The Great Demon System

Chapter 116: A Family Gathering

116 A Family Gathering

"Breaking News! Arthur Xane, leader of the massive company, "Exylus" one of the largest weapon and armour companies in the country, has sadly passed away. The reason according to his servants was suicide due to his only daughter, Natalia Xane, who killed herself. She had died by blowing herself up in the middle of Roristo Park along with one of her friends, Becky Raynere. The only lead given about the reason for such a suicide was by a letter that was confirmed to be Natalia's handwriting stating that it was due to the abuse of local gangs. A police investigation had already started about the matter yesterday and so far, nothing solid had been found. We will update you on everything relevant to the subject if anything new arises," The Tv reporter said.

"What the fuck! Why did this happen! I just bought $10,000 worth of Exylus stock yesterday! They were reported to be one of the hottest and fastest-growing companies! Why the fuck is this happening!" A man said, spitting out his morning coffee that he was having in his local coffee shop.

"Fuck! I need to sell my stocks ASAP!" Another man said, throwing money on the front desk before rushing out of the store, leaving his coffee on the table.


Meanwhile at Jayden's mansion,

"Moby! Are you coming or not! We are leaving in the next 10 minutes! The butler is already in the car!" Jayden screamed to Moby from far away who was still having his morning breakfast and watching TV.

"We will update you on everything relevant to the subject if anyth…" The news reporter said before Moby turned off the TV.

As Moby was watching the tv report about Natalia's death, Avilia's words about how turning into a demon can distort the mind played once more in his head. However, he shoved those thoughts to the back of his head, completely ignoring them as he found them stupid and unnecessary.

"Coming! I just need a little bit of time to get ready! What should I wear? A suit or something?" Moby screamed back.

"Yeah! That would probably be for the best! I got one ready for you already! It should be on the bed in my room! Me and the butler will be waiting for you in the car! Don't take too long! We don't want to show up late!" Jayden yelled.

"Okay! I'll be there in a bit!" Moby yelled, back, rushing over to Jayden's room through the long, wide hallways, startling the servants who saw him as he made a gust of wind as he passed them by, revealing the panties of the many female maids making them cover it up and scream in embarrassment.

'The servants had been looking a lot happier in recent days, I wonder if it is due to Jayden's change of attitude and less bossy nature…' Moby thought with a smile as he passed them by.

'How! This fits me perfectly! I never told her my exact sizes and measurements! How did she…' Moby thought before figuring it out, making him let out a small chuckle.

Moby immediately left the room and sprinted towards the front door, finding it slightly harder due to the unconventional clothes and footwear.

As he neared, the door, he saw Abby, smiling, patiently waiting for his arrival.

"I wish you good luck on your trip my lord!" She said, with a smile, bowing.

"Are you sure you don't want to come?" Moby asked.

"Don't worry about me! I have a lot of work to do with my report and research I did the other day! Plus, I am a?little nervous to visit her family home… I have a bad experience with such places… It reminds me of my own home in some way." Abby responded.

"Hey! What did I tell you from before! You need to loosen up and try and get over your past! You should join us! It will be a really good learning experience!" Moby said with a smile.

"If you insist my lord…" Abby nervously replied.

"One second! Stay right there!" Moby said, dashing away only to come back a few seconds later with a beautiful red dress in hand.

"This is Jayden's. I think it's a dress her parents gave her as a present a few weeks back, I am sure she doesn't mind you using it! Try them on! There is no servant around here and you should be able to put them on fairly quickly using your inventory," Moby said, handing the long red dress over to Abby.

'My lord chose red again, So, he does indeed think it looks the best on me…' Abby thought with a smile as she had started to loosen her thoughts and hatred on the colour red over the past month.

Abby grabbed the dress out of Moby's hand, waiting for him to turn around before swiftly switching outfits.

"So, how does it fit?" Moby asked with a hint of excitement.

"Well… If I am being completely honest, It's a little short, loose in the chest and tight on the hips. But, I can work with it… It does not look too bad. You truly have a good fashion sense my lord!" She said with a smile leading to Moby giving her a nod of approval.

Then, they both went out of the mansion together and ran straight to the limousine where Jayden was waiting.

At first, she was confused about why Abby was there as she thought that she didn't want to come but when Moby explained to her everything she was very enthusiastic about her coming along.

For the first half of the ride, the group was just having a casual conversation using their mind-link, confusing the butler like usual.

However, when the radio came on to a channel that was talking about Natalia's death, his head started to hurt once more as Avilia's words rang in his conscience.

"My lord! Are you okay! Should we go see a doctor! Should we cancel the meeting!" Abby asked with clear concern in her voice.

"Babe, if you're not feeling well just tell me…" Jayden tried to comfort him, holding his hand that was clenching his head.

"Heh… Don't worry about me, it's nothing…" Moby said, brushing it off like it was nothing, going back to his previous joyful self.

After 1 hour more of driving, they finally reached the Griffith family mansion.

From the windows of the limousine, they were able to see the entire outside of the mansion, leaving them looking at it in absolute astonishment. It had a big wide gate leading to a garden filled with many different plants and bush sculptors, a large, almost castle-like facade with a huge front door that had the Griffith family crest that looked like was worth billions on its own. It looked very similar to Jayden's personal mansion only at least 5 times larger.

"We're here. And, we brought 2 extra special guests with the young miss," The butler said, stopping at the front gates, talking to a microphone.

[ Access Granted, Welcome to the Griffith family mansion, we hope you enjoy your stay. ]

A robot-like voice said as the front gates immediately lifted up by themselves.


Meanwhile, inside the mansion.

"Listen up you maggots! The young miss has come for a visit today so you better be prepared! I know a lot of you are newbies and don't know exactly what to do so I will repeat myself again!"

"First! do exactly as you are told with no hesitation at all! Expect a barrage of orders! Many might be completely unreasonable but do them anyway!"

"Second! Do not even show a hint of negativity in your voice or face whatsoever! If the young miss wants to beat your ass then let her beat your ass like you were the happiest goddamn person on earth!"

"Third! Whenever she comes near you, always bow and ask her if there is anything you could do, or offer her something!"

"Fourth and last but not least! Never make direct eye contact with her unless she specifically asks you to! She finds it extremely annoying when you do! Speaking of annoying, I have sent you all the rules along with other extra rules to keep in mind to your special watches!"

"If you have any questions now is your time to ask! The young miss should be here any second now!" The head servant said, leading to absolute silence and nervous looks from the rest of the servants.

"You better be prepared! Many of you will lose your jobs, that is an inevitable fact… But! If you follow all the rules your chances will be extremely reduced so keep that in mind. Now, get to work!" He added, making them nervously start cleaning around the large entrance of the mansion.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

"Young miss Jayden Griffith has arrived," Jayden's butler said from the other side of the door.

"Shit! She's here faster than I expected! Everyone, take your positions!" The head servant screamed, making all the other servants panic as they stopped what they were doing and lined up one next to the other making a large path in the hallway between them, sweat running down each and every one of their faces.

The head servant took in a massive gulp, stealing his resolve before opening the door, he was new to the Job and had only met Jayden once before where he was almost fired for accidentally putting milk in her tea. He had worked too hard to get to where he was at and he was not about to let some spoiled brat make him lose it all.

"Oh! Young miss! You have grown quite a lot since the last time I saw you! You look more dazzling than ever before!" The head servant said with a bow, not daring to even look at her face.

"Oh! Alfred! It's been a while since I've last seen you too!" Jayden responded with a smile.

"Umm… Young miss… My name is Albert…" He instinctively corrected her before cursing his entire existence as he expected himself to be scolded and screamed at for talking back.

"Eh, Albert, Alfred, same thing! Sorry, I forget... Anyways, can you lead me to my father! I have something extremely exciting to tell him about," Jayden said with a smile.

'D-did she just apologize to me or am I imagining things?' Albert thought in confusion.

"Uh… Yes! But of course! I will lead you to him right away! He is with the other guests in the main dining hall. And, speaking of guests, are those your friends behind you?" He nervously asked.

"Yes, of course they are! I brought them with me today for them to get to better know my family. Treat them like you would treat me," Jayden said, looking back at Moby and Abby who casually waved towards him.

"Well, follow me and I will lead you to your father, young miss," Albert said, showing the group in as they followed right behind him.

There they found 2 long lines of maids and servants that spanned almost farther than the eye could see, bowing in unison all at once to Jayden's arrival.

The group walked by the long line of servants as they began to admire the many decorations and art on the wall, it was almost like they were in a museum, the attention to detail was absolutely impeccable.

Jayden and the group could not see the faces of the servants but all of them were nervous and scared shitless, begging for dear lord for them not to be chosen by Jayden.

After a few minutes of walking, they finally reached the end of the line of servants making them all sigh in relief. When, suddenly, Jayden stopped in place making them all tense up once more.

"Hey, you!" Jayden said, pointing at a female maid towards the end of the line, making the other servants sigh in relief that it wasn't them that was chosen.

'Fuck! Why did it have to be me! I just got this job! I have kids to feed! Fuck! What will she ask me to do? Lick her dirty shoes clean? Maybe become her footstool? Or, maybe, god forbid, becoming her personal servant for the day! That would 100% get me fired!' The maid inwardly panicked and cursed her existence.

"Hey, can you please get me a drink of water? We forgot to bring water in the limousine and I am quite thirsty," Jayden said, making all the other servants' eyes almost pop out of their heads in shock, including Albert.

'D-d-did she just say, "PLEASE," 'they all thought in unison as they were unable to believe their ears.

"Yes! Of course young miss! Right away!" The maid sprinted away as fast as she could.

'Why the hell are they all so scared of you?' Moby asked Jayden in confusion, using their mind link.

'Well, remember how I used to act before we met and got to know each other?' Jayden asked.

'Ye, kinda…' Moby replied, remembering their first encounter.

'Well, that's why! But you taught me how to be a good leader, I don't need to be an asshole all the time like I was before… I kinda cringe at my old self looking back now. Back when I was a bossy dick head, all alone???' She said with an awkward chuckle.

'Eh, forget about it! That's now all in the past! What matters most is right now! And I would be lying if I said that you were not my ideal kind of girl at this moment,' Moby enthusiasm, trying his best to comfort her.

'Heh, thanks for that but I promise you I am completely fine!' She replied with a cute chuckle.

For the next few minutes, the group continued walking down many halls, passing many flights of stairs until they saw a huge, luxurious door in the distance that was almost the same size as the front door.

"H-here is your water young miss!" The clearly panting and exhausted servant said as she found them midway to the room, handing Jayden a large cup of water.

"Thanks a lot! You can go back to your job now!" Jayden said with a smile, quickly drinking the water in one gulp before handing it back to the maid.

"Thank you very much… You are far too kind young miss," The maid said with a bow, taking the cup and walking away.

When the group finally reached the door, Moby noticed that Jayden had an excited look on her face which made him also happy.

Even from the other side of the door, they could clearly hear the many loud sounds of people talking and eating on the other side.

Albert then immediately opened the fancy door, revealing the inside of the huge dining hall.

The large room was lit by a massive chandelier hanging from the high ceiling, the walls were a golden colour, clean smooth and elegant while the floor was made out of gold and white marble that had patterns that included the Griffith family crest. In the middle of the room was a very long and large, white dining table surrounded by many old, and young people that were eating the many mouth-watering meals found on top of it.

At the end of the table was a handsome middle-aged man that looked like he was in around his mid-30s. He wore extremely fancy clothes and had a well-kempt blue beard along with long hair that reached down to his shoulder. In his hand was a large cup that he held while talking cheerfully to the other guests around the table. Next to him was an equally beautiful lady that looked no older than 20 years old, her smooth looking black hair that reached down to her bosom shined the light from the chandelier making it extremely beautiful, like the man beside her, she had an extremely happy face as well. Beside them was one empty seat, most likely reserved for another important guest.

"Well! Attention all guests! My daughter has finally arrived! Everyone give her a big round of applause and congratulate her on her second-place rank on her first exam!" The middle-aged blue-haired man stood up with his hands open before clapping with a proud look on his face, leading the rest of the guests to do the same.

Jayden stared as the tens if not hundreds of guests stood up all at once, clapping at her achievement making her smile and feel slightly embarrassed.

Then, from the middle of the crowd beside who Moby assumed was Jayden's father, he spotted an extremely familiar purple-haired young man.

'Alex!? What are you doing here!' Moby asked him using his mind link.

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