The Great Demon System

Chapter 137: Origin

137 Origin

"In the beginning, there existed the 3 realms, the Nether world, celestial world, and the great void in between that is now known as the mortal world…" Avilia continued before being unexpectedly interrupted by the still really excited Moby.

"Wait, why was the "great void's" name later changed to the mortal world?" Moby interrupted Avilia with great interest in his voice.

"Because everything that lived here was weak as shit and easily crushed with minimal effort! Now, stop interrupting and let me finish my god damn story!" Avilia immediately retorted with a slight hint of annoyance as she was starting to really get into what she was saying.


"Anyways, as I was saying…"

"The Nether world is very similar to your own with many different planets and such. The only difference is that it is much smaller and far denser in demon energy and that it existed on a completely different plane than this one,"

"It was a world much more toxic, darker, and gloomier than your own with demon beasts, bugs, and regular demons such as me and you that look pretty similar to humans were the living creatures that existed and littered the entire realm. It was also a more "magic" based kind of world than this technological world that you live in today,"

"For almost as long as history could remember, demons fought against the angels and gods in a battle to be able to control the great void that lied between both realms. That fight later evolved into something much more. Into complete hate and animosity between demons and gods that felt almost instinctual,"

"The great void was a very large and expansive land, mostly filled with useless space and rock. However, there were some planets with living life forms and very strong and useful ores and materials giving both demons and angels a good reason to invade. Demons because they wanted to expand their territory and have more to kill to get stronger. And, angels and gods, also to expand their territory and to convert the many races into worshipping them, interns giving them power,"

"Unlike the Celestial realm with a high concentration of holy energy and the Nether realm that had a high concentration of demon energy, the mortal realm had an equal balance of demon and holy energy not giving each side any advantages like they would have if they fought in their own respective territory,"

"Different planets housed many different tribes and clans, some really small, weak, and insignificant like the one I was in and ones that were big enough to have their own cities and sometimes kingdoms where all types of shenanigans went down,"

"Although the tribes hated each other's guts and fought for supremacy, they both shared a big common hatred for angels and gods, setting their hostility aside in order to fight them before turning on each other whenever they had the chance,"

"Demons travel between planets and long distances using special dimensional magic very similar to the teleporters you have in your world. This type of magic was only known by select few demons and certain ones that spent the time to learn it as it was not a race-specific skill, just like your inventory. However, some races did have a higher affinity for it making it much easier to learn and faster and more powerful when used,"

"Usually, each tribe had at least 1 demon that knew dimensional magic in order for them to better navigate,"

"On the other hand, the celestial world was not filled with many planets like the Nether and mortal worlds and was instead one large plain that housed everything on it,"

"I have only ever visited the celestial world once and it was a very light-filled, cloudy, cheerful place with many islands just floating in mid-air of a cloudy pink void where the many cities and civilizations lived. They had a much more structured and orderly way of life unlike the purely barbarian-like behaviours of the demons at the time. The normal angels were ruled by the many gods, ones that own their own territories and the many archangels that were under them, although there were a few on their same level like Douma, the strongest archangel during my time,"

"To my knowledge, the gods were mostly on good terms with each other and agreed to join forces in order to take down the demons that wanted to kill all of their worshippers and invade the lands that they had already established in the mortal realm, at least that was how it appeared like to me, I could still be completely wrong. Also, they agreed to have a more or less equal split of worshippers, all but one. Zaione, God Of War, was also the strongest god at the time and ruler of all the gods. He was the one that kept balance and everything under control between all the gods. He was also the one that received the most worshippers and faith out of all of them as he was the one who discovered the existence of the mortal realm in the first place, giving him a head start compared to all the gods that followed him later on.

"Luckily for the angels and the rest of the lower gods, again, only to my limited knowledge about the subject, Zaione was a righteous ruler that barely overused his powers and used it mostly to keep balance between some of the gods and the animosity between each other,"

"The angels were the first ones to have discovered the mortal realm and the demons only came to it around thousands or so years later, possibly more than that but nobody really knew. When the demons found and wiped out their first-ever civilization in the mortal world, it triggered a reaction from all angels and gods, marking the start of the seemingly never-ending great seraphodemon war,"

"By the time that demons had reached them, the angels and gods had already accumulated a very good amount of faith and holy energy from their many worshipers, making them almost on par with the average demon,"

"The keywords were "almost on par". The average demon was still stronger than the average angel and the average high level greater demon was still stronger than the average god or archangel. However, the war was even and stood at a standstill as the angel army was much, much more organized than that of the demons that worked all alone or in tribes making them easier to fight,"

"Eventually, the tides of the war would shift in favour of the angels and their growing strength, planning, and organization while the demons only grew more dysfunctional and less in numbers due to all of their infighting… Plus, the angels had a slight number advantage as they, once again, had much less infighting, both during the war and before it,"

"The war was in a dire state and the demons were all on the verge of being wiped out losing control of the mortal realm which would give the angels a power boost, most likely also giving them enough power to be able to invade the Nether world despite the power nerf that they would receive,"

"This event made the legendary dragons, one of the strongest, if not the strongest demon at the time, feared all around the Nether world to come out of hiding to join the war in order to help the demon race survive. Or so that was what the average demon perceived."

"Not much was known about the dragons as they lived hidden amongst the tribes and cities disguised in their regular, non transformed demon form, while some, along with other dangerously strong demons lived on very exterior planets that nobody dared come near due to the immensely dense amount of demon energy surrounding it and the aura of absolute terror, death and mystery.

"Dragons were able to do this as they were rumoured to not only gain power from killing and negative energy but also from age, making them one of the calmest and least aggressive type of demon by far. So, making them come out of hiding to join the war efforts and save the entire race was a very big yet unexpected deal,"

"Many rumours surfaced about why the dragons joined the war but nobody knew… Nobody knew until I asked them when I went to them to invite them to join my new demon nation that would unite the entire race under one banner and ruler which they swiftly declined," Avilia said before getting cut off.

"So! What did they say? Why did they join the war? I really want to know!" Moby interrupted her once again as he got really excited about her talking about dragons.

"Stop interrupting my train of thought! I'll get to that part when I go more into personal detail about my life! So shut up!" Avilia bellowed making Moby go quiet once again.


"So, as I was saying, Although there had been other strong races of demons that participated in the war, the arrival of the dragons was the thing that completely changed it. They were more than able to push back the angel army, they were able to give the demons the upper hand in the war for the first time in possibly millions or maybe even billions of years. Many gods, archangels, and dragons were slain from battles and exchanges between each other until the dragons backed off due to them losing too many of their numbers as they already fulfilled their part and more, once again going back to hiding, giving the demons the upper hand but not as much as before,"

"Around that time was the first time that young, little weak peasant me ever witnessed a real dragon while I was walking back to my tribe with buckets full of water from the sea of ghana, as it was flying above in the crimson sky, its scaly red glory glowing on full display, roaring loudly in the sky as it went back to its own den on a faraway planet. At that time and even still, I consider it to be the most amazing and most memorable thing that I ever witnessed in my short yet, long life… It really lifted my spirits during a very dark and depressing time,"

"After the dragons left the battle, the demons discovered something that completely broke the fundamentals of the world and shifted the tides as well. The discovery that certain types of really strong demons could turn living creatures in the mortal realm into their demon servants,"

"This was more important than you might imagine. Demons live for thousands to millions of years and have a really low rate of pregnancy meaning that birthing new demons was a fairly rare occasion. So, being able to suddenly create a large amount of seemingly loyal servants out of nowhere was a big game changer and was something completely unexpected by the angels that could not do the same unless the mortal had a pure heart of gold, like that Neia friend of yours,"

"Oh! About that, I have always wondered how old you were!" Moby asked, interrupting Avilia one more time.

"Don't you think it's rude to ask a lady for her age? And if you really want to know, I was only at the ripe young age of 2,823 years old when I died which I guess is fairly long for a fetus like you!" Avilia replied with plain conviction.

"What the fuck! You are 2,800 years old! You call that young?! You are just a shrivelled up old hag!" Moby said, trying his best to hold in his laughter only to end up in absolute failure.

"Yes! That is still very young for a demon! Plus, many demons don't even live long enough to hit that age do to all the fighting and killing so I actually consider myself really lucky!" Avilia replied with a hint of anger and annoyance, trying her best to defend herself.

"I now imagine you as a short, gray-haired old hag masking her voice with demon energy to make you sound young and sexy!" Moby added, still laughing.

"True… come to think of it, I never really showed you how I looked like did I? If you allow me to use 1000 of your XP I would be able to project to you an image of how I used to look like when I was still in my prime, right before I died," Avilia said with clear confidence in her voice.

"How do I know that you aren't going to scam me and show me a younger picture of yourself or, maybe even a hotter demon, like one of your friends or something?" Moby said in a joking manner.

"I swear it will be me so give me your fucking XP to let me show you my young, hot, image before I continue my story! Oh, and before you do, I'll have you know that I was known to be hotter than even many succubi and was hailed as not only the demon queen but also the beauty queen so you better prepare yourself! Maybe you would even simp for me instead of that girlfriend of yours!" Avilia said with a loud, bold laugh.

"First things first, even if you were the most beautiful existence in all of the 3 realms, which I highly doubt, I would not simp for you or fall in love for that matter at all! I am a 100% faithful man! Take that measly 1000 XP and show me how you look you old bag of bones!" Moby said with a smile on his face and no hesitation at all.

"Hahaha! Well! You asked for it! Here it is! Now simp for me!"

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