The Great Core's Paradox

Chapter 97: Stretched Thin

Chapter 97: Stretched Thin


One of the Totem links flared in my senses, bringing itself to the forefront of my mind; I focused on it, sinking my fangs deeply into the connection. The emotions heightened again as I sunk further, and a blur of murky images flashed through my mind.

I hissed, interrupting the babbling of one of my tiny Coreless and turning towards the-female-who-was-not-Needle. Many among the Coreless that I had saved - whether through fighting bad-things personally or simply leading my other Coreless to the ones in danger - over the most recent few days had spread the light of the Great Core.

Wherever I slithered, I could find one of the Great Cores disciples. They walked among the other Coreless of the many-nest, proudly displaying the [Little Guardians Totem] that dangled from their necks. I could feel them, always; walking past one another, mingling, sharing in their praises towards the Great Core - and though most of them did not keep their [Little Guardians Totem] pressed against flesh at all times, I was still able to catch brief glimpses of their emotions whenever they brushed against them.

In those moments, I knew that they were mine. Ours. Many of them, particularly the ones that I had appeared to when their Totems alerted me to need or danger, had a habit of placing a hand against their [Little Guardians Totem] when they saw me. I appreciated it; the things that I sensed in those moments - gratitude, hope, trust - made their faith readily apparent.

It was progress; it was even necessary, with the armies that I knew Tiamat was capable of creating. I bit back a hiss at the thought of the blasphemous bad-thing.

There was only one problem.




I had too many Coreless, now.

Even as the Great Cores Champion, I couldnt be in two places at once - let alone three, or four, or five.

Sometimes, I was forced to choose - to fail.

Sometimes, I was forced to listen - my fangs sunk deeply into the connections - as a [Little Guardians Totem] went silent, as [TERROR] became [DESPAIR] became nothing.

Sometimes, that was all that I could do.

I hissed, beginning to pull at my light reserves.

The-female-who-was-not-Needle reacted quickly; while I relayed the most pressing issues - two groups of warrior Coreless endangered by bad-things - through [Illusion Spark], she took me into her arms and placed me on her shoulder. Then, just like that, we were off.

As we reached the edge of the many-nest, she shouted at a group of warrior Coreless that waited near the black-water. Each of them wore a [Little Guardians Totem], dangling from around their necks. I caught a flash of concern and alarm from one or two of them as they brushed their hands against their Totems.

Weve got another double, get your asses moving! she said. Looked to be Tristan and Leos squads. I need two of you to follow me. Well probably be led to Tristans group; they looked to be in a bit more trouble. The rest of you will need to reinforce the remaining Guards. Seems to be a group of Threshers after them, so be ready with medical and get there fast. Well just have to hope that they didnt stray far from their assigned route during the fight.

Yes, maam! the warrior Coreless responded in unison, making another of those strange signs with their hands. Two of the Coreless piled into the darkwood not-sink with the-female-who-was-not-Needle and I, rapidly propelling us across the dangerous black-water.

I lunged forward, sinking my fangs into another bad-things flesh. Venom rushed down my fangs; it jerked away, ripping itself free from my grasp. Blood dripped from now-torn flesh, flowing freely under the effect of [Anticoagulant].

Leech had lived up to his name, continuing to provide me with offerings of Stoneskin Leeches at nearly every opportunity. It wasnt much, but he had provided me enough of the things to increase [Anticoagulant]s level. Just before consuming the tenth, I had decided to pump a few trait points into it. I knew that, if [Anticoagulant] had turned out to be useful, I would have regretted not doing so; with that in mind, I pushed [Anticoagulant I] to [Anticoagulant III] in the moments before consuming the final Stoneskin Leech.

[Anticoagulant IV] was proving to be more than worth the cost.

I left the wounded bad-thing behind, blasting it with [Sound Shaping] and forcing it to stagger. It stumbled on unsteady legs before landing in a heavy thump. Around me, the Coreless battled the numerous bad-things; the-female-who-was-not-Needle raced among them, a whirlwind of fangs that reaped death with nearly every step. Other Coreless held their own, but it was her presence that kept them going, that kept them from being overwhelmed.

I could sense intermittent flashes of hope and relief through the nearest of the Totem links, their joy at being saved.

Elsewhere in the World Dungeon, a group of Totems began to approach another - and then took a wrong tunnel, continuing straight where the others had veered off.

I wanted to hiss at them, to tell them where they had gone wrong. They were too far away, and I had already made my choice. They wouldnt find each other in time.

One by one, [Little Guardians Totem]s shrieked in [TERROR] and [FEAR] and [DESPAIR] before falling silent.

I had been forced to choose.

I had saved the Great Cores Coreless.

I had failed the Great Cores Coreless.

Sometimes, that was all I could do.

I couldnt be everywhere. I couldnt respond to everything - and as the Great Cores Coreless grew in number, it would only become worse. I had hoped to spread the light of the Great Core to other Coreless many-nests; I knew that they must exist. Where else could the large group of Coreless that I had saved come from?

No, there were many more Coreless in the World Dungeon. There were many more disciples to be made. Many more places to go.

Exciting as that realization had been, it had brought concerns along with it: if I left the many-nest in search of other disciples for the Great Core, I wouldnt be able to act on the information the [Little Guardians Totem]s gave me anymore. I would be too far away.

When that happened, would the Coreless begin to doubt the Great Cores might?

Filled with frustration, I sunk my fangs into another bad-thing, pumping it with as much venom as possible. The thought-light flickered as it fell to the ground.

Experience Gained!

Somewhere else, one of the wounded bad-things crunched, its bones shattered. The thought-light flickered again.

Experience Gained! Reduced Due To Assistance Received.

The-female-who-was-not-Needle rushed past me, stepping over my length and piercing another bad-thing; I had already injured it, and the thought-light flickered for a third time.

Experience Gained! Reduced Due To Assistance Received.

Level Up!

1 Trait Points Gained

I shot a stream of [Chrono Fire] with the last of my mana, making sure that it would be enough to keep me safe during what came next. Before the thought-light could return, I reached [Chrono Fire]s center, curling upon myself and clamping down on my tail.

The sounds of battle continued around me.

Heedless of the danger around me, the thought-light flickered.

Level 30 Reached!

Analyzing Potential Reward Choices

Only One May Be Selected.

Again, the Great Core offered me its blessings.

My eyes were immediately drawn to the newest choices, though the old ones still remained.

Vibration Sense: Your ears have become attuned to the vibrations of the world, allowing you to detect sound with far greater precision. (Provided by: Snake, [Sound Shaping])

Sticky Scales: Your scales become unnaturally adhesive, able to bind wounds closed with increased speed, reducing rate of blood loss. (Provided by: Snake, [Clinging Grasp])

Blood Serpent: Your blood is potent, but it can become more so. Drinking the blood of others will temporarily increase the potency of your own. (Provided by: Snake, [Poisonous Blood], [Anticoagulant])

The option created by [Chains Of The Creator] wasnt even worth mentioning; I chose to ignore it entirely, after a brief moment of rage.

Simmering, boiling rage.

After calming down, I made my decision. As interesting as some of the options were, I had my eye on this reward for a while now.

Life: You are a symbol of the eternal, just as you are of many other things. You are a symbol of life. You gain the ability to transform mana into the essence of life, using it to fuel life-giving abilities. (Provided by: Ouroboros)

The thought-light flickered.

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