everything ended and changed when we entered a particular dungeon..."

Grief flashed on Krid's expression, but he gulped a mouthful of saliva, suppressing his sadness before he continued.

"Rumors said that the dungeon had innumerable treasures ready for those worthy for them all. When we ventured into the dungeon, we realized that it was true."

"But unfortunately, the dungeon was full of traps and monsters. We expected that the dungeon was dangerous, but not to that extent!"

"We had to fight against a thousand wolves, and in the end..."

Krid froze and paused.

He took a deep breath and sighed heavily.

"I was saved by the sword of the woman whom I loved... Can you understand what I was feeling at that time? I felt nothing but despair, hopelessness and the desire to die... I did not even have the ability to save my beloved, am I even worthy to live after that event?"

"I couldn't forget the gentle smile that she gave to me when she shoved me away from the jaws of those beasts... Her last words always haunted me, and I decided that I had to do something...

"Since I am not worthy to live after those events anyway, why would I even bother living? However, I still had to do something, I still had an unfulfilled desire..."

"At least, if I die. I should be beside my beloved..." Krid's body continuously trembled, water welled in his eyes and he looked like he was about to cry. However, he forcefully suppressed everything.

Taking a deep breath, he continued...

"I went crazy... I returned, carrying with nothing but my hammer. I smashed those that dared to attack me. Of course, I suffered a lot in the process but I didn't care."

"I had no will to live anyway, so, was death even a problem? I continued on my journey, without caring for anything but my desire to reach my beloved's resting place..."

Krid stopped talking and he suddenly wore a small smile on his face as tears welled up in his eyes.

"In the end, I found her... However, what I found was only her hand... Her severed hand, still wearing the ring that I gave to her at our first anniversary was what remained of her body."

Tears finally dripped down Krid's cheeks and Joseph's expression also looked like he was holding back something within himself as a sour sensation rose up her throat.

"I knelt down, apologized and cried. I cried as loud as I could to send my apologies and regret to her spirit in the heavens... then, I sat still. I did nothing. But, sat still. Staring at her gorgeous hand as I reminisced about our past..."

"Then, I suddenly realized that something strange was within the emerald ring that I gave her. The emerald ring, unbeknownst to me was giving off a holy light comparable to that of the divine..."

Krid revealed a bitter smile on his face, staring right at Joseph. He continued.

"What's inside that ring was Fragment of Memories! When I touched the ring, I found that the first fragment belonged to my beloved. However, the other... belonged to the Grand Duelist!"

Krid suddenly exclaimed, and Joseph was visibly astonished. But before he could even ask any further.

Krid continued on talking: "The Grand Duelist, a mythical existence known to have enough strength at her peak that she could quite literally pierce through an entire planet to its core and make it explode..."

"Yes, that's right... The basis of my Swordsmanship was the Grand Duelist. That is why I said that your aura is familiar, and that is the reason why I am such a strong Swordsman despite being a blacksmith of this caliber." Krid smiled at Joseph and Joseph's expression depicted the shock that he felt.

What a roller-coaster of emotions!

First, he was annoyed, then depressed and now. He was astonished and shocked!

"But do you know the reason why I told you that I knew about the reasons why you were looking for me?"

Krid revealed a sly smile when he said these words.

"Wh... Why?" Joseph barely squeezed these words out amidst his shock.

"Well, it was because everything was prophesied... The Grand Duelist herself told me that in the future. In exchange for teaching me a sliver of her divine art. She told me that I must help someone who has her divine aura... And there you are!"

Krid lightly chuckled at the end of his sentence and Joseph couldn't keep up with the changes in the atmosphere. Just earlier, Krid was crying out loud and now.

He was laughing as if nothing had happened? What's wrong with this old man? Is this the reason why he's so strong?

Is it because he's mentally unstable?

But still, Joseph trembled in excitement when he heard about the fact that Krid had the obligation of helping him. He stared at Krid and replied: "Th-then... Senior will help me with becoming stronger?"

Krid saw Joseph's excitement, but instead of nodding his head. He laughed out loud and replied: "The Grand Duelist told me that I must help you unconditionally. However, I helped you already!"

Joseph's eyes widened in shock and he cried out: "Wait, you helped me already?! Where?" He looked anxiously as he replied in a panic.

Meanwhile, Krid pointed at Ezreal: "Didn't I help this comrade of yours heal his body faster? Even though he is the one that I healed since he is your comrade. Doesn't that also count as helping you since you do not need to go through the hassle of healing a member of such an exotic species..."


This time, even Joseph's mouth hung open in shock upon this sudden realization.

"Hahaha!" Krid laughed once again when he saw Joseph's flabbergasted expression.

"Calm down, calm down, kid. I was only joking... Look at that expression of yours, really... You look too funny." Krid even slapped his thigh and he held his stomach in laughter.

Joseph awakened from his trance and he deeply frowned at Krid who continued on laughing.

"Senior's jokes are really too much for this one's heart... Can we talk seriously now, Senior?" Upon realizing Krid's attitude. Joseph now doubted the legitimacy of Krid's story earlier.

However, since right now wasn't the right time to talk about that.

He could only shake his head and focus on the task at hand.

"Okay, okay... Let's talk seriously since that is what you want. But before I talk and answer your questions. You must give me some alcohol..."

"What?" Joseph looked like he doubted his hearing.

"Are you deaf? You must give me some alcohol before we can talk!" Krid replied in a loud and angry voice.

Joseph was startled, and he looked like he was about to stand up, unsheathe his sword and fight against Krid once again for as long as he could escape his current predicament that he couldn't understand.

But in the end, Joseph could only suppress his anger.

However, a question still remained in his heart.

Just where the hell can he get a beer?

'Goddamned it, what a demanding old man...' Joseph cursed in his heart and he could only stand up.

The only option that he could imagine when acquiring beer was going towards the surface.

With how big the Underground Penitentiary was, that would take quite some time so Joseph was unwilling to waste his time any further with Krid in here.

But then...

He stopped in his tracks due to a sudden realization.

"Juzo!" Joseph exclaimed before he turned around to face Krid...

[Author's Note: Finally... The mass release has ended... This has been such a hectic journey. I did a lot of edits, but I had fun. I hope you also had the same fun as me reading through all of this...] 

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