The Grand Mudang Saga [Path of the Shaman]

Chapter 625

Episode 95

Step by Step.

Jinmu walked a long distance, slowly but long enough for Bukri Docheon to follow after the fight.

At some point, the heat that had been warming up all over the place faded, and a chill lingered in the air, and I didn’t feel the shock wave that seemed to break everything.

Since the sun does not rise and set, there is no distinction between day and night, and only darkness lingers throughout, but I did not care. As he got closer to the center of the womb, the demons’ attacks became more persistent and stronger, but the speed at which he walked was constant.

This is because Geumhon and Yeoui kept everything from approaching Jinmu.

And it arrived soon after.

A small Cho-ok in the middle of a desolate space surrounded by brown rocks.

She was waiting for her sitting on a flat table inside a wall made of clad bushes and a clear view of the inside.

ghost mother.


The door opened by itself.

I didn’t even gesture and didn’t look back, but so that Jinmu could step in.

“Leave it. Because you are the only one who allows it.”


Jinmu went inside without hesitation at Gwimo’s words, and Yeoui and Geumhon stopped outside the fence made of bush clover as if they had promised.

Jinmu calmly approached the mother and sat down on the bed.

It was just the right height for my feet to naturally reach.

“long time no see.”

“It has changed.”

“Thanks to.”


Gwimo did not wince even once during Jinmu’s reign.

From the moment she entered the private gate, Gwimo realized that Jinmu had grown to the extent that it could not be expressed in the word strong.

He… realized the limits of yin and yang and became equal with the Jade Emperor who rules the heavens and the earth.

representative of the human race.

He came to reign as another absolute being in a world divided into three parts: Heaven, Earth and Man.

“Are you going to wait?”


“Are you worried?”

“Everyone should worry.”

“Nevertheless, I left it to you.”

“Because I believe in him.”

“Soonjo is strong.”


“Are you okay? Your faith will not bring him victory.”

“If it ends… it can’t be helped. It’s enough if you make a grave later and pour a drink or two on it. He’ll understand. And from the look on your face, it looks like the game is still tight?”

When Jinmu smiled, Gwimo nodded.

How can she not know the fight that took place in her abode when she knows what happened in the realm?

“We are nearing the end. The situation is… similar.”

“I’m glad. He seems to reciprocate my faith in a way that even you could not have predicted.”

“Um… I won’t deny that it was unexpected.”

“Can you explain?”

“Are you asking me to tell you about the fight?”

“Is the arrangement okay? between us.”

At the attitude that didn’t feel any tension, Gwimo burst into a short laugh as if it was absurd.

Between us… La.

“At first, the defeat of North Lidocheon seemed clear.”


Jinmu smiled at the words referring to him.

Not Uyong, but Northern Lidocheon. He no longer regards him as a demon king subordinate to him.

“Oops… But if it was at first, then it means it flipped in the middle, right?”



“His power surpassed the power of cowardice that Sata had.”

“oh! It’s over a boulder!”

It was enough that I didn’t have to explain in detail.

When Jinmu listened intently with a face full of excitement, Gwimo indifferently shook her head.

“But that alone is not enough. Sunjo is not a very easy opponent.”

“Is that so? Then do this.”


“Now stop watching.”


“Isn’t it fun to watch?”


“Let’s just check the results at the end, and who will arrive here.”

After thinking for a moment, the mother nodded her head.

It doesn’t matter who wins.

I don’t think things are going smoothly, but even so, I can always create a guardian spirit.

“Okay, don’t.”

“Hoo? Do you believe Soonjo will win?”

“No, I just don’t need a loser.”


“Because everyone has their own way.”

“good. Instead, there is no sneak peek.”

“…Crazy. who do you think i am? I won’t go against what I say.”

“Well, your mother can’t do that.”


Jinmu’s smile prompted Gwimo to sigh.

“Will you have a cup of tea while we wait?”

“I prefer alcohol.”

“You are right.”

Gwimo smiled and waved her hand, and the scenery around her changed.

Stairs leading up to the second floor, such as walls made of padded wooden boards or hanging everywhere.

It is a familiar scene.

However, there was only one table filled with the vast inn, and only Jinmu and Gwimo sat down with a full meal.

“Damn, that’s an enviable power.”

“Did you just mean something like this?”

“It’s nice, anytime, anywhere, just by waving your hands, you can create the situation you want.”

“Doesn’t it seem impossible to you too?”

“It looks like you don’t have any talent for that side, even if it’s for fighting.”

Jinmu grunts and looks at the appetizing food on the table and the empty glass in front of him.

There was no need to fill each other’s cups.

The moment I had the thought of wanting to drink, I was already full and swaying.

I mean, that’s a really cool ability. To the extent that after the fight is over, I definitely want to practice training later.

Jinmu, who took a sip of the drink, frowned and licked his lips.

“Hmm, the taste isn’t as good as taking over.”

“It’s just that we’re used to it. Taking is the same.”

“But… isn’t it better to have a dream than a nightmare?”

Putting down his glass, Jinmu grumbled as he looked at the meat he had picked up with his chopsticks.

“Damn, if I knew it would be like this, I would have brought Baek-pyo.”

“One hundred marks?”

“He cooks the meat really well.”

“Hmm, since you said that, I’m very curious about how it tastes.”

“A heavenly taste?”

“That sounds like a lot.”

“It’s a cliché.”


“By the way, you have a lot of questions, don’t you?”

“I was trying hard not to reveal that.”

“Wait anyway. I’ll start when Docheon arrives.”

“Are you impatient?”

“know. But it won’t take long to wait. You said it was at the end, so the match will be over soon.”

Gwimo, who was staring blankly at Jinmu, threw a question.

“…You’d believe it was Zukyong, right?”

“uh? Did you notice? I also thought about it a while ago.”

“Even if it was forced, it was past dusk. I just asked because the power I felt from Bukri Docheon was similar to that.”

“Yes, but I can’t be sure. Because his fate will depend solely on his choice.”


Suddenly, the ghost furrowed her brow.

Jinmu was annoyed at the quiet sound that clearly felt his displeasure.

“Did you see… in a mean way?”


“Sheesh! How can you throw away a promise like a devoted couple after saying it like ironclad iron? There is really no one to trust in the world.”


While grumbling on the outside, Jinmu felt good inside.

I broke my promise and looked at the fight… but didn’t I frown?

Whoops! bang!

And not long after, there was the sound of something hitting the ground violently, causing ripples in the glass.

“Can you open it? The results are roughly expected, but I want to confirm.”


At Jinmu’s request, Gwimo waved her hand annoyedly, and the closed door of the inn opened wide.

The moment Cho-ok turned into an inn, the space must have been divided. Because I didn’t feel the power of the woman and the golden marriage at all.

However, a connection point was formed, and the world beyond the space began to be felt.

I slowly turned my head and looked at the world outside the inn. The ground sank deeply and thunderbolts fell from all sides.

And the energy of the two divine beasts, a weak but clear presence felt next to them.

Northern Lidocheon.

He leaned back on a huge head that had protruded from his body and smiled miserably.

With only the head left, of course it was smooth sailing.

North Ridochun won and he lost.

As soon as the match was over, he came after Jinmu.

It was quite a distance, but if you wanted to come, you could arrive at once. What is the use of being far and near to those who walk thousands of li at a single step? Of course, it’s possible because your mother agreed.

Anyway, due to the death of the guardian spirit, the womb is collapsing.

Maybe Gwimo predicted this outcome and changed the space in advance.

Bukri Docheon, who had been laughing at Jinmu, struggled to get up and bowed his head.

It will be a greeting to your mother.

He said he wasn’t loyal, but he must be polite to the owner of the place he once belonged to.

Her mother also turned her head away in disapproval, but did not forget to gesture as if to reciprocate the greeting.

“Can I come see you for a minute?”

“It’s not about dying.”


Gwimo waved her hand, and the inn door was closed.

It’s cold…

but there’s a little cute corner. Isn’t it the feeling that Sunjo, whom he believed in, was a little upset because of Jin?

Anyway, Bukridocheon will be taken care of by Geumhon and Yeoui. The wound looked a bit severe, but I couldn’t let it go because I was afraid of repercussions. They weren’t so weak that they couldn’t survive even if space collapsed.

“Now, ask me. How did you survive? And what the hell is the power you have?”


The gwimo, who seemed to be angry, quickly showed curiosity with sparkling eyes.

“Cruel. Don’t you care about Sunjo’s death?”

“Like I said, I’m not interested in the loser. If you create a guardian spirit at any time, it’s enough.”

“Because it’s cold.”

“Answer the question first.”

“His personality is also impatient…”

“You bastard!”

Only then did Jinmu sigh and bring up the main topic.

“What good. Bukridocheon is back alive, so there is no need to wait any longer.”


“Have you ever heard of Margo?”


“I guess you haven’t heard of that. Claiming to be the master of the world, they don’t even know about the beginning.”

“The beginning? What do you mean?”

“Do you remember the records the blue flames had?”


“That’s a consolation note. A false record.”

“Is that a lie?”



“If you believe that, then you have nothing more to say?”

When Jinmu closed his mouth, the face of a distorted ghost stared at him with gritted teeth.

It was an unspoken invitation to continue.

“Haa, looking at you like that, I can’t help but say something.”


“The record left by Zhu Rong is just a memory of what he peeped at.”


“okay. In the beginning of the world…”

The long and long story of Jinmu began.

The story told by the Divine Tree A story that I started to realize from the moment I recognized that I was Margo’s son.

And when all the stories were over, the eyes of the noble mother were so wide that they couldn’t get any bigger.

“Everything was one? Didn’t the world start out of chaos?”

“Yes, the stories you know are just things that have been created over generations.”


“I knew you would react that way. But believe me Because I went there myself.”

“So you mean that the previous noble mothers recorded lies?”

“Whatever it was, it must have been true for them. It should have been true.”


“Because they must have needed the right to be recognized as gods.”

“Shut up! How can you believe what you say? The Human Empire was the starting point of the world! If so, the mountains are the flesh of a giant named Mago, and the flowing rivers and seas are even blood!”

“huh? What kind of nonsense is that?”


“Mountains are mountains and water is water. Margo is Margo.”

Gwimo stared at Jinmu with a frown on her face.

haha how do you understand this?

Margot seemed to feel similar to herself when she first heard the words of the Divine Tree, which was just Margo.

In fact, you won’t be able to understand it even if you say it until you realize it. Maybe you don’t want to admit it.

Because you have to deny your own identity, which you have believed to be God.

“Anyway, it’s your choice to believe or not, and as the mediator, I have one thing to say.”


“Take care of the afterlife and don’t bother with the current world.”

“This guy!”

Realizing that it was no different than telling her to go away, Gwimo jumped up and released her magic power.

“Your mother.”


Jinmu, holding a glass that was filled with alcohol and sparkling again, spoke calmly, slightly revealing his fangs.

“This is not a recommendation. Notice.”

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